What percentage of their total 22m population is of age and registered to vote? Roughly 7,500,000 turnout doesn't seem realistic, and certainly not that much support for some degenerate demoncrat
I’ve seen with my eyes and heard with my ears that he’s a smooth talking politician. Sure he’s giving us a few benefits, but let’s wait until evil offers him a better deal and see how he acts. Edit: controversial, though I’m glad there are still some people who don’t trust him.
You don't go for checkmate until you're in position. Trust but verify. I trust no politician until after their term is done and they've done no harm. We all know power corrupts and whatnot.
Politicians are never to be trusted. Measured by their deeds alone. Don't give those frats too much power - people are more than just guilt by association.
I was very angry that he choose to protect the corrupt hospital administrators and shield them from liability. If you keep protecting the corrupt they never suffer the consequences of their actions and keep pushing the corruption on the people.
verry few in government that I trust. I trust Admiral Rogers and Michael Flynn. They are trusted because they got tested as to where their ethical compas points. Here is some sacrilege/ while I support Trump, I do not trust him because unlike admiral rogers and General Flyn he Trump has not passed this sort of life's test. This does not mean trump is a bad president. Trump has not been tested in a way where I know he would sacrifice himself on principles. 99 percent of those in government will fail the test or not ever have that test given.
Jersey was stolen by Muephy, they kept finding ballots miraculously until he had enough while everyone was celebrating Virginia's Youngkin victory
Murphy's opponent, Jack Ciattarelli bowed to Murphy and hasn't been heard from since. I believe he was a sock puppet, all the advertisements of him I saw were just a clip of Murphy saying "If you don't like high taxes, Jersey may not be for you."
Didn't question or contest the results and he all but disappeared from the public eye. He had to have been a controlled opp sock puppet. Didn't run any ads on how 1/3 of small businesses had to close due to the lockdowns or ANYTHING except that Murphy taxes quote.
Jersey is crucial because the port in Elizabeth/Newark is a MAJOR fucking port, likely tons of child trafficking there and with the lockdowns and social distancing so many fewer eyes to be on the lookout.
Jersey had always been corrupt. How pedophile Bob Menendez keeps getting elected senator, or Corey fucking Booker the little cum garglingg runt keeps getting elected.
At least we have that truck driver low budget congressman who took a sear as an R, something is better than nothing I guess.
Rant away, that’s how I feel about Ivey “winning” again. Someone here told me that Blanchard is suing Alabama because of the voting machines.
She keeps bringing up a toll bridge on I-10, do you know how many people/trucks travel along I-10? So not just tolling the bridge but building a ridiculously expensive bridge and then toll it, something like $6 each way. Tons of people who live in one county but work in another who gets paid minimum wage travel that bridge at least twice a day, can’t afford a toll. And if we get a toll on the bridge then it will cost even more for everything that truckers hall, which is everything!
Then she bought land for prisons that we already had land for. Blamed unvaxxed for any surge in c-19 for not getting the vaxx. Kept masks on kids, etc etc.
Thank you guitar bro. What do you play on if you don't mind me asking?
I have a few but could never stick to playing, longest and best that I did was in high school on an Ibanez rg321 that I beat to hell and back, and still own.
I also own an Ibanez R921 in cherry red just like this one:
I'm better at vocals than I am at guitar, not good, but better. Taking lessons to improve, I have a wide range but my timing is off when I try to sing to tracks, which I have to work in. I can sing along fine when the song is playing because I have a quick reaction time to the vocals in a song, or do it acapela, but this I feel like I may actually stick with.
I like a few different guitar types that I like. HH based Strat shapes (Jackson, Ibanez, Fender) as well as Tele's and slim Gibsons. Every singing player is either a singer first, player second, or player first, singer second. It's all good.
I actually think meemaw may have won fair. They for sure stole the judge Moore election against Doug Jones but meemaw as much as I dislike her gets some votes from both sides of the aisle and unfortunately even some of my less based Maga friends still like meemaw and even mo brooks. A lot of conservatives here dont get it yet and none of her competition was particularly strong...she will probably croak in office or get arrested in some sting...pretty sure she was behind the Luther strange gov Bentley ordeal even if no one liked them.
