TODAY is 100 days sober for me. Alcohol slowly took over and was destroying my life. A while back I got this DM (pic) from one of our autist frens here who's in the same battle. Is "The Awakening" in the room with you right now? Join us! WE ARE THE AWAKENING. Every change matters. Let's GOOOOO!
🐸 Frog Escape MAGA THREAD 💚

Bro. Sobriety rocks. After decades of fighting my demons with alcohol, today I'm 100 days sober, the longest time in 30 years. The best part is when I wake up the following morning after NOT going on a bender I know I didn't say stupid shit to someone, I am at peace that I didn't ruin another friendship.
I was using to cover up for (the usual) my anxieties, autism, awkwardness, and fear of myself, really. We all have something, frens.
In a yuge way I owe being sober to The Awakening and the frendly community of this board. Suddenly I realized, WE ARE KICKING ASS. Why not kick ass right here at home, for me? WE ARE DRIVING THE DEMONS BACK TO HELL WHERE THEY BELONG. Why not kick my own demons back to hell, where those stupid fuckers belong?? We all have the power of change inside us to really make a difference both in ourselves and in the world. So why not me? So I'm in AA, I'm going to the meetings twice a week, walking 13km every day (I've lost 33 lbs so far, LOL, OK, 30) and I'm reorienting my priorities.
And why not you? You're not alone. You don't need to do it alone. Anyone that feels like joining The Awakening is welcome. FROGS! Tired of being boiled? Jump out of that hot water and LET'S FUCKING GOOOO.
Before I go if you haven't seen it, you'd love this hilarious Craig Ferguson "Late Late Show" monologue about getting sober and getting into AA. It's time. For all of us. And remember, the AA people are very near to the front of the telephone book! 🐸👌
Thanks for understanding about this thread. Got a struggle? We support our frogs! 💚
Smoking and pepsi are my demons. The smoking got seriously worse when covid hit and the only thing you could do is sit and read about what was going on. It stinks when your demons are legal... I've already had a massive heart attack at 48 and a carotid dissection at 43. For all intents and purposes I shouldn't even be here but there's definitely more for me to learn and be.
Friends of Bill W is a powerful thing. Congratulations on 100 days.
Wonderful news to hear from you. I believe you made a post about 4 months ago talking about your drinking. I send you love and huge kudos in changing your life. My mother was sober 38+ years when she died in June 2019. She was a very vocal and mighty proponent for friends of Bill W. Helping countless others in their daily walk. We had many, many discussions about it through the years. I remember the day my mom made the phone call as I was 5 days shy of my 16th birthday. Life was not what I thought it would be in those first few years because at 43 my mom had a lot of reconciliation to do with her own shit. She would tell me there were days where she just took things hour by hour or minute by minute not just one day at a time. I am so grateful for the person my mother became and the positive influences over me by osmosis of what she learned through AA. Keep going. It’s a wonderful life that doesn’t require your vision to be clouded by beer goggles! One thing I also remember and tell myself constantly that my mother told me on the regular, “ There are no mistakes in God’s Universe.” I find that to be absolutely true today. Praying for your continued sobriety.
Well done and keep going: be the head and not the tail with God's help.
You will make a positive impact in the lives of the people that witness it IF YOU DO THE RIGHT THINGS. CONGRATULATIONS. P.S. I know you give me shit but what is family for. :)
I have close to 25 years of being clean and sober thanks to the almighty power of Jesus Christ. One day at a time my friend, it only gets better! God bless:)
That's the real key, 1 day at a time. Thats what sold me on AA, it was unrealistic to say i'd never drink again. But for today I will go without a drink. 21 months clean, 9/11/20 without coincidence was my first day without a drink. Keep at it frens, life without the booze is exponentially better. Smash those goals.
Congratulations to you.
Thanks brother, the hobbies I always had on the back burner were my replacement for getting my head straight.
Ill be celebrating 10 yrs from heron/ opiates July 10th. Went 2 prison twice. Should be dead for real. Drunk driving took my dominate right arm from the elbow down. My ex was driving and fell asleep. I had my arm out the window it was mangled like I was holding my bone and my hand was still attached but laying on them ground.. Left the hospital with oxy 40s percocet 3 diff dosages. That's where my addiction kicked in. And its was being in prison and being able to look out the window and see where my son was living for me to really get it. I thank God everyday for opening my eyes and giving me the willpower to say enough is enough! And I heard of saying not long ago, God's Army down here on Earth is a different kind of army because God's Army is made up of people like you and I, felons, addicts, alcoholics who have lived through hell and walked out on God's side. And always remember God gives his hardest battles to his strongest Warriors. It gets easier with every passing day. And be your know it it will be a year. So keep one foot on front of the other! CONGRATS 100 days is a milestone few make!
