[Repost] It's time to talk about the newest Q posts, 8kun shut down, and what appears to be attempts to silence Q from communicating with us (see comments)

We are first and foremost a Q research board, so we need to be discussing this.
I don’t claim to know all the details here so if anyone has more knowledge than me please speak up. Heres what I understand.
Q started posting under a new tripcode on the Q research board on 8kun and then the posts were deleted by one of the admins. Q then moved to the hivemind board on 8kun and said that Q research was compromised and that he would never post there again. Q verified his identity using two 0 delta posts with trumps truth social account (statistical anomaly). He said that his current and previous trip codes should all be considered compromised. He said that future comms will be verified by Trump and Trump only.
These occurrences happened on July 6-7. To my knowledge Q has not posted since then.
None of these Q posts were added to any aggregators because Q was using new tripcodes.
Now 8kun is completely down. Not sure if this is planned downtime or something more.
Beyond all of this, these new Q posts are not advocating for anything that we all would not agree on, mainly that there is fuckery afoot and that only posts directly verified by Trump/POTUS can be trusted.
TLDR: new Q posts are being deleted and censored. Future posts will be verified by Trump. 8kun is down so Q may move to a different platform if it remains down.
How do we know Jim Watkins and fredo and others did not attempt to fake post as 'Q'? The first posts I mean, when Jim came out and tried to claim he was in California and so could not get to his controls to rotate the SALT?
And can 'someone' explain to my old azz what exactly the 'SALT' is? I get that it's programming, but the computers I learned on were revolving drum magnetic head things we fed tape and punch cards to, read a lot of ones and zeros. Anyhow- when the 'salt' rotated 'Q's trip would have changed too, would it not?
Not sure any of that really matters tho. We didn't expect 'Q' to return to posting, we shouldn't need 'Q' in that capacity now. I'd love to have it but look back at the constant turmoil 'Q' posts caused, the Hate they caused the Enemy to throw at us; that part I don't miss.
But we should be Good to Go now, none of us understands all of it, each of us understands parts and we move more on Faith anyhow. A Great Awakening, a Spiritual Awakening and we see it habbening. Our 'job' isn't, to my understanding', to do the heavy lifting rather we are support, the logistics tail. Who fills the rotten school bopard seats? We do. Who acts as poll watchers? We do. Who protects OUR kids from the Enemy? We do.
We are supposed to help 'normies' stay sane as we go through this most unique Timeline, mainly, while simply being Good Citizens the whole time.
We know enough, each of us, to do our jobs now, 'Q' posts or no 'Q' posts. We know enough Collectively to hold the line all across America, or almost, and the world will follow.
This outage was mentioned I think, we were told to expect comms to go away, to expect to operate on our own, as we have been for a while now. Was it the DoD server I wonder? Like Watkins said - good time to go read a book, he suggested one about feeding clowns and queers as I recall.
Lastly - no outside comms. POTUS is the only channel which would not be 'outside comms'. So this makes sense, but details along the way are confoundingly confusing...
WWG1WGA! And we don't have to lean on 'Q' posts, 'Q' prepared us for This Timeline.
Pray for Humanity, as we know not everyone survives this.
In cryptography SALT is used to make passwords more complex before they are run through a hash algorithm. Password salting is a technique to protect passwords stored in databases by adding a string of 32 or more characters and then hashing them. Salting prevents hackers who breach an enterprise environment from reverse-engineering passwords and stealing them from the database.
I don't claim to understand all of the techniques Q has used to create unique posts, but this might be what they were referring to?
Thanks, that makes sense and I wondered if it was truly 'that' simple, insert 'padding' to confuse/hide/add security to coding.
Fun fact - at the Battle of Leyte Gulf in WWII the Japanese were trying to lure Halsey's carriers away from the beach landings so their heavy units could dash in and blast the landing beaches with big guns. During the various stages of the battle Halsey had mentioned designating a battleship task force to stay behind if he left chasing enemy carriers, so they could defend the beaches and the support Fleet.
Except he didn't, he thought the Japanese Fleet had been driven off so he took the battleships with him and left the beaches uncovered. As it was realized the Japanese had turned around and were now mere hours away from the beaches Nimitz radioed him, asking where that task force was. Except they padded the message, they always did, to confuse Japanese codebreakers- the padding included the phrase 'the world wonders' after the demand to know WHERE that battleship task force was located. That padding caused Halsey to think he had just been reprimanded by CINCPAC, but no it was just padding.
