All the churches sold their influence to the government by agreeing not to preach on politics. Tax exemption meant censorship and every preacher in America has agreed. The love of money blinded them all.
Whatever happened to Discernment? It's my belief that any pastor that pushed the JAB is not right with GOD! They should have known it was the beginning of The Beast System! There are too many of these pastors that think going along with everything the Government tells them is just fine! They believe they'll be Raptured out of the world before anything happens! GOD has only removed a few people from the world! The Rapture happens after the Tribulation and the Mark will be around prior to the Rapture! Prove me wrong with Scripture and don't buzz over to Paul and recite Thessalonians and suffering wrath. John 3:36 “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
The kazarians meddled with the Bible a long time ago as did Constantine ..pope's priests and others with an agenda. Did you know queen Elizabeth owns copyright on king James Bible? Francis bacon messed with it too and I would think anything about holy wars ..end of the world etc are all their doing as war was what they thrived on. Anything that doesn't point to all living in harmony following the golden rule of do no harm should be regarded as the work of people with an agenda
With all of the massive manuscript evidence you would think there would be massive discrepancies - just the opposite is true. New Testament manuscripts agree in 99.5% (5) of the text (compared to only 95% for the Iliad). Most of the discrepancies are in spelling and word order. A few words have been changed or added.”
lots of pastors preach pre tribulation rapture. Others argue for the mid or post tribulation rapture. I don't think it matters which you believe as God's grace covers that. My opinion, post tribulation. I agree with you but just my feeling.
I find that a lot of Pastors preach Rapture and don't spend any time, preaching about working the fields and spreading the Gospel! People need to know we're in the End Times and we need to reach as many as we can with the WORD!
I agree with everything you said except that you are attempting to nullify parts of the Bible as irrelevant. The Bible in its entirety is ti he our guide.
I agree to take the whole Bible not just parts, but pay special attention to GOD himself while here on earth for 33 years telling the Disciples all about these days in Matthew 24!
We're different because we ended up with Sin nature after Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil! We go through JESUS CHRIST as our mediator, because he died for our sins and he was absolutely sinless and was our Sacrificial atonement for us to be part of GOD's Kingdom! People talk to GOD all the time and they hear back and are guided! This is just my opinion! The LORD has given me and my family Blessings and Protection, Mercy and Grace all of my life, even when I backslid for quite a few years! My backsliding was definitely sin nature and I chose the sin, instead of staying and following GOD's path of Righteousness! I came back to GOD and I devoted the rest of my life in service to JESUS CHRIST! I will glorify HIS name every chance I get!
Personally, I think it’s deeper than Eve eating the apple. How, why… I don’t know, something isn’t right. Also, The Church hated Jesus… Also, they called Noah a conspiracy theorist… y’all remember that? My Bible does.
God is love. If you want to please God, love others. The End.
The Bible does not say rapture. I use a Bible app called the SWORD. I love it because I can search any word or phrase (it also gives you root word definitions etc…. I honestly have learned more studying the Bible on my own with just that app than I have ever learned growing up in church. I know the app is $9.99 (one time) for iPhone. I believe it was well worth it, at least for me, even though I complained about it for the longest, lol.
Pulling this from memory "At the last trumpet" is when believers will see the 2nd coming of Christ. in Revelations by the time the last trumpet sounds all hell has broken loose on Earth and Much suffering and many, many fatalities.
IMHO, the concept of a rapture where Christians get taken up and miss the carnage is pie in the sky
Daniel 12:1-2
1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Revelation 3:10 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
Matthew 24:30-31
30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earthwill mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
1 Corinthians 15:51-53
51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.
Yes I was saying and I stand by my statement. I never said Christians wouldn't be taken up to meet Jesus - I am very aware of the scriptures you quoted. Re-read my post and think about what I said, not what I didn't say.
Revelations 3:10 has been a deep hope of mine for decades . . . we shall see. he is talking to the Church of Philadelphia
Most of those have COLI/BOLI life insurance to employer if employee dies. So they scare employees into getting injected by threatening termination.
Pfizer had contracts with many nations around the world. Money was paid, a deal to restrict their ability to talk about it was cut. Apparently according to people privy to those deals, the NDA included even mentioning that there was a deal with Pfizer.
This is old in that it has been rumor (ie no physical evidence, copies of the agreement, relevant text, or other proof of anything) for many months. Rumors saying "it's coming" don't mean much. Sometimes you need to put up or shut up.
