Of course we’re in captivity. We can’t even make money for ourselves without first making money for the commie IRS.
Get rid of income tax and get rid of the government spending on make-work jobs for females, and men will be able to support families. And they’ll feel energized to do it instead of feeling guilty of enabling satanic commies, and feeling shame for pussing out to the taxman. Allow men their discretionary income and their dignity.
Chimp in state of nature never jerks off, but in captivity he does, wat does this mean? In state of nature he’s too busy, to put plainly. He is concerned with mastering space: solving problem of life in and under trees, mastering what tools he can, mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. Deprived of this drive to development and self-increase he devolves to pointless masturbation, in captivity, where he senses he is in owned space and therefore the futility of all his efforts and all his actions. The onanism of modern society is connected with its supposed “hyper-sexualization” and its infertility. It’s not really hyper-sexualization, but the devolution of the spirit to the lassitude of a diffuse and weak sexuality.
Great men desire and strive for great deeds. To do this, they need power. To do this, they must master social relations in the jockeying for power and status.
Donald Trump is doing this is he not? He has now mastered the Republican party. His endorsement or lack of one can make or break a candidates chances of office. He is close to king. He is busy mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. The power he seeks to use not to control and eat off the people but to free them and make us all more powerful ourselves.
What he desires most is fame and glory that will last the ages, that his name be remembered for as long as there are humans. This is a worthy goal is it not? This is man I can trust. To accomplish a position in the heavens he must have the power to do something and wield power in a way that is respected and worth remembering in ages to come.
He has channeled his pride and ego to the benefit of humanity, to build something useful for all. His vanity is useful and understandable to me. What benefits him benefits me. A man that puts it all on the line and pulls humanity forward.
Believe it or not, I don’t think DJT is that vain. Yes, he likes attention. I think he uses preconceived public assumptions to push the right buttons with the public at large. He’s very powerful but not power mad.
His vanity is that he wants to be loved and respected by the people of this country.
What is your definition of power mad? What I speak of is not a man mad with power but one who has earned the power, learned how to wield it, and hasn't been corrupted by it, instead giving it back to others.
While power corrupts over time, it is ultimately the aspirations and actions of a man that can either corrupt him or bring him glory. Lesser men who seek only to benefit themselves with material possessions and low aspirations must not be allowed power for this reason.
As the spouse of a man who has been combating this evil for the past 5+ years, I can’t begin to tell you how amazing he’s become by completely walking away from his addiction. He’s become more handsome and alluring than I ever thought possible. I thought it was just a phase, but dang I can’t keep myself away from him. I just want to be around him because his energy draws me.
It has something to do with retaining his virility and his hormones being produced more. It’s freaking crazy dude lol
I pity those who defend pornography and I’m heartbroken for those locked in it’s clutches, there’s a better life than self abuse.
This very seasoned couple would hold hands in bed about three times a week for about ten minutes as they drifted off to sleep. As time went by the ten minutes became five then two until one night the man reached out to his darling to hold hands and she said not tonight honey I'm not in the mood!
Moral to the story.
No matter if the format is changed the tendencies stay the same!
If you deny each other both ways this scripture comes into play. Use it or you will lose it.
1 Corinthians 7:5
King James Version
5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
I don't think it's an odd question. You opened up with that sort of information, and it's an interesting topic of discussion for all of us, especially those interested in defeating this sort of thing.
I'm sort of disappointed to see queue downvoted like that.
I guess it’s just not something I think about. His energy (and crazy enough his personal scent) is what draws me to himself, the way he looks isn’t a high priority in the sense that he’s handsome to me no matter what.
I get that it's kind of weird. We're all just really complex apes in essence, attached to these animal bodies, and if it's helpful to dissect these topics I suppose we should.
The world needs more attractive Godly men and women, just look at the way things are now.
You’re insinuating that I don’t understand biology, from my female point of view, his “looks” per say don’t come into play with our intimate life.
I obviously wouldn’t have married someone I considered an ugmo, how he treats me and loves on me show me how much he cares, that in turn makes him more attractive.
It’s difficult to explain in this type of realm :|
It's called putting off sin, and putting on Christ.
