Bingo. Years ago I heard that vans loaded with guns:ammo show up in Chicago high crime area's. People there know it is the feds just dropping off supplies.
Sort of like how bricks show up at BLM:Antifa rallies. And how Warrent Buffet and Violate Rights Gates just happen to own ACME bricks. (No joke)
Schools in TX are a gun free zone and posted 30.07, unless you’re licensed to carry (different than Permitless carry) then anyone (faculty, parents, admin staff, etc) would be considered a Class A misdemeanor. If LTC, then it gets dropped to Class C misdemeanor. But, LTC individuals are not aloud to carry on school premises during active school activities, UNLESS with prior permission, like a security guard.
EDIT: Texas PC 46.03
Prohibited locations: Schools (amongst others as well)
So, yea, faculty couldn’t carry even if they wanted to
Not only can't I carry in a Texas school, I can't carry when I go to a school convention in Austin if I drive a school vehicle. Scary. It is a 5 hour drive one way without cell phone reception everywhere. My school has one security guard. Take him out and it would ne bad.
Texas does have the Guardian Program that allows faculty to carry if the choose to do so pending certain training requirements. Just wanted to throw that out there
Yup, I live near Uvalde and the schools in my town has armed faculty that go through regular training and evaluations. They have signs posted at all the schools making it known staff are armed and will use whatever force necessary to protect the kids. They also keep all the doors locked and have a camera system for anyone wanting to come in. They have to given permission to enter before someone will meet them at the door.
One strong possibility is that the Sussman trial is another sting operation to get the false flag operatives moving out of the woodwork so the plotters can be apprehended.
Moves and countermoves. Every move has a purpose, and an intended pressure towards a predicted countermove that can be mitigated.
Sun Tzu Art of War.
In other words: Learn to multitask in the 5th dimension.
I've been monitoring the MSN. 99% shooting coverage. To emphasize my point, for the first time EVER, Watters, Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham had ZERO commercials. That has never happened before.
This was planned and straight out of the playbook. "How do you control the narrative?"
The good news is that at least it wasn't a small NUKE which we all know is one of the arrows in their quiver.
Folks, this HAS TO STOP. Not the killing. Not the mass shootings. BUT THE WICKED PEOPLE ORCHESTRATING THIS FIASCO. It makes me feel sick, sad and at my wits end.
Do you have anything/ screenshots linking Armand to Buffalo? I didn’t find anything on that thread besides people just saying it. Not doubting btw I’m just curious to see.
I believe that is why the phrase was written into the Second Amendment. Any individual not capable of being a dependable part of a well regulated militia could reasonably be denied the right to bear arms. I know it's not a popular opinion, but that's the way I read it and it makes sense to me.
Most people want to chop off the first half of the amendment as if it never existed. But I believe it means mentally unstable people, enemies of the United States, violent criminals, those unlikely to follow orders or someone physically incapable of using a firearm correctly and effectively do not belong in a militia, and cannot be guaranteed the right.
You are not wrong on that front, fren. The second amendment IS about the militia. But guess what? WE THE PEOPLE are the militia. You won't find many stronger gun rights proponents than me. But the Second Amendment simply doesn't function as so many like to claim.
Take the horrendously awful Heller case for example. The second amendment has absolutely nothing to do with the right to self defense or the right to a firearm in the home for self defense purposes. Yet that is what the cucked court held. And so many are happy about that. But that reasoning is dead wrong, and potentially dangerous to keeping gun rights.
Most people have no idea that every single one of the 50 states in the union have a militia statute. Depending on the state, from 17 all the way to 65 years of age with the age limit depending upon prior military service, all able bodied "residents" are in the militia. Even non citizens are in the militia by statute. Federal statute is 18-45 with 65 if prior military service. Now this does not limit the militia; rather, it encompasses who for sure is subject to duty in it should the need arise. If it came down to such a need, any and all who would be capable can serve in the militia.
