The dystopia she is describing, when implemented, would be nothing like what she is describing.
It is a return to serfdom.
Where you cannot build a future for yourself or your family because you cannot build anything.
Where you are utterly dependent on the landowners for your daily survival.
They can tell you do anything they want under threat of having no food, no shelter, no transportation. You have no property, they can take everything from you in seconds.
Even if all the shit worked exactly as described and the government were perfect little angels that always put the people first the society being described is fucking terrible. People using my living room for business meetings when I'm not there? How about no and fuck off. Rent my kitchen equipment and send it back when I'm done with it? What the fuck is this? I won't own a car because instead I can get some piss-filled piece of shit to pull up on command any time I want? Hmm, my own car that I can keep how I want in the condition I want it in or some lottery where I get a car with a literal dead guy in it because he fucking shot himself due to the shithole of a society he was living in. Real hard choice, that one is...
You don't even need an outside source to tell you why this shit is antithetical to what it is to be a Human. Anybody with a brain can tell this would be an absolute atrocity just by reading it. It just feels wrong reading the words.
People using my living room for business meetings when I'm not there? How about no and fuck off.
LOL yeah I'm with you on that.
OK just to be honest though. I think some people do get too many possessions and feel trapped by them. And I think that is where the attraction of Tiny Homes comes from. People dream of having nothing to guard or maintain.
For example, I just counted the number of gasoline engines I need to take care of. 10. And I'm just a random suburban person. A lawn, and three buildings to keep bug free, and deal with water leaks and rot. It seems to never end and as I get older it gets more and more difficult.
Fair enough. And yea there's definitely a yearning for freedom and a lack of ties or "chains" I guess you could say that comes with being Human but I'd also say there's a desire for something to call ours. Buying an expensive house and paying people to make it look good is one thing, but creating something yourself that's truly yours definitely has value I'd say. It doesn't need to be fancy or a lot, just something nice. Something that you made nice yourself and didn't just buy with money, most importantly.
I'd say the people there who don't have medical care, or say air conditioning and modern plumbing, are probably missing out on more life. When you live in the way uncontacted tribes would, your time is largely spent just trying to acquire enough food andn water to live, along with creating or managing any shelter you have. There's no time for reading a book, going to the park with the kids, taking a long morning coffee and brunch or having the weekends off. I suppose if you enjoy hunting it would be more tolerable, but when that's basically your whole life I'd expect it would get old.
As someone who has lived in a survival situation for an extended period of time, you are dead on. It is freeing, at first. After the initial bill free/financial free worry wears off, you spend every moment preparing for the next catastrophe. Water collection, water sterilization (you only make the mistake of drinking unclean water once), food gathering, building/repairing/improving your shelter, trying to catch food, gather any thing edible. There is a reason for people dying young in the primitive world. You are always one mistake or one accident away from sickness, injury, malnutrition or death. The romance wears off very quickly. Those yearning for less responsibility are able to achieve it with simple choice. Wishing for the whole world to burn to free you from materialistic burdens is extremely selfish. Simplify your life, if you are tired of it. I have paid off all revolving debt, including my house. It is extremely liberating and that hasn't worn off yet. Now I concentrate on things I want to do, instead of always doing what I have to. That burden alone is almost indescribable.
Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.
I'm unsure what you're meaning by needle share, maybe the risky behavior some IV addicts do where they share needles? There's controversial programs in some liberal cities where addicts can exchange needles for new, sterile one, or just get new ones.
I think it makes sense though. You often can't change an addicts mind about using, and if they do change then it's very often something that has to come from within themselves. Giving new needles helps reduce some harm in the long term by reducing transmission of diseases and not having more cases to take care of in the healthcare system. It keeps them healthy longer in case they're able to get help and get clean at least at some point. It gets them into regular contact with people who can help get them into addiction programs if they're willing. I think those are all very positive things when trying to address the drug problem and taking care of people too.
He seems to insinuating we are all retards and morons. So I say he's an idiot. I bet he won't have to work in this NWO either. Everything will come by fairy dust and drones.
Communism is totally going to work this time guys! The only reason it fails every time it is attempted is that it hasn't been implemented on a worldwide scale with all the mechanisms in place to control all the people all of the time. Doesn't it sound like an absolute dreamworld? I can hardly wait to have nothing to strive for! We can totally trust the people who have been secretly implementing these policies without our consent right? They only want what's best for us, I'm sure! We're too dumb to realize what's good for us.
I noticed the exact same thing too. 2 days after Trump won and yet they still published this; you're right, they must have been communicating that Trump wasn't going to stop their plans. What arrogance!
