My wife and I pulled OUR daughters out of public school... after talking seriously to our daughters about it. We home schooled them for several years. Both went through the entire high school curriculum years early, they easily passed the state high school exam and then went straight into junior college. One daughter started college at age 17. The other started college at age 16.
Strangely enough, it only takes about 4-hours per day of home-school education, which is about 2-hours more per day of 'education' than they get at a public school. The rest of a 'public education' day is just excess crap and fluff. My kids started their 4-hours per day of education at 8:00am until Noon, then did 4-hours of homework or assignments... and their school day was completely done (homework and everything) by 4:00pm. No homework in the evenings or weekends.
We weren't easy on them. Far from it. I cannot believe the ignorance of the average High School graduate. My daughters were better educated and had a better grasp of science, math, history, geography, vocabulary, reading & writing skills, etc... by 7th grade than most of these 12 graders seem to have these days. Funny enough, but they actually enjoyed getting out of the public schools and not dealing with all of the crud that goes on.
Thank you for actually being concerned with your daughters' wellbeing. More parents should follow your example. I'm so sick of the excuses people use to justify sacrificing their children to the government - hypocrites.
It’s a good take, too many assume they aren’t “cut out to be a teacher” or somehow not smart enough to teach their kids right. If it’s important they’ll learn it, I guarantee
As someone who was homeschooled through 6th grade, I can confirm that I was years ahead of my peers for quite some time. And the way they teach things in school, specifically math, just adds more steps and makes no sense at all. It's just a place where kids get dumbed down or groomed anymore. What a trainwreck
This is what I'm going to do. I don't have kids yet, but this is the plan. This is fantastic! You are an amazing parent. This is what my parent should have done. We're an athletic and religious family so I could have gotten all my socialization for sports and church activities.
Highly debatable. When I was in school (mid 20s, so roughly a decade ago, right when smartphones were getting big), I was more tech-savvy than my parents and all of the teachers.
Some others were barely able to install apps and be able to tell what's collecting your data vs what's properly secure, while I was already installing custom roms and de-googling my devices. So I wouldn't say don't give your kid a phone as a blanket statement, but if you do, make sure they know how to properly handle it.
This is the wrong approach. Take over the government schools by infiltrating the school boards as the progressives have done in the last 10 years, while conservatives were lazily watching sports and tik tok.
These are problems we cannot run from. Eventually home schooling will be outlawed and private schools will answer to the Dept of Education if we do not take the fight to them.
Schools are given directives at the state and federal level - it's a mistake to think that the problems with our education system were caused by "conservative laziness." What a weird claim. Conservatives are some of the most hardworking people I've ever met. You know who typically sleep in until noon and stay on their phones all day? Starts with an "L."
The truth is, there's a reason our public education system is free and required. They are public indoctrination camps, and I mean that literally. This will not change until corruption at the upper levels of government is dealt with. I don't care how many school board meetings you attend.
In the meantime, any parent who sends their child to a public school is knowingly endangering them, even though safer options are readily available.
The laziness of conservatives has not been in overall work ethic, but laziness in paying attention to what these evil liberals and communists have been doing in the schools for the last few decades. Had we all been paying attention, we could have opposed and stopped much, if not all, of the indoctrination and brainwashing that has been going on. But we didn't pay attention, and now we're having to clean up the mess and filth that we could have avoided entirely. And to top it all off, we've lost at least one generation because of our laziness and inattentiveness, maybe two.
It's more so that we don't naturally gravitate to politics because we don't like telling people what to do unless it's telling them to fuck off. Running for local positions and actually fulfilling those duties is boring as shit and pays hardly anything. We would rather focus on ourselves, our jobs, our family and God. This is the laziness, not being involved in local politics and keeping out the scumbags.
I'm talking about political laziness. The enemy works 247 to infiltrate. We can beat them, but we have to fight like hell.