What the court should have held in Heller, instead of their bogus logic, is the exact same framework they use to enshrine other not specifically enumerated rights. Typically, these are involving state laws, so the 14th amendment due process clause and liberty are what enshrines the right. So for abortion, this is how they reasoned this out. The reason it fails for abortion is that society has never considered abortion to be some kind of fundamental right. Hence it was invented out of thin air. The 5th amendment due process clause functions virtually identical to the 14th amendment, but as applied to the federal government. Which the heller case was in DC not a state. It has always been widely accepted since the inception of the country that one has the right to self defense, the right to defend their person and family within their domicile, and the right to use a firearm to do so. Prior to the formation of the union, this was even reflected in the british common law that is the foundation of our legal system. It continues to this day.
The second amendment would essentially be a fallback provision here because you couldn't serve in the citizen militia without a firearm. You'd be useless. So it would be correct to state that the government could not prevent you from firearm ownership nor keeping one in the home based upon the second amendment. But no such right to self defense with a firearm is inherent in the second amendment. This faulty reasoning waters down the second amendment and enables further restrictions on firearms ownership. We should not accept this reasoning.
Only the people can authorize the government to make any restrictions on gun ownership on their behalf. It is ultimately the responsibility of the people to make decisions on who can be armed through the function of a militia.
You would think the militia would only allow those that have good gun control, can keep a cool head under pressure, and can take orders well. I was thinking of the militia sometime ago that showed up at an event and one of them shot themselves in the foot. They locked down the group and made them sit in the grass until they got their weapons under control. They were ceasing to be a well regulated militia. It was a great embarrassment for them.
...being necessary to the security of a free State...
It's well and good to say that only folks who are able to function in a militia should own a gun, but if the criteria for that is up to the government, then you'll lose out on the "free State" part.
That's disappointing. I've not held one, but they look/sound outstanding onsite. What was it about them that was a let down, and which one did you look at? I am genuinely curious because at some point I was seriously considering purchasing one of them. Thanks.
so, I am here in SA, 80 miles from Uvalde. A lot of stuff about this does not add up, but the biggest thing, to me, is that my friend on FB, typing IN ALL CAPS ABOUT THE BABIES AND OUR COUNTRY etc - her hubby is retired FBI.
How does the DS know what people, including young adults are on the edge and ready to commit a gun related atrocity? What are the chances of all these seemingly unrelated shootings occurring at the precise time Durham is uncovering damaging info about the DS and Dems? Or at the same time election fraud is happening in PA and elsewhere? Or the Hunter Biden laptop is exposing what really happened in Ukraine and with Chyna? Amazing how these coincidences keep happening over and over at just the right time to distract the news media hell bent on destroying the 2nd Amendment or distracting everyone from the Davos elites pursuing a plan for the west to allow the World Heath Organization total control over them? .Amazing, don't ya think??
Rifles are only 18 to purchase. Also, the 21 year requirement for rifles in one of the commie states that has that (california?) just got tossed by a judge. Handguns are the only universal 21 years of age requirement.
EO tech might be durable but the entire means of operating it are terrible compared to the holosun. No shake n auto shutoff. Pain in the ass to turn off and on. Agree wholeheartedly this would not be the optic of choice for a kid. Unless he played a bunch of call of duty or battlefield and somehow loved it...
I agree. There should be better background checks and waiting periods for guns. Maybe register them so we could trace where a gun In a crime came from and how one obtained it. 4,300 kids a year are killed by firearms in America. There's lots of talk about saving unborn babies, but seemingly no regard for protecting kids like these. No other country has such gun deaths amongst kids, and it shouldn't be continuing to happen over and over. Believe it or not, but the vast majority of teachers don't want to be responsible for security and carrying a gun. They're already expected to put down their lives for the kids. To be effective in such an adrenaline pumping situation one needs to train a lot. Teachers are already expected to work often overtime and pay for their own supplies, there aren't enough hours in the day for them to continually train firearms too when they should be focused on education aspects of school. And random kids not raised In a house with responsible gun ownership may try to cause problems and mischief, or a teacher will be negligent and a kids will still get hurt.
If anything we should be using our bloated and militaristic police budgets to protect schools and have members of law enforcement on site. Seems stupid we have the funds for multiple tanks for local police forces but can't even put 1-3 officers at a school to protect children as guns will continue to be easily obtainable by nearly anyone of age.
