I think it is just a financial decision. A lot of elderly pay for their healthcare using those services, the majority of income comes in this way. The hospitals could stop accepting it but then they lose out on guaranteed government money and they wouldn’t be able to treat the people that use their services the most.
No. Although they will still be forced to accept any patient in the ER in crisis, who may only have Medicare therefore can not pay them. They can bill but I’d doubt they receive payment and that’s why they all accept it.b
The Supreme Court tactic today was was throwing the masses a bone with the defeat of the agregious OSHA mandate, to try and ease the tyranny of CMS bullshit decision!!!!
It is a good thing, yes, however SCOTUS did not stop Federally Mandated Vaccines. This effects Hospital workers, Any Hospitals that accept Medicaid patients are being held hostage to the Mandates. Also the Military this make me very f*#% ing Angry. people on TV calling this a WIN... NOT
Absolutely - although it could've been a lot worse, this is still a major loss.
What really ticks me off is that even the organizations and lawyers who are fighting the mandates are fucking stupid. All of them are very pro-vax and use the hysterical covid/omicron verbiage. We need people to fight this shit based on the reality that the jab (at best) doesn't work, PCR tests are fake, and covid is just rebranded cold&flu season.
People will not stop acting this way. It’s not so much stupidity as it is tribalism.
With great respect and I mean no ill will toward you or anyone here, we can find tribal behavior in any social construct. In fact they accuse you of it, “cult” mentality.
They accuse you and you accuse them. I can admit I act toward tribe rules around others. We may go out drinking with friends and do shit we would have never done alone. Or not talk to someone who isn’t displaying the rewarded traits our tribe likes best when around people but then find that person fine when we are alone.
I think it’s something we should redpill ourselves with and accept. We are still in the jungle respecting traits that are in vogue or displaying attitudes that are popular. For fucks sake for a half a millennium people thought white wigs were very in style for men.
If we were in that social group, we’d wear wigs too and also like it. Socialization in primates is responsible for stupid things.
This decision was about the authority of OSHA. The mandates themselves were not struck down. That will have to be challenged in other cases on the merits of the mandates themselves. People in healthcare are still subjected because of the arm twisting of HHS/CMS funding. SCOTUS once again shows its inability and unwillingness to weigh in on important issues facing the country and continues to ride the fence. However, it is still a victory - even if it is a small one.
The only way we are going to stop this madness is to go after the liability shields of the manufacturers. By removing that shield they will promptly cease all vaxxine distribution. This is where our focus needs to be. Not that these other cases for injunctions are not important to help fix more immediate problems - but we cannot take our eyes off the long game here at bringing the beast down.
Thanks, but some others have beaten me to it. There are several cases in the works, not just here but in Europe as well, that are attempting to bring criminal charges against several of the manufacturers over malicious intent to falsify data etc. It must be criminal - which these guys have been criminally charged and found guilty in the past. So, this is nothing new. Criminal intent is what will break their liability shield. If they think they will be sued, they will pack up the tent and head out. This is why they have targeted the kids - if they can get these kill shots put on the children's vaxxine schedule, all of the other jabs are grandfathered in under the childhood vaxxine liability shield.
These cases are bigger than before because it may involve all of the makers of the jabs. It appears they may have colluded together to experiment on the public by releasing dosing changes at different times that can be tracked by publicly available data. That is conspiracy to commit the crimes.
We are at war and it is going to take some AGs or DAs with big enough balls to take this on. Once I think we get the first one or two onboard, more will join. There is safety in numbers.
Great news! We needed this win. It should not have even gotten this far though.. there's something disturbingly wrong in this country if half think that injecting people with something against their will is remotely OK.
On the healthcare & fed workers - continuing to pray that decision will be appealed and we will see this mandate quashed here as well.
Re: your thread's subject line. I don't see anything in the SCOTUS ruling declaring Biden's vax mandate for employees at 100+ companies as being "unconstitutional" (which SHOULD have been the entire point, but wasn't). Your thread's subject line is claiming something that isn't true, IMO.