I thought we all knew the media is 100% controlled by Reuters, in turn by Blackrock and Vanguard in turn by Rothschild, Rockefellers, Payseurs, Schiffs.
At the onset post our ‘most secure election in all of human history’ I thought Newsmax had something going, but then it was clear they were basically a Fox Reboot clone.
I hope there is a list of all the NAMES and amount paid to put people harms way... the news, the Doctors, hospitals, the churches, nursing homes, EVERYBODY.
I'm interested in how much my Dr was willing to sell my well being for. How much my friends pastor was paid to require masks, push the jab and act ever so shocked and play stupid that they didn't know the vax caused problems.
How much our local schools profited by forever damaging children.
Fuck them all I WANT THEIR NAMES!
... and please include their vax status.
Eliminate the Federal Reserve. Eliminate tax benefits, and the money runs dry of the Leftists. They won't have money to indoctrinate children, they won't have a media to indoctrinate adults, they won't have ANY money to even pay their minions to commit election fraud. Their tech companies won't have unlimited no strings attached loans. It all ends for them and their power is meaningless. Meanwhile, the Right would still exist if all funds are taking out. We just create our own economies and generate our own income.
Everybody took money for covid, even businesses forcing mask mandates on employees and customers got payouts, and if they didn’t get a pay out, they were threatened with heavy fines if they didn’t fall in line.
They made it look like everyone was on board with their tyranny, but the reality is their hands were in everyone’s pocket to keep the narrative going.
Yeah our school took money... lots of it... for this they agreed to forcing children in masks, encourage vaccine shots and hold vaccine clinics on the school grounds.
I had a youtube popup on my phone today where John Kennedy said Biden gave one billion dollars to news agencies, I think it was to push covid scam. I was just waking up when I watched it and didn't really understand what he was trying to say. I looked for a link but can't find it.
The Bolchevik Satanists own and operate the government, pharma, and the media. If the idiots ever wake up and realize this simple truth we will be able to finish them.
Not sure how much of a "bombshell" this is considering Pfizer openly sponsors just about every "news" show there is. Hell, look at the commercials. Damn near every one has "ask your doctor about..." or "Fukitol is only for those with..."
And that was just the "advertising." Wait until they see how much WE tax payers payed the medical industry to supress theraputics and push the vaccines.
Every news station did, every state health agency did, even your local school boards.
Do you think churches did too? My pastor sure pushed the jab and he had covid but still got jabbed.
Yep, 100%. There was an admitted effort to get churches and pastors on board
Even by Franklin Graham. Billy Graham I’m sure us rolling in his grave.
Hes probably not...Catholic church isn't the only one with skeletons in the closet.
If you only knew! All of them in the public eye are not there by chance!! You want to play the Game you have to sell somthing from day one!
THey are pedos.
I know that’s right! Sadly.
There was a video floating around last year of Kimala telling a group of church leaders that Jesus would want them to get vaccinated lol.
And one of the female governors I heard say that as well
All the churches sold their influence to the government by agreeing not to preach on politics. Tax exemption meant censorship and every preacher in America has agreed. The love of money blinded them all.
So true!
Whatever happened to Discernment? It's my belief that any pastor that pushed the JAB is not right with GOD! They should have known it was the beginning of The Beast System! There are too many of these pastors that think going along with everything the Government tells them is just fine! They believe they'll be Raptured out of the world before anything happens! GOD has only removed a few people from the world! The Rapture happens after the Tribulation and the Mark will be around prior to the Rapture! Prove me wrong with Scripture and don't buzz over to Paul and recite Thessalonians and suffering wrath. John 3:36 “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
You wont get anywhere trying to convince the pre tribulation rapture evangelicals of that. Try a motivational speech!
The kazarians meddled with the Bible a long time ago as did Constantine ..pope's priests and others with an agenda. Did you know queen Elizabeth owns copyright on king James Bible? Francis bacon messed with it too and I would think anything about holy wars ..end of the world etc are all their doing as war was what they thrived on. Anything that doesn't point to all living in harmony following the golden rule of do no harm should be regarded as the work of people with an agenda
You’d think wrong then.
“Conclusion With all of the massive manuscript evidence you would think there would be massive discrepancies - just the opposite is true. New Testament manuscripts agree in 99.5% (5) of the text (compared to only 95% for the Iliad). Most of the discrepancies are in spelling and word order. A few words have been changed or added.”
