Deaths & Guns vs Rapes & Dicks
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We will never give up our guns because Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain are prime examples of what happens when you do.
Sad thing is, most aussies, kiwis, and brits have forgotten what has happened over the last 2.5 years, and still don't see the need for guns.
Even if they realise that - there is no come back. No one is going to give them guns back if they start asking for it. They will hear: "Some fringe minority asking for gun rights". They won't get it. There needs to be real Great Awakening and complete govt replacement before serious conversation even becomes possible.
Its only getting worse, claiming talent health assessments etc need to occur due to 'covid'.
They should just vote back in their gun rights at the ballot box. Hahaha, sorry, I couldn't help myself from laughing, but seriously, they should vote back their rights...hahaha, sorry, I can't stop laughing at the idea that they or we can vote back anything anymore with these globalists controlling our elections.
You make a great point and by the time the idiots who beg for them to be taken away realize their mistake, we would all be doomed.
They'll change their tune quick after the chinese invade
how is having guns working out for you guys right now? didn't stop the election being rigged and a fake president installed
But it DID stop forced internment camps, vax arrests, and other state sanctioned fuckery.... didn't it?
Stay in your lane, mate.
Hehe, we didn't have those either, without guns.
I'm pro gun btw, I'd have a lot if I was allowed.
Chill :)
Casual talk: Thought you were from Australia, because Aussies did (have those things). Sounded at first like another trying to justify not having guns again.
So where you from then? Wait, maybe England, yeh?
Guns don’t immediately fix all criminal behavior. Guns are tools. I’ve got a feeling they’re gonna come in pretty handy once the guilty parties regarding the election are outed via the judicial process.
Should we just disarm ourselves because someone committed a crime that wasn’t stopped on the spot?
“Oh well, guns didn’t prevent the crime, so let’s just throw them away”
Not saying you should disarm, I'm saying you should use those guns for the thing the 2nd amendment was designed for!
You are still to scared to break in my home aren't you ? Bitch.
Hah, yeah. We weren't talking about that however.
Fuck them. I wouldn’t give up my guns because I never have too. I don’t need another humans permission to defend myself, and a piece of paper with words on it will never change my mind.
How many deaths would have to occur by abortion for you as a pro choice voter to change your stance and give up abortion?
How many deaths by fentanyl have to occurr until democrats are giving up the open southern border?
This time Sir, your username absolutely checks out! :D :D :D
LOLz for the post and LOLz for the comment.
I have the Beavis version with the “Are you threatening me?” on top. I fly it proudly with old glory
Here’s an eBay store link. I see there are t shirts of this as well. I’ll have to get that next.
Welcome fren
Too late. That dude is a dickless wonder.
He once thought he had a pubic hair… till he pissed outta it…
How many deaths? Just one, mine.
Pecker jokes from the Penis man
That's probably the best response to this stupid question that I have ever seen.
"How many deaths would have to occur by gun for you as a gun owner to change your stance and give up your gun?" Until I'm the last one standing!
How many rapes have to occur before you start deporting illegal immigrants?
They can't stack a pile of bodies high enough for me to give up my guns. In fact, the stack existence is making me hold tighter, for fear of being part of the pile.
Every death that comes at the hands of someone else's gun solidifies and magnifies my belief that I need my own. ...and more of them.
As long as there are pedos, we will have our guns.
I would vote for a law that states that each person needs to keep enough bullets to be able to shoot each pedophile in the dick/vagina at least once.
Kek.. and even funnier with op's name
Oh that's good.
Fucking rekt
Hehe top kek
Mic drop!!👏🏻
Don't be shy, Mike, say what you think.
I think that question is directed to the wrong person. Odds are he's already cut off his dick. But the point still stands.
This is a "How many breads have you eaten in your life?" response.
Amirite, Jojo fans?
We need more guns (not less guns). We need less gun free zones - that's where all the killings take place.
Oh, FFS! Don't give them ideas!
Why not? Suits our long term goals if they do it to themselves.
Gotta think long game.
…and both think they’re actually really good at controlling these. Sound like tribal Afghanis.
Careful now. This is 2022, he might just cut his dick off and declare himself a woman.
This! Winning! Wait, I just reread the last word. I thought you put winner. Ok, half winning.
A: Everyone.
Rights aren't negotiable.
Poor argument. Anyone posting about taking away guns from lawful citizens obviously doesn’t have a dick worth chopping off.
How many politicians are in Washington?
Be careful, you're giving Them ideas.
I don’t know that this argument will work on these people.
“Now that you mention it . . . “
Don’t give them any ideas.
Exactly. Thank you.