Writer assumes you are all tards who are easily amused and wonderous at mundane shit.
Seriously, and they have the gall to say "It makes perfect sense and reminds us of how our culture emerged out of a close relationship with nature".
When I read that I was simply thinking "ah yes, the cornerstones of western culture: riding my bike, drawing, and watering my plant. A truly magnificent representation of our culture".
Then they keep saying shit like "it makes perfect sense". Not telling you what you would think if this was your life but telling you what to think when they make it your life.
Funny how some things seem never seem to lose their excitement: walking, biking, cooking, drawing and growing plants.
Assuming she gets to keep her bike, doesn't have to fear the constant surveillance system watching her every move, and isn't working her at her state mandated serf job so fucking much that she even has time to draw. And how about we talk about the fact that this Big Brother sure as shit isn't going to just willy nilly let her grow anything useful, if they let her grow plants in the first place. Growing something that could possibly reduce some of her dependence on Big Brother? HAHAHAHA bullet for you, comrade!!!
This "person" is an absolute imbecile. She is one of the lab creations from Brave New World who was bred to consoom and never question.
I disagree with you with hating on the first part (the mundane, biking, cooking, and nature stuff), however I agree at hating about having no property, no car, privacy, and eating chemical mystery food.
It's something I need to do more often. I live rural so even just sticking to my property ... plenty of nature to soak in. Nice walk can be relaxing and feel good. Not sure about stretching that to "exciting" though
Enjoying the simple things in life is important, as is finding stuff meaningful to you to do during downtime or just in general during your day, but these things shouldn't be the highlight of your day and calling them "exciting" is a bit of a stretch. If these things are the upper limit of what you get up to day-to-day due to everything else being banned by the all-loving government then there's a problem.
It boggles my mind to see the sheer amount of people I am surrounded with who have read dystopian novels and book series and/or watched dystopian movies and tv shows but still can't make the damn connection that this is how it happens.
I try not to let it get me down, but some days are harder than others.
My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city. Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it. They live different kind of lives outside of the city. Some have formed little self-supplying communities. Others just stayed in the empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages.
Based on everything else described of how this society would work 19th century here I fucking come.
Probably better than riding a bike too. Look forward and pedal. Real exciting.
Horse on the other hand? Fun to learn something new and bond with an actual living creature, the horse is likely faster than biking and is faster than walking, plus you get a horse so it comes with companionship to boot!
Amid all the pablum of propaganda, a shining little kernel of actual truth:
I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.
Think? Dream?! RECORDED??
I'm genuinely surprised they didn't explain how it was actually all worth it to "keep us safe" or some nonsense. Maybe that's just a given for anyone dumb enough to get that far and still think they're describing a good society to live in.
The air is clean, the water is clean and nobody would dare to touch the protected areas of nature because they constitute such value to our well-being.
"This blog was written ahead of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils.
Ida Auken is a Young Global Leader and Member of the Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization of the World Economic Forum."
She's a Klaus foot soldier. Being promised eternal riches for ditching her fellow humans. Hopefully she won't be able to walk down the street with the rest of the scum she hangs with.
When You've Got Nothing, You've Got Nothing to Lose
The Globullies need to reduce us to desperate poverty and other demoralizing conditions that will make their Utopia seem a great relief. They've hoarded enough of the world's wealth to guarantee a minimized survival for the rest of us.
This bears a striking resemblance to the Eloi from HG Wells "The Time Machine " - vapid, simple and unconcerned with the large, important issues of life.
Ignoring for a minute the cannibalism of the Morlocks in Wells story, the writer fails to understand that a city such as described must be supported by a morlock class- a large, loud and deeply mechanized industrial base that builds, creates and maintains everything that the writer "rents" in her daily life.
I have spent a career in Machine Shops and Factories, and we are a long, long, long time from getting robots and computers to build everything. This is a pipe dream espoused by glitterati "thought leader" idiots who want Joe Public to believe them savants- they see a mechanized factory in action, and don't see the (often years of) development, design and tuning (and ongoing troubleshooting and maintenance) such a facility requires. An automated facility can eliminate the need for mind numbing, "move a to b" kind of human effort, but it requires a very savvy hands on crew of experta to get and keep it running. Industrial "robots" are (mostly) not intelligent at all, they often just run the same program of "a to b" over and over again.
The WEF likely provides this "glowing" future vision with the unmentioned caveat that hundreds of slave laborers support each of the chattering classes who own nothing-these laborers themselves likely being owned by shadowy government linked coalitions. Like the Wizard of Oz, the robot/ai manufacturing is the curtain, behind which lurks the same old feudal overlords regular folks have tried to throw off for time immemorial.