Read Col 3:8-10,
" 8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,"
Never mind what it does to the wife. After so many years of getting off to the visuals and the use of the hand it’s pretty close to impossible to finish off the way intended, in the wife. The male member becomes accustomed to only “working properly” with hand motion only. Natural intercourse doesn’t do anything for him anymore. And eventually the husband becomes so selfish that he realizes he can pleasure himself in a few minutes by himself and doesn’t have to put in the energy of pleasing his partner, that the wife becomes completely ignored. And the rare times he does decide to be intimate with the wife, because the wife cries and pleads for intimacy, it’s nothing at all like making love. It’s the husband trying to recreate with his wife whatever sordid scene he’s been watching recently. I love him and spent years trying to convince him to stop but I’ve given up now. And you can’t say oh the wife must not try to keep him interested. I’m the same weight from the day I married him and I’ve wanted intimacy a couple times a week since day one. But I never knew about his porn addiction for years and always cried myself to sleep over why isn’t my husband interested in me? I didn’t know I was competing with all the women on the internet for his attention. So yeah. Porn addiction affects the wife very much.
^Ditto- everything you said. I married my husband without knowing about this problem, also. I agree in some cases the wife can be partially at fault for lack of taking care of herself, weight, low libido, etc-- but in my case, I discovered this problem about a year into our marriage, when we were having sex EVERY night. I was absolutely blindsided by finding HUNDREDS of pages of porn open on his phone when I picked it up to check the weather or something. In subsequent fights/discussions about this issue over the years, the blame has been put on me for being too busy, not going to bed on time, not being interested, lots of other excuses. I believed some of those things for a time, until I would fix whatever issue it was and find out it was still happening. Devastating all over again. Books, advice columns/info about this issue is just as devastating and hopeless. It took a lot of years for me to finally realize that it wasn't my fault or anything I was doing or not doing. All I can do is pray for him and love him anyway.
I meant to say, if I had not discovered his porn addiction when I did, in our extended "honeymoon" phase -- when there was absolutely ZERO reason for it to be happening-- I would have blamed myself much more.
And finally- I wish that smart phones never existed. It wouldn't totally solve the problem, but it would make it way more difficult to watch porn all day.
To be honest with you I understand that. I don’t believe a wife should gain 100 pounds and still expect her husband to be physically attracted to her. But in my situation the lack of interest in intimacy was from day one. I just didn’t discover his porn addiction for years and always blamed myself. Now I know better.
That's hard to bear I'm sure. May God change his heart to long only for you. Porn is dangerous and damning. The ignoring/accepting of porn is a major milestone in the detriment of our country, society, and culture. I hope as many things change for the better, part of this plan, puts an end to much of the pornography culture. People will still have porn on hard drives, dvds, thumb drives, etc. There will always be porn, but may that be overshadowed in great measure by its harmful effects, the creation of new porn - ceased, and the spider webb of effects that spread outwards - may that be destroyed. In Jesus' name, amen.
Pray, get right with God, repent. Ask for the doorway that was opened that allowed satan influence and control to be closed and sealed with the Blood of Jesus for all eternity. Resist the devil and he will flee.
I bet you before you engaged in self-harm (masturbation), you were probably thinking about it. And you were thinking about it because you allowed impure images into your mind. So there are 2 things you have to accomplish.
custody of the eyes -- avoid movies, TV shows, environments (beach with babes in bikinis), and when you do encounter them, pull your eyes away from them so they do not pollute the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is your body.
grace of forgetfulness -- ask God to erase and neutralize the dirty images already in your brain.
And if you get those things down, then you will be able to take control of your imagination and not allow the demons to pull you into impurity.
If something is free, YOU are the product. When you realize that "free" pornography is financed with the sole intention of ruining the gift of sex that God gave us, that the goal is to corrupt one of the best things God created for us, it becomes so easy to opt out of the mind slavery.
They do the same thing by ruining our food, water, and air with poison. Everything we let them dictate is corrupted, and it's out in the open now. The trans agenda, the gay agenda, grooming children for sex- they are all different heads of the same beast, they are trying to ruin the development and future of children with incessant sex propaganda in the same way they are trying to ruin young men's sex lives with pornography. Same Satanic people, same Satanic playbook, different target markets.
they are trying to ruin the development and future of children with incessant sex propaganda in the same way they are trying to ruin young men's sex lives with pornography. Same Satanic people, same Satanic playbook, different target markets.