Fooled our own people too...
Some of this fools me the same sort of way.
Thanks, I should really learn to code I guess, why let the true Anons have all the Fun?
Thanks for that Fun Fact! I work in Cybersecurity as an Incident response analyst. I have enough coding knowledge to make me dangerous but I leave the real development up to the pros!
Yeah the salting prevents someone from just looking up values in a rainbow table (Large table of precomputed hashes without any salting)
and it make meat delicious!
(sorry, just had to lighten things up)
Good summation and commentary, fren!
Gracias but I have more questions than defined answers.... as we all do huh!
Yep, we're all questioning this, but the more eyes on it the better.
Thanks for this covfefenegro. You said it perfectly. i give you 25 upvotes ;))
So someone has the power to not only take down 8, but also the Q aggregator sites as well, at least QAgg.news.
That’s what I’m hearing.
I think someone was compromised. Either with money, or death threats. Remember who we are dealing with - they like hurting and killing people.
I don't know where the board was hosted, but that could be where it was compromised as well.
This crosses a red line, correct?
Good question. I hadn't considered that shutting down Q would be the line Q was referring to.
qalerts.pub is still up.
My thinking is to trust Trump to verify Q. No matter where they surface Moves & counter moves. I think hivemind board is C_A. One individual there goes by OSS. Could be white hats, who knows. I wish Q would get themselves verified, dump 8 kun and surface on TS.
Thank you I need to head back to the boards
Sounds like pure conjecture and speculation. There's been zero comms from players or evidence to suggest this notion, furthermore the Trump's have their private family matters secure. Rarely is anything dramatic or negative ever leaked about their personal lives.
Smells like some kinda paytriot streamer telegram b.s. to me.
I've been under the impression that Melania is the driving force behind everything happening, and the reason Trump does what he does. I remember her speeches.
Wouldn't that be wild if she was the answer to 'wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.'
It's interesting how no one pays attention to her except to comment on her looks. Hidden in plain site.
She’s certainly smart enough and has the perspective of a person who has lived outside of freedom. She knows the stakes
Same which is why I am wondering where he heard this as he only listens to conservative News.
I'd wait for her divorce filing before giving it any brain cycles. They're not splitting. This same type of rumor circulates among Russian speaking gossip boards often. She was claimed to divorce him if he won election the first time, and then several times throughout his term. Last time I paid attention, it was rumored she was leaving him as soon as he was out of office. I think these rumors are wishful thinking on the part of people who want them to fail. I've seen a few supposed first hand accounts from people who have interacted with the Trumps at smaller gatherings. In each instance they said they were surprised by the experience not aligning with the rumors.
Don't buy it. Just the way they look at eachother. They are fine. You can't fake that shit. Fake news looks for ugly faces and makes up stories.
That's all crap talk. Sauceless. Dont serve w o real sauce. We dont deal in gossip that's for little old ladies w no life of their own
That was exactly my point. Not sure why someone down voted. Must've been one of the gossip queens that want to see them divorced. 🤣
Good, I am in prayer for them.
Division is being created. Don’t let it Anons! Sometimes you must back out to 40,000 feet to review the big picture. We are the best of the best here. Let’s work the confirmations and get back on the correct messaging and page regarding Q’s comms please frens.
My thought as well
Remember when you could enter a trip code in search of google books and it would pop relevant books..try it..
I believe "nuclear attack" news were comms. Someone thought something big and damaging was going to drop and raised the alarm (or alternatively, called in the strike). Maybe that is why 8kun is down. Maybe that's why Canada's internet went dark for nearly a whole day.
I dont think we need Q posts anymore tbh, we're already drowning in proofs and things are far more in the open now. I would expect more public proofs and happenings to intensify soon.
This, it could be for their benefit, nuclear information is the kind of information that people gets people killaried.
Im with you guys, very plausible. Take all of my upvoats!
Thank you, I sometimes wonder why people so determined that the zero delta and truth social Q are really Q.
When TS admitted it, the guy I responded to logically explained how the ZDQ is not Q and that Q really has given us all that we need, and he sent new coms when they were necessary. I try to look at the big picture of what's going on in the world to watch and read, and analyze things. It seems like all hell is breaking loose and in some sense it is, but not so much for us, as the deep state. EVERY DAY more and more that was once hidden is being exposed, this stuff isn't new, it's always been there, and it was always going on, the difference is now we can see what's going on.
