This war is Biblical and the only way we can overcome is with God's Help
I hope you've seen humanity without God is not good
Because of Greed, Power, and the very plans of Satan...we have wickedness, disease, and starvation
Nobody likes to be called a sinner
Well, you are one... without Christ, we are as loathsome as the stinkbugs we get rid of in our homes
Compared to good, you are a filthy rag
If you've never heard's time you do
If you were let in Heaven, the way you would stink up Heaven and bring death to a perfect atmosphere.
You are born that can't change it
God can tho...
Me going deep into why the Bible is real and Jesus holds it all together, using science, archaeology, History and everything logical to prove to you...
That will never work on lost people...that's just red meat for the saved
You have to see yourself the way God does
Did you know in the end....Does Jesus have to keep us all from killing each other?!
The elements will burn with fervent heat....sounds like nuclear
You don't need to worry about climate change
Humanity will never give that a chance....this Earth would probably like to puke us out
We are a curse to it
When you see how lost you are, then you may come to get saved.
That's why the Gospel is good news
Some of you took a red pill
But what you really need is the Gospel
Nailed it. I was raised in end time churches. Seems like my dad sought them out. If they weren't teaching end time prophecy, he would find another one to attend. As a young kid learning this scared the hell out of me and warped my brain for life. Thats a whole story in itself. But now I realize how it prepared me for what I think is about to come. Q mentioned looking glass, after researching it I believe its real and when Q said nothing can stop what is coming I believe it could possibly be the 2nd coming of Christ.
My dad loved revivalists and we saw the inside of quite a few tents. Great.
What are some clues that a church is an end times church without directly asking or attending for a while? Certain denominations?
Mostly Church of God. We had one 4 blocks from our house. People spoke in tongues, danced, jumped over pews, I didn't like that church at all. We also went to a few non denominational churches.
I’m not a Bible or church expert by any means but I have always felt most comfortable in a “non-denominational Bible” church. But even in these terms these types of churches can look vastly different from one another. If I was to give advice to someone it would be to seek a church who strives to read the Bible aloud to its church, breaking it down verse by verse, searching out the original Greek and Hebrew meanings to the terms used. I would not seek out a “topical” church which seems to be the bread and butter of todays church’s. I personally feel that topical preaching can easily lead to cherry picking biblical texts to fit the topic.
Also I wouldn’t shy away with contacting the church and asking their stance on certain issues, this is God’s word, this is important for you and your family. If they are uncomfortable giving you direct answers then they are 1) not confident in their own doctrines and beliefs or 2) are primarily there to people please and don’t want to offend. That is a red flag
Sometimes there just isn’t the right church in your area. That’s something I’m starting to come to terms with myself. But In modern day we now have YouTube/podcast/printable study material etc. I would highly encourage you to find a group of people and start a once a week Bible study in your homes. This is how the original church’s started so there is something to be said there.
Lately I have really enjoyed listening to Chuck missler via YouTube and podcasts. So much so that I’m considering finding a group who would join me on studying one of his series together and I’m an introvert!
Chuck Missler is the best Bible teacher I've ever heard!
Missler is awesome! He is down to earth but very smart, has some good teachings you can find him on you tube or
or possibly the third?
You have peaked my interest. What do you mean the 3rd?
I believe it is called Preterism :) it’s interesting!!
Thank you and Im looking up tartaria now.
Yes mine too, fire and brimstone! Hard to find a church like that now and Im in the biblebelt. Im 53 and thats how I raised my kids too!
Ok, what is a good and thorough video explanation for looking glass. This is one of my favorite documentary on looking glass. Hope you enjoy.
thanks I will watch it when I have time. I now have it open on one of my 200 tabs since I can't save anymore bitchute videos
This is an excellent video on Looking Glass.
So many bits and pieces tied together logically.
The AL BIELEK interview regarding the kids tested in the chair at Monauk base. Consciousness experiment. Meme Magic hackers. *I believe he believes what he has remembered.
I'm lost.
100% fren. This is all that matters.
Those last two lines are money, OP!
This world hates us because we are not of this world. I can’t wait to see what God has in store, I really hope he sets us free once again physically. Think of all we could accomplish if we weren’t tainted by evil people.
He gave us Brock Lesnar, but Brock is just 1 man.
Sadly many are following the false light. They are in the dark and don't even realize it. Man won't save you.
I've felt for a long time that Satan controls a huge network of world leaders, industry people, etc., etc., but those people don't even know it (except for some who I'm still not sure if they think Satan is a joke and pretend to worship him, or really do worship him, which seems to be the most foolish thing possible, since if you believe Satan is real and worship him, then you know God created Satan and will eventually destroy him and all who are aligned with him). As such, the evils of the world can only be defeated in the spiritual realm.
