Lord Jesus,
I plead your hand of protection upon Britney and any other who were or are being harmed or trafficked or abused who come forward and testify and or speak out. Place your heavenly armies to flank and surround them in all sides with protection and defense. Bring healing to EVERY victim.
In your Awesome, All Powerful, Almighty name,
You must begin to understand the power of prayer, fren. It is the most powerful tool we have fighting against the darkness. When people agree in prayer this power increases. God will send his angels to guide and protect us. Always.
Hmm. Never thought of it that way. I pray multiple times daily. And those prayers are between God and I. So I thought it peculiar that people post prayers, like they’re trying to broadcast their connection with God for earthly praise. But your point makes sense as well. Thanks!
For real. My theory was that the first guy she married, Jason Alexander - they were really in love. But since he was just a regular dude, her handlers thought that would hurt her public image and thus their own pocketbooks. So they made her nullify that marriage and then fabricated the whole Kevin Federline thing.
So she tried to rebel by shaving her head. And the MSM spun that as Britney is crazy.
Adrenochrome. Lol. But nah you know how the DS with blood business. Whatever it is, it’s probably fair to assume it’s for something creepy/inappropriate/evil.
Remember that creepy statue o her on her hands and knees giving birth? It was such a unorthodox pose for a celebrity to have a bronze statue made? Why, what was so special that the satanist wanted to immortalize the moment??? These things are weird. And that's what I thought watching the news of it. But look at the freaky statues that Podesta put in his home. I think she was a symbol of some sort to these people?
I agree, she is being protected for sure. I still remember the clips where someone asked her if she was in trouble to wear something yellow on her next post. Sure enough, bright yellow dress on her next post.
Did she not also write "help me" on her eye lids at one point?
So her Lawyer Mathew was one a federal prosecutor who thought it was a wise career move to prosecute a billionaire for campaign funding violations and fine the guy 8.6 million. He then thought it wise to prosecute the former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for lieing…… he then magically left the public sector….
Do you remember when Trump mentioned they rescued a young woman. He wouldn’t say who it was. I hoped it was a Natalie Holloway. Trump said it would be disclosed at a later time. Do you think it was a Britney Spears? Do you find it curious that Natalie Holloway’s mother had a friendship with the father of Jon Bonet Ramsey?
I've always thought the Natalee Holloway story was a big hoax, a distraction from whatever evil s*it "they" were doing at the time. Many of the pictures of her from that time were badly photoshopped, and her "friends" looked and acted like they were being coached every time they spoke to media.
Lord Jesus,
Please allow Britney and anyone who is being or has been harmed as a child or adult, but especially as a child for others gain, pleasure or sick depravity to witness justice for what has been done to them. Bring that complete justice quickly Oh Lord,
In your Awesome, Almighty and All Powerful name,
I remember when Mel Gibson tried to help her back in 2007. He told her then to turn to God he was the only one who could save her. It seems since then everything changed for her. Ill keep Praying she did find God and He is now working through her to bring light to the dark Cabal and their use of children.
Not sure how or why my other comment got deleted, I just noticed but thanks for the info , I was in the modeling world for a few years so I did know some were trannys but WOW never did I realize the scope of it ,, I went back into a rabbit hole after I got your message ,, so much makes so much more sense now
Yes, the scope is enormous. Most of the celebs, models and leaders of industry/politics (and their families) are gender inverted.
This is one of the most censored and downvoted topics on this board. Once the scales fall from our eyes, it becomes so obvious and “they” cannot hide it anymore.
Do we think cristy john legends wife and lady gage is the only one ? I didn't realize it was downvoted ?
I do know that their God is a he/ she which makes sense!
I always suspected that Zendaya was a guy , than I started noticing on certain angles u can see her/his Adam's apple I mean it's obvious and her body the straight up and down , even her face at times it's totally obvious ! I always knew many were trannys , I just didn't realize the magnitude it's unbelievable , the secret behind Victoria's Secret is ,, they are dudes ! All u have to do is look up tranny pageants ,, my gosh there are thousands of them and they all look like girls, it's as I said unbelievable
It's truly almost all of them (and their children too). Image search bikini/bathing suit photos of a celeb and you can see the biological markers easily.