And this SCOTUS case was only about whether or not OSHA has the authority to force employers with 100+ employees to go along with the vax testing/vax mandate - not that the whole premise of mandating testing/vaxing for Americans is "Constitutional" or not. The ruling still enables the fed to force testing/vax mandates on healthcare workers who accept federal money (Medicare/Medicaid). So it's not even a win for ALL Americans already.
Crazy that on a board which prizes itself on being full of independent critical thinkers, you have to scroll this far to find someone who read and comprehended past the headline
Hope this answers your question about contractors. It looks like the court ALLOWS a vaccine mandate for workers at federally funded health care facilities to take effect nationwide.
Send some of this righteous SCOTUS action up here to Canada k? We need all the help we can get!
Funny part is that many companies here enacted vaccine mandates the same day the FDA "approved" Comirnaty. Which was around the same time that Biden brought in this mandate.
Send halp!
Our Prime Minster is calling us racist and misogynistic and demonizing us regularly.
We will try our best. As Americans we have to find a way to fix the 2020 elections and push back against Covid tyranny. If we do that we can help with the rest of the world.
Absolutely. Our governments tend to just follow whatever the US does anyway. So whatever decisions get made down there with you guys, eventually it trickles up here. So keep fighting the good fight!
First time? Kek all kidding aside, just stick with us and we'll help out as best as possible. The house of Windsor seems to be spiraling out of control, and they're the like "ruling sovereigns" of Canada right? That means the line for the chopping block got a little shorter.... And Trudeau is getting closer.... WWG1WGA fren. Many prayers going out to the Canadian Patriots! Stay strong and stay frosty
No they ruled that is unconstitutional for OSHA but it is constitutional for healthcare workers that’s not actually a win. We will continue to struggle with exemptions that are denied testing and 95 masks 8 to 10 hours a day taking care of patients that we are now overloaded and to capacity with while being short staffed......
Thank u Supreme Court
Thanks. It seems that Jusitce Thomas is arguing that OSHA laws are about regulating the work environment, not the workers themselves. I found this interesting because this is consistent with the arguments made by a group in NZ, who say that by all means test the air quality, and use non-invasive saliva tests, at the company's expense. But demanding vaccination status is a non-no. They invoke the anti-slavery rule of Section 83 (section 84 in Aus) of the Health and Safety Act 2015.
Remember they are threatening to withhold medicare and medicaid payments to practices and facilities that accept them as insurance (anything public and many private practices). And then possibly go further and fine them $700,000 when they dont comply with their unconstitutional regulatory lawfare (mandate). Its being waged wholesale along side media and big techs support and censorship.
There is zero oversight for big pharma other than what big pharma pays for (fda, cdc). Look how tough it was to pin any responsibility on them at all in the opioid crisis. Its almost like this was big pharmas retaliation to Trump making an actual effort to end the opioid crisis instead of just giving lip service like the last 2 presidents who were paid handsomely by big pharma through their lobbying efforts. They couldn't buy him like they did them. He also broke the social media spell on many, effectively unplugging alot of folks from that medium of control and pissing off big tech in the process. This is their revenge scene in the movie.
We need transparency from the gov at this point through DECLASS. I see no other scenario other than their power structure falling apart. Their entire web of controll disappears, creating a power vacuum for all their underlings.... Or has that already happened?
This is where we're at now... I believe its been a real shit show because the real pros seem to be out of the game, from the DS. Wheres the bill clinton tours? Wheres the Obama rallies? Wheres the vapid hrc at? How often do they make statements or comment? How many real live in person appearances have they made? Wheres their known lookalikes at these days? What makes a good movie? Good actors... Reconcile...
Do we all honestly think they are sitting in the background pulling the strings on this "weekend at bernies administration"?
I tend to think positive and hope that the good guys really are pulling the strings and that clown world has been to break the reality to normies in a way to save as many of them as possible. Remember we're breaking a power structure that has choked humanity for a very very long time, so good things take time.