Even right now, after all of this awakening, you would be surprised how few conservatives know anything about their local and state politics.
Maybe it took Covid and this over the top woke stuff to wake people up as to what's been going on. School boards, county commissioners, etc showed exactly how powerful they can be during covid.
I'm not saying don't try, but I am saying it might not be in time for your child to be safe at a particular school.
Obviously, if your child's school hasn't hit unsafe levels of crazy, then make sure you are as involved as possible!
But, if your child is in crisis, get them out! Homeschool, moving to a better school district.. there are choices. Taking a child out does affect the schools, as they lose funding.
In this particular case, you have choices also. No phone for your child, sue the school, etc.
Be praying and as involved as you can in whatever ways you can.
I'm pretty black and white, but sometimes you can't use that in life. Not everyone can be homeschooled and then everyone throwing out "you don't care for your kids if you send them here or there" are just well intentioned fools.
Not everyone fits in the same box everyone else does.
My mom tried homeschooling us kids for one year. My sister would have been fine, but I made her life hell. My son is just like me in those ways and would have been the same had we homeschooled him. He's actually done a lot better being in school. We're blessed with having good schools, though. Had the schools not been good we'd have either moved or found a private school.
Our kid's going to change the world, and it's going to be by us teaching him how to be a leader and then he learning how to walk that out in the brokenness of people at his public school.
In Commiefornia if your child misbehaves on the walk to and from school (including extra activities) it is the school district, not the parent who is in charge of discipline. So if your child has a fight or uses the “n” word on a walk to a weekend sporting event, the administration can kick them out of school. Nice huh? My school board thinks this is great. They implemented it before the state did. The things you learn in zoom mtgs…
i seem to recall a case a while back about this, and some court (someone smarter than me please verify) said that the 4th amendment extends to any state/local/federal goverment official not just cops.
Yes, it applies. You don't shed your constitutional rights at the school house gates. However, its a lot more nuanced than what an adult would have as "rights."
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) is still the leading 1A case in schools. It is where the Tinker Test or "substantial disruption" test came from that is still employed.
Safford Unified v. Redding (2009) is about strip searching students. It is a mixed bag of results. On the one hand, it was held the search was unconstitutional. On the other hand, the Court held that qualified immunity applied because:
"Although the strip search violated Savana’s Fourth Amendment rights, petitioners Wilson, Romero, and Schwallier are protected from liability by qualified immunity because “clearly established law [did] not show that the search violated the Fourth Amendment ,” Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U. S. ___, ___. The intrusiveness of the strip search here cannot, under T. L. O., be seen as justifiably related to the circumstances, but lower court cases viewing school strip searches differently are numerous enough, with well-reasoned majority and dissenting opinions, to counsel doubt about the clarity with which the right was previously stated."
The idea that any person thought it permissible for school officials to strip search a student is asinine. Or that this was "unsettled" in case law. Ask 1,000 random people whether this was ok, and you might get 2 glue sniffers that said "seems legit..."
J.D.B. v. North Carolina (2011) is not just applicable to schools, but is governing case law on juveniles as it relates to Miranda rights and being "in custody."
I dont have a recent case on 4th ammendment in schools but I find it hard to believe with the way the courts have been ruling the last year that they would uphold 1st and not 4th. But maybe that is the the situation still.
Honestly, I dont understand why schools allow them to have access to phones at during the day.
It was a very similar situation if memory serves, the school took someones phone and rummaged through it, suspended or expelled the kid, family sued, court found that because it was a public school and the teachers/school officials involved were paid by the gov, they infringed on the students 4th amendment rights.
People have been conditioned that they can be searched at any time, anywhere. Going on a plane, into an amusement park, sporting events, concerts, or into a public building. I see clear purses and backpacks, so you can see everything a kid is carrying around. Some places even require clear backpacks... some schools, some places of employment. Kids have been molested by TSA and security at doors their entire lives, so giving up their phones seems like something they should do. They have been conditioned to give up their privacy when asked.