The short version is that the truly evil people in this world think that they can force God's hand and overcome the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth by building statues, giving each other hand signals, and saying special words.
2 Thessalonians will put this into much better context.
Down around verse 9, it'll start getting very clear. Chapter 3 gives a lot of hope, though.
Amen brother. The truth will be revealed in time.
And for the non religious...
Austin 3:16... 'cus Stone Cold said so!
Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.
In Canada we celebrate "pride month" and they insert it at every chance they get. Winter pride etc etc etc.
Can't wait until the restaurants around here roll out gluttony month. That'll go over well.
When the world is ready to know and share The Truth, The Parousia begins with One Word:
Racine, Wisconsin is the Root, gateway and model for the rigged elections of 2020 and their entire Agenda beyond of global, eternal enslavement.
Expose the Root, reveal the Agenda, deny the Mark. Jesus Christ and The Truth are the only way.
God wins!
Glad to see you are still around, fren.
I've been using the internet to look up specific verses, but I plan on buying my first Bible soon. Could someone recommend what version to get? I don't mind archaic language, I want it to be as accurate as possible. Thanks!
King James Version. Splurge on a nice bounding if you can afford it.
Spez: Don’t buy from Amazon - they’ve been known to delete certain passages regarding homosexuality. is good.
Thank you!
Pray about it, talk to God and ask him what version “He” wants you to get. He is the true authority 😉 He will reveal which version is going to speak to you. I was brought up with KJV but I also have NLV. Another alternative would be to listen to a few different audio versions first to see what is speaking to you most.
how is that possible? Amazon is deleting passages, thereby shortening the Bible and reprinting a bible?
So, I don’t have a source ready but if you search for King James version of the Bible on Amazon, read the 1 star reviews and you’ll find folks claiming passages have been left out. I specifically remember some related to homosexuality. Take a look for yourself. I’d love to be wrong here.
now that is very interesting
I find my Life Application Study Bible that has Book prefaces, study notes and maps in it helpful. It can be purchased in many versions (KJV, NIV, etc.). Mine is NIV.
The Textus Receptus is almost 6000 documents with little to no disagreement. The King James Version comes from this lineage. The KJV has a crown copyright, which isn't to make money, but to prevent anyone from claiming ownership over God's words.
All the modern versions come from the Catholic influenced Sinaiticus and Vaticanus. Less than 100 documents and there are 1000s of contradictions in just the 4 gospels alone. All the copyrighted, modern Bibles come from these texts, which includes work from Westcott and Hort who didn't even believe the Bible. Even the Greek is a fraud, as they back translated from Latin to Greek and then back forward to English to say it came from Greek, but it wasn't original.
Too late as the modern KJV is compromised and hijacked. Rather download a First Edition 1611 KJV and it will be very very close to perfect but for example the first scripture in the 18th century KJV below shows an incorrect translation as the word Jew does not appear in biblical times nor belongs in any scripture. It comes from Judeans, Judea, Judah or Judahites. This occurred in the 18th century.
John 4:22 KJV “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.” <<<<< Jews in biblical times never existed and today does not mean a race but the practice of Judaism. Same as the Pharisees. (Synagogue of Satan.)
John 4:22 First Edition 1611 KJV
Ye worship ye know not what: for saluation is of the lewes. Iewes translates either Judeans or Judahites, Judea or Judah never Jew or Jews which is of the work of Satan.
The actual correct translation should be "Salvation is out of Judah" In this case it points directly at the tribe of Judah as in the blood line to Christ.
"And thus Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah; for OUT OF ("Ek" #1537) thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel." Matthew 2:6
"And thou, Bethlehem, house of Ephratha, art few in number to be reckoned among the thousands of Judah; yet OUT OF ("Ek" #1537) thee shall One come forth to me, to be a ruler of Israel; and His goings forth were from the beginning, even from eternity." (From the Greek O.T.) Micah 5:2
"For it is manifest that OUT OF ("Ek" #1537) Judah has sprung our Lord...” Hebrews 7:14
I’m very excited for you! I also would suggest King James. I’ve read the ESV the past two years which was very helpful when you aren’t used to old English, but this year I picked up a King James, and it just feels breath takingly poetic. I’ve also been using Chuck Missler Bible studies in conjunction he has a wonderful way of breaking it down verse by verse and revealing geography/culture/Greeklanguage/Hebrew language context to everything. I would encourage to pray before each reading asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what he has to teach you.
