They did all that to avoid addressing the hypocrisy when Trudeau said "This is so people of Ottawa can get back to their normal lives." They put on a show so they could spend 30 minutes avoiding calling him the tyrant he is.
The entirety of Parliament is corrupt. No one, not even the ones you think are on the trucker's side are fighting for the truckers.
They will replace Trudeau, vilify him as a racist white supremacist with the blackface photos, and install "moderates" who will hide behind the cover of "I'm not Trudeau."
In short, Trudeau is a straw man, and everyone is too busy to look at the flames to notice he's just a symptom of the disease that is the Canadian Parliament.
No kidding you're so right was so ridiculous ,,it nauseated me ,, yes the nazi argument is true but what about calling out the situation at hand freedom , brutality etc
"My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."
The SOYBOT has absolutely no standing on the world stage since this. I know what I'd like to see happen to him, but at the very least, he isn't a functioning premier, despite his programmed intransigence. There is simply no way he can continue as a 'head of state' when so many world political notaries have called him out.
One of them is regulations that require more reporting to Fintrac for tracking transactions. Donation services don't require that currently, but they will during this, and if she has her way, permanently.
Prepare the meme cannons. Look at Freeland’s past also in The Financial Times, The Economist, MSNBC (she used to be a fixture on the morning programs)...
These people like to work through proxies. What if all the handlers had to come out of the shadows, show their faces, get their hands dirty, and risk facing consequences themselves? Would more people wake up to the real threat?
As many people have said repeatedly - be careful what you wish for. Trudeau and all the others were just the first wave, they were the weak puppets who the cabal's focus groups thought were good enough actors to pull of the "Kindness" and "we're all in this together" as the first phase of the war on the people. That's why Trudeau and Ardern fold so easily, they are all talk and no trousers. The next wave of the WEF that get installed are the real monsters, when they take over blood will flow. In Canada they have WEF board member Freeland (even her name is meant to mock), in NZ I think it's going to be one of the two mincers (Hipkins or Robertson) - the next wave will go scorched earth on the populace. They all seem to be hanging on for the cavalry (will it be hemorrhagic fever from the returning Olympians, or will it be the "OMG somehow virgins now have AIDS"). They need to reignite the fear, this time I fear they will release something irreversibly deadly - because the cabal are now all in, if they lose - they know they will lose everything.
Canadian here, and I can confirm that Freeland is worse than Trudeau.
For those of you that have been around here for a while, she was one front and centre in the picture of the joke of a team Canada put together to negotiate the USMC agreement with Trump.
"In the event of a resignation by the prime minister after a general election, the monarch usually asks the opposition leader to form a new government. In the event of a resignation during a parliament session (unless the government itself collapses), the monarch will ask another member of the government to form a new government."
So I guess it could happen but I think new elections would be called for and happen in an expeditious manner. Especially with a coalition government which is there right now. I think Turdeaus party only got like 20some% of the vote.
Of course this is assuming the tyrants follow any rules.
Chrystia Freeland is a Nazi bitch from hell. She will make Turdeau look harmless.
In Australia,the Prime Ministers have been replaced quite regularly.
Some examples are 1993,Hawke(PM)being replaced by Treasurer Keating.
Then the shit show of PM Kevin Rudd being replaced by Julia Gillard and then
PM Gillard being replaced Kevin Rudd again.
Then PM Tony Abbott being replaced by Malcolm Turnbull and then PM Malcolm
Turn bull being replaced by Scott Morrison.
The Westminster system of Government can be a real shit fight.
The Party elects the Party leader,not the voters. Voters only elect their local
Anyone in the Party can challenge the leader. The challenger will sound out his or her Party members to get the numbers. A "spill motion"will be called,the Party has a secret ballot to elect the Party leader and if the Party is in Government, that new leader is now the Prime Minister.
The same process happens with the Party in opposition to elect the leader of the opposition.
Doctors had to stop asking people with suspected concussion or other suspected brain injuries"who is the Prime Minister?"
So the Deputy PM becomes PM in the case of resignation? But then the Party votes on a new leader, correct? If the government is a minority government do they then have a chance to form a new coalition or are new elections called?
We learn very little about Parliamentary government here. We barely learn about our own. All I know I have gleaned from books and from my wifes Canadian family who themselves are fuzzy.