Praise Jesus! My boss just walked into my office and told me. I am one of 5 in the entire plant here that is un-jabbed. He was very very happy.
Congrats for being one of the few standing with honor when the majority could not.
arent the healthcare workers still screwed tho?
Sadly yes. The battle will continue for them and they will eventually win.
Why? Just curious...
asking the wrong person
How can they allow this mandate for healthcare workers? It's experimental!
I want to know that too. The constitution should cover ALL Americans. WTF?
It's only mandated for workers at federally funded institutions. Time to take back our doctors!
which is anyone who accepts medicare / medicaid, right? that would be the vast majority of doctors / hospitals.
Yup, any hospital that accepts medicare / medicaid will enforce it.
Genuine question: if a medical facility declines to accept Medicare and Medicaid, is that “discrimination” and another battle they face?
I think it is just a financial decision. A lot of elderly pay for their healthcare using those services, the majority of income comes in this way. The hospitals could stop accepting it but then they lose out on guaranteed government money and they wouldn’t be able to treat the people that use their services the most.
No that just means they better have some rich ass pts! There are hospitals like so.
No. Although they will still be forced to accept any patient in the ER in crisis, who may only have Medicare therefore can not pay them. They can bill but I’d doubt they receive payment and that’s why they all accept it.b
Another reason to keep government out of private industry.
I know what my insurance premiums we're pre and post Obama. Couldn't agree more. Keep that shit away
Still mandated for federal employees, including the VA, and healthcare. I guess the constitution is only for non federal and non healthcare workers
I'm not completely satisfied with it either but it's the first step to overthrowing the bullshit
The Supreme Court tactic today was was throwing the masses a bone with the defeat of the agregious OSHA mandate, to try and ease the tyranny of CMS bullshit decision!!!!
Yes! 🙌🏻 This fren gets it!
It's the globohomo strategy. Let us think we've won, when we've actually lost. We just didn't lose as badly as we could have.
"you live to fight another day"
Unless a healthcare career is all you've ever known, you fall to the coercion and get the shot and die.
Ask Kavanaugh
Fight is not over as we must stand up for healthcare workers coerced into the death jabs.
I agree. It’s total bullshit. ALL AMERICANS should’ve been covered.
It is a good thing, yes, however SCOTUS did not stop Federally Mandated Vaccines. This effects Hospital workers, Any Hospitals that accept Medicaid patients are being held hostage to the Mandates. Also the Military this make me very f*#% ing Angry. people on TV calling this a WIN... NOT
Maybe this is the first step into GETTING THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF HEALTHCARE
Yes, you are correct. I share your anger times 10.
Absolutely - although it could've been a lot worse, this is still a major loss.
What really ticks me off is that even the organizations and lawyers who are fighting the mandates are fucking stupid. All of them are very pro-vax and use the hysterical covid/omicron verbiage. We need people to fight this shit based on the reality that the jab (at best) doesn't work, PCR tests are fake, and covid is just rebranded cold&flu season.
I totally agree!!
People will not stop acting this way. It’s not so much stupidity as it is tribalism.
With great respect and I mean no ill will toward you or anyone here, we can find tribal behavior in any social construct. In fact they accuse you of it, “cult” mentality.
They accuse you and you accuse them. I can admit I act toward tribe rules around others. We may go out drinking with friends and do shit we would have never done alone. Or not talk to someone who isn’t displaying the rewarded traits our tribe likes best when around people but then find that person fine when we are alone.
I think it’s something we should redpill ourselves with and accept. We are still in the jungle respecting traits that are in vogue or displaying attitudes that are popular. For fucks sake for a half a millennium people thought white wigs were very in style for men.
If we were in that social group, we’d wear wigs too and also like it. Socialization in primates is responsible for stupid things.
This decision was about the authority of OSHA. The mandates themselves were not struck down. That will have to be challenged in other cases on the merits of the mandates themselves. People in healthcare are still subjected because of the arm twisting of HHS/CMS funding. SCOTUS once again shows its inability and unwillingness to weigh in on important issues facing the country and continues to ride the fence. However, it is still a victory - even if it is a small one.