Unless you want to bathe in middle English (King James version), I suggest a modern English version. I have had a New International Version for the past 30 years and find it is very easy to read and understand. The minor differences in some verses some claim invalidates the NIV because those verses don't agree with KJV aren't enough to make a significant difference, and the NIV was developed after additional scrolls and other sources were considered, that weren't available when the KJV was assembled.
I just want it to be accurate, if that means I have to bathe in middle english, so be it. I appreciate the help, I'll look into NIV as well.
Also, if you have never read through the Bible, I would suggest the New Testament first, because some of the seeming brutality of the Old Testament, where God ordered the Israelites to kill EVERYONE, and EVERYTHING, in town they were taking over, can be tough to read, unless you understand the holiness of God, and the fact that He can do whatever He wants, even when we, as mere humans, think it's not right.
I too enjoy Missler!
Because the NIV involved Biblical scholars and many other experts, who used what are considered to be more accurate sources (additional scrolls, etc.), it is considered by many to be more accurate than the KJV. Some people, perhaps because they grew up in churches that always used the KJV, think the thees and thous somehow make it "more Holy".
I own a KJV, but I sometimes look up verses/passages in various online Bibles for comparison:
In this way, you can preview a selection of different Bibles to help you choose one you would like to purchase.
Remember, why God held his people in the desert for forty years.
Shemita year 2021-2022. The end of a 7 year cycle and the next cycle starts in September of this year. It will be a tumultuous 7 years coming. You could say Tribulation if you know what I mean. God wins in the end. The end won’t be for everyone. I hope we meet our King before it begins.
It feels like the world today is increasingly getting turned upside down. It's odd, because that is what people said about the first Christians. Their religious viewpoint was "turning the world upside down" because neither the Jewish people waiting for an earthly messiah-king to rescue the earthly Kingdom of Israel, nor the pagan gentiles with their worship of various gods, had ever heard of such an astonishing doctrine of the Gospel of Christ.
The Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation that toward the end of time of this present Earth, Satan must be released from prison for "a little season." It doesn't specify how long the "little season" lasts, nor the exact moment when it begins. It only indicates that Satan's release will result in deception of the nations. Recently, I have sometimes wondered if we are at that point in the timeline. There are many conflicting teachings among the world's churches, and a new, strange technocratic religion with pharmaceutical/medical totalitarianism is being thrust upon us with the COVID/Vax deception. "If you wish to be saved, you MUST take the (unholy) Vax!!!" The people promoting/pushing this are enemies of Christ. It seems AI is to be the new god we will be forced to bow down to, something like the Matrix movies or Terminator, etc. I don't doubt that this new Babylonian tower of power will be destroyed (hopefully soon) and Christ will come to rescue his people before the wicked WEFers destroy everything and everyone. If Klaus Schwab's Great Reset succeeds, most of us will be dead, and the few survivors will be totally enslaved and transhumanized. That is their plan. I do not believe that is God's plan for his creation.
'Surely I come quickly. Amen.' Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20.
I don't believe any of that, not even for a second. And I don't think Christ believed that either. In fact, I think his mission was to prove just the opposite--to prove that human beings are children of God, and the only thing keeping them from their potential is believing the ancient Jewish lie that man is fallen and imperfect and unworthy, since the "fall" of Adam and Eve.
It was Paul who turned Jesus into the idol you just described. Which figures, since Pharisees were idolaters who worshipped Baal. I don't buy Paul's conversion for one second either. We know Pharisees, like modern day Freemasons, are expected to lie about and hide their true beliefs and their true intentions. I think it's obvious that Paul was one of the false prophets Christ warned about. The whited sepulchres, the wolves in sheep's clothing. And that Constantine made half the New Testament from his writings specifically because he knew how easily an idolatrous people could be controlled.
If there was ever an anti-Christ, in my opinion, it was Paul.
Remember, Peter walked on water too. It wasn't just Jesus performing miracles through faith. And I think he tried pretty damn hard to teach people that. I don't feel good inside when I hear this sectarian Christian/Jewish notion that there's something wrong with us. The only thing wrong with us is that we believe there's something wrong with us. If we accepted ourselves as children of God who simply sometimes lose our way, then we're already saved. That's what I think Christ really wanted people to understand. But alas, Satan's servants got hold of the Bible and fucked it all up. I'm just glad that some truths still made it through though. I still think Christianity by and large is a force for good in the world because of those truths.
You sound like many "new-age" types I have come across, where "God is in everyone and we are all Gods" (or something like that). The prophet Isaiah clearly wrote about the FACT that we are all as "filthy as rags" compared to God. No amount of sacrifice or "good works" will atone for our inherent sin nature; only the salvation freely offered through Jesus dying on the cross will overcome it. You are the first to say you think Paul faked his conversion; I guess he faked it throughout the stonings and other treatments he received due to his conversion, including eventually being put to death for it.
