Like the assassination attempt by a drone shooting into Trump's bedroom at Mar-a-lago. He wasn't in that bedroom at the time... and probably NEVER sleeps in that room.
The Deep State, of course, has the construction plans of Mar-a-lago. The room labeled "Master Suite" is a decoy bedroom. I bet Trump sleeps in the room with no windows labeled "Waste Treatment Control".
Make no mistake, these people are pure evil. They signed the contract with the devil himself!
Remember disgraced and fired FBI Dtr James Comey's book title; 'A Higher Loyalty' Yeah, go figure who their higher loyalty is with. The satanic cabal rulers of the world, but people all around the globe are fighting back against this evil entity!
I've often wondered about this. And maybe I'm looking through a Christian lens, but I can't EVER imagine making a deal with the enemy without being terrified of what happens after I die. How could you enjoy all the riches and fame and power knowing the minute you die, eternity in hell starts?
I've seen where people have said they didn't believe in God so it was easy to make this deal with the devil. But if the devil exists, then how can God not exist? What are they thinking??
Letting evil exist makes us numb to it little by little until we like it. There comes a point where a person embraces the devil because they're that blind and misled. This can happen to any one of us. That's why it's so massive that God, Who absolutely does exist, sent Christ Jesus to bring us back into a solid place of rest with Him.
The devil is a deciever. He convinces them they'll live forever and that he's really in charge of the earth. He is the god of chaos. He tells you that the one true heavenly God is a tyrant and slave driver and wants to deprive you of the earthly pleasures. In reality he hates us because we were made in gods image and are able to create things that celebrate the joy and beauty of this life. We are able to create a life in conception. That's why these demons want abortions. It isn't to kill the life... it's to destroy the conception. Satan is only a jealous destroyer. Libtard democrats are insane. They only care about their earthly existence. They are all godless atheists or the synagogue of Satan. Some have no soul at all like Bill Gates and George Soros. Or the succubus Nancy Piglosi. It's getting worse and blatantly so. Something big is gonna happen soon. It has to.
Hahaha Took my wife to Dollar General last weekend cause she had an intense need for some cheap Chinese crap (decorations for a party) and lo and behold James Comeys book on sale for a buck and a quarter. Probably still couldnt sell them.
I think they are trying harder than ever right now. This is do or die time for them and they know. Their plans all fall apart if he is allowed to run for president again. 2024 is all about installing their dictator, that is what all of this is working towards. Biden is just the piece that collapses everything. Then they install their Hitler 2.0 to 'save' us all. Trump stands in the way of that.
...honestly, I'm still surprised biden got away with blaming the Fed for gas prices...The fed is notoriously trigger-happy when it comes to presidents saying bad things about them...
Honestly assassinating Trump would definitely turn him into a martyr and would likely start an actual rebellion in this country. If there is to be rebellion in this country you can bet your ass that they want to be in control of it from start to finish, killing Trump would throw elements of it out of their control quicker than any other move they could possibly make as far as I'm concerned. Basically I ask myself this, how would they benefit from killing Trump? I can't come up with a good answer. For this to be definitive proof of good guys being in control there needs to be no other good explanation, but this isn't the case whatsoever here.
I think a much better example would be why on earth do they keep letting Biden come out and talk, making a complete and utter fool of himself, especially when it's in a video where you can tell it was green screened in the first place. Why put out something like that when you are clearly doctoring videos in the first place? Outside of some type of psychological demoralizing of the populace I can't come up with a good explanation, and that's a flimsy one because it's had the exact opposite effect of waking people up and it seems to me pretty obvious that this would be the result. When a good explanation can't be found elsewhere then the whole good guys are in control theory starts to become much more viable doesn't it? But when there are other explanations good guys in control seems much more like wishful thinking then a well thought out theory. Atleast that's my take.
It's not from lack of trying. Just because they can't get to him doesn't mean the bad guys aren't trying. If the good guys were 100% in control we wouldn't need to go through this drama. That being said. They DEFINITELY don't have the reach they once had. Now they have to settle for killing innocent people in schools, malls, and churches.
I bet that submarine commander and his cohorts were in a world of hurt after that missile attempt.