Some of them will even tell you they are male. Part of the required "satanic tell," I suppose.
Yes to all mentioned in your comment. Here's a video about Britney and commentary explaining why they become trannies (towards the end of the video). Aguilera makes a brief appearance in the video too.
Yes to all — Pink, Britney, Aguilera and both Hilton sisters.
It’s called Elite Gender Inversion. It is very real and shocking. The transgender agenda is huge part of the new world order plan. Their “god” is a transgender: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet
Here is a quick photo showing what I am talking about. This is supermodel Gisele Bündchen (Tom Brady’s wife) and “her” twin sister. One is a biological male and the other is a biological female:
Most would be absolutely shocked at the number of prominent “females” (celebrities, singers, supermodels, athletes, politicians, business leaders, wives of prominent men, celebrity children) who were born male. Many were likely given female hormones at a young age and had facial feminization surgical procedures. Some have even publicly admitted it in an off-handed or joking manner. There are both FTM and MTF transgenders. Elite Gender Inversion, or EGI, is much deeper than one could ever imagine. It’s done to join “their club.”
The deception of our time runs deeper than most can imagine. Their agenda is an all out attack on masculinity, in an effort to feminize males, reduce reproduction and destroy the traditional family unit. They are born into generations of satanic families that practice this to defy God. It is both Biblical and pagan in nature.
There are many places to deep dive EGI online, including photos and videos.
Here is a very large list of transgendered celebs (with accompanying transvestigation videos) that will surprise you. Once you learn the biological markers, you will see them everywhere.
I hope she is protected, because they'll kill her if she keeps going. I think she has a whole lot more than this bit to tell.
Lord Jesus, I plead your hand of protection upon Britney and any other who were or are being harmed or trafficked or abused who come forward and testify and or speak out. Place your heavenly armies to flank and surround them in all sides with protection and defense. Bring healing to EVERY victim. In your Awesome, All Powerful, Almighty name, Amen
What was done to her should NEVER happen to another soul. Ever.
Why post this? Are you speaking to us or to God?
You must begin to understand the power of prayer, fren. It is the most powerful tool we have fighting against the darkness. When people agree in prayer this power increases. God will send his angels to guide and protect us. Always.
Hmm. Never thought of it that way. I pray multiple times daily. And those prayers are between God and I. So I thought it peculiar that people post prayers, like they’re trying to broadcast their connection with God for earthly praise. But your point makes sense as well. Thanks!
You're welcome fren.
Call it an interactive prayer to God that ithers can join if they so choose and my prayer is that they do.
That's some real shit. She always seemed like a normal girl who was destroyed. Didn't have that cunty celebrity ego to her.
For real. My theory was that the first guy she married, Jason Alexander - they were really in love. But since he was just a regular dude, her handlers thought that would hurt her public image and thus their own pocketbooks. So they made her nullify that marriage and then fabricated the whole Kevin Federline thing.
So she tried to rebel by shaving her head. And the MSM spun that as Britney is crazy.
I want to hear Lindsey Lohans story ?
Amanda Bynes too.
What happened to her is down right awful. Broke her mind even worse than Britney's.
What was she doing that was worse than Britney? Or was it just her mind that was worse than Britney?
I think you replied to the wrong comment. All I did was name her.
Isn't shaving one's head very powerful symbolism while being controlled? Sort of like a cry for help?
1st pic: Church/Chapel
2nd pic: Israel
3rd pic: Australia
The cathedral is the church of Ignatius of Loyola, in Rome. St Ignatius was a founder of the Jesuits, if that means anything.
I think means quite a lot. Good find.
Jesuits are at the center of everything bad in this world.
The 8 gallons of blood what in the world is that all about?
Adrenochrome. Lol. But nah you know how the DS with blood business. Whatever it is, it’s probably fair to assume it’s for something creepy/inappropriate/evil.
She's too old for adrenochrome now. Maybe when she was younger.
1: https://files.catbox.moe/xnomf2.jpeg
2: https://files.catbox.moe/dmelef.jpeg
3: https://files.catbox.moe/y3gaya.jpeg
First photo:
Roman catholic church is ALL you need to know.