Dark to Light the worms are being exposed and they are being dealt with in one way or another.
I think the people that want so desperately to believe the ZD and TS posters are really Q should go back and reread the Q posts. I'm reading through them for the first time and I am seeing things I never saw before.
For example in the beginning posts instead of signing them as Q the posts kept ending as Alice and Wonderland, I think that was how they were signing at first instead of just using Q.
Canada's internet didn't go down for a day, unless you are a Rogers customer or with a provider that piggybacks on Rogers. Everybody else was fine.
Doesnt Rogers control like 90% of internet users in Canada?
No, not to my knowledge. There are other providers like Bell, Shaw, Telus as well as local independants. However, Rogers has something big to do with the Interac payment system as nearly the entire country couldn't pay with debit for that day but, could pay with credit cards. I'm in the Prairies and my internet wasn't interuppted in any way but, my GF had to use her Visa to make a purchase.
I don't know the percentage, but it would be double digits, and less than 50%.
They can't stop what's coming or prevent us from seeing Qcomms
Jim Watkins on SALT Rotation, 6-24-22
Dear Friend,
Good news, TOR works.
Here is what happened on Friday, June 24th 2022
I finally got the TOR servers working with both sys and the live servers.
This was tested from the dev server.
Changes were ported over from the dev server to the live servers.
This is when the salt rotated. It changed to what is on the dev server, which is not live.
Trip posting is not common on 8kun.top, and this was not verified after the work was done.
This is my fault, and I take responsibility for that.
It came as a surprise for me as well when trips had changed. Fixing this was relatively easy. I called an employee and asked them to put a backup on for me, which was fixed.
The temporary problem is visible on this trip chat thread.
As far as the Q posts. These are verified now to the best of my ability. TOR hides the IP address of individual posters, so that can not be verified, but the login by the Board Owner of /projectdcomms/ I can see that.
Then the deletion and banning of the B post are the additional verification that makes it highly probable, to the point of certainty, that these posts are valid by the person or persons that post with the Q trip.
It is likely that Q has a different password for the BO login, and the trip code. That is common security practice. I trust that
Q would be familiar with security, using TOR is an additional security step that requires knowledge past the Tenderfoot stage of internet use.
I publicly explained this on Sunday evening with at least 100 witnesses, including Chad Vivas, who has been retruthed by President Donald Trump.
https://chadvivas.com (https://chadvivas.com/)
No trip code no Q……
When Q has had issues in the past with trips etc even before those posts were “Q”… The post explaining and later confirming was always clear…..
This ain’t Q ……
8Kun is coming back up. Heres a link to the Hivemind forum which sumarizes the situation.
Ill summarize:
Q's Private Board (anons directed to verify with POTUS & ONLY POTUS)
Q's current Trip-code: (None)
Q's expired Trip-codes:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 (compromised by /qr/ staff, noted 07.06.2022)
Q !!PEY.v0n7rU (burned by Q to confirm new tripcode 07.06.2022)
Q !!LHodQlswQg (burned by Q 07.07.2022)
Zero Delta Q's Latest Posts
Pending Further Confirmation - POTUS and ONLY POTUS
Thursday 07.07.2022
Wednesday 07.06.2022
Wednesday 06.29.2022
Tuesday 06.28.2022
Tuesday 12.08.2020
https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11709084.html#11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)
It'll sort itself out. OG Q will find a way to get comms confirmed, if it's meant to be.
It's much more important to the blue check 'Qanon' beat reporters like Rothschild, View and Collins that Q come back than it is to us.
Ultimately, I'm not worried about it. OG Q will find a way to confirm themselves, one way or the other. It's not like we need them. Whenever folks in the last year and a half would wax poetic about wishing Q would come back, I'd always ask - what would you have Q say today that hasn't been said in the first 5,000 drops?
That we caught them all? That nothing can stop what is coming? That the good guys are in control?
K, this might be viewed as a stupid question, but why doesn't the Q team just post on Truth Social? Who cares if the DIMs lose their minds - they're crazy anyway. Devin is charge or at least I think he still is. Might open up even more minds.
"No outside comms" "There is a reason why we came here" (the chan's)
Q messages concerning your question.
Sorry, I should have made myself clearer - I meant if 8kun goes down permanently.