That was my first thought. How did he get body armor, an expensive rifle and rhe stupid idea. Find his therapist because theyvare probably suddenly missing
Media today, "gun violence, gun violence, gun violence, need more laws, ban all AK 84 a AR 26s," not one.... ONE SINGLE MENTION of the tyranny illegal that did the shooting. They're going to hide this as long as they can while vomiting shit about gun violence and how we need to take your guns away.
Personally it baffles my mind the no gun/ gun free zone and 0 or just one person protecting everyone. I feel like with what has happened in schools over the past 15-20 yrs we should have worked our way up to people in the front office and some teachers being trained, w/ license to carry. Even if you had 1 officer he cant be everywhere at once. This is a very sad time for our children!
Someone posted on another site in the comments, that this kid had 2 select fire AR-15s and paid $20K each. That would suggest they were pre-ban guns, but a DD AR, couldn't have been pre-86....and if one of the guns was a DD and it was select fire, then it would have been a dealer sample, and would have only been in the possession of an FFL with an 02-SOT, and they would have to have a law letter to acquire said dealer sample....or the FFL/SOT could have "Manufactured" it on their own, and the ATF/NFA would have approved it via a Form2. Something stinks here, and the timing is WAY too convenient for the left.
Making bank at 18 is not a common occurrence. Having an almost always sold out DD weapon that usually sells at quite a mark up if you can get one, isn't common. The kid was an 18 year old MtF trans.
A “radicalized ASSET” activated? We need a skilled researcher to deep dive. ALL these recent horrors seem not to be coincidence. As if some “source” is calling in the troops for some horrible diversionary tactics. My hunch is that all these are SOMEHOW related to George Soros and Killary Clinton.
Illegals get $2000 a month. Each. Ukraine gets $40 billion. Time to put armed security at every school in the nation, along with some military personnel. We surely have the money to protect our children.
Bingo. Years ago I heard that vans loaded with guns:ammo show up in Chicago high crime area's. People there know it is the feds just dropping off supplies.
Sort of like how bricks show up at BLM:Antifa rallies. And how Warrent Buffet and Violate Rights Gates just happen to own ACME bricks. (No joke)
And they arrest the outsiders that could rock the boat.
I feel like it is a joke, like youv got billions and choose to be that sinister like wiliy coyote to complete the troll for lulz
They did this in Ukraine and Kazahkstan recently as well
Now, now. We don't know that.
It could have been the FBI. Or the CIA.
Maybe the WHO or FDA.
DHS says hi.
DOE here to coordinate!
ACME provides the bricks. The gov goes to Bill; "Drop here and give me 200". ;)
Exactly. Help from a powerful billionaire scum would explain a lot.
Schools in TX are a gun free zone and posted 30.07, unless you’re licensed to carry (different than Permitless carry) then anyone (faculty, parents, admin staff, etc) would be considered a Class A misdemeanor. If LTC, then it gets dropped to Class C misdemeanor. But, LTC individuals are not aloud to carry on school premises during active school activities, UNLESS with prior permission, like a security guard.
EDIT: Texas PC 46.03 Prohibited locations: Schools (amongst others as well)
So, yea, faculty couldn’t carry even if they wanted to
Not only can't I carry in a Texas school, I can't carry when I go to a school convention in Austin if I drive a school vehicle. Scary. It is a 5 hour drive one way without cell phone reception everywhere. My school has one security guard. Take him out and it would ne bad.
Just carry anyway.
I take my firearm literally everywhere I go. Either on me, or in my bag. Nobody in the last 8 years of constant carry has anyone known.
Texas does have the Guardian Program that allows faculty to carry if the choose to do so pending certain training requirements. Just wanted to throw that out there
Yup, I live near Uvalde and the schools in my town has armed faculty that go through regular training and evaluations. They have signs posted at all the schools making it known staff are armed and will use whatever force necessary to protect the kids. They also keep all the doors locked and have a camera system for anyone wanting to come in. They have to given permission to enter before someone will meet them at the door.
-This- is the problem. 2A: No publically run or funded location ought to be a "gun free zone".
Can’t be labeled insane by a doctor if you don’t go to the doctor. The medical industry has lost all credibility anyway.
FOCUS! These events are meant only to distract. Pay extra attention to the Sussman trial….top FBI leadership is being exposed today.
Attention can be given to both.