Something that I don't see brought up very often on GAW is that pornography disproportionately affects men, but the Cabal is attacking women just as much as they are men, albeit in different ways.
This is a topic near and dear to my heart because I haven't been able to start a family. Not sure if God has it in the cards for me even, to allow me to find a decent woman before the bio clock runs out, which is almost out of time.
This is one arena that /pol/ has nailed down to a T, in that relationships between men and women has been so utterly corrupted by the Cabal, you have men wanting out (MGTOW), women buying into feminist culture to various degrees ("career" first, wamen stronk don't need no man, etc.), porn/hookup culture on both sides (including OF, dating apps), AND social media.
Social media has to utterly be burned to the ground for women's sake just like porn has to be for men. Cabal has created a culture for women to do two things: receive instant attention, likes, from internet people (Snapchat, Instagram, FB, Tiktok, chat apps, dating apps, etc.) along with promoting "grass is always greener" syndrome. So now, women are encouraged to "look for a better man", and possibly give up on what would be a better relationship. This will often come in the form of " monkey branching". And if a women can monkey branch to you, she can just as easily monkey branch away.
The end result is this: you have a culture being ripped apart in multiple ways and what it does is the top 60% of women is only mating and being passed around by the top 20% of men. So by the time a woman is "ready to settle down", she's had multiple partners while only looking for a " provider" for ALL of the wrong reasons.
I don't want it seem like I'm only picking on women here, but I don't see how Cabal is attacking women brought up enough on GAW. I could really go on, but I think this paints a general picture.
The quickest solution to all of this? We need to find God and faith in Jesus more than ever.
Thanks man. Just like when discussing anything related to the Cabal, it's always a multi-facteted issue. It's hard to talk about one piece of it, without acknowledging or discussing the other parts, to help explain and give context. Social media and it's effect on women is just a piece of the puzzle. And there is soooo much to unpack.
But try actually explaining that to a normie and their eyes will just glaze over.
I've spent a lot of time on this subject in general, because I haven't been able to find a mate. I'm not so dense that I don't acknowledge my own faults in this arena and work to try and improve them. I missed the boat in life in many different ways, but at least God has shown me the light and set me down this path for a reason. Exactly why it's called The Great Awakening.
The route to enlightenment is to overcome all baser urges, this is why the cabal pushes sex and drugs on to the youth so they will spend their lives addicted to the feelings they get when doing those things it also keeps them from God.
You ever noticed that the leftys are always pushing for more extreme sex and are totally driven like animals who do not think but just react, this is because they are addicted to their own brain chemistry they get from reacting to things, being constantly outraged is a way for them to feel something as they feel empty cause they have no God in there lives and no higher purpose but to follow and do what they are told.
The more you meditate the easier it becomes to overcome these things, even just sitting and slowing your breathing for 10-30mins a day will help you feel better.
I've noticed what people are being TOLD leftists supposedly are from a minor few, yet the ones I've talked to seem to want to live their lives in peace... Like most of the sane ones here...
But here's the thing: was anyone forced to watch porn at a young age? Likely you sought it out yourself. Way too many people conflate access with "forced" when in reality you can turn off your TV or internet...
True self control is being able to walk down the porno aisle and not being bothered. True self control is accepting what you naturally want and deciding whether or not to indulge from there. True self control is controlling your own life and letting people decide their lives for themselves.
As long as men and even women desire boobs there will always be a sex trade of sorts. Oh it's "selling your body". Lol. Then what's blue collar work? Exactly, selling your body for even cheaper.
Just look at the way faggotry is dangled in front of kids these days. In schools, on the internet, on TV. It's nothing like what we went through. Yes, these kids are choosing, but look at the opportunity for choice that has been artificially foisted upon them.
No, we were not forced to watch porn. But it was artificially inserted into our environment, against our will. People of older generations didn't have to deal with this like we do. The choice has been made too easy.
You will get no argument from me when it comes to protecting and sheltering prepubescent children. THAT I do agree with is going too far. Thankfully all the "leftists" I talk to agree. Children can't consent and exploitation isn't free speech. Absolutely we should do more to protect kids. They have their whole adult lives to understand corruption and sin. Their childhoods SHOULD be sunshine and rainbows.
EDIT: generic feel good rainbows not perverted symbolism.
