This makes my fuking blood boil. I hate these communist trash. The time is coming. I abhor violence and physical confrontation. Im sure the same was true for the 3% in 1775. We are under attack. Its time to acknowledge that fact. We are at war. If we let hope be our plan, we very well could wind up in camps or locked out of society … same thing.
So true. We're practically in concentration camps already. I get filled with fury when I think of all the precious freedoms we've lost and all the abominations and perversions that others have won. The day may be coming when you must remain in your home, or take up the fruits of the second amendment and join the millions of past Americans who have placed their lives in jeopardy for FREEDOM. Are you ready to answer the call when it comes???
It’s devastating to most veterans. It’s shameful but beyond that, there are veterans who are suicidal or have already killed themselves TODAY and yesterday and the day before and the days before that and in the coming days and months and years because of Afghanistan and ptsd and what has happened to our country. 22 A DAY or more. Approx 8000 a year and climbing. All Dems are responsible. May they burn in hell when their day comes.
Sent to die in a desert wasteland under the false claim of WMDs, and then kept over there to try and keep the peace in the most chaotic and brutal region on earth
We're only supposed to go to war to protect the United States or our vital national security interests. Any elected or appointed official who supported our presence in the middle east when it was obvious that we didn't belong there deserves a treason charge
The soldiers that volunteered to go over there and fight on our behalf are heroes. They were willing to pay the ultimate price, but we can't even support them when they get home. It's disgusting
Every time an American veteran dies of suicide or even ill health, a random Democrap should be executed so their family knows the pain of our veteran families. They aren't human beings anymore. They're ravenous vampires who kill things on purpose just because those things are good.
I wish one of his kin would explain to him that the war is on home soil now and being fought asymmetrically. I wish someone would show him there are many different fronts to this war and there are millions of us ( & growing ) fighting for the things those boys fought & died for. He's prolly a TV watcher and all they offer is soul poison.
Maybe that little bit of info will help him find some peace. Many still understand Freedom Isn't Free and Will Not Fail Our Country and Children.
We are the last beacon of hope. If we Fall, the World falls with us.
I think the majority in this nation still honor their sacrifice. I’ve never served, but my grandfather was on the USS Oklahoma in WWI and my father was 66th Infantry Division Black Panthers in WWII. Wounded twice, 2 Purple Hearts, fought in Korean War too.
You would have to actually serve to understand the depth and breadth of the bonds between men who have experienced war together and their love for this nation. Most people think they respect veterans, but only veterans have earned the right to judge this nation and its honor; and I can tell you that most veterans believe this nation is in slavery and bondage to Lucifer.
Most people will be thinking about the cost of hot dogs and sunscreen, not the cost of freedom this weekend. For most, it's just another holiday for spoiled generations to practice gluttony. For we who served, it is a reminder that we carry with us the spirits of our brothers who didn't return. And we may be the only ones who will be prepared to defend liberty in the future, when demonic liberal forces bring Civil War to this God-appointed land of opportunity.
Damn, man. I just popped over from writing an email to a friend of mine who is the sister of one of my closest friends. Her brother and I were in combat in the Gulf War. He committed suicide seven years ago. I write to his sister several times a year to make sure she's okay, does she need anything, and let her know Michael is never for one day forgotten.
Then I read your quote and it seems my eye plumbing has sprung a bit of a leak...
I wish he were still here. He died when I was 13. The last movie we saw together was Battle of Britain and he was shaking as we came out of the theater. He never talked about the war, I only pieced together what happened after reading on the 66th. I know he was wounded in the Ardennes and Rhineland
For an American to be considered a Citizen with full American rights and privileges they should have to serve a set period in the armed forces. God bless you and may he bring peace to your heart that knows such tender compassion for yourself and your fellow warriors.
This Anons! 👆🏻! If both of my grandfathers were still alive, this is how they would react. Though mine on my mother’s side would be a lot more hostile and verbal directly toward Xiden. He was a Navy Chief Medical Core Supply Man who ran medical supplies to front line medics during the invasions of Iwo Jima, Saipan, and when we finally arrived in Japan after they surrendered. Luckily he got to be on leave for his prior 2 battles and avoided Okinawa. My other grandfather only entered the war at the end and was in the first platoon of troops to enter civilian Japan to disarm the surrendered country. Anyway, they both did not fight for a woke and broke, socialist/communist Untied States. And of course that’s I hope how each Anon here feels too. And at some point very soon, if the populous can’t turn the tide using current means, we may need to do so just like my grandfathers Expect me/us to do. We must Trust the Plan, and use that Plan to disrupt and destroy the Cabal every step of the way. But if all else fails, use the 2A in the end to restore freedom to all. Because Where We Go One We Go All, with Christ our Lord.
