Star Wars lost the bidding war to cast her as the new Java the Hutt. They got greedy and refused to calculate the savings on daily makeup/costume savings into their bid🤷🏻♂️
Yep. ST: Discovery is the worst and wokest of all new ST shows and why I refuse to watch it. Thoroughly grateful that I made that choice during the first season...and missed this traitorous sow's appearance in the most recent season.
These people are stupid? Seems to me they’ve been walking free as a bird after committing heinous crimes for many years. Smart F’n criminals top to bottom me thinks
I liked 2000 Mules but I wish they would have named all of the ballot harvesting centers and all the NPO that they found involved. They barely mentioned Abram's name..but that was about it.
I was hoping they would spend a lot more time on WHO WAS ACTUALLY CONTROLLING THESE MULES.
Just like that court ruling that showed election fraud thru fingerprints..then the very next day all the mules were wearing gloves. What do you think these mules will do now that they KNOW they're being tracked? Probably leave the cell phones in their cars..or far away..or even at home. They'll just use Garmin GPS to find ballot boxes, etc.
If we don't get rid of these fraud boxes these criminals will just find another way around being tracked.
Use to work for a WEF partner company. I remember they were pushing a corporate wide book club and the first book was Stacey Abrams. That is when I knew this company was not a place I was going to stay at.
THAT is why you never run a criminal enterprise out of your own home or office.
Always rent a small home for a few months, pay cash and register the name as " Phil Mahooters".
Seems To Be A Big Gap In This Story.
It's a portal the Elohim will pour out of if we don't close it for the good of all humanity.
Stacy Abrams can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence.
don't worry... she's got the capacity to fill any gap!
The illegitimate daughter of Leon Spinks
Ted Cruz had to grow a beard so people would stop saying they look alike.
You're gonna need a bigger oven. 🐓
Couldn't help but picture her with an apple in her mouth. Probably should be a pumpkin, really.
That’s why you cut the bird into pieces before you begin
You have to dig a pit. There are plenty of Georgia patriots with the skill set.
we won't find out if she's guilty or not, until after her trial verdict is read.
she is being deprived of her right to a speedy trial,
which is necessary for her to clear her own good name.
And they put that bitch on star trek lol, i hope all the new woke star trek is removed from history for all of eternity after this shit.
Star Wars lost the bidding war to cast her as the new Java the Hutt. They got greedy and refused to calculate the savings on daily makeup/costume savings into their bid🤷🏻♂️
Yep. ST: Discovery is the worst and wokest of all new ST shows and why I refuse to watch it. Thoroughly grateful that I made that choice during the first season...and missed this traitorous sow's appearance in the most recent season.
Star Trek is Qabballistic garbage, always has been.
These people are stupid was coined when this milk cow slipped out of the pasture and into politics. Goodbye Big-un.
These people are stupid? Seems to me they’ve been walking free as a bird after committing heinous crimes for many years. Smart F’n criminals top to bottom me thinks
Being protected by a criminal enterprise does not make that cow smart. It maker her a corrupt, ignorant slave to her master, handshake.
She who screams the loudest ...
The day this woman is arrested is the day we should create a new National Holiday.
How about arresting these people for starters.
"She was the one we should thank" said some Democrat.
You sure they didn't say "stank"? Seems much more fitting. No wait -' could've been "skank" or "tank" too
They don’t need to stank her, she already stank herself
And then some.
I would agree they used her then sacrifice her dumb ass.
Yep. They eat their own.
Yuck! None for me, thanks
Thy countenance shall show upon thy face.
Interesting way to spell 'arrested.'
I liked 2000 Mules but I wish they would have named all of the ballot harvesting centers and all the NPO that they found involved. They barely mentioned Abram's name..but that was about it. I was hoping they would spend a lot more time on WHO WAS ACTUALLY CONTROLLING THESE MULES.
Just like that court ruling that showed election fraud thru fingerprints..then the very next day all the mules were wearing gloves. What do you think these mules will do now that they KNOW they're being tracked? Probably leave the cell phones in their cars..or far away..or even at home. They'll just use Garmin GPS to find ballot boxes, etc.
If we don't get rid of these fraud boxes these criminals will just find another way around being tracked.
Stacy Abrams roasted... not even a cannibal would be enticed by that.
So when's the arrest? Oh wait...
two in the pink
She was like " Oh I love Box Stuffing, get me in on that. " no no Stacy this wasn't stove-top
It's a horizontal photo, and she still barely fits.
There ain't enough firewood and coal in the world to do that. And imagine the size of the grill...
There's always hell . . .
Bye Stacy!
Someone should photoshop her in prison orange jumpsuit.
There ain't that much orange fabric on this planet to enshroud that behemoth
Use to work for a WEF partner company. I remember they were pushing a corporate wide book club and the first book was Stacey Abrams. That is when I knew this company was not a place I was going to stay at.
This is what fat & fucked looks like!
There's a two-minute gap in the GPS tracking - between the walrus' tusks
THAT is why you never run a criminal enterprise out of your own home or office.
Always rent a small home for a few months, pay cash and register the name as " Phil Mahooters".
I hope this cunt rots in prison.
So its not just Pie this twat has been stuffing
If the Ballot fits must acquit!! Think 4 will fit between those Teeth!
that bitch isnt even black she’s a Somalian Muslim and hates America.
That's great but I believe she's just a pawn, who backed her up?
Look into who was behind getting those sports arenas for counting the vote. Obama.
Stacy will be roasted like you mean in a pit with hot stones covered in banana leaves? Yuck, who would eat that pig? All fat and no lean meat.
I remember saying (about 30 years ago), If you're a black woman and speak Spanish, you can write your own ticket. Apparently she's doing just that.
I SO want to see this woman behind bars for no less than 25 years!
If this means she wont be able to run I'll be more than happy.
Dems: 2000Mules movies are muh raaaacciissssssss! Reeeeeeeeeeee!