The Georgia Guidestones were leveled within hours of being blown up. No crime scene preservation or investigation? This would only make sense if the military can't risk the people knowing they are involved at this time or the Cabal did it and are covering their tracks.
🤔💭 Theory 😲💡

If they thought this was an explosive the ATF would have been there trying to get as much camera time as possible for days. They know what happened, be it lightning or DEW, they just don't want us to know.
Yuge fan of God but DEW makes the most sense to me.
Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?
Thank you! Jeremiah has God's word for this day in particular!
Me too! If it weren't for Him I don't know where I'd be. But I know where I would be headed. lol
and God is a huge fan of salt? Hehe
Huge fan of God, and God, Imma let you finish, but...................
Cuts to the bone. Humans gonna Human.
Imagine the fear that has been installed within the Cabal. Patriots could literally reach down from the heavens with a bolt of lightning and exterminate them like a gnat in a bug zapper.
And since we're watching a movie, it makes perfect irony that Lucifer descended to Earth within a bolt of lightning.
Who wrote this wonderful script?
The Author and Finisher of Our Salvation! :)
Yuge fan of photonics (and also God), and DEW also makes the most sense to me.
Same here. It really looked like the concrete was heated / energized to a point where the water inside of it made the whole thing explode. No explosive materials needed,no chemical residue and probably why they are looking for a car because it could have been done from a distance without ever getting out of the car.
Or the people in the car were "painting" the target.
…without ever getting out of the
carair/spacecraft.Better answer than mine :)
Lasers are a young science ;)
The salt must flow, but DAAAAAMN! https://patriots.win/p/15IY8DMC9p/meme-until-they-cry-then-meme-th/c/
Directed energy weapon? Not sure what that stands for.
Thanks fren ☺️ appreciate your analysis.
is this the video you watched? https://www.bitchute.com/video/JoGVRktnZLxR/
i still haven't signed up. is it still iphone only? i use a damn pc ffs
Why would they admit their precious false 10 commandments were destroyed by lightning? If they admitted that there would be tons of people who make the connection that it was the hand of God. By blaming an unknown bomber they put the blame on us framing us as terrorists.
The 21 tonne salute.
Yes... Terrorists who blew up slabs of rock at 4am hurting no one...
The worst kind of terrorist
Ok we can all say it was diffrent things but nobody can explain the things that happen in the 3 frames during the explosion? Lamp pulsing bright, blue/purple hue around the slab, direction and force of the explosion debris with intact middle pillar
Study DEW strikes. This is what they look like. My take is that this was a hugely significant show of strength by WHs using the US military capabilities to smack down [their] alter. It was cleaned up so fast because of the humiliation and desire to memory hole the event. This monument stood in quiet defiance and "We warned you" to the masses of what our enemy has planned for us. [They] really don't want it widely broadcasted that maintaining 500,000,000 WORLD POPULATION is the first goal... because the people of the world going Netherlands Farmer and Marvin Heemeyer on them is not what they want.
Sri Lanka comes to mind. Soon these people won't be able to walk down the street.
They want to kill around 11-13 of 14 people globally.... I can see how they wouldn't want that trending on twatter...
Killdozer did nothing wrong.
And now in the Netherlands they built Killtractor.
Yes, and so what do these clues tell us, exactly? Do you have thoughts?
Unless we can get a camera expert to explain the light and color my money is on lightning
DEW have enormous amounts of energy as well that could've very well pulsed that light
What about the white line that appeared next to the power line or whatever that thing is in the middle of the frame?
and no burn marks.
Keeping this in mind i will say that a lot of pictures online of lightning strike aftermaths have unique lightning patterns left in the dirt. I dont see those patterns in the arial picture. Maybe the ground density wouldnt allow those patterns to appear but it could be evidence im wrong
No visible scorching.
If it was lightening, hasn’t anybody conducted a weather analysis of the area to see if there was increased storm activity in area yet? I’m down for any explanation, but knowing human nature, I can’t put off the possibility of someone very wealthy taking care of business. If it was DEWs, why and how? The simplest explanations are usually correct. Definitely going to watching this one for more info.
Came here to say this. I live in GA, but probably a couple of hours from there, and there’s been random spotty storms all week. Actually just had lightning strike outside our house 2 nights ago and fried our cable box and modem. Fun times
Best explanation is Russia destroyed the Georgia Guidestones. They are blamed for everything else, so why not? Or maybe the stones contracted COVID after being vaccinated with 8 boosters and dies of Sudden Rock Death Syndrome.
muh cLiMateChaNGe
White hat op. The Cabal has already been dethroned permanently. But the masses need to be shown slowly. Removing the Guidestones was a symbolic gesture towards the derp state. A reminder that they are done. The people in charge of safety were probably waiting for this to happen.
But clearly the entire plan was to remove them entirely.
Exactly^ Q's movie wouldn't be possible if the DS had any power.
They most likely looked for explosives residue and didn't find any. Then they came to the same conclusion as we did, the military took the stones down using some sort of laser or DEW device. Having the military take down a globalist target is not something they would advertise; the black hats would want to keep that stuff on the down low. Being on an opposing side with our military would have negative connotations. Not something they would want to try to explain to the public if you know what I mean.
Space Force is up and running boys, target #1 destroyed. Lets predict the next target. UN, WEF, Bill Gates, Pfizer?
I read somewhere that a car was seen leaving the area shortly after the explosion.