I'll own nothing? Come try. From my cold dead hands.
LOL, they even presented some damage control on Wikipedia:
Political career
Originally a member of the Socialist People's Party, she switched to the Social Liberal Party in 2014.[2]
In 2016, Auken wrote a piece for the World Economic Forum (WEF) titled "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better". In an update clarifying the intention behind the piece, she said** "Some people have read this blog as my utopia or dream of the future. It is not. It is a scenario showing where we could be heading - for better and for worse.** I wrote this piece to start a discussion about some of the pros and cons of the current technological development. When we are dealing with the future, it is not enough to work with reports. We should start discussions in many new ways. This is the intention with this piece."
In soviet union, newspapers published articles like this, how in the very near future the dream of communism becomes true for everybody, how you wont need to own anything, how everything is a service. They never cease to push their fucking diseased ideology.
It's gonna be a high of 107 here today. Supposed to be between 105-109 all week with heat indexes in the 110's.
You ain't riding shit to work in this kind of heat! Your soul certainly won't be dreaming of butterflies, rainbow sparkles and unicorn farts while your dumb ass is sweating buckets attempting this death wish.
It's so easy for a leftist from Denmark to suggest riding a bike to work when she's enjoying daytime temperatures in the high 50's to low 60's all week.
The dystopia she is describing, when implemented, would be nothing like what she is describing.
It is a return to serfdom.
Where you cannot build a future for yourself or your family because you cannot build anything.
Where you are utterly dependent on the landowners for your daily survival.
They can tell you do anything they want under threat of having no food, no shelter, no transportation. You have no property, they can take everything from you in seconds.
You mean an entity that can give you everything can also take it away?
Who knew
Even if all the shit worked exactly as described and the government were perfect little angels that always put the people first the society being described is fucking terrible. People using my living room for business meetings when I'm not there? How about no and fuck off. Rent my kitchen equipment and send it back when I'm done with it? What the fuck is this? I won't own a car because instead I can get some piss-filled piece of shit to pull up on command any time I want? Hmm, my own car that I can keep how I want in the condition I want it in or some lottery where I get a car with a literal dead guy in it because he fucking shot himself due to the shithole of a society he was living in. Real hard choice, that one is...
You don't even need an outside source to tell you why this shit is antithetical to what it is to be a Human. Anybody with a brain can tell this would be an absolute atrocity just by reading it. It just feels wrong reading the words.
LOL yeah I'm with you on that.
OK just to be honest though. I think some people do get too many possessions and feel trapped by them. And I think that is where the attraction of Tiny Homes comes from. People dream of having nothing to guard or maintain.
For example, I just counted the number of gasoline engines I need to take care of. 10. And I'm just a random suburban person. A lawn, and three buildings to keep bug free, and deal with water leaks and rot. It seems to never end and as I get older it gets more and more difficult.
Fair enough. And yea there's definitely a yearning for freedom and a lack of ties or "chains" I guess you could say that comes with being Human but I'd also say there's a desire for something to call ours. Buying an expensive house and paying people to make it look good is one thing, but creating something yourself that's truly yours definitely has value I'd say. It doesn't need to be fancy or a lot, just something nice. Something that you made nice yourself and didn't just buy with money, most importantly.
Some days I'm jealous of those "uncontacted" tribes we hear about.. We might have alot of "stuff" but who is the ones actually missing out on life?
I'd say the people there who don't have medical care, or say air conditioning and modern plumbing, are probably missing out on more life. When you live in the way uncontacted tribes would, your time is largely spent just trying to acquire enough food andn water to live, along with creating or managing any shelter you have. There's no time for reading a book, going to the park with the kids, taking a long morning coffee and brunch or having the weekends off. I suppose if you enjoy hunting it would be more tolerable, but when that's basically your whole life I'd expect it would get old.
As someone who has lived in a survival situation for an extended period of time, you are dead on. It is freeing, at first. After the initial bill free/financial free worry wears off, you spend every moment preparing for the next catastrophe. Water collection, water sterilization (you only make the mistake of drinking unclean water once), food gathering, building/repairing/improving your shelter, trying to catch food, gather any thing edible. There is a reason for people dying young in the primitive world. You are always one mistake or one accident away from sickness, injury, malnutrition or death. The romance wears off very quickly. Those yearning for less responsibility are able to achieve it with simple choice. Wishing for the whole world to burn to free you from materialistic burdens is extremely selfish. Simplify your life, if you are tired of it. I have paid off all revolving debt, including my house. It is extremely liberating and that hasn't worn off yet. Now I concentrate on things I want to do, instead of always doing what I have to. That burden alone is almost indescribable.