One strong possibility is that the Sussman trial is another sting operation to get the false flag operatives moving out of the woodwork so the plotters can be apprehended.
Moves and countermoves. Every move has a purpose, and an intended pressure towards a predicted countermove that can be mitigated.
Sun Tzu Art of War.
In other words: Learn to multitask in the 5th dimension.
Why is there two exact same comments from two different accounts?
I saw it…. Someone was emphasizing what someone else said. And to answer their statement, we have the cognitive ability to focus on both as well
Swervish is Einhorn, Finkle is Iceman!
Finale is Einhorn - Even back then they were trying to do the programming of the transgender thing.
Yeah, it started out making fun of them. That's how they got their foot in the door, since no one would accept watching trannies otherwise.
I've been monitoring the MSN. 99% shooting coverage. To emphasize my point, for the first time EVER, Watters, Tucker, Hannity and Ingraham had ZERO commercials. That has never happened before.
This was planned and straight out of the playbook. "How do you control the narrative?"
The good news is that at least it wasn't a small NUKE which we all know is one of the arrows in their quiver.
Folks, this HAS TO STOP. Not the killing. Not the mass shootings. BUT THE WICKED PEOPLE ORCHESTRATING THIS FIASCO. It makes me feel sick, sad and at my wits end.
It's early, the trial hasn't started yet today, we have a few minutes to look at other things
The discord groomer by the name of Armand, who is connected to the Buffalo shooting is also connected to this guy. They are both 100% glowops.
Should have a bunch of anons forward this info to Paxton. Maybe he could put some resources into uncovering this shit.
There have been Congressional committees about this, everyone knows the FBI sets up mass shootings and terror plots
Nice dig fren
Nonetheless I still feel devastated for the family, the children, their friends, the children and faculty who had to witness such a horrific event
Do you have anything/ screenshots linking Armand to Buffalo? I didn’t find anything on that thread besides people just saying it. Not doubting btw I’m just curious to see.
A well regulated militia,...
I believe that is why the phrase was written into the Second Amendment. Any individual not capable of being a dependable part of a well regulated militia could reasonably be denied the right to bear arms. I know it's not a popular opinion, but that's the way I read it and it makes sense to me.
Most people want to chop off the first half of the amendment as if it never existed. But I believe it means mentally unstable people, enemies of the United States, violent criminals, those unlikely to follow orders or someone physically incapable of using a firearm correctly and effectively do not belong in a militia, and cannot be guaranteed the right.
You are not wrong on that front, fren. The second amendment IS about the militia. But guess what? WE THE PEOPLE are the militia. You won't find many stronger gun rights proponents than me. But the Second Amendment simply doesn't function as so many like to claim.
Take the horrendously awful Heller case for example. The second amendment has absolutely nothing to do with the right to self defense or the right to a firearm in the home for self defense purposes. Yet that is what the cucked court held. And so many are happy about that. But that reasoning is dead wrong, and potentially dangerous to keeping gun rights.
Most people have no idea that every single one of the 50 states in the union have a militia statute. Depending on the state, from 17 all the way to 65 years of age with the age limit depending upon prior military service, all able bodied "residents" are in the militia. Even non citizens are in the militia by statute. Federal statute is 18-45 with 65 if prior military service. Now this does not limit the militia; rather, it encompasses who for sure is subject to duty in it should the need arise. If it came down to such a need, any and all who would be capable can serve in the militia.
What the court should have held in Heller, instead of their bogus logic, is the exact same framework they use to enshrine other not specifically enumerated rights. Typically, these are involving state laws, so the 14th amendment due process clause and liberty are what enshrines the right. So for abortion, this is how they reasoned this out. The reason it fails for abortion is that society has never considered abortion to be some kind of fundamental right. Hence it was invented out of thin air. The 5th amendment due process clause functions virtually identical to the 14th amendment, but as applied to the federal government. Which the heller case was in DC not a state. It has always been widely accepted since the inception of the country that one has the right to self defense, the right to defend their person and family within their domicile, and the right to use a firearm to do so. Prior to the formation of the union, this was even reflected in the british common law that is the foundation of our legal system. It continues to this day.