I'm getting closer to his age and feeling much the same. I do see God's beauty all around me. I do resent the fact that life has become more mean (small), feckless, and foolish for those growing up. I feel revulsion for the Walking Evil Dead who now populate this nation.
But I also realize that the desperate fight is only a first phase. Much of what we deplore has developed from the rot and corruption of a beautiful garden---our nation---that we have left to the care of those who mean to rape it. Why did we ever abandon that care?
I am going to miss this generation. I sit down and talk to my 88 year old neighbor every chance I get. My grandfather was artillery in WWII. He was a stanch Democrat and I literally have aunts and uncles that think that they have to stay a “D” just because he was. I would give anything to talk to him now as a 41 year old man and discuss the world. I lost him 20 years ago in a month. I had a dream years back, like the Obama era, that I got to talk to him about the world. I said grandpa I know I’m right but no one seems to care. He said son you’re right, stay the path and you will be rewarded. I tell myself it was real and I continue in my path for truth. To all you soldiers, ones that wear/wore the uniform and our digital army, keep fighting the good fight. We may not be rewarded here, but we will have a seat in heaven right next to the fine men and women of our past. If only I could do it again, only next time Thomas Jefferson. He is far my favorite President.
Here is a video that should shame Milley and many others. I hope they feel it to the core of their souls. No one is going to enlist to protect clowns like Milley or to end up having to turn their backs to Biden, but they will be doing everything they can to make America great again, this time without such trash.
Technically it is. A.H. (who we can't even name) like Voldemort said he fought the bank. The 1st one to put a Roth* (again who we can't even name) in jail. He said he fought the rootless international clique of banksters who all share something (we can't even name) when they lost GE the angry ones just went over to USSR and formed the Bolshevik party again filled with people whom share a characteristic (You can't point out) all of this fascism prevents people from waking up. Even this vet. He fought the wrong enemy. Huite Christians were sacrificed in the name of Moloch. J's were encouraged to support the war and ensured they would never have to fight. Go look it up for yourselves. I'm tired of this emotional BS that keeps sucking people in. We will never be free people as long as we can't talk about the enemy to mankind.
Another white supremacist radical far right terrorist extremist !! CNN headline probably. All Jokes aside. I really do hope our military has our best interest at heart. And I really do hope that is the reason Biden wasn’t allowed to go into ukraine.
Fret not, brave soldier!
We will not go gentle into that good night.
Though our Republic is in its darkest of nights, it has not seen its brightest of days.
We will extract the Deep State from our Republic like poison is drawn from a wound.
We will cut out the Deep State like a tumorous cancer is cut from a body.
When our Republic recovers from this sickness, we will be greater, stronger, and more united than ever before.
We will not forget the sacrifices that The Greatest Generation made.
The bravery and sacrifice of these soldiers will not be in vein.
There are millions of Patriots fighting hard to reignite the flame of freedom, and re-enshrine Liberty and Justice in the halls of our forefathers.
Always we must remember that these dark times are only a fleeting moment in the annals of our Republic's history.
The best has truly yet to come!
...hold the line Patriot....
This is heartbreaking! I really hope he lives long enough to see The Plan
You and I both pede… 🙏
...I pray that we all do....
Well said, but I gotta counsel. He is not a soldier— he is a United States Marine.
I’m honestly not so sure anymore… I don’t know how much more of this I can take.
This makes me want to put a gigantic flag on my truck with a sign saying
“Is this the country we want to leave our children?”
And maybe a giant photo of Christina Aguilera wearing a huge dick and palls costume for “Pride” month.
We need an exorcism. Damn!
Pisses me off!
Romans 1: 18-32
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
This makes my fuking blood boil. I hate these communist trash. The time is coming. I abhor violence and physical confrontation. Im sure the same was true for the 3% in 1775. We are under attack. Its time to acknowledge that fact. We are at war. If we let hope be our plan, we very well could wind up in camps or locked out of society … same thing.
So true. We're practically in concentration camps already. I get filled with fury when I think of all the precious freedoms we've lost and all the abominations and perversions that others have won. The day may be coming when you must remain in your home, or take up the fruits of the second amendment and join the millions of past Americans who have placed their lives in jeopardy for FREEDOM. Are you ready to answer the call when it comes???
