There are times when you tell your plans in order to make the enemy panic and make mistakes, or focus on something you're not announcing, something bigger and more damaging. All war is deception
5th generation war is here. Everything is a comm, everyone is a combatant, your mind is the battlefield. Just because bullets aren't being fired doesn't mean things aren't hot.
I wish more people would see this. There is higher level strategy going on here, and Beard Man threatening exposure makes the bad guys behave in certain ways. We need to do our part getting MAGA people in office and watching elections, and let white hats do their thing.
It’s bc there’s too many times of two days this, next week that which fizzles out to nothing. That’s all. Patriots can vent a little. Not saying there isn’t a deeper strategy but that’s a valid observation as well
I'm past wanting the DS to panic. At this point, I simply want them DEAD. We have had enough theatrics and plot twists for a thousand movies. It's time for the victorious hero to ride off into the sunset, and roll the credits...
I don’t think it is just about panic. My belief it is making them work through every single plan they have, until no more plans exist. And, maybe even more importantly, to “out” anyone in deep cover so that we who all the players are.
Whatever happened to that Jack Maxey fellow? Or the "dead man's switch" from John McAfee? Or the Arizona audit? Or my personal favorite, Ingersol Lockwood?
All these promises, stuff like "soon" or "two weeks" and then nothing. "KeEp YoUr EyEs On ThE aUdIt!!!11!1!!"
Temper your expectations. By now we know that releasing a timeline or timeframe like this can be a strategic move to entice our opponent into expending ammunition or diverting their attention. Be on the lookout for other happenings in the news in or around this release.
Totally get it! There will be a FF of some sort for sure. How are things in Australia? I apologize, I haven’t been paying attention and also don’t trust the MSM. Are you still in any lockdowns? Wishing all the best to you!
Still pretty fucked here in Aus. We just elected a lefty federal government, electricity shortages because of our push for renewable energy that just doesn't work enough of the time, the vax mandates for jobs was lifted last week in my region so I can apply for work again after 6 months, vaxxed people "dying suddenly" all over the place, massive nurse/doctor shortages because so many refused the jabs and so were sacked.
But that's life. I've got a job interview this afternoon in a different State to try to escape my crazy State government.
Or is it an attempt to keep us from pushing the mules message, because Gregg says what is coming is 10,000 times bigger? I remain skeptical because if it really is that big, he would probably get whacked.
I do see along of stated happening times, which as mentioned many times, forces the enemy expend resources. Fake left fake right just to get blind sided. It is so masterful that at times it is hard to see initially. But you step back, wait a few days and whamo, knock out punch. Over and over on long held narratives. NCSWIC.
They certainly tied down a lot of deep state forces and supporters while Engelbrecht (True the Vote), Phillips OPSEC GROUP quietly and without notice planned and executed.
In the movie we are now watching the House 6 January Committee appears hyper-focused on
Link to two OPs with threads containing more detail on breakout of Q themed connections to above. Look for CONDOR / MAGAdeburger / v8power and CHAOS_ACTUAL usernames in threads. Lots of interesting Q material.
I remember Catherine Englebrecht from the same time period as the Lois Lerner IRS audits of conservatives and the withholding tax exempt status of Tea Party groups. She related what was happening to her and her family’s business re OSHA weaponization and the surprise audits they experienced in order to shut down their business.
What was she starting? A movement to clear the voter rolls of incorrect and out of date voters...hence TRUE THE VOTE.
I think it was on Hannity in 2012. I’ll see if I can find the video.
This is purely an informational tidbit for those who think she cane out of nowhere.
The IRS holdup of tax exempt status for those tea party groups led to one big list of many patriots. The groups were asked to turn over donor lists and member lists. A much higher percentage of these people were audited by the IRS than the average citizen. Some reports say up to 10% of this population was audited vs less than 0.9% of filings generally.
Think of the legal strategy here. If sheriffs make arrests, they can circumvent the corrupt city judges and Soros-funded district attorneys who refuse to bring charges. Through county judges and county law enforcement, we'll see a functioning justice system.
Below is a compilation (links will take you to transcripts and link to interviews the statements are from) of Gregg Phillips own statements about himself and about his past "work" from his interviews and Truth Social posts that, taken together are indicative of just what MSG_Jack_Dona_RET / @MSG_Jack_Dona_RET imples (below) about Gregg Phillips.
"The beard is what we used to call back in the day, "A Longhair" other words, a black-ops agency man." (see link just below)
[Open new tab w/ in browser, then click on link below]
Does anyone remember seeing a post, a couple days ago, talking about a 2000 mules showing with guest speaker Gregg Phillips, in Pelham/Birmingham Al??? I need ticket info.