I will give you a brief run-down on the Australian system. This sometimes can apply to New Zealand and possibly Canada at times and other Commonwealth
In the lower house( similar to US Congress)where Government is formed,in Australia there are at present, 151 members. To form Government, a Party
requires a minimum of 76 seats.
The current conservative Government (conservative in name only,they are a bunch of Deep State pricks) is made up of a 2 Party coalition, the Liberal Party and the
National Party.
The Prime Minister is from the Liberal Party,the Deputy PM is from the National Party.
In the case of a Liberal Party PM resigning ect, the Liberal Party would vote among
them selves to select a new Party leader and thus a new PM.
The National Party Deputy PM stays unless they have a problem with the new
Liberal PM. In that case the National Party would then select a new leader and thus a new Deputy PM.
If the PM and Deputy PM are from the same Party,and the majority of Party members agree, the Deputy PM can be the new PM.
This next bit will apply to all Governments in most if not all Commonwealth Countries.
If the resigning PM leaves Parliament (Doesn't just leave the Cabinet and sit on the
back bench)a bye election is then held in that electorate. If the Government looses the bye election and thus that electorate,and this then causes the Government to
become a minority Government, the Government then has try to secure the support
of an independent member of Parliament.
If the Government can't secure that support then a General election must be called.
New Zealand sometimes has a similar set up with the Deputy PM in a coalition Party eg previously Winston Peters,when he was NZ Deputy PM to PM Jacinta
Ardern(NZ Labour Party) Winston Peters was leader of NZ First Party.
If at that time,like in Australia,if the NZ PM was removed( arrested?) Winston Peters would not have become PM.
The current New Zealand Deputy PM is from the NZ Labour Party,same Party as the
PM Jacinta Arden. So if little Jacinta is arrested ect, and the Labour Party members
agree, the Deputy MP can be the new PM.
As you can see,that is forming the Government. The Senate is a different
animal. Governments would always like to have the majority in the Senate
so they can pass legislation.
They pulled the same trick in Australia by replacing Turnbull with Morrison
Turnbull was outwardly left learning/“progressive” at the head of the “conservative” party. Replaced by a person he picked and did the numbers to make sure the actual conservative didn’t get the spot.
Tricked people for awhile but the truth is coming out. Still the same card carrying globalist, just packaged differently.
Sounds like when Cuomo resigned, we got worse in NY! Why is it that leftist women are even worse than the leftist men? (if you can even call them men :) )
Right on schedule.
The entire debacle where they repeatedly called Trudeau out to apologize for calling holocaust survivor ancestors NAZIs was a stage act.
They did all that to avoid addressing the hypocrisy when Trudeau said "This is so people of Ottawa can get back to their normal lives." They put on a show so they could spend 30 minutes avoiding calling him the tyrant he is.
The entirety of Parliament is corrupt. No one, not even the ones you think are on the trucker's side are fighting for the truckers.
They will replace Trudeau, vilify him as a racist white supremacist with the blackface photos, and install "moderates" who will hide behind the cover of "I'm not Trudeau."
In short, Trudeau is a straw man, and everyone is too busy to look at the flames to notice he's just a symptom of the disease that is the Canadian Parliament.
His deputy is just as bad as him, if not worse.
WEF board member and a Soros acolyte. She is Trudeaus handler through and through. This beast has many heads.
Many heads and one crusty vagina.
“Witch hunt”
The only good side to this is that it will increase worldwide awareness WEF/Soros politics.
He certainly is causing the sorrows, isn't he?
If she's Trudeau's handler, who is her handler?
Nice. If she can be gotten rid of will Klaus become PM of Canada? That makes him even more vulnerable.
Of course not, he's just a string puller. He would never put himself on that kind of stage. It is below him. He would create a new puppet.
"Always two, there are. No more. No less. A Master and an apprentice."
Just like the Hochul for Cuomo swap in NY.
Actually dozens of MPs financially supported the truckers and now are being doxxed
Just take out the name Trudeau and insert the name Biden sound familiar?
No kidding you're so right was so ridiculous ,,it nauseated me ,, yes the nazi argument is true but what about calling out the situation at hand freedom , brutality etc
Yup same dynamics as our own government.
"My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."
Well that could be showing our age. First thing I though of was that line.