You wrong think, you're social credit gets turned off
Black Mirror is now reality.
Television/Movies are usually their way of showing people the shit they're up to
I read that the producers of black mirror discontinued the show because it was becoming too real out there.
And everyone will be happy.
They will be happy because they own everything, including you.
They can decide to rape your wife and sacrifice your children to Moloch, and you will be happy about it.
Because anyone who expresses unhappiness in any form will be immediately terminated.
That is their formula for universal happiness.
Ahh Utopia.
YOUR family?!?!
Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me.
I ride MY bike? Hard to do when you don't own a bike.
You use bikeshare and just leave it sitting on the sidewalk when done.
I'd take it to city hall and leave it there.
Remember, we already have Needleshare in many major leftist utopian hellhole cities! They've already started their vision of the future.
I'm unsure what you're meaning by needle share, maybe the risky behavior some IV addicts do where they share needles? There's controversial programs in some liberal cities where addicts can exchange needles for new, sterile one, or just get new ones.
I think it makes sense though. You often can't change an addicts mind about using, and if they do change then it's very often something that has to come from within themselves. Giving new needles helps reduce some harm in the long term by reducing transmission of diseases and not having more cases to take care of in the healthcare system. It keeps them healthy longer in case they're able to get help and get clean at least at some point. It gets them into regular contact with people who can help get them into addiction programs if they're willing. I think those are all very positive things when trying to address the drug problem and taking care of people too.
The ramblings of a TOTAL IDIOT
No. Pure evil, hidden behind the facade of naiveté. They know exactly what they're doing, what they're writing, and why they're writing it.
He seems to insinuating we are all retards and morons. So I say he's an idiot. I bet he won't have to work in this NWO either. Everything will come by fairy dust and drones.
In that sense, I suppose you're right. As Q says "these people are stupid". But they are also evil, very evil. So a little bit of both I guess.
Communism is totally going to work this time guys! The only reason it fails every time it is attempted is that it hasn't been implemented on a worldwide scale with all the mechanisms in place to control all the people all of the time. Doesn't it sound like an absolute dreamworld? I can hardly wait to have nothing to strive for! We can totally trust the people who have been secretly implementing these policies without our consent right? They only want what's best for us, I'm sure! We're too dumb to realize what's good for us.
Published just after the 2016 election. Announcing Trump will not stop their plans for world control.
I noticed the exact same thing too. 2 days after Trump won and yet they still published this; you're right, they must have been communicating that Trump wasn't going to stop their plans. What arrogance!
sticky reason: reminder of dystopian future we need to avoid.
Seriously, and they have the gall to say "It makes perfect sense and reminds us of how our culture emerged out of a close relationship with nature".
When I read that I was simply thinking "ah yes, the cornerstones of western culture: riding my bike, drawing, and watering my plant. A truly magnificent representation of our culture".
Then they keep saying shit like "it makes perfect sense". Not telling you what you would think if this was your life but telling you what to think when they make it your life.
Assuming she gets to keep her bike, doesn't have to fear the constant surveillance system watching her every move, and isn't working her at her state mandated serf job so fucking much that she even has time to draw. And how about we talk about the fact that this Big Brother sure as shit isn't going to just willy nilly let her grow anything useful, if they let her grow plants in the first place. Growing something that could possibly reduce some of her dependence on Big Brother? HAHAHAHA bullet for you, comrade!!!
This "person" is an absolute imbecile. She is one of the lab creations from Brave New World who was bred to consoom and never question.
I disagree with you with hating on the first part (the mundane, biking, cooking, and nature stuff), however I agree at hating about having no property, no car, privacy, and eating chemical mystery food.
It's something I need to do more often. I live rural so even just sticking to my property ... plenty of nature to soak in. Nice walk can be relaxing and feel good. Not sure about stretching that to "exciting" though
Okay, I can't let this slide--
That's called "not overdosing on dopamine and finding these boring because of it."
The rest of the comment is good.
Enjoying the simple things in life is important, as is finding stuff meaningful to you to do during downtime or just in general during your day, but these things shouldn't be the highlight of your day and calling them "exciting" is a bit of a stretch. If these things are the upper limit of what you get up to day-to-day due to everything else being banned by the all-loving government then there's a problem.
It boggles my mind to see the sheer amount of people I am surrounded with who have read dystopian novels and book series and/or watched dystopian movies and tv shows but still can't make the damn connection that this is how it happens.
I try not to let it get me down, but some days are harder than others.
Based on everything else described of how this society would work 19th century here I fucking come.
And I'm your shadow. Learning to ride a horse might be more exciting than her dreams of walking.