My argument for a long time. Statistically almost 0 races no matter what level of government should be within 5% EVER. It should be super rare. I remember vaguely thinking even a decade ago it was odd that races always came out so close when there are 70 million people. I would think 60/40 70/30 etc would be the norm for almost any election even with massive brainwashed libtards
Moving to Florida 15 years ago was the best decision I've made thus far in adult life. I'll never leave.....damn I love me some Florida! Sitting in the airport in st.louis currently. Can't wait to be back home tonight. The last week in California was pure shit. 80% of the people still wear masks....lol. fucking morons.
Just bought a condo in Delray. I know, probably overpaying. But I don’t think Florida will ever go back to the day of $60,000 condos. It was undervalued for a long time. Anyway, we found a good deal for the times, it appraised higher than the price, and we want to get out of the northeast winters. So we’re happy. Plus, I came into a bit of money and I wanted to put it in a hard asset rather than keep it in the bank. Also, the hubster has to be in an income tax free state. So, Florida here we come.
I thought we were screwed. People forget that Broward County was being used again to run the totals up. The DNC sent in some bigwig lawyer down there who was hootin and hollerin and suddenly he just up and disappeared. DeSantis was then declared the winner.
Looking back on it, the white hats did something to get the DNC to roll over. Both sides needed FL but the white hats got it.
Florida was growing to fast for me, moved north of her in 95. I saw her struggles on the horizon. DeSantis was a pleasant surprise, and definitely a step in the right direction. But it's hard to deny the strangleholds the idiot libtards have in certain areas.
100% agree. It’s being made worse with the great liberal migration. They destroy their own states and then jump ship. I fear for the future of Florida.
Thank God we didn’t have Dick Scott for the kick off to Agenda 21.
I hung my hat in North of Tampa, West of Gainesville and north of Lakeland, seems like every time I'd find a quiet little place in the country, a hop and a skip into the city, I'd blink my eyes and neighbors sprang up all around me.
There are days I miss the Shine, but in central Bama I can make it to the coast in a few hours. The winter months gives me a excuse to visit family and friends still in central Shine.
True this. Love alabama and I'm north which is seeing a huge influx (just got back from neighborhood party and it is SHOCKING how many people have moved from out of town) but i can still get to beach in 5.5 hours. Pensacola/panhandle is one of the only areas of Florida I would live and I have spent a lot of time around the state. Bama is pretty damn based and we have hard-core blue collar and vets EVERYWHERE even with the influx of new people
I imagine your referencing huntsville. So much government money being injected into it's economy, she is in her own little bubble.
Before the scamdemic she was growing at 30% year over year. With so much money and power, it's a prize for all three sides the rats, the rinos and the people.
That's sad, I worked the oil patch all up and down that gulf coast from the late 70s and lived in Texas from early 80s to 91.
When the market got flooded with cheap mexican oil in early 80s I transferred to the international office out of Houston.
Houston had it's crazy side of town, but for the most part was conservative. Of course she was growing exponentially, and with so much money and power in play, the dark forces were hard at work to gain control.
Texas is kinda like a first love for me, as a young adult I left the swamps of south Louisiana and landed in the Lone Star. Working 28 and 28 gave me a lot of time to explore her, discover her secrets, and bask in her beauty.
It hurts my heart to hear about all the stupid shit that's going on now in Texas. Makes me wonder, where the hell are all those crusty cowboys I use to work with?
I hope you find your slice of sanctuary, but I'm afraid we're all headed to the Alamo.
Funny story but true, when Obutthead was elected, there were a group of people here in bama that were going to pool their resources and escape to the promise land of New Zealand.
Boy they got fucked.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion, there'll be peace for none, until we dispose of this demon at our door.
That's the difference from being masked and locked down 24/7. DeSantis came down hard on the Covid Testing firm that screamed that Florida was testing @ 98% positives, Gillum would have used that opportunity to shut the state down but DeSantis investigated fully and discovered it was a typo and should have read 9.8%, yeah we dismantled a nuclear bomb named Gillum and sent his gay ass back to the bath house with his homies.
...and...if you believe those vote totals, I have a bridge I'd like to sell...
What percentage of their total 22m population is of age and registered to vote? Roughly 7,500,000 turnout doesn't seem realistic, and certainly not that much support for some degenerate demoncrat
I’ve heard that DeSantis was installed by the military in 2018, anyone else hear that??