I agree with homeschooling, don't send your kids into battle. They will lose. Even if you are in a good school district, and you verify their curriculum is clean, there is still the teachers. They can say and do what they want. We just learned of a teacher at our "clean, so good so it's ok to send your kids" school that there was a teacher who pushed her LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ agenda on the kids every day. Even if you are involved, you don't know what is going on in that classroom unless you sit in there every day. If you do that, might as well homeschool so you can fill your kids' minds yourself.
Teachers spend 4 years in college to learn how to manage a class of 30 kids, not how to teach them.
Sorry, I don't know why I didn't see this earlier. My parents didn't homeschool, however they were on separate schedules. My Mom worked nights, my Dad worked days. So that's a possibility. Also, if you both "have" to go to work, you aren't living within your means. I have a friend who homeschools, and they rent out their basement so she can stay home and teach. Get a smaller house, crappy car (older cars don't have all those computers too!), don't have a boat, get rid of extras. You are living for stuff instead of your kids if you can't afford to live on one income. I know I know.. I'd love to say I "need" to have a big house (we need space!!), a new car (more reliable!), nice vacations ("our kids' experience!), nice furniture, cable TV, etc... however, the truth is we homeschool because our house is 1200 square feet, our decor is 15-20 years old, our cars are at least that old, we budget food, we don't go out to eat, and the most we spend on clothes is second hand.
The PARENT "watches" the kid while Dad is at work (or vice versa). Your job is your family. The best job in the world! If you live your life for money, you won't be able to raise your own kids. Then you will hand them over to someone else to raise for that time, in exchange for government money to spend on luxuries and "stuff". It's all what you are willing to exchange your time and your kids' well being for. I know it sounds harsh, however it all comes down to what's more important to you. Your kids, their minds, and your family... or money.
Yes, it boils down that far. If you prize money, you sacrifice the others. If you prize your family, you sacrifice money. You can't have it all, but personally I feel like I do!!
kids don't need cell phones. they need to reconnect to the world around them, and build an interior life from that instead of what's popping up on the screen.
You can’t have them. What are you going to do about it?
Honestly, these school board idiots need to be fired and then get a good stiff beating with the “action in tort” stick. Break them and then take their money. It’s the only language they understand.
If they can't have your mind, they will try to steal your children's... Is it legit time already for some of us to run and hide? I keep getting this weird feeling lately like life won't be normal at all soon.
The lesson every kid learns on day 1 of school, regardless of who is teaching or what is being taught: “I’m forced to do something I don't like for 8 hours every day for the rest of my life. I’m a slave of the system.” A consumer-slave is born.
“Unschooling” is the natural way of learning. See John Taylor Gatto, John Holt.
You shouldnt have to pay for public schools through home taxes either. It should be elective if you dont want your kids going to public schools and go private or home school you should be able to opt of of the tax burden!
My wife and I pulled OUR daughters out of public school... after talking seriously to our daughters about it. We home schooled them for several years. Both went through the entire high school curriculum years early, they easily passed the state high school exam and then went straight into junior college. One daughter started college at age 17. The other started college at age 16.
Strangely enough, it only takes about 4-hours per day of home-school education, which is about 2-hours more per day of 'education' than they get at a public school. The rest of a 'public education' day is just excess crap and fluff. My kids started their 4-hours per day of education at 8:00am until Noon, then did 4-hours of homework or assignments... and their school day was completely done (homework and everything) by 4:00pm. No homework in the evenings or weekends.
We weren't easy on them. Far from it. I cannot believe the ignorance of the average High School graduate. My daughters were better educated and had a better grasp of science, math, history, geography, vocabulary, reading & writing skills, etc... by 7th grade than most of these 12 graders seem to have these days. Funny enough, but they actually enjoyed getting out of the public schools and not dealing with all of the crud that goes on.