They probably spent an hour or two of butthole puckering time... waiting for the White Hats to arrive and arrest them. It's very likely they went through some really intense "questioning"... after which most of the collaborators didn't survive long.
Missile fired from U.S. Navy facility at Air Force 1.
06/13/2018 a SAM (Surface-to-air missile) was launched at Air Force One while Trump was headed to the summit in Malaysia. This missile was launched from the Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington.
People can call it a conspiracy theory... but then why would a surface to air missile have been launched in that vicinity when it was known that Air Force One was directly in the path? Just unannounced surprise missile testing? I don't think so.
He was going over to asia, on his way to Japan I think. Its the same tour where he got to meet Kim in NK and be one of the few to enter the Forbidden City in China.
I kinda remembered because of how the media tried to smear him on feeding koi fishes with the late PM Abe and choosing a burger instead of expensive Japanese meal.
I think something went on in Hawaii too, some kind of alert. I can't remember if that happened on his way there or back to USA.
Hawaii nuke alert happened about 5 months before the SAM attempt on PDJT. Theory is it was a Nuke launch by cabal to try to blame NK and drag US into war but nuke was detonated in space by white hats then it was played off as a mistake during testing of EAS (some of my recollection may be off, but that was the gist of it).
Are you one of the post 2020 election joiners? It was amazing to me the number of people who.joined the MAGA movement and specifically started following Q AFTER Trump " lost" the 2020 election. It is one of the main reasons I tell others that the MAGA movement is here to stay, even IF something did happen to Trump. Assassinating him wouldn't help the Globalists at all, and charging him as they are discussing would be the absolute worst thing they could do for their side.
I've supported Trump since forever. Didn't know about this site until after the election. I had watched some videos on Q by Charlie Freak. The Q takedown of the cabal videos were huge to me.
I've been awake since I was in my teens in the 80s,
Although it’s been attempted more than 17 times. He’s got spiritual protection.
Like the assassination attempt by a drone shooting into Trump's bedroom at Mar-a-lago. He wasn't in that bedroom at the time... and probably NEVER sleeps in that room.
The Deep State, of course, has the construction plans of Mar-a-lago. The room labeled "Master Suite" is a decoy bedroom. I bet Trump sleeps in the room with no windows labeled "Waste Treatment Control".
The Las Vegas massacre may also have been an attempt on both Trump and Mohammed bin Salman. There are rumors that both were in Vegas that day.
? A door labeled as such hiding a long stairway or an elevator down into the earth. Only way in is a bunker buster.
I don't remember exactly but it was shortly after Biden took over and Trump moved to Mar-a-lago.
October 1, 2017 was the festival shooting in LV.
Make no mistake, these people are pure evil. They signed the contract with the devil himself!
Remember disgraced and fired FBI Dtr James Comey's book title; 'A Higher Loyalty' Yeah, go figure who their higher loyalty is with. The satanic cabal rulers of the world, but people all around the globe are fighting back against this evil entity!
I've often wondered about this. And maybe I'm looking through a Christian lens, but I can't EVER imagine making a deal with the enemy without being terrified of what happens after I die. How could you enjoy all the riches and fame and power knowing the minute you die, eternity in hell starts? I've seen where people have said they didn't believe in God so it was easy to make this deal with the devil. But if the devil exists, then how can God not exist? What are they thinking??
They’re not concerned about going to hell because they simply don’t believe it exists. The devil has them fooled into believe hell isn’t real.
This makes a lot of sense. The devil is a liar so I can see this happening.
Christian Metal Band Name: HELL NO!
There's Stryper...
hell isn't a catholic thing. It's not even defined clearly. but i agree
Letting evil exist makes us numb to it little by little until we like it. There comes a point where a person embraces the devil because they're that blind and misled. This can happen to any one of us. That's why it's so massive that God, Who absolutely does exist, sent Christ Jesus to bring us back into a solid place of rest with Him.