I'm a floridian, I like him as my governor, but if he runs for pres, he's got to get out of Aipacs pocket.
I’ve seen with my eyes and heard with my ears that he’s a smooth talking politician. Sure he’s giving us a few benefits, but let’s wait until evil offers him a better deal and see how he acts. Edit: controversial, though I’m glad there are still some people who don’t trust him.
If evil could offer him a better deal, they would've done it by now.
No doubt they already have. From what I've seen, he didn't accept.
You don't go for checkmate until you're in position. Trust but verify. I trust no politician until after their term is done and they've done no harm. We all know power corrupts and whatnot.
Zero logic beyond that and 100% feelings, can we assume?
Well? Have they?
Politicians are never to be trusted. Measured by their deeds alone. Don't give those frats too much power - people are more than just guilt by association.
That Overton window shift is not about Desantis
I was very angry that he choose to protect the corrupt hospital administrators and shield them from liability. If you keep protecting the corrupt they never suffer the consequences of their actions and keep pushing the corruption on the people.
verry few in government that I trust. I trust Admiral Rogers and Michael Flynn. They are trusted because they got tested as to where their ethical compas points. Here is some sacrilege/ while I support Trump, I do not trust him because unlike admiral rogers and General Flyn he Trump has not passed this sort of life's test. This does not mean trump is a bad president. Trump has not been tested in a way where I know he would sacrifice himself on principles. 99 percent of those in government will fail the test or not ever have that test given.
He is ex military.
Just like when all the fake news were saying Hillary had a 95% chance of.being president 🤣
Thank you. NO WAY those are real totals. DeSantis is hugely popular there is no way this disease cell would even come close to his numbers.
These are rigged.
The one from a few posts back?
Yeah they stole our governor race here in Bama, they stole it for Memaw Ivey, no way she could have won unless they cheated.
Jersey was stolen by Muephy, they kept finding ballots miraculously until he had enough while everyone was celebrating Virginia's Youngkin victory
Murphy's opponent, Jack Ciattarelli bowed to Murphy and hasn't been heard from since. I believe he was a sock puppet, all the advertisements of him I saw were just a clip of Murphy saying "If you don't like high taxes, Jersey may not be for you."
Didn't question or contest the results and he all but disappeared from the public eye. He had to have been a controlled opp sock puppet. Didn't run any ads on how 1/3 of small businesses had to close due to the lockdowns or ANYTHING except that Murphy taxes quote.
Jersey is crucial because the port in Elizabeth/Newark is a MAJOR fucking port, likely tons of child trafficking there and with the lockdowns and social distancing so many fewer eyes to be on the lookout.
Jersey had always been corrupt. How pedophile Bob Menendez keeps getting elected senator, or Corey fucking Booker the little cum garglingg runt keeps getting elected.
At least we have that truck driver low budget congressman who took a sear as an R, something is better than nothing I guess.
Edit: sorry I got worked up mid rant.
Rant away, that’s how I feel about Ivey “winning” again. Someone here told me that Blanchard is suing Alabama because of the voting machines.
She keeps bringing up a toll bridge on I-10, do you know how many people/trucks travel along I-10? So not just tolling the bridge but building a ridiculously expensive bridge and then toll it, something like $6 each way. Tons of people who live in one county but work in another who gets paid minimum wage travel that bridge at least twice a day, can’t afford a toll. And if we get a toll on the bridge then it will cost even more for everything that truckers hall, which is everything!
Then she bought land for prisons that we already had land for. Blamed unvaxxed for any surge in c-19 for not getting the vaxx. Kept masks on kids, etc etc.
Evil bitch with an ugly name
Maybe we should call her Poison Ivey instead of Memaw Ivey.
No apologies necessary. You are patriot-locked into your state and want to see it made true.
Thank you guitar bro. What do you play on if you don't mind me asking?
I have a few but could never stick to playing, longest and best that I did was in high school on an Ibanez rg321 that I beat to hell and back, and still own.