Thank you for actually being concerned with your daughters' wellbeing. More parents should follow your example. I'm so sick of the excuses people use to justify sacrificing their children to the government - hypocrites.
It’s a good take, too many assume they aren’t “cut out to be a teacher” or somehow not smart enough to teach their kids right. If it’s important they’ll learn it, I guarantee
Absolutely sorta correct.
We teach, just not in the same way. Lessons come up as and when they do.
As someone who was homeschooled through 6th grade, I can confirm that I was years ahead of my peers for quite some time. And the way they teach things in school, specifically math, just adds more steps and makes no sense at all. It's just a place where kids get dumbed down or groomed anymore. What a trainwreck
This is what I'm going to do. I don't have kids yet, but this is the plan. This is fantastic! You are an amazing parent. This is what my parent should have done. We're an athletic and religious family so I could have gotten all my socialization for sports and church activities.
This is the way.
they just want all those underage nudes.. you dont really have to think too much why they want to be inside teens talking to each other..
The government doesn’t even have to make the laws anymore. The bureaucracy is doing it for them
Why are you giving children phones anyway?
That's just asking for predators to manipulate them into thinking they're something else.
Take her phone away.
Take her phone away.
BINGO! If they do have phones, they should be left at the door until dismissed.
Highly debatable. When I was in school (mid 20s, so roughly a decade ago, right when smartphones were getting big), I was more tech-savvy than my parents and all of the teachers.
Some others were barely able to install apps and be able to tell what's collecting your data vs what's properly secure, while I was already installing custom roms and de-googling my devices. So I wouldn't say don't give your kid a phone as a blanket statement, but if you do, make sure they know how to properly handle it.
This is the wrong approach. Take over the government schools by infiltrating the school boards as the progressives have done in the last 10 years, while conservatives were lazily watching sports and tik tok.
These are problems we cannot run from. Eventually home schooling will be outlawed and private schools will answer to the Dept of Education if we do not take the fight to them.
Schools are given directives at the state and federal level - it's a mistake to think that the problems with our education system were caused by "conservative laziness." What a weird claim. Conservatives are some of the most hardworking people I've ever met. You know who typically sleep in until noon and stay on their phones all day? Starts with an "L."
The truth is, there's a reason our public education system is free and required. They are public indoctrination camps, and I mean that literally. This will not change until corruption at the upper levels of government is dealt with. I don't care how many school board meetings you attend.
In the meantime, any parent who sends their child to a public school is knowingly endangering them, even though safer options are readily available.
The laziness of conservatives has not been in overall work ethic, but laziness in paying attention to what these evil liberals and communists have been doing in the schools for the last few decades. Had we all been paying attention, we could have opposed and stopped much, if not all, of the indoctrination and brainwashing that has been going on. But we didn't pay attention, and now we're having to clean up the mess and filth that we could have avoided entirely. And to top it all off, we've lost at least one generation because of our laziness and inattentiveness, maybe two.
It's more so that we don't naturally gravitate to politics because we don't like telling people what to do unless it's telling them to fuck off. Running for local positions and actually fulfilling those duties is boring as shit and pays hardly anything. We would rather focus on ourselves, our jobs, our family and God. This is the laziness, not being involved in local politics and keeping out the scumbags.
I'm talking about political laziness. The enemy works 247 to infiltrate. We can beat them, but we have to fight like hell.
Even right now, after all of this awakening, you would be surprised how few conservatives know anything about their local and state politics.
Maybe it took Covid and this over the top woke stuff to wake people up as to what's been going on. School boards, county commissioners, etc showed exactly how powerful they can be during covid.
I'm not saying don't try, but I am saying it might not be in time for your child to be safe at a particular school.
Obviously, if your child's school hasn't hit unsafe levels of crazy, then make sure you are as involved as possible!
But, if your child is in crisis, get them out! Homeschool, moving to a better school district.. there are choices. Taking a child out does affect the schools, as they lose funding.