The devil is a deciever. He convinces them they'll live forever and that he's really in charge of the earth. He is the god of chaos. He tells you that the one true heavenly God is a tyrant and slave driver and wants to deprive you of the earthly pleasures. In reality he hates us because we were made in gods image and are able to create things that celebrate the joy and beauty of this life. We are able to create a life in conception. That's why these demons want abortions. It isn't to kill the life... it's to destroy the conception. Satan is only a jealous destroyer. Libtard democrats are insane. They only care about their earthly existence. They are all godless atheists or the synagogue of Satan. Some have no soul at all like Bill Gates and George Soros. Or the succubus Nancy Piglosi. It's getting worse and blatantly so. Something big is gonna happen soon. It has to.
Hahaha Took my wife to Dollar General last weekend cause she had an intense need for some cheap Chinese crap (decorations for a party) and lo and behold James Comeys book on sale for a buck and a quarter. Probably still couldnt sell them.
he's also richer than god as the saying goes, which doesn't hurt, lmao.
This doesn't mean they don't keep trying.
They had 6 years.
I truly believe this!
Trump through DOD Dtr Chris Miller cut-off Pentagon/CIA funding.
Ukraine - The Putin 'cleansing' of Deep States operations.
Taiwan - Next; China Xi 'cleansing' of Deep State operations
Saudi - Human Trafficking Hub dismantled.
So many countries worldwide - citizens are pushing back, Gov't officials resigning.
"Their dying breath"
GOOD. I hope they choke on it.
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
I'll believe it when there's people on death row.
I think they are trying harder than ever right now. This is do or die time for them and they know. Their plans all fall apart if he is allowed to run for president again. 2024 is all about installing their dictator, that is what all of this is working towards. Biden is just the piece that collapses everything. Then they install their Hitler 2.0 to 'save' us all. Trump stands in the way of that.
Pray & fast for Trump's safety.
Or maybe they put Biden in there, to be the face of everything that is wrong with America.
He's a rich old white guy.
When Hillary Clinton ran for President in 2016, she deployed what was known as "The Pied Piper Strategy",
Where Hillary was already pre-determined to be the President,
BUT, Hillary had to defeat a formidable opponent.
There was a short list of names, to be her fake opponent.
He had to be a rich, old, white guy,
Preferably openly racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic,
The perfect embodiment and personification of everything the left hates.
And Trumps name was on the short list.
And Trump knew good and well that he was just playing a role.
Trump was playing the role of "the bad guy"
Trump had never shown any interest in running for office before.
Trump had no realistic expectation of ever becoming president.
Trump was supposed to lose, and then Hillary would finally break that ultimate glass ceiling she's been trying to break her entire life.
on Election Night 2016, everyone expected Hillary to win.
Hillary expected Hillary to win.
Trump expected Hillary to win.
The media, and pundits, and pollsters, expected Hillary to win.
Even YOU expected Hillary to win,
BUT you went out and voted for Trump anyway.
What about the Presidential chef that was poisoned ,does anyone know if he survived?
And it can’t come soon enough.
God is in control.
And many here beg God to keep angles around all of the trump family in Jesus name.
Why would they kill their own? If you were winning, you wouldn't constantly be losing.
250 though?
It's a comforting thought. If the entire thing isnt just a show. About to see the tin man pop out with the wizard. They are strikingly similar.
I will NOT breathe easily until traitors are hanged.
And we get to view the hangings from Gitmo live.
The FBI is dissolved or at least cut off at the knees (leave the forensic crime labs running).
Department of Education is dissolved (as proposed by Thomas Massie.)
Peophiles in DC and Hollywood are all fully exposed.
Plain and simple.
Sadly, they might have gotten Ivanka. May she Rest In Peace.
Let's hope and pray they have their ankle bracelets and knowledge of their pending indictments.
Knock on wood
...honestly, I'm still surprised biden got away with blaming the Fed for gas prices...The fed is notoriously trigger-happy when it comes to presidents saying bad things about them...
Honestly assassinating Trump would definitely turn him into a martyr and would likely start an actual rebellion in this country. If there is to be rebellion in this country you can bet your ass that they want to be in control of it from start to finish, killing Trump would throw elements of it out of their control quicker than any other move they could possibly make as far as I'm concerned. Basically I ask myself this, how would they benefit from killing Trump? I can't come up with a good answer. For this to be definitive proof of good guys being in control there needs to be no other good explanation, but this isn't the case whatsoever here.