What's interesting is where porn is headed.
If anyone has tested VR porn with 5k to 8k resolution videos on a newer VR headset (for science!)... you can get the feeling of actually being "there". If she kisses you or puts any of her parts in your face, your brain can give you the same internal sensation you would get as if it were really happening.
We have a history that is built out of men doing chivalrous things for a women, and really stupid/crazy self-destructive things for a woman.
The power of a man's love/lust/desire for a woman has been one of the driving forces of our world.
That dynamic going to change in the future.
We're heading towards a future where men will value women much, much less.
With VR porn and whatever is coming in the future (no pun intended), men will immediately access and satisfy that need to be intimate with an actual woman.
Actual real woman and the courting process, and pursuing a woman will become less and less desirable.
There's also going to be crazy advancements in physical replacements like AI sex bots.. possibly an augmented reality crossover between the bot and the VR.
Yes, basic porn videos can have this effect now... but it really is nothing compared to what is coming.
Yes, for men who have been through the ringer with women, this will be a liberating experience for them. The "clutches" women have had on men since the dawn of man will be nullified.
This will change the dynamic of our world, for better or worse... almost definitely for the worst overall.
Many, many families exist because kids "happened accidentally" as a result of the urge for actual sex. The more that gets replaced, the less families are going to "happen".
Virtual sex is safer - no risk of STDs or pregnancy or alimony or losing 50% of your assets. If a man has a desire for fatherhood, there will be plenty of video games that will satisfy that urge.
Fast forward into the future, we have an underpopulation problem.
Perhaps then we start growing people in laboratories... or at least make it mainstream because they likely already do that.
Seriously. These people think because they figured it out for themselves that they've figured it out for everyone else. This post and your comment are perfect examples of why we have the CONSTITUTION and NOT the Bible as the law of the land.
It bothers me how many here will accept a theocracy simply because they assume THEIR brand of religion will be the model... Sometimes fundamentalists feel to patriots what Fudds are to gun owners...
Yep! A lot of men are turning to Jesus because they are reading Him and studying Him FOR THEMSELVES and rejecting the religousity attached to His Word by man and man's corruption.
Shame breeds rebellion. The Christian fundamentalist had influence in this country and they ABUSED their position. I wanna be there when Jesus asks, "So why did you spend time trying to get Family Guy taken off the air instead of something productive like praying for Seth MacFarlane and working to better your community?" ...okay that's what I would ask anyway- I mean, that's what I am asking.
Especially in church. So many family members told me I needed to marry a Christian girl cause muh worldview. I ended up with someone I love very much because I ignored all that and chose to accept her as she is as Jesus accepts me. We're going on 8 years now. There's no secrets, no shame, I tell her every time I find myself attracted to other women and the stupid ideas quickly subside. We support each other in our struggles. Our relationship is easy and I would have it no other way. She has a unique spiritual perspective different from my own. And I love her all the more for that.
But I didn't get there following other people's made up and HEAVILY derivative ideas about Jesus and the scope of purpose.
They say the Lord works in mysterious ways and if that's true and we expand our thinking then it's reasonable to rationalize that our experiences are going to differ. That our purpose and paths will diverge significantly. That the sins we incur have a purpose... What? I don't know. And while there is no justification for sin... There is forgiveness. Jesus gets to make the decision for salvation. Not you. Not me. Not anyone in GAW. And personally, the only people I would send to hell are the pedophile elites who made all our lives fucking miserable. Everyone else gets a chance to explain themselves- I may even advocate for a lot of the non believers because honestly I totally empathize with why they feel the way they do.
If Jesus is going to send a guy to the same place as the pedo elite just cause they obsessed, arguably unhealthily over boobs then he is neither just or good or worth following as he's an insecure baby... Well He's NOT an insecure baby so...
Yeah so this is just more fundamentalist nonsense. He claims all men are "addicted to porn" and he broke out of it. No Josh YOU were addicted to porn. Don't fucking speak for all of us as though you know each of us and our struggle. We are NOT the same. There are over 3.5 billion men on this planet all with their own unique ideas on life the universe and everything. Can porn be addictive? Absolutely. So too is sugar, adrenaline rushes, tobacco, alcohol- you name it, there's probably an addictive property to it. Can porn be destructive? Sure. In the same way soda can give you diabetes.
