What was the reason for planting two fake Homeland Security agents to bribe Jill Biden's Secret Service detail? Why were there imposter agents infiltrating the White House Secret Service? Why might Joe Biden take a trip to Ukraine? Why have all these plans failed? Who is really in control? PANIC!

Today is a “What in the actual F**k“ kind of day.
Biden a white hat (?) playing a part? Hell, anything is possible, but I think that might be stretching things a bit.
His part is as a puppet.
Puppets dance no matter who pulls the strings.
He's a sellout through and through. Given the opportunity to save his skin or his family's skin he will rat.
I actually think he’d sell out his own family without blinking an eye.
Many of them will.
He most certainly didn't run because he wanted to. Everything in the 2 years leading up to the election shows you he was being pushed into it. He didn't campaign. He didn't do anything because he/they/white hats knew what was coming.
I think we're looking at a"sins of the father..." situation.
This is true. They wanted Kamala to be Pres. but no one liked her so they made Joe run. Part of the reason Joe is probably still around is that Kamala would replace him and her approval ratings are worse than Joes.
Biden is evil. If he is playing a part it is because he is forced to. Biden did say that the letter Trump left on the President desk as per the tradition was generous So maybe Trump will not completely destroy the Biden family if Biden plays a white hat part.
So then is Trump using him as a human shield, literally, to allow shadow ops to take place (DS removal) while he isn't "in charge"?
I think Trump got to The White House and quickly realized that to actually Drain the Swamp, he was going to need to do a lot of things that would appear as losses. I think to take down the globalists and central bankers, he knew he would need Russia and China on his side, and that would involve letting Russia take back Ukraine and China take back Taiwan, and that he wouldn’t be able to spin those as a good thing if he was President.
I think he knew that he wanted troops out of Afghanistan and that if he took them out, the country would fall to the Taliban immediately. I don’t think he wanted to be around to take the blame for that, and I don’t think he wanted to explain to a hostile corporate media that Afghanistan actually belonged to the Taliban, and it’s up to the people of Afghanistan to choose their leaders, not us.
I also think Trump knew he had to take down the Federal Reserve which would lead to the crash of the economy and the destruction of the U.S. dollar, and he didn’t want to be around for that either.
If the suggestion was made that all of these things could be negotiated and set-up in his first term, then pinned on the Democrats while he steps aside (but military maintains control) not only would that set Trump up for a victorious return, it would destroy the dictator narrative (a dictator wouldn’t step down) and it would help neutralize and expose the corporate media.
Then there is Covid. It’s possible that Trump knew that the only way the Democrats and the corporate media (pharmaceutical media) would end Covid is if Biden is President. If Trumpw was announced the winner after he won the election, it would have been another four years of Covid hysteria no matter what, right?
Except it was Military Intel who planned the entire thing for decades. It's not Trump just making decisions off the cuff lol.
True, but I can turn his comment into copy pasta for normies. Baby steps.
I like the way you think
Nicely said, I hope you redpill people with words like this!
You are so right. But it is hard to find a day NOT like that.
If Ukraine is a warzone like the media has been claiming for months, why would they send the president there?
Completely retarded
It makes ZERO sense. Historically, leaders meet for truce talks in a neutral country like Malta, Switzerland, etc. Just the act of flying into UKR with S-300 and S-400 systems run by trigger happy Ukies is way too dangerous. USSS would never even contemplate such an overt trip.
Last night TLC took all the Ukrainian women who'd appeared on their 90 Day Fiance shows over the years, trying to snag an American husband and come over here, and turned it into a 90 Day Fiance Ukraine special. In broken English (and from the muted 3 min I watched) producers had these women call their families in Ukraine and listen to horror stories of bombings and evil Russian soldiers, etc. I wonder how much those eejits got paid?
White Ukranian women are indeed consistently very beautiful. I'd send off for one but knowing my luck I'd get a black Hatian Ukrainian that weighs 300 pounds. 😱
Lmfao that's hilarious. And yes, Slavic white women are typically gorgeous.
Lol! Good to see you bro.
My man knows what's good. 👊🏼 if it ain't white it ain't right, nawmsayn??
To be honest multiculturalism doesn't work.
You are an ass!
I never expected there would be a 300 pound black Ukrainian Hatian here. Like I wrote just my luck.
The most amazing implausible one-in-a-million events happening regularly to mess with you, and yet can't win the lottery even once. I feel you brother.
Is this where the famous quote comes in that "patience is virtue"? Or that song "I started a joke" by the Bee gees?
It's all good brother. Hope you got a chuckle. 😊
Two other leaders, Boris Johnson (UK) and Ursula von der Leyen (EU) were also in Ukraine.