Ah, gotcha. If that is the case, Q may not post again. ?
Is it a delta just because there is a post at around the same time by this supposed Q and Trump? Q's and Trump's message have nothing in common in their actual content / statements. The time-stamps can apparently be faked pretty easily, so theoretically someone could have a bot / some code set up to post a pre-written post as soon as a Trump truth comes in and changing the time stamp to before he posted. This could be automatically executed so quickly that any real-time observer would not be able to confirm which one truly came first. As long as the content is not clearly related (same words, +++ etc.) or additional proof is shown like the "tippy top", we should not take these posts as de facto Q.
If you had a dozen people posting 5 fake Q messages every hour, hitting a zero delta would become very likely. There was so much spamming when the supposed deltas occurred that the breads were being filled in minutes by all the fake Q larpers and shills.
Zero deltas don't prove anything unless they are mathematically impossible.
I'm not trusting zero delta Q at all. With all their cyber intelligence they're not going to let something like a trip code expire, or go bad.
Right now I think this is a clown attempt to discredit Q, Ron, and Jim. They had worked to keep this going since Q started posting why would they change that now? They know how important this is.
I haven't looked at the zero delta q posts since this weekend, I do remember someone poking a big hole in one so that was enough for me.
No tripcode, not a Q post as far as I'm concerned.
so we wait for more deltas to confirm... trump truth is the verifier of the Q post.
My thought it codemonkey screwed up enough to ruin the Q trips and theres no going back.
All I know is I don't trust zero delta Q unless Geotus himself says zero deltas in a speech or a truth, I'm going to ignore it.
Like I said I think Q Q plus can do better even create a new with trip codes etc. If Ron and Jim can the. Q certainly can and people would go there .
I think zero Delta q and the board going down is all the same group doing it either Mos or clowns they're trying to bring it down because Q started communicating with us again and they're trying to hijack it. They're trying to stop us.
So how many times does Q have to drop before Trump Social before its not a coincidence anymore?
Just wondering what your number is.... 5, 10, 100?
If it was Trump Social post before Q I would agree with you.
But its Q before TS.
Here is the other 0 delta post. I dont claim to understand all these posts and how they relate. some may be real Q and some may be fake, but the fact remains that SOMEONE was able to replicate two 0-delta posts.
Edit: that is unless someone was able to fake the timestamps somehow. I do remember considering this at the time as the time stamps would change from one timezone to another when loading the page. Not sure if this is normal or not.
When Q started posting again, there were pictured instructions on how to easily change your time-zone and fake a delta. Perhaps the time stamps are much less reliable when it comes to figuring out whether it's the same Q than let's say "tippy top". Something like that is nearly impossible to fake. We should be wary if time-stamps are the "new" Q's only proof.
Common man, is that all you could think of? Fake and gay. I remember the last time this was tried, the board posts where in a different timezone, explaining the amazing 0 delta.
Edit: it should not matter at this point (Q back or not), we’ve been Qless for quite some time now and are doing great, just look at all the Q content out there on a daily basis. I’m sure that if Q really wants to communicate with us, there will be a way.
Why are we still talking about the fake Q posts, and why is hivemind being brought in? First there were fake posts out of the blue, in a similar style as Q but not Q. Then the drama with Jim. Then the countless arguments on it is Q? Jim weighs in again with some truth and some BS, more fake posts, and stuff talking about "Establishing Comms". Then the "deltas" came. There was a time Deltas helped but that time is well past. There have been no actual proofs that I've seen where we can all agree on. Q always reestablished comms by his tripcode, some deltas, and either more pics from his air force one series or having Trump say something the anons asked for. That didn't happen. To make things worse the people that hacked the board and posted to Q's board seem to be trying to say Q is posting on hivemind.
None of the new Q stuff is real. It looks like it is an "operation" to get suckers to go to hivemind so they can larp as Q.
If Trump comes out and says tippy-top (or whatever the autists on 8kun ask him to say) then yeah - the new Q is real. Otherwise this is just a con and a distraction. You are free to follow whatever you want, but it isn't Q.
We are talking about it because of the two 0 delta posts.
The deltas can't be trusted if they are deltas involving 8kun. That site is compromised all over the place. Even people in hivemind (which you seem to think is where Q went) have called out that root can change things and that the times aren't necessarily correct.
The deltas were supposed to be irrefutable. Even that hasn't happened - the "deltas" appear to be non-related.