Exactly 201,221 likes for each of her three posts. Chance of that? Zero.
Well it’s the same post so chances are 100%, actually. 😁
Chance of that: 100%, considering it's the same post.... not three different posts.... It's ONE post, with THREE pictures.
It’s the same post.
Egg on my face! Thanks for the clarification.
Could be like YouTube, updates in predictable waves
Two people did not like logic or do not know how YouTube views increase.
Remember that creepy statue o her on her hands and knees giving birth? It was such a unorthodox pose for a celebrity to have a bronze statue made? Why, what was so special that the satanist wanted to immortalize the moment??? These things are weird. And that's what I thought watching the news of it. But look at the freaky statues that Podesta put in his home. I think she was a symbol of some sort to these people?
Surely at this point Trump or Q must be protecting her, otherwise she wouldn't be posting this
I agree, she is being protected for sure. I still remember the clips where someone asked her if she was in trouble to wear something yellow on her next post. Sure enough, bright yellow dress on her next post.
Did she not also write "help me" on her eye lids at one point?
So her Lawyer Mathew was one a federal prosecutor who thought it was a wise career move to prosecute a billionaire for campaign funding violations and fine the guy 8.6 million. He then thought it wise to prosecute the former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for lieing…… he then magically left the public sector….
I would say she is protected for sure
Do you remember when Trump mentioned they rescued a young woman. He wouldn’t say who it was. I hoped it was a Natalie Holloway. Trump said it would be disclosed at a later time. Do you think it was a Britney Spears? Do you find it curious that Natalie Holloway’s mother had a friendship with the father of Jon Bonet Ramsey?
I've always thought the Natalee Holloway story was a big hoax, a distraction from whatever evil s*it "they" were doing at the time. Many of the pictures of her from that time were badly photoshopped, and her "friends" looked and acted like they were being coached every time they spoke to media.
Didnt know about the holloway and ramsey connection
I am sorry to hear about her drowning on an airplane over a desert with 2 gunshots to the back of her head .... such a sad suicide .....
I wonder what the heck it means? Australia and Jewish Star?
Ty. That pic had some dark parts that stuck out to my eye, was wondering where it was to look closer.
Hmm any ideas where to start
These people are sick
105 people in and out of small trailer home, sex trafficked also?
Lord Jesus, Please allow Britney and anyone who is being or has been harmed as a child or adult, but especially as a child for others gain, pleasure or sick depravity to witness justice for what has been done to them. Bring that complete justice quickly Oh Lord, In your Awesome, Almighty and All Powerful name, Amen
I remember when Mel Gibson tried to help her back in 2007. He told her then to turn to God he was the only one who could save her. It seems since then everything changed for her. Ill keep Praying she did find God and He is now working through her to bring light to the dark Cabal and their use of children.
I hope she burns them all to the ground. Britney deserves justice
Sticky this.
Who remembers the "Leave Britney alone!!!” kid? The faggy kid on his webcam. Old video by today's standards.
That kid was awake early AF. Maybe he's Q? Kek
My God, they were draining her blood!! Jeez. Who was drinking it? Does the slave like condition create adrenachrome also, or what?
Draining her blood or pumping blood into her? Unclear
Directions unclear. Dick stuck in pump. Please advise.
maybe unplug it and have someone get you some lard
Agreed. Unclear. Keeping her young maybe?
Where are the 3 pics???
Rome, Israel and Australia?
Or the intel gathering?
Jesuits, Black Rock/Mossad, Pine gap?
Oh yeah, we often forget about pine gap
Some of the numbers that's stuck out:
And the last phrase
Oh, Britney, you have just became even more attractive.
When was this posted? I can't find it.
I remember seeing a pic of Ray Chandler a while back with brittney in the back ground. Let me try to find it
That gave me a headache
She’s not a “she” (none of them are) but Britney is likely an MK Ultra victim. Yet there are photos of “her” happily partying with the elite too.
This board is still asleep, likely controlled by those who don’t want you to know too much.
I noticed that Pink’s almost definitely a tranny and probably Paris too, but you’re saying that Britney is? What are your thoughts on Aguilera?