Said your youth pastor. He's the Alpha and Omega. Make of that what you will.
Yeah you can put me in your "new age" box if it makes you feel better. But when I read the teachings of Christ in the Gospels I get a very different vibe about the doctrine than what Paul portrays. And as for Isaiah's poetry, you can take that literally too if you want. I see it as just another one of his pretty little ways of making a bigger point. But you do you.
Just remember that humans trying to understand God is like viruses trying to understand humans.
Valiant effort!
Japanese Jesus agrees with you.
You honestly cannot help yourself from being a smoothbrain can you? Im convinced you're a sleeper shill at this point.
I dont stand by and let jackasses mock this subject. You're the one that's gonna have to face the music and you're gonna wish you opened your eyes at some point.
Prove it.
The sheer level of ignorance displayed by you with each and every post is honestly staggering. The fact alone you're on this board that is a Q driven board that specifically mentions God in the drops themselves should have been a wake up call. I honestly feel for individuals like you who are so lost. The fact that even 4chan has had a huge coming to God revival and you're still lost mocking Christianity is almost comical if it weren't sad.
LOL You live a lie.
You'll figure it out at some point. Disclosure may help with that.
Paul was entrusted with writing down a huge portion of the NT. He was well versed in the OT, which contains much prophecy concerning the promise of Christ as Savior. Until Christ knocked him off his horse on the way to Damascus (See Book of Acts), he believed the law of Moses would save him. He felt Christians were destroying the true religion and persecuted them. After he was converted and began preaching the Gospel, Paul, too, was persecuted. Paul really lays out much important doctrine in the Book of Romans concerning salvation. If you can't understand it, I recommend locating an online commentary on Romans written by John Gill.
I'm quite familiar with Paul and the claims that he makes and the doctrine he outlines. I just don't buy it. The Pharisees, as Jesus called them, were "children of their father, the devil. the father of lies." And he warned his people that shortly there would be false prophets saying things he never said. I think it's obvious at this point that Paul was one of those false prophets. Jesus spent his whole ministry telling people how to live righteously. Paul comes along and says "No, actually, all you have to do is accept Jesus as your savior and you're good." Nah. Fuck that. And yet that's what the vast majority of Christian churches today have adopted as their doctrine. I can't tell you how little I've ever seen modern Christians quote anything from the four gospels. They ALWAYS quote Paul. He is the founder of their faith from what I've seen, not Christ.
Paul was given the task via the Holy Spirit's inspiration of writing down a large portion of the doctrines of the church. He had been trained as a pharisee, which would have been useful for being very familiar with OT scripture. However, it was the ascended Christ who had to "re-teach" Paul what the OT says concerning Christ. As you may recall, the other apostles were taught the true meaning of the OT after the resurrection and before the ascension. Paul was the main missionary to the gentile world. The only way that we sinners can be righteous is in the righteousness of Christ himself and his perfect and complete works culminating in his sacrificial death upon the cross. No cross, no forgiveness. In Genesis, Abel is said to be righteous and Cain is said to be "of that Wicked one," Satan. And how can we know? Cain brought an offering of the best fruits he had grown. Abel brought a lamb from his flock. God did not accept Cain's offering. It was the work of his own hand, not of faith in the blood of the Lamb of God. Cain was so jealous of Abel and so angry, he killed Abel. Trusting in any portion of our own works for salvation is self-righteousness and condemns us. God requires perfection, and that perfection is found in Christ alone. This is why I do not believe in "decisional regeneration," for one is not then trusting in Christ only, but trusting in a decision one made, ie, a work. Different churches teach different works one must perform in order to ensure salvation. This is anti-gospel. The only "Good News" for me is the one that says Christ did absolutely everything necessary for my salvation. If it depended upon myself in anyway, well, I would just fail. Probably the first day. No, make that the first hour. Well, actually, I'm sure I would mess up within the first minute. Christ is the one and only God-Man, and he alone lived a perfect and sinless life, perfect obedience on behalf of all of his people, even unto death. The debt has been paid in full, and his people are given eternal life and have nothing to fear. They are washed clean in the blood of the Lamb.
Yes. According to Paul. Do you know what circular logic is?
Me: "I don't think Paul was a true disciple of Christ. I think he was a false prophet."
You: "But he can't be a false prophet, because he clearly says he isn't one right here."
Me: "..."
