Absolutely. And you aren't going to hear about them....
There is a requirement in the constitution that all people have to right to a public trial. They can wave that right if they choose.
But other cases have no requirement of being public. In fact, the court might find that keeping the details of a case secret may be necessary for the case to get a fair hearing or to protect national secrets.
Election fraud would likely fall under both categories. The sources and methods used to catch foreign governments in the act are likely sensitive.
I disagree. Who would be getting sued? You don't have to know who did the thing for the thing to be true and provable. Seems they would have the power to address the issue outside of litigation. My 2 cents. For instance no one sued to overturn roe they just decided to end it. As far as I can tell anyway.
I can’t stand when people post things like this and they talk as if they are fact. Then they have the audacity to put that sly emoji as if they are so clever. I mostly see this type of garbage on telegram channels by people who want to famefag
The court has been running shadow docket cases that receive very limited briefings and are rarely, if ever, argued before the justices for quite sometime. However, I do think because of the riots that would occur the change over would never be public. I would think a shadow government plan would be implemented.
Nothing surprises me any longer and beer is good and people are crazy.
The only reason I can see this happening is so that they can give Trump a 2 year term and make him inelligible to run again in 2024. And he will be too busy in these two years cleaning up Brandon's mess that he won't be able to do anything else.
Yes, I agree. Those dynamics will change on Jan 20, 2023. But that is after the data collection period is shut down, i.e. September 2022, when the statutory 22 months of preserving election data is over. This happens two months before the midterms. So t get the full juicy sauce, investigators will keep that window open as long as possible.
We have it all, but would you not like to go for max bust?
So, on that basis, I imagine we will first see a red wave come midterms. Then more info drops, and then a major event early in 2023.
Is there a precedent where the SCOTUS was held under the penalty of death? I'd love to be wrong and this to play out. Getting weary and wanting a normal world RSN.
Ok, so we should go back and watch the Thomas and Robert's statements about the leak and see if it is vague enough to allow this. I very much doubt they would lie on record about the case upon which they are working.... more likely they would leave it vague, but that is not what I remember them saying.
This is stretch considering the Supreme Court rejected every case put in front of them, so what are they ruling on? Which cases did the Supreme Court docket???
I want to believe, I really do. But, what is this source? Why should it be believed or deemed reliable? Not picking at you, OP...just wondering aloud.
No source, obviously hopium +++.
As noted, just an idea.
Nopium ;)
More like copium.
Guess I'll just continue to mopium 😞
We were expecting dank nugs, but all we got is schwag.
According to Forbes, they threw out the last case about a year ago. That's not to say there can't be new ones, but I haven't found any.
Yeah it feels like there would have to be a case.
Are there any historical examples of the court taking a case in secret?
Well shit, guess that would have been worth a search before a post. 😅
Interdasting! I wonder whatever happened to the case that Mike Lindell was trying to get before the SCOTUS?
I was just going to ask about this. Glad that I kept reading.
According to this thing, they've done so recently. Interesting.
Absolutely. And you aren't going to hear about them....
There is a requirement in the constitution that all people have to right to a public trial. They can wave that right if they choose.
But other cases have no requirement of being public. In fact, the court might find that keeping the details of a case secret may be necessary for the case to get a fair hearing or to protect national secrets.
Election fraud would likely fall under both categories. The sources and methods used to catch foreign governments in the act are likely sensitive.
I disagree. Who would be getting sued? You don't have to know who did the thing for the thing to be true and provable. Seems they would have the power to address the issue outside of litigation. My 2 cents. For instance no one sued to overturn roe they just decided to end it. As far as I can tell anyway.
My popcorn has been hot for years.
Mine's stale and now it's to expensive to buy more.
I planted some, along with my regular corn this year.
It would be on their docket. It's not therefore this is fake and ghey.
Its almost like i remember someone saying "Military is the only way"...
I can’t stand when people post things like this and they talk as if they are fact. Then they have the audacity to put that sly emoji as if they are so clever. I mostly see this type of garbage on telegram channels by people who want to famefag
Plausible as f***
I'll believe it when I see it.
Would be fuckin cool. u/#q2283 u/#q1155
It's not "The only way is the Supreme Court."
Dang! If this is true, cue the space alien invasion distraction...
I've been waiting for that. I vote for the space aliens to be striped green and pink.
Is attractive too much to ask too? I would rather not vomit when looking at them
That sounds like someone who has seen too many photos of Cankles lately in the news.
But polka dots are so much more flattering.
True. I could go for polka dots. Deep State, are you listening? We could go for polka dotted fake space aliens.
If this happens I will eat my head.
Would be Ultra RAD
All that's missing is an exact datefag
It is also missing that Trump will send out the emergency broadcast and tweet about the storm before SCOTUS announces. cue epic movie outro music
No source... Just words. This just agitates people. Q didn't say this. No facts to support. Just words.
"Within the next several weeks..."
Bull Shit
The court has been running shadow docket cases that receive very limited briefings and are rarely, if ever, argued before the justices for quite sometime. However, I do think because of the riots that would occur the change over would never be public. I would think a shadow government plan would be implemented.
Nothing surprises me any longer and beer is good and people are crazy.
From that keyboard to God's eyes
Maybe not true but I sure enjoyed reading it.
That would mean "the Supreme Court is the only way". So nope.
Datttttttttttteeeeeeeeeee FAGGINGGGGG!
Not quite. It is secret agenda fagging.
The only reason I can see this happening is so that they can give Trump a 2 year term and make him inelligible to run again in 2024. And he will be too busy in these two years cleaning up Brandon's mess that he won't be able to do anything else.
Yes, I agree. Those dynamics will change on Jan 20, 2023. But that is after the data collection period is shut down, i.e. September 2022, when the statutory 22 months of preserving election data is over. This happens two months before the midterms. So t get the full juicy sauce, investigators will keep that window open as long as possible.
We have it all, but would you not like to go for max bust?
So, on that basis, I imagine we will first see a red wave come midterms. Then more info drops, and then a major event early in 2023.
Now I'm date fagging.
See what you made me do.
I would have turned this movie off years ago...
Elections are run by the states, until a state presents a case to the SC they can't do a damn thing.
The Left SCJ would leak it rather than have the left sent to oblivion
Unless it was under seal. And under penalty of death.
Is there a precedent where the SCOTUS was held under the penalty of death? I'd love to be wrong and this to play out. Getting weary and wanting a normal world RSN.
Where is it reported they have mil protection?
Gov Youngkin declared their protection order but I thought that was police not mil
They'll wait until the schools are out for summer. Can't have the Liberal Insane blowing up any more kids.
Ok, so we should go back and watch the Thomas and Robert's statements about the leak and see if it is vague enough to allow this. I very much doubt they would lie on record about the case upon which they are working.... more likely they would leave it vague, but that is not what I remember them saying.
Yeah, we will see. I for one do not think this is the case but would be happy to be wrong
Complete BS
There is no case currently on the docket that would purport to do anything close to this.
This is stretch considering the Supreme Court rejected every case put in front of them, so what are they ruling on? Which cases did the Supreme Court docket???
"Under the guise of riot control" comes to mind 🙏
If devolution is true, it's possible the court is being told what to do. We simply don't know what's actually happening.
We're at the mercy of liars. Even the good guys are liars. They just don't call it that.
Ooohhhh, such a great guess! Something is going to happen— so why not that!
2…… moar…….weeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkssssssss
Oh, so they are worthy of protection but we are not. Got it.
"Rules for we, not for thee"
Lmaooo I'll have what you're smoking