What about Zendaya ,? She / he ,,has a huge Adam apple , I think dude for sure
Yes, agree. MrE has done a video on her too. (See my comment below.)
It’s practically all of them. MTF are easier to spot, but once you study the innate biological markers, you will see the FTM too.
Not sure how or why my other comment got deleted, I just noticed but thanks for the info , I was in the modeling world for a few years so I did know some were trannys but WOW never did I realize the scope of it ,, I went back into a rabbit hole after I got your message ,, so much makes so much more sense now
Yes, the scope is enormous. Most of the celebs, models and leaders of industry/politics (and their families) are gender inverted.
This is one of the most censored and downvoted topics on this board. Once the scales fall from our eyes, it becomes so obvious and “they” cannot hide it anymore.
Do we think cristy john legends wife and lady gage is the only one ? I didn't realize it was downvoted ? I do know that their God is a he/ she which makes sense! I always suspected that Zendaya was a guy , than I started noticing on certain angles u can see her/his Adam's apple I mean it's obvious and her body the straight up and down , even her face at times it's totally obvious ! I always knew many were trannys , I just didn't realize the magnitude it's unbelievable , the secret behind Victoria's Secret is ,, they are dudes ! All u have to do is look up tranny pageants ,, my gosh there are thousands of them and they all look like girls, it's as I said unbelievable
Yes to all listed -- Chrissy Teigen, John Legend (FTM) and Lady Gaga.
Some extra things on both Teigen and Legend: https://files.catbox.moe/u4vn3f.jpg
Gaga flashes "her" bits under the dress: https://youtu.be/CxcXfoFej6g
It's truly almost all of them (and their children too). Image search bikini/bathing suit photos of a celeb and you can see the biological markers easily.
Some of them will even tell you they are male. Part of the required "satanic tell," I suppose.
Megan Fox: https://files.catbox.moe/x26w82.mp4
Jessica Alba: https://youtu.be/clOzz9qARdk
Lady Gaga: https://files.catbox.moe/dihzhn.MP4
Lots of adam's apples: https://files.catbox.moe/r1oqww.JPG
You can explore transinvestigation videos by MrE on these channels:
There's Telegram channels proofs too:
Yes to all mentioned in your comment. Here's a video about Britney and commentary explaining why they become trannies (towards the end of the video). Aguilera makes a brief appearance in the video too.
I apologize for the delay in my response.
Yes to all — Pink, Britney, Aguilera and both Hilton sisters.
It’s called Elite Gender Inversion. It is very real and shocking. The transgender agenda is huge part of the new world order plan. Their “god” is a transgender: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet
Here is a quick photo showing what I am talking about. This is supermodel Gisele Bündchen (Tom Brady’s wife) and “her” twin sister. One is a biological male and the other is a biological female: https://files.catbox.moe/h5o0fq.jpeg
Most would be absolutely shocked at the number of prominent “females” (celebrities, singers, supermodels, athletes, politicians, business leaders, wives of prominent men, celebrity children) who were born male. Many were likely given female hormones at a young age and had facial feminization surgical procedures. Some have even publicly admitted it in an off-handed or joking manner. There are both FTM and MTF transgenders. Elite Gender Inversion, or EGI, is much deeper than one could ever imagine. It’s done to join “their club.”
The deception of our time runs deeper than most can imagine. Their agenda is an all out attack on masculinity, in an effort to feminize males, reduce reproduction and destroy the traditional family unit. They are born into generations of satanic families that practice this to defy God. It is both Biblical and pagan in nature.
There are many places to deep dive EGI online, including photos and videos.
What is the “secret” about Victoria’s Secret models? Watch these: https://www.bitchute.com/video/g4vEgpRvveTp/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/XwtjVuEnkP1I/
Here is a very large list of transgendered celebs (with accompanying transvestigation videos) that will surprise you. Once you learn the biological markers, you will see them everywhere.
The Transgender Agenda - Hidden in Plain Sight https://www.scribd.com/document/344558948/The-Transgender-Agenda-Hidden-in-Plain-Sight-April-2017
Search “MrE” on bitchute.com to learn more. He has done videos about each of those you mentioned.