In the end, people need to decide and figure out for themselves. Even if you remove the sex trafficking element, there will always be a sex trade provided men and women still desire boobs. Instead of trying to control what people can and can't have access to, just pray for them and love them as Jesus commanded.
Lol. The entire post broadstroke generalizes men. He's speaking as though he knows all men and their struggle. He's speaking as though he has all the answers and he does... For himself.
Not all men struggle with porn. Some don't even have a sex drive one way or the other. He's speaking this way, because he's too afraid to accept responsibility for his actions. It's easier to criticize when you tell yourself everyone else is covered in sin too.
That is NOT the point if testimony or personal conviction. Speak for yourself. I will speak for me.
FFS....yeah, you're the 'hEaD oF yOuR fAmiLy'...until she decides she's bored and wants to fuck Antwon Thuggy McDrugdealer. Then the full weight of society and govt will be used against you, your children (if they even are yours...you have a DNA test that proves it?) will be weaponized against you, you'll be looted of everything you've ever built and a significant portion of everything you'll do in the future.
Porn is a visual aid to help empty your balls, if you need it. If you don't have a good memory or a good imagination. Nothing more.
The reason so many are suddenly campaigning against it is the same reason that those same people are trying to shame men who don't bother with relationshits, but yet don't say shit about all the whores on sites like Tinder, OnlyFans, etc.: They want men to continue being slaves, and anything that breaks female power over men means more potential slaves going free.
Why are you defending pornography, which encourages sex trafficking, child trafficking, promotes filthy habits (for both men and women), causes chemical changes in your brain, ruining relationships and future relationships?
Why do you assume we are ok with women banging random dudes or women cheating on their spouses?
Why do you assume the woman any one of us might be with is a cheating whore?
Why do you defend masturbation, as it is what causes that chemical changes I spoke of earlier?
Besides "Trust me, bro.", what kind of resources / sources can you show to prove your point of view?
Besides the Bible, if you want a source about why porn is bad, look up FightTheNewDrug
But it's not commendable, because of what happened. "He's a good guy in a bad situation"
Okay, did he put himself there?
Yes the courts are screwed up. That is not limited to one thing. To say the system is broken, therefore, be screwed up ourselves is no better than saying let's torture and kill those who torture and kill. Are we any better at that point?
Good guys will always get the bad end of the deal until enough good guys do the right thing. You want change, get after it, make a difference. I have no sympathy for internet complainers whose motive and actions make them just as bad as the people they are complaining about.
No, the user (commenter) I was replying to, not Josh Waller.
If A>B and B>C, then A>C, right?
Good family life > Porn / masturbation > Bad marriage
Why stop at b? Why discourage a?
I don't mean to disparage singleness either. Apostle Paul says quite a bit about the blessing of singleness (and it's not watching porn nor masturbating, quite the opposite).
I never disagreed with effed up courts. Look at any topic in our country, the courts are corrupt. You can't fix 1 issue and ignore the rest. Not to say you don't try. Let's say you fix this 1 issue, will the corruption of the court disappear? You're cutting off 1 head of a hydra. It just comes back, worse than before.
Porn addiction is a common problem in America. The user made it clear he hasn't personally watched porn in a month or so, good for him, but he's recommending porn, so how do you think I would combat that? You realize no one ever wins an online argument? It's done for other people to see either side, and how they come to their decision.
Every person is accountable for the decisions they make in life. You ought to do your best to ensure the person you marry will be faithful to you. If you wonder on how this is done, you need to have close to identical FOUNDATIONAL beliefs. Not everything, but the foundation needs to be the same. This also works to generationally kill off the leeches on society. If you are a piece of crap, you wont have sex, you wont reproduce, and you die sad and alone. I wouldn't pity them for being a trash human being. There are good people who have that fate, and I feel for them, truly I do.
Both masturbation and the porn industry are fraught with negative effects. I have provided multiple times this same link
which clearly lays out those effects. It is not limited to the porn industry, which no one here should defend.
I'm not pessimistic, I believe that the war can be won, I don't think winning one battle and ignoring the war is worth it. Let's win battles while keeping our eye on the whole of the war.
If porn goes away after human trafficking is abolished, then so be it.