I also own an Ibanez R921 in cherry red just like this one:
I'm better at vocals than I am at guitar, not good, but better. Taking lessons to improve, I have a wide range but my timing is off when I try to sing to tracks, which I have to work in. I can sing along fine when the song is playing because I have a quick reaction time to the vocals in a song, or do it acapela, but this I feel like I may actually stick with.
I like a few different guitar types that I like. HH based Strat shapes (Jackson, Ibanez, Fender) as well as Tele's and slim Gibsons. Every singing player is either a singer first, player second, or player first, singer second. It's all good.
I actually think meemaw may have won fair. They for sure stole the judge Moore election against Doug Jones but meemaw as much as I dislike her gets some votes from both sides of the aisle and unfortunately even some of my less based Maga friends still like meemaw and even mo brooks. A lot of conservatives here dont get it yet and none of her competition was particularly strong...she will probably croak in office or get arrested in some sting...pretty sure she was behind the Luther strange gov Bentley ordeal even if no one liked them.
It was a nail biter election. Gillum was presented to Florida voters as a Obama like politician with all the flare of an anointed one.
Little did we know we had 3 mule rings operating drop boxes in Florida. One mule ring was in deep red Brevard, home of the Space center.
For fucking fucks sake the total can’t possibly get that close!!! Fuck this shit.
My argument for a long time. Statistically almost 0 races no matter what level of government should be within 5% EVER. It should be super rare. I remember vaguely thinking even a decade ago it was odd that races always came out so close when there are 70 million people. I would think 60/40 70/30 etc would be the norm for almost any election even with massive brainwashed libtards
I hope they realize if they don’t fix the underlying problems someday the fraud will win: refer to 2020.
imagine how much woke shit is STILL happening in FL,it would have been a complete cesspool with that commie faggola running it ......
Fucking faggots.
While I suspect most transplants are likely the based NY,NJ types finally having enough, FL got waves of people from all over so who knows.
Yeah and then voting the same way.
I live in the cape. That drag show shit has been going on for like a year. Idk how it even survives.
I have been trying to warn people those tranny shows are going to turn out very bad when a patriotic dad shows up
This seems to be a recurring trend... Was it pencil-neck schiff who had something similar
Ed Buck was probably masturbating in the background.
Moving to Florida 15 years ago was the best decision I've made thus far in adult life. I'll never leave.....damn I love me some Florida! Sitting in the airport in st.louis currently. Can't wait to be back home tonight. The last week in California was pure shit. 80% of the people still wear masks....lol. fucking morons.
Just bought a condo in Delray. I know, probably overpaying. But I don’t think Florida will ever go back to the day of $60,000 condos. It was undervalued for a long time. Anyway, we found a good deal for the times, it appraised higher than the price, and we want to get out of the northeast winters. So we’re happy. Plus, I came into a bit of money and I wanted to put it in a hard asset rather than keep it in the bank. Also, the hubster has to be in an income tax free state. So, Florida here we come.
Maybe have an audit and see what the real total is
I thought we were screwed. People forget that Broward County was being used again to run the totals up. The DNC sent in some bigwig lawyer down there who was hootin and hollerin and suddenly he just up and disappeared. DeSantis was then declared the winner.
Looking back on it, the white hats did something to get the DNC to roll over. Both sides needed FL but the white hats got it.
Yeah. Gillum screwed Tallahassee and almost got to screw the whole state.
Only 95% in ... they've got another 15% yet to count. He'll be out-voted in three weeks.
Not possible.
Geez, don’t scare me with posts like that.
Like Killary, he just didn’t cheat enough.
hOnEsT eLeCtIoNs!!
tRUst tHe syTeM.
No freaking way those numbers are legit. Audit should be demanded!
Gillum is a crack head gay dude into orgies but is married with kids. He is the typical Democrat.
86,453 to be exact.
Florida is a strange place, she fights for her soul.
We’re not shaped like a handgun for no reason.
There will come a day when we all need them.
Florida was growing to fast for me, moved north of her in 95. I saw her struggles on the horizon. DeSantis was a pleasant surprise, and definitely a step in the right direction. But it's hard to deny the strangleholds the idiot libtards have in certain areas.
Keep your powder dry Sunshine.
100% agree. It’s being made worse with the great liberal migration. They destroy their own states and then jump ship. I fear for the future of Florida.
Thank God we didn’t have Dick Scott for the kick off to Agenda 21.