No matter - I'm not going to change what you believe and you won't change what I believe. Just understand - there's a reason why the Q post sites aren't cataloging the new "Q drops" from hivemind.
When (if) Q is ready to come back the team will have a lot to do to fix the mess that Jim, Babyfist, and hivemind have done, and they will certainly reestablish comms in a way nobody will be able to argue about. A delta between TS and 8kun is not that way and relies on a comped board with an untrustable owner, with software written by his son that allows them to impersonate any tripcode with ease. The code was posted showing how to use that feature (requires admin access).
This right here is what I was talking about it's why I don't believe zero delta Q. I'm regretting that I didn't learn how trip codes and deltas worked sooner I was content with reading the research here.
But I'm catching up in a hurry. Thank you so much. Although I do think that the posts up to the 29th are possibly legit although idk if they're for us I was on the WordPress symbolism site and he goes into Yahoo being named oath and some other things I haven't had time to read all the way through.
Idk if this link will take you directly to the q post but there is a link on the page that will so you don't have to scroll down.
I don’t actually think 0 deltas are that secure these days. You could feasibly have a crawler that waits for a Trump post that fires off a message to the board within seconds.
A negative delta is even more sus, not to mention that timestamps can be manipulated.
In the beginning they were great and imo, rock solid, but as time goes on and the methods become more predictable, reverse engineering a 0 delta becomes more likely.. just my opinion though.
Isn’t Ron Watkins Jim watkin’s Son? Or did I mix up the facts. Bc if he is, then you know they’re compromised. Didn’t he go on HBO and imply he was q and make us all look retarded?
Yes I’ve been pointing that out everytime I see a pro Ron Watkins post. Not only did he do it on HBO but also he did it on VICE. Look it up. The faggot made me cringe from the start. Such a fucking cuck I don’t even care if he is on our side.
Never actually watched more than a couple minutes, it was too cringe. Did he say he was Q or how was it implied?
I never watched it too bc it sounded super cringe. But I remember pedes saying it sucked. I don’t think he straight up said he was Q but the producers edited it to imply that or smth stupid like that.
Yes. They were both in that made for TV movie.
8kun still looks like it's working to me. What's down about it?
It’s fake, a bunch of random posts under that first green “trioxide” on hive mind. Not Q.
I'm way behind. Can someone point me to where I can view these posts? They don't show up on qnews or anything. To me, he hasn't posted anything since June 29 or post 4958
Again I ask, why didn't he use something like GPG in the first place? Impersonation would be completely impossible that way.
8kun is not down.
Just came back up.
I was on 8kun last night at 11pm Central. I posted about it on here and added a post that was the most recent one from 8kun. I also pointed out that ISPs are starting to block 8kun.top - Suddenlink has been doing it for a long time. If you can't get on 8kun try using a vpn. I think ISPs are sharing notes on who to block.
Latest edition of Q research General is from yesterday. Q said (where?) that s/he/they would no longer post on 8kun?
It is BS. Q said no outside comms. Q never said "unless it is on hivemind". Q also never said "I'm not gonna post on QResearch anymore - just hivemind". Think about that for a second. This is the board ops that are pissed and trying to take over the whole Q thing, taking advantage of the fact that Q hasn't posted since 2020.
Hivemind is not QResearch. The people that run Hivemind were booted from QResearch because of the whole hacking Q's private board thing.
Anons - please stop falling for this.
I'm not saying Q is a larp. I'm saying this BS is not Q. If you want to fall for this larp then go ahead, but understand - Hivemind is not where Q posts or ever said he would post. The only person that said that was whoever is faking Q posts. On Hivemind.
Q has changed boards before though
the kun is working for me
If everything is compromised why Q doesn't use the truthsocial's account ?
Are 8kun and 4chan cb and ham channels?
No - they are message boards. Here is the 8kun QResearch catalog link.
That's so sad that Watkins and the other volunteers would turn traitor during such a crucial and important time as this.
I think Watkins is out of the 8chqn game. Buisy running for a house seat in Arizona
There are 2 Watkins. Ron (codemonkeyZ) is the son, and is the one running for CONgress. He was running things until he stepped down and his Dad Jim took over. Jim owns it.
Ah I see. So then that would mean his dad is potentially compromised. Which would mean they are both compromised. Hm.
Tho I don't exactly belive this new 0's tripcode Q. Not yet anyway.