Yes. But at the same time, I pray that this can be ended without widespread violence.
I'm sure the historical Paul Revere hoped the same thing. But of course he couldn't stop the war, he could only choose whether or not to ride.
It’s devastating to most veterans. It’s shameful but beyond that, there are veterans who are suicidal or have already killed themselves TODAY and yesterday and the day before and the days before that and in the coming days and months and years because of Afghanistan and ptsd and what has happened to our country. 22 A DAY or more. Approx 8000 a year and climbing. All Dems are responsible. May they burn in hell when their day comes.
Sent to die in a desert wasteland under the false claim of WMDs, and then kept over there to try and keep the peace in the most chaotic and brutal region on earth
We're only supposed to go to war to protect the United States or our vital national security interests. Any elected or appointed official who supported our presence in the middle east when it was obvious that we didn't belong there deserves a treason charge
The soldiers that volunteered to go over there and fight on our behalf are heroes. They were willing to pay the ultimate price, but we can't even support them when they get home. It's disgusting
Every time an American veteran dies of suicide or even ill health, a random Democrap should be executed so their family knows the pain of our veteran families. They aren't human beings anymore. They're ravenous vampires who kill things on purpose just because those things are good.
Aww. Bless him.
He is right
Thank you for your service and sacrifice sir.
I wish one of his kin would explain to him that the war is on home soil now and being fought asymmetrically. I wish someone would show him there are many different fronts to this war and there are millions of us ( & growing ) fighting for the things those boys fought & died for. He's prolly a TV watcher and all they offer is soul poison.
Maybe that little bit of info will help him find some peace. Many still understand Freedom Isn't Free and Will Not Fail Our Country and Children.
We are the last beacon of hope. If we Fall, the World falls with us.
...this needs to be shared with the youngsters over the Independence Day Holiday...
...tell them,"it is your duty not to let this man's valor go to waste"....
I think the majority in this nation still honor their sacrifice. I’ve never served, but my grandfather was on the USS Oklahoma in WWI and my father was 66th Infantry Division Black Panthers in WWII. Wounded twice, 2 Purple Hearts, fought in Korean War too.
You would have to actually serve to understand the depth and breadth of the bonds between men who have experienced war together and their love for this nation. Most people think they respect veterans, but only veterans have earned the right to judge this nation and its honor; and I can tell you that most veterans believe this nation is in slavery and bondage to Lucifer.
Most people will be thinking about the cost of hot dogs and sunscreen, not the cost of freedom this weekend. For most, it's just another holiday for spoiled generations to practice gluttony. For we who served, it is a reminder that we carry with us the spirits of our brothers who didn't return. And we may be the only ones who will be prepared to defend liberty in the future, when demonic liberal forces bring Civil War to this God-appointed land of opportunity.
I agree. I’m a civilian...I can never understand that bond or the price paid.
“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother”
Damn, man. I just popped over from writing an email to a friend of mine who is the sister of one of my closest friends. Her brother and I were in combat in the Gulf War. He committed suicide seven years ago. I write to his sister several times a year to make sure she's okay, does she need anything, and let her know Michael is never for one day forgotten.
Then I read your quote and it seems my eye plumbing has sprung a bit of a leak...
Thank you.
Thank you for your service, patriot and thank Michael’s sister because she feels the price paid daily.
I wish he were still here. He died when I was 13. The last movie we saw together was Battle of Britain and he was shaking as we came out of the theater. He never talked about the war, I only pieced together what happened after reading on the 66th. I know he was wounded in the Ardennes and Rhineland
For an American to be considered a Citizen with full American rights and privileges they should have to serve a set period in the armed forces. God bless you and may he bring peace to your heart that knows such tender compassion for yourself and your fellow warriors.
This Anons! 👆🏻! If both of my grandfathers were still alive, this is how they would react. Though mine on my mother’s side would be a lot more hostile and verbal directly toward Xiden. He was a Navy Chief Medical Core Supply Man who ran medical supplies to front line medics during the invasions of Iwo Jima, Saipan, and when we finally arrived in Japan after they surrendered. Luckily he got to be on leave for his prior 2 battles and avoided Okinawa. My other grandfather only entered the war at the end and was in the first platoon of troops to enter civilian Japan to disarm the surrendered country. Anyway, they both did not fight for a woke and broke, socialist/communist Untied States. And of course that’s I hope how each Anon here feels too. And at some point very soon, if the populous can’t turn the tide using current means, we may need to do so just like my grandfathers Expect me/us to do. We must Trust the Plan, and use that Plan to disrupt and destroy the Cabal every step of the way. But if all else fails, use the 2A in the end to restore freedom to all. Because Where We Go One We Go All, with Christ our Lord.