The only way we are going to stop this madness is to go after the liability shields of the manufacturers. By removing that shield they will promptly cease all vaxxine distribution. This is where our focus needs to be. Not that these other cases for injunctions are not important to help fix more immediate problems - but we cannot take our eyes off the long game here at bringing the beast down.
You are right but challenging the rights of wealthy corporations is like overturning the worlds power. You do think big, that’s crazzzzy dude.
Wait, I just forgot where I was at. Kek
Thanks, but some others have beaten me to it. There are several cases in the works, not just here but in Europe as well, that are attempting to bring criminal charges against several of the manufacturers over malicious intent to falsify data etc. It must be criminal - which these guys have been criminally charged and found guilty in the past. So, this is nothing new. Criminal intent is what will break their liability shield. If they think they will be sued, they will pack up the tent and head out. This is why they have targeted the kids - if they can get these kill shots put on the children's vaxxine schedule, all of the other jabs are grandfathered in under the childhood vaxxine liability shield.
These cases are bigger than before because it may involve all of the makers of the jabs. It appears they may have colluded together to experiment on the public by releasing dosing changes at different times that can be tracked by publicly available data. That is conspiracy to commit the crimes.
We are at war and it is going to take some AGs or DAs with big enough balls to take this on. Once I think we get the first one or two onboard, more will join. There is safety in numbers.
I understand it is just this ruling does not help my daughter that works at a hospital.
Amazing news! We're winning!
President Trump's SCOTUS picks just paid off IMO. No way this happens if they leaned more left.
Decision at: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21a244_hgci.pdf
Thanks for source.
Can you point me directly to the mask mandate portion
Time to help our federal workers now! The fight NEVER ENDS.
Great news! We needed this win. It should not have even gotten this far though.. there's something disturbingly wrong in this country if half think that injecting people with something against their will is remotely OK.
On the healthcare & fed workers - continuing to pray that decision will be appealed and we will see this mandate quashed here as well.
On come the lawsuits!!!!!!! BRING THE PAIN.
Kavanaugh is a punk! Prove me wrong as they say.
Him and the Pedo Roberts! I hope they stop breathing.
Oh they will, eventually
Partially. I see today as a major loss. Losing my job now.
Bummer, I support any decision you make and wish you the very best. I’m so sorry.
As they say, "It's about time!" Or other, ruder versions. I am polite. Up to a point.
Re: your thread's subject line. I don't see anything in the SCOTUS ruling declaring Biden's vax mandate for employees at 100+ companies as being "unconstitutional" (which SHOULD have been the entire point, but wasn't). Your thread's subject line is claiming something that isn't true, IMO.
And this SCOTUS case was only about whether or not OSHA has the authority to force employers with 100+ employees to go along with the vax testing/vax mandate - not that the whole premise of mandating testing/vaxing for Americans is "Constitutional" or not. The ruling still enables the fed to force testing/vax mandates on healthcare workers who accept federal money (Medicare/Medicaid). So it's not even a win for ALL Americans already.
Crazy that on a board which prizes itself on being full of independent critical thinkers, you have to scroll this far to find someone who read and comprehended past the headline
Sweet Jesus Thank You!!!!
Does this apply to federal contractors?
Hope this answers your question about contractors. It looks like the court ALLOWS a vaccine mandate for workers at federally funded health care facilities to take effect nationwide.
Yeah but isn't there a religious exemption that they can still apply for? Not like it softens the blow but it's at least a way around the mandates
Send some of this righteous SCOTUS action up here to Canada k? We need all the help we can get!
Funny part is that many companies here enacted vaccine mandates the same day the FDA "approved" Comirnaty. Which was around the same time that Biden brought in this mandate.
Send halp!
Our Prime Minster is calling us racist and misogynistic and demonizing us regularly.