Staaap! Don't tell us before you do it. Just tell us when you release the info! I can't take any more of these bait and switches.
There are times when you tell your plans in order to make the enemy panic and make mistakes, or focus on something you're not announcing, something bigger and more damaging. All war is deception
Thank you for testing positive for common sense.
5th generation war is here. Everything is a comm, everyone is a combatant, your mind is the battlefield. Just because bullets aren't being fired doesn't mean things aren't hot.
Could I get that in a meme, a size M t-shirt, and a bumper sticker, to go, please?
It would sell for sure.
He Misspelled Weeks
Statements like this are not always directed at us.
When the DS hears this, they panic.
I wish more people would see this. There is higher level strategy going on here, and Beard Man threatening exposure makes the bad guys behave in certain ways. We need to do our part getting MAGA people in office and watching elections, and let white hats do their thing.
It’s bc there’s too many times of two days this, next week that which fizzles out to nothing. That’s all. Patriots can vent a little. Not saying there isn’t a deeper strategy but that’s a valid observation as well
True. But this is one of the people making 2000 Mules. Quite a proven record there.
I'm past wanting the DS to panic. At this point, I simply want them DEAD. We have had enough theatrics and plot twists for a thousand movies. It's time for the victorious hero to ride off into the sunset, and roll the credits...
Those who push simply have no grasp of reality.
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.
Emotions cloud judgement.
Emotions cloud logic.
Always…. Mr. Spock had the right idea.
Look at the faggots and glowies DOWN VOTING Q POSTS.
Queers gonna queer.
I don’t think it is just about panic. My belief it is making them work through every single plan they have, until no more plans exist. And, maybe even more importantly, to “out” anyone in deep cover so that we who all the players are.
Could be a manipulation to force the DS to expend ammo.
True, they still haven't done nukes, EMPs, aliens or locusts.
Whatever happened to that Jack Maxey fellow? Or the "dead man's switch" from John McAfee? Or the Arizona audit? Or my personal favorite, Ingersol Lockwood?
All these promises, stuff like "soon" or "two weeks" and then nothing. "KeEp YoUr EyEs On ThE aUdIt!!!11!1!!"
Go back to Reddit then if you cant take the heat of battle.
Temper your expectations. By now we know that releasing a timeline or timeframe like this can be a strategic move to entice our opponent into expending ammunition or diverting their attention. Be on the lookout for other happenings in the news in or around this release.
Sounds to me like there may be another school shooting within the next 2 days.
Except most schools are already out for summer break
Oh... I did not know that. I'm in Australia.
Not that I know what the school terms are in Australia either. haha
But you get my drift... some type of false flag.
Totally get it! There will be a FF of some sort for sure. How are things in Australia? I apologize, I haven’t been paying attention and also don’t trust the MSM. Are you still in any lockdowns? Wishing all the best to you!
Still pretty fucked here in Aus. We just elected a lefty federal government, electricity shortages because of our push for renewable energy that just doesn't work enough of the time, the vax mandates for jobs was lifted last week in my region so I can apply for work again after 6 months, vaxxed people "dying suddenly" all over the place, massive nurse/doctor shortages because so many refused the jabs and so were sacked.
But that's life. I've got a job interview this afternoon in a different State to try to escape my crazy State government.
Churches it is
or Malls - lots of kids at the malls in the summer
malls, theaters, churches, or any ole regular grocery store.
these ppl are sick.
Yep. Pretty sure SCOTUS ruling is scheduled for tomorrow. Might not be roe v wade, but it is on their schedule
Or is it an attempt to keep us from pushing the mules message, because Gregg says what is coming is 10,000 times bigger? I remain skeptical because if it really is that big, he would probably get whacked.
A Sheriff can deputize civilians which is a nice force multiplier.
Ours is already talking about it.
Apparently folks who took their firearms training with him will be tapped first.
Saw this yesterday, so, maybe 1 more day, depending on if you just count them as business days or not.
"The winner plots one step ahead of the opposition...
And plays their Trump card just after they play theirs."
Excellent clip, ty
2 days ahead of schedule -Q
I do see along of stated happening times, which as mentioned many times, forces the enemy expend resources. Fake left fake right just to get blind sided. It is so masterful that at times it is hard to see initially. But you step back, wait a few days and whamo, knock out punch. Over and over on long held narratives. NCSWIC.
Begin copy / paste
Taken together, Trump, Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Lindell, essentially played the same role Patton did with the ghost army units
and Operation Fortitude.