Best comment. I spit out my water. Ty for the laugh
I heard from some guy at the gas station that TV he heard from someone who's cousin knows a guy that said it was legit
Truss T'miebroh steikes again.
Lovely. She's a psychopath. Also, someone named "Freeland" trying to set up a totalitarian state... the cult does love its name games.
Freeland is a host to many demons.
She sent a shiver down my spine the first time I heard her speak.
The SOYBOT has absolutely no standing on the world stage since this. I know what I'd like to see happen to him, but at the very least, he isn't a functioning premier, despite his programmed intransigence. There is simply no way he can continue as a 'head of state' when so many world political notaries have called him out.
She's saying the financial aspects will be made permanent? How?
Probably that banks and financial institutions will be required to look into your social media to see if you are a Trump supporter and refuse service.
One of them is regulations that require more reporting to Fintrac for tracking transactions. Donation services don't require that currently, but they will during this, and if she has her way, permanently.
I see, thanks. Are they gonna increase transparency with political donations, too? What about art? Hmmmm.
be VERY weary when someone says they have "inside sources"
Wary but it is tiresome with the hopium. Replacement sounds like his handler so worse if anything
i changed it from wary to weary...thats the right one?
He came up in Google trending today in the UK as Trudeau to resign.
Q said research the wives? (Or in this case, political sidekicks?)
Prepare the meme cannons. Look at Freeland’s past also in The Financial Times, The Economist, MSNBC (she used to be a fixture on the morning programs)...
Amazing Polly (who is Canadian) spoke about her a couple of years ago. She is not good news. Not one bit.
“...And they all fall down...” setting the stage for the Resident to “resign?” 🤞
Im american, but I'll salute with a short term doom boner.
Though they are likely trading one pos for another
These people like to work through proxies. What if all the handlers had to come out of the shadows, show their faces, get their hands dirty, and risk facing consequences themselves? Would more people wake up to the real threat?
Many steps to victory in this kind of war.
Then there is this:
As many people have said repeatedly - be careful what you wish for. Trudeau and all the others were just the first wave, they were the weak puppets who the cabal's focus groups thought were good enough actors to pull of the "Kindness" and "we're all in this together" as the first phase of the war on the people. That's why Trudeau and Ardern fold so easily, they are all talk and no trousers. The next wave of the WEF that get installed are the real monsters, when they take over blood will flow. In Canada they have WEF board member Freeland (even her name is meant to mock), in NZ I think it's going to be one of the two mincers (Hipkins or Robertson) - the next wave will go scorched earth on the populace. They all seem to be hanging on for the cavalry (will it be hemorrhagic fever from the returning Olympians, or will it be the "OMG somehow virgins now have AIDS"). They need to reignite the fear, this time I fear they will release something irreversibly deadly - because the cabal are now all in, if they lose - they know they will lose everything.
Blood is already flowing, but only our side is taking casualties.
I didn't think that there could be anyone softer than Trudeau.
After tonight’s vote, it doesn’t look like the friend of a friend of an anonymous internet accounts prediction will come true. I’m shocked.
Canadian here, and I can confirm that Freeland is worse than Trudeau.
For those of you that have been around here for a while, she was one front and centre in the picture of the joke of a team Canada put together to negotiate the USMC agreement with Trump.
Yeah she went to a protest with a fuck Trump shirt, she is an embarrassing part of canada
I dont think it works this way in Parliamentary government. You dont replace the PM with his deputy like you replace a President with the VP.
"In the event of a resignation by the prime minister after a general election, the monarch usually asks the opposition leader to form a new government. In the event of a resignation during a parliament session (unless the government itself collapses), the monarch will ask another member of the government to form a new government."
So I guess it could happen but I think new elections would be called for and happen in an expeditious manner. Especially with a coalition government which is there right now. I think Turdeaus party only got like 20some% of the vote.
Of course this is assuming the tyrants follow any rules.
Chrystia Freeland is a Nazi bitch from hell. She will make Turdeau look harmless.
In Australia,the Prime Ministers have been replaced quite regularly.
Some examples are 1993,Hawke(PM)being replaced by Treasurer Keating. Then the shit show of PM Kevin Rudd being replaced by Julia Gillard and then PM Gillard being replaced Kevin Rudd again.
Then PM Tony Abbott being replaced by Malcolm Turnbull and then PM Malcolm Turn bull being replaced by Scott Morrison.