In this particular case, you have choices also. No phone for your child, sue the school, etc.
Be praying and as involved as you can in whatever ways you can.
I'm pretty black and white, but sometimes you can't use that in life. Not everyone can be homeschooled and then everyone throwing out "you don't care for your kids if you send them here or there" are just well intentioned fools.
Not everyone fits in the same box everyone else does.
My mom tried homeschooling us kids for one year. My sister would have been fine, but I made her life hell. My son is just like me in those ways and would have been the same had we homeschooled him. He's actually done a lot better being in school. We're blessed with having good schools, though. Had the schools not been good we'd have either moved or found a private school.
Our kid's going to change the world, and it's going to be by us teaching him how to be a leader and then he learning how to walk that out in the brokenness of people at his public school.
This must be California.
My guess is New Yuck or Commifornia.
In Commiefornia if your child misbehaves on the walk to and from school (including extra activities) it is the school district, not the parent who is in charge of discipline. So if your child has a fight or uses the “n” word on a walk to a weekend sporting event, the administration can kick them out of school. Nice huh? My school board thinks this is great. They implemented it before the state did. The things you learn in zoom mtgs…
Yikes! I hear the bad stuff from here and a couple of friends, but I hadn't heard this.
Totally crazy and wrong. I would definitely suggest getting the kids out of there!
We homeschooled.
Home school.
You have a good heart but people won't do this.
i seem to recall a case a while back about this, and some court (someone smarter than me please verify) said that the 4th amendment extends to any state/local/federal goverment official not just cops.
Am i totally making this up?
Yes, it applies. You don't shed your constitutional rights at the school house gates. However, its a lot more nuanced than what an adult would have as "rights."
No clue what case you are talking about. If you find it, please post it here.
Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969) is still the leading 1A case in schools. It is where the Tinker Test or "substantial disruption" test came from that is still employed.
Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser (1986) is another leading 1A case involving profane student speech at school
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988) is an interesting case on school officials censoring the student paper.
Morse v. Fredrick (2007) is the "Bong hits 4 Jesus" case
New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985) is the case that holds 4A applies to searches conducted by school officials and not just police.
Safford Unified v. Redding (2009) is about strip searching students. It is a mixed bag of results. On the one hand, it was held the search was unconstitutional. On the other hand, the Court held that qualified immunity applied because:
"Although the strip search violated Savana’s Fourth Amendment rights, petitioners Wilson, Romero, and Schwallier are protected from liability by qualified immunity because “clearly established law [did] not show that the search violated the Fourth Amendment ,” Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U. S. ___, ___. The intrusiveness of the strip search here cannot, under T. L. O., be seen as justifiably related to the circumstances, but lower court cases viewing school strip searches differently are numerous enough, with well-reasoned majority and dissenting opinions, to counsel doubt about the clarity with which the right was previously stated."
The idea that any person thought it permissible for school officials to strip search a student is asinine. Or that this was "unsettled" in case law. Ask 1,000 random people whether this was ok, and you might get 2 glue sniffers that said "seems legit..."
J.D.B. v. North Carolina (2011) is not just applicable to schools, but is governing case law on juveniles as it relates to Miranda rights and being "in custody."
Your newest case is 11 years old?
Last year the Supreme court found for this cheerleaders 1st ammendment right.
I dont have a recent case on 4th ammendment in schools but I find it hard to believe with the way the courts have been ruling the last year that they would uphold 1st and not 4th. But maybe that is the the situation still.
Honestly, I dont understand why schools allow them to have access to phones at during the day.
They just apply the test in Tinker. So ya its more recent, but it is still the Tinker test.
It was a very similar situation if memory serves, the school took someones phone and rummaged through it, suspended or expelled the kid, family sued, court found that because it was a public school and the teachers/school officials involved were paid by the gov, they infringed on the students 4th amendment rights.
Register your child's phone under your phone, then (see: 4th Amendment)
Not lawful. Fast track way to a nice verdict.