I don't know how DEWs work... Do they need someone on the ground painting the target with a laser? If so, that could explain the vehicle leaving. I doubt we would see any laser shining on the stones because whoever did this would absolutely know to place that laser on the other side of the stones. Maybe the colors anons mention in comments above came from an on-the-ground operator.
One other wild theory - could nitroglycerin be attached to one of the stones in a glass container and be activated with a pellet gun or a .22 or something? I am not sure if a nitroglycerin explosion would create the same type of burn marks that a conventional explosion would leave behind. I'm not sold on anything like that because I would think those stones would need a directed explosion from a shaped charge. Otherwise if the explosion was on the outside of the stone it would be directed away.
Here's another observation.
(2 minutes)
Not to poop on the party, but they were 20 foot tall slabs of stone, one was shattered by the blast and had pieces launched dozens of yards away. The other ones could have been damaged and were not safe to leave standing.
put it like this a bomb big enough to totally destroy the one slab would have had a shock wave that should have if nothing else have enough pressure to push ove at least one of the other pillars and the top should have fell off??
A fourth of the capstone was also blown off. Apparently nothing but weight was holding it all together. Look at the little gif of the scoop shovel knocking it over. Would have been no time at all before it fell on a bunch of people taking selfies.
I had the impression that the damage of the capstone should be possible only if hit from higher position. Based on this observation the weapon must be carried by drone or elicopter. Anyway not high speed plane.
It does seem that way. I suppose it would be possible if there was an explosion right on the stone under it, or the lower stone was in someway bumped upward sharply. When the shovel pushed the capstone just a little, the whole thing fell down.
It was a Darwin award magnet.
One reason would be to accuse a “qanon” as they say and then start a hot war.
If you look at the video of it being blown up you can see the timestamp - hits at 03:32 with big plume/boom then at 03:33.
Timestamp 04:03:33.
The Cabal didn't blow up the Guidestones. A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Which would be why we win.
Or, maybe the locals hated it as much as anyone and were glad to knock it down.
Well blowing it up wasn't a crime, so...
???? The ATF regulates fireworks. Using enough explosives to blow up a 20 ton slab of granite without authorization on public ground is 100% a crime.
Well fuck the ATF. How about that.
What happened to the time capsule?
Maybe we are just showing them how fast we can erase them.
God knows how to save The righteous of a Nation and punish its leaders look at Ahab. God can meet individual punishment if he has to. Right now I think he's calling for the church to wake up because he has a task for us. We fell into sleep and we've been under judgment but that not judgment for our destruction but for our Awakening
God isn’t a collectivist.
It this was God or DEW, the entire monument would be leveled. But whoever did it, thanks!!
Not the cabal. Not lightening. Lightening can blow up a tree because of all the moisture in the tree. Granite is not a tree. Something else did this and somebody wanted all the evidence gone. Pronto.
Cold lightning is explosive. Hot lightning causes things to burn.
I'm still leaning toward a classified DEW. A weaponized sonic frequency can't be ruled out.
Now that the dust has settled and it has been demolished and now the Pfizer guy wants to rebuild this better in 666 days. a bit too coincidental. Plus demolishing it before an investigation Is it possible that they demolished it to get access to the time capsule? and this was done on purpose by them? I just cant shake it is to convenient and lines up with their symbolism of time dates. This just happens on BUSH"S birthday. was this a gift to him. Now It can be rebuilt in the exact 666 timeframe by pure evil. Another thought maybe there was an explosive device already there? Why is the county the ones who maintain the property? I want to know what is below it. Probably like everything else - unanswered questions.
I think the Pfizer guy rebuilding it was just a joke
oh well that one got me.
It was very unstable so it had to come down.....Oh and God did it :)
If the Cabal did it, they would've had a scapegoat by now. This was an operation by our guys, I guarantee. Think: Why would Biden's admin NOT want to admit it was a foreign weapon? What would that admission require him to do? Who controls the military right now?
Nah, unlikely. More like some crazy whackjob had a bone to pick
The True question is, are they gonna to rebuild it ?
To erect or not to erect, that is the question? We shall see
The guide stones didn't blow themselves up. It's a coverup.
Occam's razor....I like it.
Whatever it was it was most certainly coming from the direction of the light source. You can even tell by the pattern of the spread of the rubble. And a big flash coming from the direction of the light source almost immediately before the explosion. Pretty intense.
Whose land were the stones on?
Pressed charges? No?
Why not? Benefit?
They were on land owned by Elbert County.
Would not make sense if the cabal did it, because they put it up for everybody to see and it's being rejected so I'm betting on other actors
Didn't see any burn marks or did I miss something?
Has anyone seen any statements from law enforcement about this event, anything?
Is it private property ?
Here is what DEW needs to wipe out next. Gates homes worldwide. Soros homes worldwide. Same for Schwab. Same for all Redshields. Many more after these.
Unless.... dun-dun-dun...
the real truth...
CERN is actually a time portal machine.
The guide stone was manipulated in the past to provide information to the current timeline. After receiving this information in the current timeline, this message was destroyed. The remaining evidence was cleaned and processed to prevent any reproduction of the evidence.
This is the facts.
Imagine making a monument that is meant to show your ultimate control from behind the shadows and you still have to panic when 1/4 of it goes down and you have to scream "tear it down!" so people don't look into it all too closely now. What an absolute joke of an existence. "I'm in control here....but erm.....not really."
Military signaled op days before with Skull and Bones logo in official .mil Twitter posts