Reality and history, however, tell us that as long as men and women desire boobs, there always be a sex trade of sorts. Just look at Only Fans and Reddit (if you have the mental fortitude, if not then trust me or someone who does). Those women aren't trafficked. They're just making their own brand of their own free will selling their bodies. It's a byproduct of capitalism. The only difference between a sex worker and blue collar is that blue collar sells their body for much less to keep their clothes on.
Morally speaking, we all need to decide for ourselves. You can't abolish sex work and then turn around and shill for this evil cutthroat economic system. If you really want to end sex work, then help build a system where other labors are more beneficial.
Otherwise stop trying to control other people's lives. That's what faggots do.
What you are saying sounds like it's good, which makes it dangerous. It's called relativism. Relativism itself is contradictory. It states there is no truth (except apparently the idea of relativism itself is exempt from its own statement). I have no desire to control one's life. Call a spade a spade. I say things like they are, I fight for the truth, not my own theories nor ideas. If you want to call me a faggot, do it, I could care less. I'm not here for me. I'm here for the truth.
You are right that we need to decide for ourselves. Let's not kid ourselves about what is right and what is wrong. If someone talked about a separate topic spouting off something wrong, would you keep silent (clearly not, as seen here). People take issue with my comments because of some sort of reason. Do they indulge in porn and fight any guilt with reasoning away the guilt? Do they think porn is not even wrong in the first place? I don't really know, nor care. Porn at the end of the day is evil, wrong, immoral, disgusting, destructive. I don't care that people commonly watch it. People frequently have abortions, is that ok? Obv. no, so how does somebody know what is good or bad? What grounds do you base a moral compass upon? Who can even determine what a good moral compass is? If we can't solve these questions, why do we try to solve the downstream problems? We can't clearly see the solutions when we don't know that the problems are. That's why I come here over patriots.win. It's not even about Q, it's about the truth.
I agree with some of what you are saying, but relativism quickly proves itself wrong when weighed against simple absolutions like the sky is blue, gravity is real and the earth is round. These are basic things you can prove to yourself with a plethora of home experiments and thanks to flat earthers, more home experiments prove round earth more each day.
Where you lost me was comparing porn to abortion. Porn isn't "evil". Yes it can become evil, but in instances where everyone is consenting, it's just sin and degeneracy. I agree we shouldn't call it "good" or "okay" it has its problems. If does have psychological effects, but these aren't apocalyptic and world ending as fundamentalists need it to be.
As for abortion, in the Netherlands it's 100% legal and rarely ever performed. Outside of medical and rape yes I'd rather have none, but the numbers per capita are so low it's astonishing. This is because their society actually provides viable and reasonable alternatives. All the pro life things right wingers virtue signal about they actually do. And that's the other side of the problem. Fundamentalists say they are "pro life" but in practice do fuck all to actually LIVE pro life. Of course that was by design- but anyway, point being, humans are not the evil degenerates the fundamentalists WISH they were. And that's what's most fucked up about it... Christians NEED people to be worse than they are so they're vindicated. And that's why I walked away... Well one of many reasons anyway.
The reason so many are suddenly campaigning against it is the same reason that those same people are trying to shame men who don't bother with relationshits, but yet don't say shit about all the whores on sites like Tinder, OnlyFans, etc.: They want men to continue being slaves, and anything that breaks female power over men means more potential slaves going free.
How is being addicted to pornography freedom?
And I don't see anybody praising OnlyFans and Tinder whores. Kek.
It's a substitute. It means not having to get married/be a slave. And that's freedom.
There are so few addicts of porn that they're statistically insignificant. Just because a grifter says they were addicted to something and you give them clicks on their website, buy their book, or donate to their "church"/organization/whatever, doesn't mean they ever were actually addicted to anything.
OnlyFans and Tinder Whores are a byproduct of our capitalist system. They're small business entrepreneurs selling themselves as their own brand. You may not like it, but this is America so you can fuck off.
I have no responsibility to a society that hates me and decided I was the enemy before I was born. Many of us have tried it your way, we ended up looted, those with kids lost the ability to spend time with them, and far too many ended up killing themselves.
You know the best part of banging your head against a wall? How good it feels when you finally stop.
You're right when you say you have no responsibility, that's what's gotten you to where you are today. Taking responsibility isn't playing into the system, it's breaking out of it. You do what's right, always, no matter the consequences. Do you think people who have died for their faith and belief gave up, took there ball, and went home?