They certainly tied down a lot of deep state forces and supporters while Engelbrecht (True the Vote), Phillips OPSEC GROUP quietly and without notice planned and executed.
In the movie we are now watching the House 6 January Committee appears hyper-focused on
Sorry about that false rabbit trail, once it gets in your blood its hard to shake old habits...
Quick recap...
6 Jun 1944 Normandy Invasion
6 Jan 2021 Washington D.C. Trump Rally and Confrontation at Congress
6 Jun 2022 (17 months since 6 Jan 2021)
6 Jun 2022 (
Now these two plot lines are starting to make a whole lot more sense.
NFD appears to have been spot on.
End copy / paste
Link to two OPs with threads containing more detail on breakout of Q themed connections to above. Look for CONDOR / MAGAdeburger / v8power and CHAOS_ACTUAL usernames in threads. Lots of interesting Q material.
The world beyond 🤷🏻
Great links...quality post response.
I remember Catherine Englebrecht from the same time period as the Lois Lerner IRS audits of conservatives and the withholding tax exempt status of Tea Party groups. She related what was happening to her and her family’s business re OSHA weaponization and the surprise audits they experienced in order to shut down their business.
What was she starting? A movement to clear the voter rolls of incorrect and out of date voters...hence TRUE THE VOTE.
I think it was on Hannity in 2012. I’ll see if I can find the video.
This is purely an informational tidbit for those who think she cane out of nowhere.
Here is a blog post detailing Engelbrecht’s story...includes details of harassment by fed agencies.
history of true the vote and Englebrecht
The IRS holdup of tax exempt status for those tea party groups led to one big list of many patriots. The groups were asked to turn over donor lists and member lists. A much higher percentage of these people were audited by the IRS than the average citizen. Some reports say up to 10% of this population was audited vs less than 0.9% of filings generally.
Norman Fortitude Dixon
Think of the legal strategy here. If sheriffs make arrests, they can circumvent the corrupt city judges and Soros-funded district attorneys who refuse to bring charges. Through county judges and county law enforcement, we'll see a functioning justice system.
Things are compressing nicely.
Two moar days instead of two moar weeks.
Small wins everyone.
The most important thing to remember is that if we stick together and ride together, NCSWIC.
Is he referring to the "two days ahead of schedule" in Q post 2644?
The way Gregg Q-ish. Could be?
To paraphrase a former president...
"That depends on what your definition of Q is."
Begin copy / paste
Below is a compilation (links will take you to transcripts and link to interviews the statements are from) of Gregg Phillips own statements about himself and about his past "work" from his interviews and Truth Social posts that, taken together are indicative of just what MSG_Jack_Dona_RET / @MSG_Jack_Dona_RET imples (below) about Gregg Phillips.
"The beard is what we used to call back in the day, "A Longhair" other words, a black-ops agency man." (see link just below)
[Open new tab w/ in browser, then click on link below]
End copy / paste
Link below to excerpts from Gregg Phillips interviews that would infer he at least talks the talk...
Scroll down until you see the comment starting with the copy paste above.
"That depends on what your definition of Q is." LOL
I think they should delay it slightly longer.
Two more weeks
I honestly love this statement. No one from our community made this claim. Only mega faggot shills here would spam it. It identifies you as a retard.
It is way more about tempering expectations. The concept of "two weeks" comes from a litany of promised timelines that were never kept.
But it has been bad all across the aisle - no one has been able to keep a proper timeline, left or right. Cabal or otherwise.
It has people like OP and myself saying "Thanks, but this message is not for me, and I will believe it when I see it"
So we got less than 48 hours until we know whether or not this guy can be trusted whatsoever. Atleast there's that.
Hashtag spelled wrong...#lifefotuneSCAREDhonor. Instead of sacred. Intentional? Auto-correct?
I noticed that too...
Checking in four days later. Did anything happen? Did Jack Maxey decide to release anything meaningful? John McAfee? Ingersol Lockwood? Nothing?
Did anything become of this?
Well its been 2 days
He says the website is "amazing." I haven't seen "amazing" there yet.
Do you think this is the developer’s view? C’mon.
I'm waiting.
Two. More. Days.
Looks like we can expect another church shooting or school shooting if this is as damning as he's indicated.
Probably the same time as the Roe v Wade decision drops so no one will even notice…..
Two days, two weeks. We shall see
From soon to sooner!
Does anyone remember seeing a post, a couple days ago, talking about a 2000 mules showing with guest speaker Gregg Phillips, in Pelham/Birmingham Al??? I need ticket info.
One rule of service - tell them what you will do, do it, tell them what you did.