So we can say there is no war zone there!
Desperation is a hell of a motivator.
they know where the president will be safe because they are the offensive in the war with russia
More light of day needed to correct infections here...
This is not a random thought as I was thinking the same thing. Point being if little old me can come up with the idea as have others then it’s a real possibility. They want a war so badly they deep state have probably have this already mapped out. Biden should stay home!!
Let's examine another possibility:
If Biden isn't in control of the military, and gets whacked in Ukraine...
Exactly. IMO it’s a “ok, here’s the deal”...proposed by the military after, if this all goes down. It’s a quick sure way of getting A LOT attention, because of a deceased nursing home patient, and letting Truth flow. Finally informing the masses. And that would include foreign countries. Interdasting.
Then Kamala gets control of the most powerful military in the world!
Yes, but if Patriots are in control of the military, and not Kamala...
She'd have to answer to the world why she cant send troops to Russia after a President was assassinated.
Or keep up the smoke screen until they can't spin it any further...
Enjoy the show!
I'm sorry, but anyone who truly believes that any sort of military control structure would allow General Milley a security clearance, is a bit out of touch with reality.
Imagine thinking he wasn’t intentionally setup and was allowed near authentic information that matters instead of playing house without him even knowing. He was handed rope to hang himself with.
The Combatant Commanders cannot be overridden on “predecisional” ongoing military operations and neither “president Bidan” or the civilian command were even allowed briefing on shit. Still to this day.
Gen. Milley frightened [nuclear armed] Communist China with the prospect of a US nuclear first strike, from a "mentally insane" president Trump and vowed to give advance warning to China to give them time to prepare a response- likely a nuclear first strike of their own against the US.
Anyone is welcome to come up with whatever mental gymnastics they wish to, to reconcile why Milley is still wearing a military uniform. But I can assure you that it's not because Q team wants him in his current position.
That’s right. A bunch of tangible nothing which was publicly leaked occurred. And the lack of accountability from the CIVILIAN CHAIN OF COMMAND is political suicide and moot since COMBATANT COMMANDERS are actually in control.
Combatant commanders left $85 billion worth of military hardware for the Taliban, and abandoned US personnel in Afghanistan? I don't think so. And now those same commanders are supplying Ukraine to prolong a war with Russia, a war that could possibly draw in NATO and the US? Not buying it.
Honest acknowledgment of the reality our nation faces is the most important step to take towards fixing the problems we face. Placing false hope in nebulous theories about a "secret daddy" that is all-knowing, infallible, omnipresent, and in complete control of our military only clouds our vision of the bitter reality surrounding us. While I do believe that patriots do have the upper hand, so to speak, our struggle is far from over, and success is never guaranteed.
Don't many believe that Trump is still Commander in Chief and U.S. couldn't go to war without his authority?
Some do but many of us think that wouldn't make any sense. I've heard lots of patriots openly state they would never forgive Trump if he were actually to come out and it suddenly be revealed that he was "secret president" the whole time and allowed everyone to be forcibly injected, lose their jobs, lose 13 soldiers in Afghanistan, and have many lose their homes, all for the sake of "teaching you guys a lesson".
Presidents don't declare war - only Congress can (and they control the money of course). Presidents can do certain things and call them "police actions" or "skirmishes" but only for a short time unless they receive Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). The War Powers Act explains this. However; technically you are correct. The President is the Commander in Chief, so even if Congress declares war nobody goes until POTUS says to go.
Even worse - if <insert country here> decides to lob a nuke at us only POTUS can push the red button to respond to the attack. That is surely an act of war, which the Congress likely did not yet declare, but POTUS can hit that button and accept the "invitation" to war without asking anyone.
It's all kind of a mess.
He is not actually President or CiC. He signed the Insurrection Act which surrenders his power to a special outside command structure which operates within mission parameters. He also would not be able to discount the secret years to serve a full ten years if he was a “secret president”. He is still being a DCO’d military intelligence asset running public relations which began before his election campaign.
No evidence he ever signed the insurrection act.
Plenty. Mike Lindell literally posing the memo in photo for comms. The activity of US Marines in DC, and active US Special Forces on US soil. Making the USSOF its own military branch. Note that the US Army ran reconnaissance flights over every US city which had riots because they had a foreign element. And then the incoming civilian command were refused briefings on “ongoing secret missions” because they are “pre-decisional”. The “president” who was given the gun salute of a foreign dignitary at an inauguration in which he never was handed the nuclear football was told he could not be told anything about current operations all over the globe or 60k US Special Forces soldiers. National Guard was still active and operating all over the US after the election.