Be at ease Warrior...we got this. Your love of our country and your service shall never be forgotten.
Breaks my heart!😔💔
This is one of the most moving things I have ever seen. God bless this man, 100 year old Patriot, WOW! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Nitter Link:
Thanks, didn’t know how to do it
It's simple. Take "" in the link and change it to "".
Thats it! 🙂
I'm getting closer to his age and feeling much the same. I do see God's beauty all around me. I do resent the fact that life has become more mean (small), feckless, and foolish for those growing up. I feel revulsion for the Walking Evil Dead who now populate this nation.
But I also realize that the desperate fight is only a first phase. Much of what we deplore has developed from the rot and corruption of a beautiful garden---our nation---that we have left to the care of those who mean to rape it. Why did we ever abandon that care?
Truth. The amount of time/effort to reverse the degeneracy is generational in scope
This just breaks my heart. I hope he lives to see these people hang in Gitmo.
I hope they let him pull the lever.
I am going to miss this generation. I sit down and talk to my 88 year old neighbor every chance I get. My grandfather was artillery in WWII. He was a stanch Democrat and I literally have aunts and uncles that think that they have to stay a “D” just because he was. I would give anything to talk to him now as a 41 year old man and discuss the world. I lost him 20 years ago in a month. I had a dream years back, like the Obama era, that I got to talk to him about the world. I said grandpa I know I’m right but no one seems to care. He said son you’re right, stay the path and you will be rewarded. I tell myself it was real and I continue in my path for truth. To all you soldiers, ones that wear/wore the uniform and our digital army, keep fighting the good fight. We may not be rewarded here, but we will have a seat in heaven right next to the fine men and women of our past. If only I could do it again, only next time Thomas Jefferson. He is far my favorite President.
The greatest generation fought to make the world safe for global communism. Some of them realize it a little too late.
Trump will make good his sacrifice.
The days of victory are just beginning!
Here is a video that should shame Milley and many others. I hope they feel it to the core of their souls. No one is going to enlist to protect clowns like Milley or to end up having to turn their backs to Biden, but they will be doing everything they can to make America great again, this time without such trash.
Technically it is. A.H. (who we can't even name) like Voldemort said he fought the bank. The 1st one to put a Roth* (again who we can't even name) in jail. He said he fought the rootless international clique of banksters who all share something (we can't even name) when they lost GE the angry ones just went over to USSR and formed the Bolshevik party again filled with people whom share a characteristic (You can't point out) all of this fascism prevents people from waking up. Even this vet. He fought the wrong enemy. Huite Christians were sacrificed in the name of Moloch. J's were encouraged to support the war and ensured they would never have to fight. Go look it up for yourselves. I'm tired of this emotional BS that keeps sucking people in. We will never be free people as long as we can't talk about the enemy to mankind.
Here below is a memo drafted by the Jewish Anti Defamation League, ADL way back before WW2 began.
When we remove a financial incentive from starting a war our wars will end. No more proxy wars. No more boogie men. No more false flags.
Really hope he makes it to 2024 to see the Victory.
God bless this brave soul!
Thank you for your service…
3 groups won WWII:
1: Communists
2: Jews
3: Bankers
Isn’t that one group?
Yes it is. You think the commies started their march through the institutions four years ago? As General Patton said, "we defeated the wrong enemy".
Nope buddy. You were misled.
“They say...why should I be worried about it? I’m 100 years old” it what other people are advising him, but you can tell he cares so much
This breaks my heart. My father passed in 2014 at the age of 90. He served in the Army Air Corps in Africa, Normandy and London. Never spoke about it
Damn. I wish I could shake his hand and thank him and let him know it will be ok. We’ll bring it back.
Just made me cry at work. Damnit....
That is so heartbreaking God Bless you sir we will get this country back we will, God willing. ❤️
Listen to him, also listen to the people who were around during Nazi Germany... we need to listen to our elders more than ever.
Another white supremacist radical far right terrorist extremist !! CNN headline probably. All Jokes aside. I really do hope our military has our best interest at heart. And I really do hope that is the reason Biden wasn’t allowed to go into ukraine.