I think a much better example would be why on earth do they keep letting Biden come out and talk, making a complete and utter fool of himself, especially when it's in a video where you can tell it was green screened in the first place. Why put out something like that when you are clearly doctoring videos in the first place? Outside of some type of psychological demoralizing of the populace I can't come up with a good explanation, and that's a flimsy one because it's had the exact opposite effect of waking people up and it seems to me pretty obvious that this would be the result. When a good explanation can't be found elsewhere then the whole good guys are in control theory starts to become much more viable doesn't it? But when there are other explanations good guys in control seems much more like wishful thinking then a well thought out theory. Atleast that's my take.
It's not from lack of trying. Just because they can't get to him doesn't mean the bad guys aren't trying. If the good guys were 100% in control we wouldn't need to go through this drama. That being said. They DEFINITELY don't have the reach they once had. Now they have to settle for killing innocent people in schools, malls, and churches.
"Soon"... right?
Huh? Andrew Jackson wasn't assassinated. This is nonsense, there's truth to it but not going back through all of American history
They tried, but the assassin's gun misfired and then Jackson beat his ass with a cane.
Uum, where did I say that??
They already assassinated Trump by stealing his office. What presidents were murdered out of office?
I bet that submarine commander and his cohorts were in a world of hurt after that missile attempt.
They probably spent an hour or two of butthole puckering time... waiting for the White Hats to arrive and arrest them. It's very likely they went through some really intense "questioning"... after which most of the collaborators didn't survive long.
Hope it was worth it.
I know about the emp when he was in Scotland, but what does photo mean, honest question. There's still so much I've missed out on.
I also know about Pelosi and all the senators trying to leave and Trump stopping them on the tarmac. Is that what this is?
Missile fired from U.S. Navy facility at Air Force 1.
06/13/2018 a SAM (Surface-to-air missile) was launched at Air Force One while Trump was headed to the summit in Malaysia. This missile was launched from the Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington.
People can call it a conspiracy theory... but then why would a surface to air missile have been launched in that vicinity when it was known that Air Force One was directly in the path? Just unannounced surprise missile testing? I don't think so.
Thank you. I also remember when he was giving a press conference at the Whitehouse and a shooter out on the lawn. They got him out of there fast.
But how the hell does anyone get that close reminds me of Patrick Byrne and all the crap he was doing in 2020
Damm good point...👌
How was AF1 in the flight path of a missle from Washington?
He was going over to asia, on his way to Japan I think. Its the same tour where he got to meet Kim in NK and be one of the few to enter the Forbidden City in China.
I kinda remembered because of how the media tried to smear him on feeding koi fishes with the late PM Abe and choosing a burger instead of expensive Japanese meal.
I think something went on in Hawaii too, some kind of alert. I can't remember if that happened on his way there or back to USA.
Hawaii nuke alert happened about 5 months before the SAM attempt on PDJT. Theory is it was a Nuke launch by cabal to try to blame NK and drag US into war but nuke was detonated in space by white hats then it was played off as a mistake during testing of EAS (some of my recollection may be off, but that was the gist of it).
Remember the media saying it was a helicopter? Pepe farms remembers
Are you one of the post 2020 election joiners? It was amazing to me the number of people who.joined the MAGA movement and specifically started following Q AFTER Trump " lost" the 2020 election. It is one of the main reasons I tell others that the MAGA movement is here to stay, even IF something did happen to Trump. Assassinating him wouldn't help the Globalists at all, and charging him as they are discussing would be the absolute worst thing they could do for their side.
I've supported Trump since forever. Didn't know about this site until after the election. I had watched some videos on Q by Charlie Freak. The Q takedown of the cabal videos were huge to me.
I've been awake since I was in my teens in the 80s,
I joined Q on Jan 7th after the shitshow that was Jan 6th looking for answers...
And they thought they were gonna end the MAGA movement and Q with that. Lol.
Streisand effect when they banned it!
I think it’s “insulated”