No, they died: 1. Receiving a greater reward in heaven and 2. Enacted changes bigger then they could have done while they were alive.
When only a small part of society does what's right, you WILL suffer for doing right. No question there. Does that mean you just join the throng of doing wrong?
By no means. MEN need to stand up. MAN needs to find a WOMAN with great morals and values. THEY need to become a couple and raise KIDS who are likewise people of great morals and values. This is how you SAVE our country, each country. This isn't recommended for only USA, literally every country ought to do this.
It doesn't fall on men alone. Both men and women need to be of good repute. If you are a responsible man who gets involved with an irresponsible women (or vice versa), that is on YOU for getting involved. Not on society. There's what, 150 million women (or men) + in the USA, are you telling me that no one shares your values and would marry you out of that big of a pool? C'mon man.
First off, you don't know me. I do what's right, and the men who've worked for me in the past will tell you that. It's part of why I've been consigned to running the machines, driving the trucks, and repairing equipment. Corporate America doesn't want anyone who does the right thing or isn't afraid to make decisions. I've been fucked over a LOT for doing the right thing, and I no longer care what someone else thinks is the right thing. I do what's right for me, the people I care about, and doesn't violate my principles.
If you want to sacrifice yourself to be a slave, go for it. I tried that family thing once, I saw it for the lie it is, and I paid for being stupid enough to believe it. I won't do it again, nor advocate that any other man do so unless he's moving to a society where men aren't simply work donkeys and disposable slaves.
You are literally telling people what to do on the internet, and you expect no one to come back to you with their thoughts. You go as far as calling those who disagree with you a fool. You have given a one person experience and called it gospel truth. What you recommend is ruining this country. I won't shut up, I won't back down. Not because I like arguing, but because I have a burning passion for the truth.
What you are saying is not the truth, so I cannot be silent.
You have vision that is very narrow, limited to your own sense of happiness. If you are curious as to what is the outcome of unlimited human happiness, look no further than the wealthiest man alive who had everything he wanted. King Solomon. By all accounts, the wealthiest, wisest man to live. He had some things to say about wealth.
Broaden your mind's eye. I try to give people a realistic, non "pie in the sky" view because 2 theologians fighting over who believes the more correct thing is useless to most of us.
Use a logic to discover what is truth. We live in a world of logics.
Is there good and evil?
Who determines it at its base level?
Whomever determined it, on what authority do they do so?
Ask these kinds of questions, seek their answers. No, this is not pie in the sky, because when you discover the base level of understanding of why you exist, so many problems will fall into place, that is to say, be solved. There are definitely still problems observed after this truth is known. You will have grace to deal with them, and hope so strong, so resolved, that these short term sufferings will seem as little as nothing when compared to the knowledge of God and his redemptive work across time and space. Based on logics, as far as my feeble mind can understand, Christianity is the true religion, because it does not self violate like every other religion out there.
I don't know, maybe the person who decides that an oath didn't mean anything if she gets bbbbooooorrrreeeedddd, or maybe the society that rewards that kind of thinking and behavior? Maybe those who push a contract that's so bad for one party that a lawyer who told his client to sign a business partnership contract with the same terms would be disbarred, and rightly so.
Also, when you get married, both parties say "I do" and like above comment states, no one is holding a gun to your head to do so. If you marry prematurely, if you marry without truly knowing your partner (not saying you need a 30 year engagement period), that's not "society's fault" It is the fault of the couple. If she a hoe, don't marry her, not difficult.
Have you ever studied economics? Do you know any of the principles of economics, or what substitutes are?
In addition to your religious text of choice, study economics, chemistry, and physics a bit. Adding those three will allow understanding of the majority of everything in existence.
It’s better to lose an eye or a hand then to burn in hell, but what difference does it make, you get momentary pleasure for the eternal cost of your soul.
Does anyone understand what the Great Awakening is here, or are we Reddit cumlords?
Nope, my wife isn't a slut/whore/cheater. So I won't be. What a sad view on another human. Find you a good girl, stop finding love in all the wrong places, and this will not be a concern.
Not sure what's so funny. People in a different part of this conversation asked why I came across as rude. YOU are the reason that I don't hit lightly.