Sorry just getting back! I have lost so many friends too fentanyl. Its so much stronger than heroin. Im thankful everyday I got out b4 that came on the scene. For i would be dead! Lauren is lost in the cycle. Ill def say prayers for her and you parents. I know all too well the hell that you as a parent or going through because I put my parents through it. I know it's actually my mom that had me arrested my last time. It was the look on her face disappointment the tears that made me say never again will I hurt my mother like that never again. I'm sorry you're going through this. Don't ever stop loving her. Don't be an enabler either the best thing my mom ever did she didn't enable me she didn't give me money she didn't give me a place to stay she made me hit rock bottom so I would understand and rebuild myself. I don't know if there's a way to message on here I would love to give you my number if there is a way
Emailing you now! [Ngrubbs81@gmail.com]
My best friend died from fent-laced heroin OD as did several other friends. I pray your daughter comes out while she can.
Oh my gosh what a story; God bless you! I am sorry you lost your arm… what a sight it must have been. How horrible. Have you adapted well to the loss? You must have improved dexterity in the left arm right?
I was determined at 22 to not let it stop me! I was balancing the check book within 3 months of the accident! Im 40 now.. So its improved for sure!
Wow, thats sooo nuts! You were saved for something amazing 🤩
Wonderful and God bless you! After asking for prayer on this board I’m currently 47 days clean from trichotillomania which is hair pulling disorder. Already my hair is growing in thicker on the sides where it was really bad. Very thankful for this board. I know it’s not much comparison to addiction to alcohol, but I just had to share.
When things got bad for me I colored. Sharpie makes excellent colors. I did hundreds of mandalas. It helps calm you down because your focus is changed.
It’s helping my daughter now. I pray it helps you as well.
You could add caffeine shampoo as well if you want to. That might speed the hair up as well. It seems to be working for my thinning hair.
How's that work? I thought caffeine restricts blood vessels?
It's a stimulant which works on hair follicles. I think that used topically like this, it increases blood flow to the scalp.
So you notice more hair? Whereas in the past you were losing hair? interesting. I would like to try it but i fear it would be so minor i wouldn't even notice, or it'd be placebo lol
My hair is growing back anyway. It has been ever since I got the 'rona in 2020. My male pattern baldness started reversing, I am finding that the shampoo seems to be speeding that up a little.
It could be that I am more healthy now, perhaps not zinc deficient, or it could be that my testosterone dropped after the illness. It was right after I got better from the 'rona in 2020 that I got new stubble where I had lost some hair high on my forehead. It's still quite thin there.
I have MPB starting as well, maybe i'll give it a shot
Catching the 'rona or using caffeine shampoo?
I bought Alpecin by the way.
Congrats! I'm currently fighting the battle to stop.
Anything that binds and compels needs to be overcome with God's help. We get enslaved in so many ways, good to get free and be at peace. Fight the good fight!
Congratulations! You'll see more clearly now. I hope you have a sponsor. I have 28 years. I met my husband in AA 36 years ago. We both went off the rails for a while but found our way back. Now he's been gone for 5 months and some days I really want to pick up. But not today.
NOT TODAY, old friend.
Oh, sir catsfive what an accomplishment!
I am SO amazed at how you've been juggling these challenging balls! To maintain GA and be here for all of us while you have been fighting this personal battle is humbling.
You are correct my friend...we are kicking ass and sending these demons to hell with God's help!
I am praying for your continued strength and health...losing weight, walking and ridding the toxins from your body...it will only get better and better! Heaven help us if you get any sharper...I can barely keep up with you as it is!!
Praying for everyone here that has shared their stories. 🙏💕
Everyone we know is fighting some kind of battle.
Wow, thank you. Please also add our anonymous fren who wrote me? S/he wants to quit drinking, too.
Absolutely will my brother! 🙏🙌
As a volunteer in recovery centers for decades I have witnessed the change in people's lives by stopping the addictions and going the other way. Generational abuse can be stopped by 1 person. The failures are heartbreaking and the successes are a gift to witness. CONGRATULATIONS, do not return to the vomit.
I wouldn't have known. Good luck and I pray the Lord grants you the strength to keep up the good fight.
I have a good friend from many years back who just admitted to me he is a high functioning alcoholic. Not that it was any kind of secret to those who know him. I hope that means he's coming to terms with his addiction. Typically, the high functioning part ends rather abruptly.
Can confirm. I crossed over into crazy territory.
Truly , Congratulations!!!
17 months sober and holding strong.
Once I realized how much better things are without alcohol i have no desire to go back.
congrats fern......we have a big fight ahead and all hands are needed..