Nah it wasn’t signed. Trump lost the election and let foreign infiltration have its way with the country while he tweets in Florida and the military just happens to be operating on US soil.
I'd be cool if biden got arrested
On the bright side, if the US military is sent a few thousand miles away to Ukraine, then at least the govt. can't waste as much of our tax dollars "protecting" politicians in Washington DC with useless fences, and 10's of thousands of soldiers twiddling their thumbs, and harassing innocent patriots at rally's.
Which White House? And it's sure as hell not the one in DC. Until the Military steps in and fixes the 2020 Election and all threats from the three letter agencies, the cabal and Israel is AD 70ed again, and removed aka Hitlered out of our pockets, our banks, our government, our media, our entertainment, for that matter out of our country, and President Trump and his new VP JFK Jr are officially back in office.... I'm not playing this game of popcorn and their theatrics.
I'd rather watch one of my favorite shows from an era where we didn't have this bullshit going on! Yes and pizza, and root beer floats!
I don't believe jfk Jr is actually alive. Seems like misdirection to discredit our movement. But who knows.
We shall find out but where there's smoke there's fire and a lot about Jr. David Straight said he was with Don Jr aboard a helicopter when they dropped off JFK on top mount Rushmore. George Washingtons head to be specific.
Only possibility is that military intelligence spoofed his presence on the plane that the CIA sabotaged. With what I have been reading about lately, it is entirely possible. Q has been in the works for decades.
Yes its certainly possible.
I don't mean to be rude, fren, but no one cares. You post this stuff all the time. Go on, eat your pizza and watch a show from the 80s.
So does President Trump repeating himself all the time. If you have something better let me know.
Joe Biden verses Joe Bidan and a comment from President Trump.
Holy Shit Batman!
JULIAN'S RUM is most likely right! Critical thinking and just plain old common sense of what we know the Deep State is capable of....when you become a liability...
I feel like; EVERYONE hop on the Deep State Merry-Go-Round where the horses go up & down, up and down, round and round with crazy carnival-like meniacal music playing...
With Trump they orchestrated a coup, several assassination attempts and all failed. Q Post; POTUS is well insulated.
With Biden, working through Jill this is the first attempt we've heard about getting rid of Biden; The Resident of the US.
Who devises these devious plans? Do these people have a devil-meter in their brain that they activate or is their a think-tank group that hatch these ideas and plans?
If biden kicks the bucket, it's all part of the plan.
Who funded it?
IF Biden was installed and is being controlled by white hats...White Hats rigged and stole the 2020 election.
Get him out of the way, and turn him into a sympathetic martyr that they can use to rush through his "dream" legislation(s), al la JFK and the moon, at the same time.
Maybe it's the person/people Biden is always referring too when he says "They wont let me".
Like answer certain questions, visit Ukraine, calling on certain "journalists", etc..
I'm not buying it. If they kill whichever "Biden" is wearing the mask that particular day they will just trot out his understudy. You can't kill someone who is already dead.
Except the danger of some teen with a smart phone filming and releasing the video of a POTUS being assassinated is very real. And embarrassing - especially if that video is released after the "replacement Biden" is back in front of the press telling more lies.
We literally have video of Biden having 3 hands at a podium. We have video of his mask slipping off of his face. None of it matters because the Fake News Media won't cover it. Anything embarrassing that could come out would simply be ignored like everything else. It would be called a conspiracy theory and that would be that.
What if the move is to assassinate the Biden double, you know, the one without the eye bags, so everyone believes the real Biden was killed in Ukraine.
The real Biden is the one with eye bags and more square features that sits next to his son Hunter at the ball game, because they have stuff to talk about.
After the FF assassination the real Biden, who isn't very useful in public anyway, can be permanently retired to the basement where he'd rather stay anyhow.
A president supposedly assassinated, World War III kicked off, a body double that will never tell tales, what's a Democrat not to like about that.
The real Joe Biden has not been in public since before the election. It has always been a fake Biden.
This current Bidan is under white hat control.
Exactly. So there is no way in hell he is going to go to Ukraine to be "assassinated" by Russians. The entire story is fearmongering.
Ditto. You have style. 👍
If you look at it from a comms perspective and cross reference with Q drops it starts to make sense.
Right and if these serpents were really in control can you imagine the absolute hell we'd be in today?
That's the first thing I thought when I saw this post, if this was remotely anticipated by <our guys> then he'll be protected.
Yep! It’s also why he does some very questionable and often times comedic things. Example, the video of him looking so lost at the White House when Obama visited. It’s also why Obama didn’t give him the time of day. He’s an actor, and whoever it is, he’s damn good at it! Like you said, he’s protected somehow.