I hung my hat in North of Tampa, West of Gainesville and north of Lakeland, seems like every time I'd find a quiet little place in the country, a hop and a skip into the city, I'd blink my eyes and neighbors sprang up all around me.
There are days I miss the Shine, but in central Bama I can make it to the coast in a few hours. The winter months gives me a excuse to visit family and friends still in central Shine.
What part do you call home?
Same thing happened in our part of Fl. Im a out ready to pack up and go deeper in the woods. In between Melbourne and Boca.
I had a big rig, ran all up and down those roads.
A old conch put it best,
"the only problem with florida is, there's to many damn yankees in florida."
And more arriving daily
I feel good and safe in rural Lancaster County, PA among farmland and the Amish.
Are you from there, are did you take a trip and decided to stay ?
Pennsylvania Dutch Country is beautiful, fond memories of people and places from my trucking days.
My husband and I have lived here for the past 12 years.
North of Tampa, South of Gainesville, and West of Lakeland. Used to be citrus and cattle land; most of that's gone now due to perpetual "developing".
Sad but true, on those occasions I do a ride tru, it's like I'm lost and made a wrong turn. Hardly recognize any of it.
What part do you call home?
Close to Weeki Wachi...manatee heaven!
True this. Love alabama and I'm north which is seeing a huge influx (just got back from neighborhood party and it is SHOCKING how many people have moved from out of town) but i can still get to beach in 5.5 hours. Pensacola/panhandle is one of the only areas of Florida I would live and I have spent a lot of time around the state. Bama is pretty damn based and we have hard-core blue collar and vets EVERYWHERE even with the influx of new people
I imagine your referencing huntsville. So much government money being injected into it's economy, she is in her own little bubble. Before the scamdemic she was growing at 30% year over year. With so much money and power, it's a prize for all three sides the rats, the rinos and the people.
Im glad to hear most all are based in your hood.
That's sad, I worked the oil patch all up and down that gulf coast from the late 70s and lived in Texas from early 80s to 91.
When the market got flooded with cheap mexican oil in early 80s I transferred to the international office out of Houston.
Houston had it's crazy side of town, but for the most part was conservative. Of course she was growing exponentially, and with so much money and power in play, the dark forces were hard at work to gain control.
Texas is kinda like a first love for me, as a young adult I left the swamps of south Louisiana and landed in the Lone Star. Working 28 and 28 gave me a lot of time to explore her, discover her secrets, and bask in her beauty.
It hurts my heart to hear about all the stupid shit that's going on now in Texas. Makes me wonder, where the hell are all those crusty cowboys I use to work with?
I hope you find your slice of sanctuary, but I'm afraid we're all headed to the Alamo.
Funny story but true, when Obutthead was elected, there were a group of people here in bama that were going to pool their resources and escape to the promise land of New Zealand.
Boy they got fucked.
I've pretty much come to the conclusion, there'll be peace for none, until we dispose of this demon at our door.
Lol. Yeah, like that's accurate in any way shape or form. Cue the 10 boxes of dem votes found in the belly of a local alligator.
If the democrat hasn’t won, they ain’t done counting.
Look it’s See B. S.
That's the difference from being masked and locked down 24/7. DeSantis came down hard on the Covid Testing firm that screamed that Florida was testing @ 98% positives, Gillum would have used that opportunity to shut the state down but DeSantis investigated fully and discovered it was a typo and should have read 9.8%, yeah we dismantled a nuclear bomb named Gillum and sent his gay ass back to the bath house with his homies.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. This fraud will be investigated and prosecuted ALL the way, this time!
Yeah thank God we we fought for Florida that day!
Gillum would still have Florida locked down with fearmongering masks. Where would all the leftists flee for their mask free vacation
I think of this often
Pretty sure 1 million of those votes were probably switched.
Waaaaiiiiit for it...ballots found in car trunks, suitcases under tables and those long lost drop boxes that were forgotten about...
They tried to steal it but overwhelming numbers prevented the steal like in 2016.
Vote because they will try to steal the election.
Time to investigate voting procedures.
WTF! That is way too close!
Good but I don’t trust the voting system as it stands.
It's scary that despite everything we know they are still able to cheat to that extent. That's crazy