Love this! And your compass-35 years here August 4. Same
Welcome to the ranks fren. 13 years here. God has chosen to go under the radar with his army this go round. Didn't you know? He sent a billionaire reality star, a former crack head pillow salesman, a bunch of independent sober rappers and an army of autists, frogs, and former addicts to save the world. We can't lose! Even Noah was a drunk. GQQD TIMES!
thanks for saying this^ sometimes don't feel worthy of these front row seats, and then i remember President Trump and Mike Lindell aren't perfect, helps to know you guys aren't either😉🥳🐸
All of our anon family are imperfectly known to each other...but we are loved and are home.
Congrats OP, only strong people can do what you’re doing.
You’re not alone and if you ever need to talk to someone you’ve got everyone here.
Enjoy your Sunday! God bless.
congrats! we can all shake off our personal and collective demons together.
Blessed be! With Jesus as your partner, each day strength is within you for another victory . God bless you. One. Hundred days. That is a lot of days. How wonderful!
Congratulations on 100 days of sobriety! Take it one day at a time and before you know it you'll be at a year, 2 years, etc.
Next month will be 2 years without alcohol for me. Giving up alcohol gave me back the energy and motivation to train, lost about 100 lbs, I'm working a much better job now, and mended relationships strained by drinking.
We all have so much more potential that can be tapped into when we put aside our vices.
Good luck, stay strong, and keep the faith!
I gave up alcohol and cleaned up my diet. I think that helps the state of mind a lot more than it gets credit for. Congrats on 100 days and hope u get 100 months too.Also micro dosing has had a lot of success with addiction(also ptsd,anxiety and depression). Not for everyone but worth having a look at.🙏🏽
What is micro dosing?
Taking very small doses of psychedelics on a regular schedule. Small enough that you don't feel the acute effects. Generally LSD or mushrooms but there are others.
I wouldn't recommend it broadly but as an alternative to psychiatric drugs with their laundry lists of terrible side effects for often little benefit it might be worth exploring.
Interesting I’ll look into it
Plz don’t. It’s gateway use to narcotics. Do you think an alcoholic could successfully microdose bourbon?
What. It's not. It's not addictive in the same way. Psychedelics do NOT lead to narcotics.
Some people think all drugs work the same way 🤷♂️
Why are you in a thread about sobriety when you could dropping out like a druggie loser?
Psychedelics are drugs. They are not “not drugs.” You wouldn’t want your kids on it. You wouldn’t get far with this argument at a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. I would never recommend microdosing to anyone struggling with sobriety.
Addictiveness or lack of it is a factor of drug use but addicts first turn to drugs because they can’t cope with life being sober… they need drugs to avoid life.
Saying that it isn’t addictive is a weak and lame argument to entertain and it wouldn’t help anyone suffering from addiction.
How do you have gambling addicts when gambling isn’t an addictive narcotic? It’s almost as if there is a deeper problem at play.
Taking super small amounts of psychedelic drugs in order to change your perspective on ordinary/regular things in your life. If you were taking LSD you'd take 1/8 or 1/4 of a tab, and if you were doing mushrooms you'd eat like half a gram or a gram.
Nah for shrooms you only want 0.1 to 0.3 grams. .5 or more is going to give you some mild effects, and you’ll definitely feel anything 1g or higher. Not a full trip, but not sober.
I once did 6g. ONCE.
Haha nice. I’ve done that a couple times and it can be a really useful learning experience if you’re ready for it. Personally I think doing anything more than 3g in public/with other people is a mistake. 2 - 2.5 is the sweet spot for music or watching visually stimulating movies and whatnot with friends. Anything over 4 is a good way to dive into your psyche.
Anyone in a battle with addictions has my admiration, b/c the battle is constant, requiring daily vigilance, and extreme effort. Great job, warrior.
Husband is an alcoholic and 5 years sober today, all praise to God! I am also 5 years sober today as well but not an alcoholic. Just a wife who saw her husbands plight and knew I had to quit too as not to be a stumbling block for him. One night I put my hands on his chest and invoked the name of our Lord Jesus and banished any demon within him that wanted him not to be sober… it was something else, almost an out of body experience. He said he felt the desire to for alcohol to leave him! The power of Jesus’ name makes demons tremble and retreat! Best decision we ever made! Anything is possible with Gods help and blessings and perseverance! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Congratulations! My family deals with alcohol abuse and I would be so glad if my children quit drinking altogether but this is a decision that must be their own. I loved the Craig Ferguson clip...I have never heard him speak...love the accent and the message. May God keep you strong to walk this path you have chosen.
One day at a time sweet Jesus That's all I'm asking of You Just give me the strength To do everyday what I have to do Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus And tomorrow may never be mine Lord help me today, show me the way One day at a time
Which Craig clip is that?
The Craig Ferguson link that catsfive referred to in the top comment. If you are asking what that clip is from...his Late, Late Show monologue.