Can't help you there....just because manuscripts agree doesn't mean Bible wasn't altered
lots of pastors preach pre tribulation rapture. Others argue for the mid or post tribulation rapture. I don't think it matters which you believe as God's grace covers that. My opinion, post tribulation. I agree with you but just my feeling.
I find that a lot of Pastors preach Rapture and don't spend any time, preaching about working the fields and spreading the Gospel! People need to know we're in the End Times and we need to reach as many as we can with the WORD!
I agree with everything you said except that you are attempting to nullify parts of the Bible as irrelevant. The Bible in its entirety is ti he our guide.
I agree to take the whole Bible not just parts, but pay special attention to GOD himself while here on earth for 33 years telling the Disciples all about these days in Matthew 24!
We're different because we ended up with Sin nature after Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil! We go through JESUS CHRIST as our mediator, because he died for our sins and he was absolutely sinless and was our Sacrificial atonement for us to be part of GOD's Kingdom! People talk to GOD all the time and they hear back and are guided! This is just my opinion! The LORD has given me and my family Blessings and Protection, Mercy and Grace all of my life, even when I backslid for quite a few years! My backsliding was definitely sin nature and I chose the sin, instead of staying and following GOD's path of Righteousness! I came back to GOD and I devoted the rest of my life in service to JESUS CHRIST! I will glorify HIS name every chance I get!
Personally, I think it’s deeper than Eve eating the apple. How, why… I don’t know, something isn’t right. Also, The Church hated Jesus… Also, they called Noah a conspiracy theorist… y’all remember that? My Bible does. God is love. If you want to please God, love others. The End.
Not at all!
The word rapture I don’t believe is in the Bible, however there are many scriptures describing it
no, I think it says caught up in the air in the twinkling of an eye or something like that. The word rapture is used to refer to that.
There are around 20 or so scriptures that I have found
Not the way many think.
The Bible does not say rapture. I use a Bible app called the SWORD. I love it because I can search any word or phrase (it also gives you root word definitions etc…. I honestly have learned more studying the Bible on my own with just that app than I have ever learned growing up in church. I know the app is $9.99 (one time) for iPhone. I believe it was well worth it, at least for me, even though I complained about it for the longest, lol.
Pulling this from memory "At the last trumpet" is when believers will see the 2nd coming of Christ. in Revelations by the time the last trumpet sounds all hell has broken loose on Earth and Much suffering and many, many fatalities.
IMHO, the concept of a rapture where Christians get taken up and miss the carnage is pie in the sky
Daniel 12:1-2 1 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Revelation 3:10 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
Matthew 24:30-31 30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earthwill mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
1 Corinthians 15:51-53 51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— 52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 53 For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.
You were saying……..
Yes I was saying and I stand by my statement. I never said Christians wouldn't be taken up to meet Jesus - I am very aware of the scriptures you quoted. Re-read my post and think about what I said, not what I didn't say.
Revelations 3:10 has been a deep hope of mine for decades . . . we shall see. he is talking to the Church of Philadelphia
Misunderstanding, I guess
My church didn't even talk about it.
Our pastor spoke out against it.
Probably time to find another church...
Already started. We left the Sunday he asked everyone who had gotten their jab
I doubt it,most pastors were pushing it.
That’s right. Insurance companies too.
What about corporations paid to fire unvaxxed employees?
Most of those have COLI/BOLI life insurance to employer if employee dies. So they scare employees into getting injected by threatening termination.
Pfizer had contracts with many nations around the world. Money was paid, a deal to restrict their ability to talk about it was cut. Apparently according to people privy to those deals, the NDA included even mentioning that there was a deal with Pfizer.
This is old in that it has been rumor (ie no physical evidence, copies of the agreement, relevant text, or other proof of anything) for many months. Rumors saying "it's coming" don't mean much. Sometimes you need to put up or shut up.
Two weeks fr sure this time!
Baal Gates gave millions to the BBC and others to push the BS in the UK - they have ALL taken bribes.
LOL … ‘Baal’ Gates, that’s a good one.
I thought we all knew the media is 100% controlled by Reuters, in turn by Blackrock and Vanguard in turn by Rothschild, Rockefellers, Payseurs, Schiffs.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner 👍
How much did they get for lying about the election results?