Probably better than riding a bike too. Look forward and pedal. Real exciting.
Horse on the other hand? Fun to learn something new and bond with an actual living creature, the horse is likely faster than biking and is faster than walking, plus you get a horse so it comes with companionship to boot!
Shit, I kind of want a horse now.
Amid all the pablum of propaganda, a shining little kernel of actual truth:
Think? Dream?! RECORDED??
I'm genuinely surprised they didn't explain how it was actually all worth it to "keep us safe" or some nonsense. Maybe that's just a given for anyone dumb enough to get that far and still think they're describing a good society to live in.
Life will be wonderful!
As long as you act and think how you are instructed to act and think.
Nobody except those that own everything.
And... your children will belong to the State, which will decide how the child is raised and beyond, cradle to grave.
[They] use to say it "takes a village" but this is what was intended all along
No. Stank. You.
Yea I would be picking off officials. I would not live like that and would try and take a few of those assholes with me.
Ida Auken, huh?
First time I've ever heard of her
"This blog was written ahead of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils.
Ida Auken is a Young Global Leader and Member of the Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization of the World Economic Forum."
She's a Klaus foot soldier. Being promised eternal riches for ditching her fellow humans. Hopefully she won't be able to walk down the street with the rest of the scum she hangs with.
When You've Got Nothing, You've Got Nothing to Lose
The Globullies need to reduce us to desperate poverty and other demoralizing conditions that will make their Utopia seem a great relief. They've hoarded enough of the world's wealth to guarantee a minimized survival for the rest of us.
This bears a striking resemblance to the Eloi from HG Wells "The Time Machine " - vapid, simple and unconcerned with the large, important issues of life.
Ignoring for a minute the cannibalism of the Morlocks in Wells story, the writer fails to understand that a city such as described must be supported by a morlock class- a large, loud and deeply mechanized industrial base that builds, creates and maintains everything that the writer "rents" in her daily life.
I have spent a career in Machine Shops and Factories, and we are a long, long, long time from getting robots and computers to build everything. This is a pipe dream espoused by glitterati "thought leader" idiots who want Joe Public to believe them savants- they see a mechanized factory in action, and don't see the (often years of) development, design and tuning (and ongoing troubleshooting and maintenance) such a facility requires. An automated facility can eliminate the need for mind numbing, "move a to b" kind of human effort, but it requires a very savvy hands on crew of experta to get and keep it running. Industrial "robots" are (mostly) not intelligent at all, they often just run the same program of "a to b" over and over again.
The WEF likely provides this "glowing" future vision with the unmentioned caveat that hundreds of slave laborers support each of the chattering classes who own nothing-these laborers themselves likely being owned by shadowy government linked coalitions. Like the Wizard of Oz, the robot/ai manufacturing is the curtain, behind which lurks the same old feudal overlords regular folks have tried to throw off for time immemorial.
I'll own nothing? Come try. From my cold dead hands.
LOL, they even presented some damage control on Wikipedia:
In soviet union, newspapers published articles like this, how in the very near future the dream of communism becomes true for everybody, how you wont need to own anything, how everything is a service. They never cease to push their fucking diseased ideology.
It's gonna be a high of 107 here today. Supposed to be between 105-109 all week with heat indexes in the 110's.
You ain't riding shit to work in this kind of heat! Your soul certainly won't be dreaming of butterflies, rainbow sparkles and unicorn farts while your dumb ass is sweating buckets attempting this death wish.
It's so easy for a leftist from Denmark to suggest riding a bike to work when she's enjoying daytime temperatures in the high 50's to low 60's all week.
Yeah I guess so. Smfh!
They can't own "deez nuts". cocks with intent
When I first mentioned the WEF 2030 plan 2 years ago, I was mocked as a conspiracy nut even though I would show the webpage stating the same.
“I ride MY bike.”
These idiots can’t even keep the story straight.
Shouldn’t it be I ride a bike????? Since he doesn’t OWN anything.
COVID is part of a global takeover orchestrated by the WEF.
They are going to make the French Revolution look peaceful.
It sounds like slavery with extra steps.
bullshit. you read the insane bullshit dream of those that hate us.
I've a suggestion to keep them all occupied
🎶learn to swim🎶🐸
Unless you are completely and utterly unplugged, you still have a modicum of privacy; until you walk out your front door.
but wait
isnt privacy the reason they think roe v wade should be enshrined
And I will joyfully enter the human reprocessing center, knowing that as I give my life up, other creatures will prosper from my rotting corpse.
Uh no thanks.
Geez is this satire? Cause it feels like it should be satire. 🤦♀️
Eff that. It's a hard no for me.