The second amendment would essentially be a fallback provision here because you couldn't serve in the citizen militia without a firearm. You'd be useless. So it would be correct to state that the government could not prevent you from firearm ownership nor keeping one in the home based upon the second amendment. But no such right to self defense with a firearm is inherent in the second amendment. This faulty reasoning waters down the second amendment and enables further restrictions on firearms ownership. We should not accept this reasoning.
Only the people can authorize the government to make any restrictions on gun ownership on their behalf. It is ultimately the responsibility of the people to make decisions on who can be armed through the function of a militia.
You would think the militia would only allow those that have good gun control, can keep a cool head under pressure, and can take orders well. I was thinking of the militia sometime ago that showed up at an event and one of them shot themselves in the foot. They locked down the group and made them sit in the grass until they got their weapons under control. They were ceasing to be a well regulated militia. It was a great embarrassment for them.
That's BS, yes the state can form militia to defend it's sovereignty and protect it citizenry...
But the ultimate sovereignty lies in the individual / the people...
The federal government can prohibit neither the state nor the individual from the right to keep and bear arms, as clearly articulate in the 2nd.
No litmus tests, no exceptions, no secret handshakes, no special memberships.
Every gun control law after that ink had dried is:
I'm 100% with you there. The people have the responsibility to make sure the militia is properly trained, is made regular, and is well-armed.
Where we go astray is to stupidly leave that responsibility to the government.
"government", the everlasting spring of woe.
Keep your powder dry fren
You missed the ligma clause
...being necessary to the security of a free State...
It's well and good to say that only folks who are able to function in a militia should own a gun, but if the criteria for that is up to the government, then you'll lose out on the "free State" part.
Good God Almighty... you've been at this for FOUR FUCKING DAYS?
Daniel Defense oh my dream.
Also, check out the Patriot Ordinance Factory (POF) stuff, They've got smmmff gwrfg, sorry, gotta go. Gotta clean up a major drool puddle.
I wasn’t as impressed with POF as I wanted to be
That's disappointing. I've not held one, but they look/sound outstanding onsite. What was it about them that was a let down, and which one did you look at? I am genuinely curious because at some point I was seriously considering purchasing one of them. Thanks.
POF P415 Edge.
It was just underwhelming from a materials perspective. It just seemed cheap and unfinished
Others will disagree and that’s okay.
I think it’s overpriced
Thanks for the intel. Stay frosty, watch your 6.
Anyone tried to walk into a public school in the last 5yrs?...
FOCUS! These events are meant only to distract. Pay extra attention to the Sussman trial….top FBI leadership is being exposed today.
Say it AGAIN
so, I am here in SA, 80 miles from Uvalde. A lot of stuff about this does not add up, but the biggest thing, to me, is that my friend on FB, typing IN ALL CAPS ABOUT THE BABIES AND OUR COUNTRY etc - her hubby is retired FBI.
they were givin to him
most certainly one of the alphabet agencies were behind this.....
Biden bucks
How does the DS know what people, including young adults are on the edge and ready to commit a gun related atrocity? What are the chances of all these seemingly unrelated shootings occurring at the precise time Durham is uncovering damaging info about the DS and Dems? Or at the same time election fraud is happening in PA and elsewhere? Or the Hunter Biden laptop is exposing what really happened in Ukraine and with Chyna? Amazing how these coincidences keep happening over and over at just the right time to distract the news media hell bent on destroying the 2nd Amendment or distracting everyone from the Davos elites pursuing a plan for the west to allow the World Heath Organization total control over them? .Amazing, don't ya think??
Rifles are only 18 to purchase. Also, the 21 year requirement for rifles in one of the commie states that has that (california?) just got tossed by a judge. Handguns are the only universal 21 years of age requirement.
EO tech might be durable but the entire means of operating it are terrible compared to the holosun. No shake n auto shutoff. Pain in the ass to turn off and on. Agree wholeheartedly this would not be the optic of choice for a kid. Unless he played a bunch of call of duty or battlefield and somehow loved it...
Does cost matter to someone planning this? Not like they have to figure out how to pay it back.
Then again, does it matter the kind of rifle at all as long as it's a rifle that can do the planning?
Doubt either actually enter into the mind of the mental.
The Vegas shooter used a Daniel defense AR too
Didn't Texas recently pull out of the National School board because they worked with the Whitehouse to investigate vocal parents as terrorists?