The Westminster system of Government can be a real shit fight.
The Party elects the Party leader,not the voters. Voters only elect their local member.
Anyone in the Party can challenge the leader. The challenger will sound out his or her Party members to get the numbers. A "spill motion"will be called,the Party has a secret ballot to elect the Party leader and if the Party is in Government, that new leader is now the Prime Minister.
The same process happens with the Party in opposition to elect the leader of the opposition.
Doctors had to stop asking people with suspected concussion or other suspected brain injuries"who is the Prime Minister?"
So the Deputy PM becomes PM in the case of resignation? But then the Party votes on a new leader, correct? If the government is a minority government do they then have a chance to form a new coalition or are new elections called?
We learn very little about Parliamentary government here. We barely learn about our own. All I know I have gleaned from books and from my wifes Canadian family who themselves are fuzzy.
Sorry I took so long to get back to you.
I will give you a brief run-down on the Australian system. This sometimes can apply to New Zealand and possibly Canada at times and other Commonwealth Countries.
In the lower house( similar to US Congress)where Government is formed,in Australia there are at present, 151 members. To form Government, a Party requires a minimum of 76 seats.
The current conservative Government (conservative in name only,they are a bunch of Deep State pricks) is made up of a 2 Party coalition, the Liberal Party and the National Party.
The Prime Minister is from the Liberal Party,the Deputy PM is from the National Party.
In the case of a Liberal Party PM resigning ect, the Liberal Party would vote among them selves to select a new Party leader and thus a new PM.
The National Party Deputy PM stays unless they have a problem with the new Liberal PM. In that case the National Party would then select a new leader and thus a new Deputy PM.
If the PM and Deputy PM are from the same Party,and the majority of Party members agree, the Deputy PM can be the new PM.
This next bit will apply to all Governments in most if not all Commonwealth Countries.
If the resigning PM leaves Parliament (Doesn't just leave the Cabinet and sit on the back bench)a bye election is then held in that electorate. If the Government looses the bye election and thus that electorate,and this then causes the Government to become a minority Government, the Government then has try to secure the support of an independent member of Parliament.
If the Government can't secure that support then a General election must be called.
New Zealand sometimes has a similar set up with the Deputy PM in a coalition Party eg previously Winston Peters,when he was NZ Deputy PM to PM Jacinta Ardern(NZ Labour Party) Winston Peters was leader of NZ First Party.
If at that time,like in Australia,if the NZ PM was removed( arrested?) Winston Peters would not have become PM.
The current New Zealand Deputy PM is from the NZ Labour Party,same Party as the PM Jacinta Arden. So if little Jacinta is arrested ect, and the Labour Party members agree, the Deputy MP can be the new PM.
As you can see,that is forming the Government. The Senate is a different animal. Governments would always like to have the majority in the Senate so they can pass legislation.
Friend of a friend...
Freeland is worse. She intends to make Emergency Powers PERMANENT.
This is another false flag we will forget this post by Thursday. Not even dooming just reality. Ill gladly eat crow if I'm wrong
Hail Hydra!
They pulled the same trick in Australia by replacing Turnbull with Morrison
Turnbull was outwardly left learning/“progressive” at the head of the “conservative” party. Replaced by a person he picked and did the numbers to make sure the actual conservative didn’t get the spot.
Tricked people for awhile but the truth is coming out. Still the same card carrying globalist, just packaged differently.
Sounds like when Cuomo resigned, we got worse in NY! Why is it that leftist women are even worse than the leftist men? (if you can even call them men :) )
Cause they ovary-act.
She is tougher and smarter, would not be a good thing.
The granddaughter of actual nazis will be just as bad. The only difference it will be more open who is in control.
I saw somewhere that Freeland’s grandfather was a nazi like fought in the war for Germany and such
Nothing soft about that bitch. “Witch hunt”
I can actually confirm this. I saw a screenshot of a post on GAW that a friend of Sarah’s friend told her that.
The cabal has a very deep bench and unlimited funds… I assume everyone has watched Fall of the Cabal?
Ya know who said “Great balls of fire”, why it was Snuffy Smith, of course!
Was Freeland the goblin that was giggling over freezing Canadian's bank accounts?
A dyad
"Two there should be. No more no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it."
Darth Bane