Awesome!! This world pushes/encourages lies.. alcohol is a toxin/poison that suppresses our spirit/consciousness and oneness with our God/creator. It basically inhibits our spirit, and enables the flesh... it is toxic to the physical body too of course... KNOW and SEEK GOD with all your heart and mind and soul! He will Guide and show you!!
Awesome, I do believe that quitting booze is part of the great awakening.
Wife and I used to drink every night, but no more...also stopped hanging out with the old drinking crowd of co-enablers. Many good things have happened since then!
Fucking awesome brother! A little over a year for me. Almost caved last night because of a loooooong week at work, but didnt.
Stay strong, and always remember you have a support group right here. It's a life long struggle for some people, but its manageable if you have the right mindset and people who truly have your best interests in mind and want to see you succeed. Only love....can kill the demon
I am very happy for you. Alcohol is a scourge to those of us that cant control the demons. Every bad thing in my life was due to alcohol.
I had my own battles with the bottle. I was a functioning alcoholic. Id work all day and drink all night.
I never made a conscious decision to quit. I dont know how I did it but one weekday I didnt drink after work. And then there was another. I still drank on weekends to excess but I broke free during the week.
At some point I didnt drink on a Friday. Soon I hadnt all week. Like I said it wasnt a conscious decision, it just happened.
Now I can have a beer without going on a binge. As soon as I feel that buzz though, Im done. I no longer enjoy it at all.
I know my situation is unusual. And I was still only 30 when the transformation began so no dt's. I know it wont work for many. Maybe only me. But it did work and Ive been sober for 25+ years now. The problems I had in my early marriage are gone. My problems with the law are gone. My hangovers are gone. All of the missing out on the babies milestones are forgotten (but still regretted and then I overcompensated with my youngest and spoiled her silly).
Getting off the booze was the best thing that ever happened to me outside my wife and kids.
That's beautiful to hear, proud of ya fren.
I actually just had a slip a couple nights ago. Pretty bad one, but thankfully it didn't do any damage. I've been hospitalized for pancreatitis several times...so, every slip is a game of Russian roulette
Join me. Start meming!
It's technically a meme I suppose but I got that same app (I love the community on I Am Sober almost as much as you guys over here)...and actually just shared one of the motivational quotes today. Felt fitting...it went along the lines of "Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you".
That's the app I use as well as you can surely tell.
Hence why I said "the same app" lol
I should have added "I will look into this community you hyperbolically say is as good as GAW!" 🐸
Well to be fair I just said I love them as much as you guys lol but it's definitely two different worlds.
What I like most about it, is the discussion boards are broken down by what day you're on. So, in my case I'd be posting/reading posts about just slipping a couple days ago...whereas you'd be able to connect with others celebrating their 100th
have you tried cbd or thc? can really help with weaning off the alcohol, you'll be hungry & happy instead. and then if you decide it's not for you, it's much easier to give up.
Lol.. I mean I appreciate you trying to give some advice but been smoking longer than been drinking. Plus, I'll be on piss tests shortly and I'm in Kansas. (And cbd does nothing for me)
yes, your name & time here point in that direction; but don't want to assume;) and takes me a minute to type advice. might help someone else if not you🐸
Got to ask, what does my name imply? Jame Zel just stands for James L, with an o at the end.
it's not a bad thing, your name has a ring to it, like a semi-flashy nickname. which people often give each other when socializing.
Congrats! 177 days here. It isn't easy. But if you find a more important focus,the drink becomes a non issue. At least for me.
Looking forward to learning the truth of this.
sometimes life delivers a reason to change. For me, it was finally my husband. He started having health problems in September that turned out to be mini strokes. It was me having to stay up during the night to watch out for him and then most of the day too. It became the focal point of my existence. Watch out for him. Take care of him. Be sober, alert, and ready if he needs to go to the hospital. New years eve we had our last drink together. A shot each. And now he can't drink, because he's had 8 full blown strokes since April 3, and I won't, because his life is too precious to me to miss out on with even one moment of inattentiveness. He turned me on to Q in the beginning and we have ridden this ride all the way till now. Now he can't read GAW anymore. His strokes stripped him of a lot, one of them is communication and reading. So now I stay on here, lurk most of the day, read to him, talk to him about the movement, try to make him remember. I told him about the new q posts the other night, and just for a moment a spark of joy came over his eyes. Even in the middle of these strokes that have destroyed his mind and make him fight for his life every single minute, he can delight in the ideas of all this here on GAW. I am thankful for this place. And end of rant, it's another reason I don't need to drink anymore. Life is far too special and big and important to throw away on something like vodka. God bless you. I pray you stay sober too.
Thank you for your honesty, catsfive. Congratulations!🎉🎂⭐🎉🎂⭐
Good for you anon, keep going.
May God Bless you with the deepest connections to his love. Keep up your amazing transformation🇺🇸.
Congratulations. Well done.
So proud of you. Love you ❤️
Thanks for being brave and talking about this.