People have been conditioned that they can be searched at any time, anywhere. Going on a plane, into an amusement park, sporting events, concerts, or into a public building. I see clear purses and backpacks, so you can see everything a kid is carrying around. Some places even require clear backpacks... some schools, some places of employment. Kids have been molested by TSA and security at doors their entire lives, so giving up their phones seems like something they should do. They have been conditioned to give up their privacy when asked.
I agree with homeschooling, don't send your kids into battle. They will lose. Even if you are in a good school district, and you verify their curriculum is clean, there is still the teachers. They can say and do what they want. We just learned of a teacher at our "clean, so good so it's ok to send your kids" school that there was a teacher who pushed her LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ agenda on the kids every day. Even if you are involved, you don't know what is going on in that classroom unless you sit in there every day. If you do that, might as well homeschool so you can fill your kids' minds yourself.
Teachers spend 4 years in college to learn how to manage a class of 30 kids, not how to teach them.
Two dumb questions:
How does Mom and Dad home school when they both have to go to work?
Who watches the kids while Mom and Dad are at work?
Sorry, I don't know why I didn't see this earlier. My parents didn't homeschool, however they were on separate schedules. My Mom worked nights, my Dad worked days. So that's a possibility. Also, if you both "have" to go to work, you aren't living within your means. I have a friend who homeschools, and they rent out their basement so she can stay home and teach. Get a smaller house, crappy car (older cars don't have all those computers too!), don't have a boat, get rid of extras. You are living for stuff instead of your kids if you can't afford to live on one income. I know I know.. I'd love to say I "need" to have a big house (we need space!!), a new car (more reliable!), nice vacations ("our kids' experience!), nice furniture, cable TV, etc... however, the truth is we homeschool because our house is 1200 square feet, our decor is 15-20 years old, our cars are at least that old, we budget food, we don't go out to eat, and the most we spend on clothes is second hand.
The PARENT "watches" the kid while Dad is at work (or vice versa). Your job is your family. The best job in the world! If you live your life for money, you won't be able to raise your own kids. Then you will hand them over to someone else to raise for that time, in exchange for government money to spend on luxuries and "stuff". It's all what you are willing to exchange your time and your kids' well being for. I know it sounds harsh, however it all comes down to what's more important to you. Your kids, their minds, and your family... or money.
Yes, it boils down that far. If you prize money, you sacrifice the others. If you prize your family, you sacrifice money. You can't have it all, but personally I feel like I do!!
kids don't need cell phones. they need to reconnect to the world around them, and build an interior life from that instead of what's popping up on the screen.
Just an unpopular opinion
You can’t have them. What are you going to do about it?
Honestly, these school board idiots need to be fired and then get a good stiff beating with the “action in tort” stick. Break them and then take their money. It’s the only language they understand.
If they can't have your mind, they will try to steal your children's... Is it legit time already for some of us to run and hide? I keep getting this weird feeling lately like life won't be normal at all soon.
The lesson every kid learns on day 1 of school, regardless of who is teaching or what is being taught: “I’m forced to do something I don't like for 8 hours every day for the rest of my life. I’m a slave of the system.” A consumer-slave is born.
“Unschooling” is the natural way of learning. See John Taylor Gatto, John Holt.
Imagine making an assertion and believing it simply because you asserted it
Serious question: How the fuck does this hold up to the 4th amendment?
Fourth Amendment violation.
sounds illegal
How about they've no authority to do that period.
I smell future lawsuits coming for that school
Ah yeah, she seems nice:
coffee spitting laughter ensues
You shouldnt have to pay for public schools through home taxes either. It should be elective if you dont want your kids going to public schools and go private or home school you should be able to opt of of the tax burden!
Just text your child every day with "You are born as your gender. Men and women are very different."
And how would they get said text messages?
Just have them put Passcodes on their lock screens and refuse to give them lol