Breitbart Article
Faux News Article
Daily Caller Article
Really need to track info on where these guns came from.
I agree. There should be better background checks and waiting periods for guns. Maybe register them so we could trace where a gun In a crime came from and how one obtained it. 4,300 kids a year are killed by firearms in America. There's lots of talk about saving unborn babies, but seemingly no regard for protecting kids like these. No other country has such gun deaths amongst kids, and it shouldn't be continuing to happen over and over. Believe it or not, but the vast majority of teachers don't want to be responsible for security and carrying a gun. They're already expected to put down their lives for the kids. To be effective in such an adrenaline pumping situation one needs to train a lot. Teachers are already expected to work often overtime and pay for their own supplies, there aren't enough hours in the day for them to continually train firearms too when they should be focused on education aspects of school. And random kids not raised In a house with responsible gun ownership may try to cause problems and mischief, or a teacher will be negligent and a kids will still get hurt.
If anything we should be using our bloated and militaristic police budgets to protect schools and have members of law enforcement on site. Seems stupid we have the funds for multiple tanks for local police forces but can't even put 1-3 officers at a school to protect children as guns will continue to be easily obtainable by nearly anyone of age.
You’re lost dude
Garland, TX and the FBI
Look it up
Here's what I don't get, where's the security?
After decades of school shootings shouldn't schools have armed security?
And metal detectors and locking doors and all those school shooter drills and guidance counselors that are supposed to prevent this….
Not to mention literally every single thing we say and do online is monitored by our own government….
He found it in the back of a pickup,parked in front of his house for three days,I bet.
That was my first thought. How did he get body armor, an expensive rifle and rhe stupid idea. Find his therapist because theyvare probably suddenly missing
His therapists were groomers on Discord
Media today, "gun violence, gun violence, gun violence, need more laws, ban all AK 84 a AR 26s," not one.... ONE SINGLE MENTION of the tyranny illegal that did the shooting. They're going to hide this as long as they can while vomiting shit about gun violence and how we need to take your guns away.
Let's not forget he had two ARs with at least one eotech (~750 USD) and body armor.
I thought something seemed screwed up about this whole thing.
I will not believe this until I see an 18 page manifest.
I might give you a run for the money as the most based Slav on the board......
Personally it baffles my mind the no gun/ gun free zone and 0 or just one person protecting everyone. I feel like with what has happened in schools over the past 15-20 yrs we should have worked our way up to people in the front office and some teachers being trained, w/ license to carry. Even if you had 1 officer he cant be everywhere at once. This is a very sad time for our children!
Someone posted on another site in the comments, that this kid had 2 select fire AR-15s and paid $20K each. That would suggest they were pre-ban guns, but a DD AR, couldn't have been pre-86....and if one of the guns was a DD and it was select fire, then it would have been a dealer sample, and would have only been in the possession of an FFL with an 02-SOT, and they would have to have a law letter to acquire said dealer sample....or the FFL/SOT could have "Manufactured" it on their own, and the ATF/NFA would have approved it via a Form2. Something stinks here, and the timing is WAY too convenient for the left.
They buy it just like you would? I was making bank at 18. I bought many of my rifles then. What makes you think it’s unreasonable?
Making bank at 18 is not a common occurrence. Having an almost always sold out DD weapon that usually sells at quite a mark up if you can get one, isn't common. The kid was an 18 year old MtF trans.
An interview with a classmate seemed to indicate the shooter was a high school dropout. Maybe he spent time working.
TELEFON - MK Ultra - gun grab FF. The government will kill innocents to get our guns.....wake the fuck up people
Darn white hispanic male commits another mass murder.
ask his "therapist"
You mean his discord groomer?
A “radicalized ASSET” activated? We need a skilled researcher to deep dive. ALL these recent horrors seem not to be coincidence. As if some “source” is calling in the troops for some horrible diversionary tactics. My hunch is that all these are SOMEHOW related to George Soros and Killary Clinton.
Pretty price scope it looks like too
Illegals get $2000 a month. Each. Ukraine gets $40 billion. Time to put armed security at every school in the nation, along with some military personnel. We surely have the money to protect our children.