We will try our best. As Americans we have to find a way to fix the 2020 elections and push back against Covid tyranny. If we do that we can help with the rest of the world.
Absolutely. Our governments tend to just follow whatever the US does anyway. So whatever decisions get made down there with you guys, eventually it trickles up here. So keep fighting the good fight!
First time? Kek all kidding aside, just stick with us and we'll help out as best as possible. The house of Windsor seems to be spiraling out of control, and they're the like "ruling sovereigns" of Canada right? That means the line for the chopping block got a little shorter.... And Trudeau is getting closer.... WWG1WGA fren. Many prayers going out to the Canadian Patriots! Stay strong and stay frosty
No one should call you that, ever.
Do not accept that label. Do not let anyone demoralize you.
I’m not the strongest patriot, I might be the weakest one, but I support you.
Freedom can't be given to, it can only be taken away.
No they ruled that is unconstitutional for OSHA but it is constitutional for healthcare workers that’s not actually a win. We will continue to struggle with exemptions that are denied testing and 95 masks 8 to 10 hours a day taking care of patients that we are now overloaded and to capacity with while being short staffed...... Thank u Supreme Court
So does this give us any legal ground to sue our employer who has a mandate?
Nope. Private businesses can still do what they want.
So when will this decision be implemented? And when can the lawsuits start?
Did it show the vote factor? How many yay or nay’s? Was it a close ruling? It says split decision so was just wondering.
Breyer, Sotomayer, Kagan
Who is this JJ? Roberts?
I was wondering the same thing
Well his full name is John Roberts Jr. being the swamp creature he is, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Go to the dissenters… it’s lists who voted for and against
Private companies will still forge ahead firing you if you do not comply.
Hell Ya!
What does this mean for mask mandates? Trapped in California so I would love to know where my future is headed.
If they didnt, we would have.
Can't find a link to validate the image.
Thanks. It seems that Jusitce Thomas is arguing that OSHA laws are about regulating the work environment, not the workers themselves. I found this interesting because this is consistent with the arguments made by a group in NZ, who say that by all means test the air quality, and use non-invasive saliva tests, at the company's expense. But demanding vaccination status is a non-no. They invoke the anti-slavery rule of Section 83 (section 84 in Aus) of the Health and Safety Act 2015.
Remember they are threatening to withhold medicare and medicaid payments to practices and facilities that accept them as insurance (anything public and many private practices). And then possibly go further and fine them $700,000 when they dont comply with their unconstitutional regulatory lawfare (mandate). Its being waged wholesale along side media and big techs support and censorship.
There is zero oversight for big pharma other than what big pharma pays for (fda, cdc). Look how tough it was to pin any responsibility on them at all in the opioid crisis. Its almost like this was big pharmas retaliation to Trump making an actual effort to end the opioid crisis instead of just giving lip service like the last 2 presidents who were paid handsomely by big pharma through their lobbying efforts. They couldn't buy him like they did them. He also broke the social media spell on many, effectively unplugging alot of folks from that medium of control and pissing off big tech in the process. This is their revenge scene in the movie.
We need transparency from the gov at this point through DECLASS. I see no other scenario other than their power structure falling apart. Their entire web of controll disappears, creating a power vacuum for all their underlings.... Or has that already happened?
This is where we're at now... I believe its been a real shit show because the real pros seem to be out of the game, from the DS. Wheres the bill clinton tours? Wheres the Obama rallies? Wheres the vapid hrc at? How often do they make statements or comment? How many real live in person appearances have they made? Wheres their known lookalikes at these days? What makes a good movie? Good actors... Reconcile...
Do we all honestly think they are sitting in the background pulling the strings on this "weekend at bernies administration"?
I tend to think positive and hope that the good guys really are pulling the strings and that clown world has been to break the reality to normies in a way to save as many of them as possible. Remember we're breaking a power structure that has choked humanity for a very very long time, so good things take time.
This isn't good enough for me. I want a apology letter signed by Joe, addressed to me as Baron Pureblood.