That’s because they know Trump won. No need to question. You know it.
Nice reference🐸
I have no doubt about this. Newsmax is on the list too...I've seen that booster shot commercial for kids so many times in the past few weeks.
With you on that.
At the onset post our ‘most secure election in all of human history’ I thought Newsmax had something going, but then it was clear they were basically a Fox Reboot clone.
Yeap, I remember that one…
Karen with +5 in the News Skill Tree.
CNN/MSNBC are gonna be pissed cuz they did it for free.
Daily Reminder: The Biden Administration does not make money. If they gave bribes, they used YOUR money.
They just print more money, easy.
Seems money is the root of all, what about that rich man and the eye of a needle thingy...hmmm...???...
Money, by itself, is simply a medium of exchange.
It is the love of money that is the root of all evil. (1 Tim 6:10)
the relentless pursuit of money
Or as some would say - 'the inordinate desire for money'.
Not agape
Dragon’s sickness.
it is simply a tool.
These Cretins have no desire to meet the membership requirements of Heaven, they are going for membership of the other club.
Money is just a stand in and distraction for power.
I hope there is a list of all the NAMES and amount paid to put people harms way... the news, the Doctors, hospitals, the churches, nursing homes, EVERYBODY.
I'm interested in how much my Dr was willing to sell my well being for. How much my friends pastor was paid to require masks, push the jab and act ever so shocked and play stupid that they didn't know the vax caused problems.
How much our local schools profited by forever damaging children.
Fuck them all I WANT THEIR NAMES! ... and please include their vax status.
I swear to god I wish I could clock people with a tire iron every time they get shocked over Fox being shit.
Good fuck Fox
Wonder how much money my local liberal rag received to push the propaganda jab.
Don’t forget hospitals and doctors also.
Eliminate the Federal Reserve. Eliminate tax benefits, and the money runs dry of the Leftists. They won't have money to indoctrinate children, they won't have a media to indoctrinate adults, they won't have ANY money to even pay their minions to commit election fraud. Their tech companies won't have unlimited no strings attached loans. It all ends for them and their power is meaningless. Meanwhile, the Right would still exist if all funds are taking out. We just create our own economies and generate our own income.
Hospitals, schools, government, large corporations, doctors, media, etc, etc...
Anyone promoting it took money
But the other dumbasses did it for free lol
Everybody took money for covid, even businesses forcing mask mandates on employees and customers got payouts, and if they didn’t get a pay out, they were threatened with heavy fines if they didn’t fall in line. They made it look like everyone was on board with their tyranny, but the reality is their hands were in everyone’s pocket to keep the narrative going.
Here is here story on it
Turn the ISH off. We should all turn the news off and leave it off.
I know most of us here do not watch the news but I wish others would turn it off too. They can't lie to us if we do not listen.
Yeah our school took money... lots of it... for this they agreed to forcing children in masks, encourage vaccine shots and hold vaccine clinics on the school grounds.
Of course its true. they all took the money to propagandize smooth brains into injecting themselves with a fake vaccine for a fake disease.
I had a youtube popup on my phone today where John Kennedy said Biden gave one billion dollars to news agencies, I think it was to push covid scam. I was just waking up when I watched it and didn't really understand what he was trying to say. I looked for a link but can't find it.
Fox News hated trump til it was obvious cruz and rubio didn’t have a chance, only then did they hop on the bandwagon for ratings
The Bolchevik Satanists own and operate the government, pharma, and the media. If the idiots ever wake up and realize this simple truth we will be able to finish them.
I love Emerald, but newsmax is neo-con central...
She is no longer with Newsmax. Fired for not being a team player.
I missed that... Where'd she go?
No longer with any organized media. Publishing on her personal blog
Not sure how much of a "bombshell" this is considering Pfizer openly sponsors just about every "news" show there is. Hell, look at the commercials. Damn near every one has "ask your doctor about..." or "Fukitol is only for those with..."
Most likely true. Fox was pretty much absent in their coverage of ivm and hcq. Their newsreporters also kept saying the vaccine is good for you.
It is on highway info signs in AZ. So add Arizona Department of Transportation to the list of corrupt govt agencies.
Duh. Hello Captain Obvious.
And that was just the "advertising." Wait until they see how much WE tax payers payed the medical industry to supress theraputics and push the vaccines.
common not illegal