And what did the Pharisees believe? Who did they worship? Who did Jesus say they worshipped/followed? These were not merely Old Testament scholars, my friend. These were Talmudic Jews. If you don't know what's in the Talmud, I suggest you research it.
According to Paul.
Yes. And in my opinion, a false missionary, going about teaching Old Testament idolatry with a Christian spin.
Says Paul.
Says you, based on your understanding as a Pauline Christian.
Says you and Paul.
Ah. Pious bragging masked as humble self-deprecation. Lovely.
Maybe according to you. But not according to Christ. At least not how I read what he says in John chapter 10: "Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any good work,' they replied, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.' Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods"’? If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside—what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”
Pretty pesky word Jesus keeps throwing in there ("works") huh? Also pretty pesky scripture he decided to quote if in fact you and Paul are right and we're a bunch of pathetic dung beetles who should be worshipping Jesus like an old Testament idol.
Given that perfect is a subjective term, this statement is meaningless to me. Is a rose with one thorn or two more perfect? It all depends on the preference of the person you're asking. What makes you think you aren't perfect? Because you sin? And what evidence do you have, other than Pauline dogma, that Christ himself never made any mistakes growing up?
Anyway, like I said, I don't buy Paul's take on Jesus. I just don't. So you can quote Paul until you're blue in the face. Remember, Christ said these false prophets, these wolves in sheeps clothing, these whited sepulchres would manage to deceive even the elect. With all the self-deprecating you've done so far I doubt you'd arrogate yourself to be one of them. So what makes you think you haven't been deceived yourself?
Food for thought. Take care.
You are not yet a Christian because you do not yet understand the "good news" of Christ's Gospel, but I hope you will one day by the grace of God. But I cannot engage in further debate because at this point it would be counter productive.
Yes I believe it would be. And I'll keep calling myself Christian despite your protestations based on Pauline definitions. Good day.
And some of us sit back with a smile and realize that God isn't about to do something. In reality, He's been in control of the whole damn thing the whole time. Pawns on a chessboard.
I want to see every NWO complicit Democrat hung from a pole so fucking high the entire world can see them.
I wonder if the hundreds of millions of people that were murdered by their governments after they were disarmed would agree with you. I wonder if all the raped women and molested kids would agree with you ? Sometimes real Christians fight for what is right. Ever hear of David or Samson ?
This seems as good a place as any to ask. Some background: Last weekend I was helping my BIL clearing out some brush on a small island of his, incidentally, to host my wedding this summer.
This guy has gone sort of new agey/spiritual after he had a close call in a biking accident a few years back. He came up to me and was elated to tell me how he had finally reached a conclusion on his ayahuasca quest to find peace with his late dad. He continued describing how he felt connected to nature in a more powerful way than he normally does. He then goes on to explain how all the crazy stuff going on in the world, is just due to humanity finally reaching a great awakening, and how he has a purpose in that regard.
He is not a guy for sure, so this surprised me to say the least. Then the other day, I was listening to a local podcast where the guest is involved in coaching/ consciousness training, and she as well kept repeating how humanity is on the brink of a great awakening, and this has been in the works for ages (thousands of years).
So over a couple of weeks, a new age hippie, a coach and here on the christian community are all describing the same thing going on in the shadows, from completely separate viewpoints.
What are your thoughts on this? Many of you, being more spiritually inclined than myself, hopefully can help me sort out what that means.
Sorry if this isn't the place.
Thru the Bible radio with j Vernon McGee.
Why would you think God is going to do something? God already did something. You've already been saved.
Any day now...
Christians have been convinced they are living in the end times since literally the founding of Christianity
You have the correct number of punctuation marks for 32 sentences, yet you used none of it correctly. You used capitalization incorrectly.
You have spoken on behest of God, and told me to see myself from the perspective of "good"? To which if you meant to say "God", I must inform you, I am incapable of seeing myself from the perspective of God.
The Gospel is in fact "Good news", yet you have made this very much so unclear. Many of your sentences are broken and fragmented, jumping from inference to unrelated text, stacking Questions on top of each other with little relation.
This is not the good news I am looking for.
There are no stink bugs in my house.
I am not a curse upon this Earth, and I reject YOUR assertions to the contrary.
˙ʞ noͣ̃ͮ̈̔ͦͯ ̀.
the god squad just makes this place seem silly tbh
god didnt stop them raping kids, god didnt stop them taking control, god didnt do fuck all, this is pure copium
either brave men and women are fighting for us or we are fucked, if you are waiting for god to save you just remember that there is millions of children he let die in terrible ways, if you think he is going to save you well i have a bridge to sell you
but you acknowledge that your all powerful god allows children to be raped and tortured?
seems like the person in need of the gospel is your god.