Imma be completely honest and say even if I had 300 wives, they couldn't keep up to my balls. That's right, 300 barefoot and eternally pregnant women is childs play for just one nut... [Downvoted with no comment, so I edited and corrected the number of wives that still wouldn't be able to keep up my balls.]
When I do jiu-jitsu sometimes I get really bad gas and my opponent will tap out because I'll fart in his face to get the win. I have ulcerative colitis so my farts are really bad. They smell like a weird mixture of match smoke, throw up, rotting blood, and sour milk, with cheesy notes mixed in.
Of course we’re in captivity. We can’t even make money for ourselves without first making money for the commie IRS.
Get rid of income tax and get rid of the government spending on make-work jobs for females, and men will be able to support families. And they’ll feel energized to do it instead of feeling guilty of enabling satanic commies, and feeling shame for pussing out to the taxman. Allow men their discretionary income and their dignity.
Wish I could upvote 10 times
Idle hands are the devils business... they used to say...
Makes total sense
Plus, that also allows the entrance of demonic influence and sometimes possession
“He is busy … mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. “
Sounds equally as wasteful
Great men desire and strive for great deeds. To do this, they need power. To do this, they must master social relations in the jockeying for power and status.
Donald Trump is doing this is he not? He has now mastered the Republican party. His endorsement or lack of one can make or break a candidates chances of office. He is close to king. He is busy mastering social relations in the jockeying for power and status. The power he seeks to use not to control and eat off the people but to free them and make us all more powerful ourselves.
What he desires most is fame and glory that will last the ages, that his name be remembered for as long as there are humans. This is a worthy goal is it not? This is man I can trust. To accomplish a position in the heavens he must have the power to do something and wield power in a way that is respected and worth remembering in ages to come.
He has channeled his pride and ego to the benefit of humanity, to build something useful for all. His vanity is useful and understandable to me. What benefits him benefits me. A man that puts it all on the line and pulls humanity forward.
This is man of power.
Believe it or not, I don’t think DJT is that vain. Yes, he likes attention. I think he uses preconceived public assumptions to push the right buttons with the public at large. He’s very powerful but not power mad.
His vanity is that he wants to be loved and respected by the people of this country.
What is your definition of power mad? What I speak of is not a man mad with power but one who has earned the power, learned how to wield it, and hasn't been corrupted by it, instead giving it back to others.
While power corrupts over time, it is ultimately the aspirations and actions of a man that can either corrupt him or bring him glory. Lesser men who seek only to benefit themselves with material possessions and low aspirations must not be allowed power for this reason.
He doesn’t do it for status, he does it out of love of country and fellow man
Interesting, thanks.
Solid point.
That’s an interesting piece of information. Thank you.
As the spouse of a man who has been combating this evil for the past 5+ years, I can’t begin to tell you how amazing he’s become by completely walking away from his addiction. He’s become more handsome and alluring than I ever thought possible. I thought it was just a phase, but dang I can’t keep myself away from him. I just want to be around him because his energy draws me.
It has something to do with retaining his virility and his hormones being produced more. It’s freaking crazy dude lol
I pity those who defend pornography and I’m heartbroken for those locked in it’s clutches, there’s a better life than self abuse.
This very seasoned couple would hold hands in bed about three times a week for about ten minutes as they drifted off to sleep. As time went by the ten minutes became five then two until one night the man reached out to his darling to hold hands and she said not tonight honey I'm not in the mood!
Moral to the story. No matter if the format is changed the tendencies stay the same! If you deny each other both ways this scripture comes into play. Use it or you will lose it.
1 Corinthians 7:5 King James Version 5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.
Does it change when you have sex? Like does he lose his attractiveness after?
That’s kind of an odd question, but I’ll answer.
He absolutely does not. I’m actually more attracted to him after. It’s a blessing that comes with protecting the Holiness of the marriage bed.
I don't think it's an odd question. You opened up with that sort of information, and it's an interesting topic of discussion for all of us, especially those interested in defeating this sort of thing.
I'm sort of disappointed to see queue downvoted like that.
I guess it’s just not something I think about. His energy (and crazy enough his personal scent) is what draws me to himself, the way he looks isn’t a high priority in the sense that he’s handsome to me no matter what.
I get that it's kind of weird. We're all just really complex apes in essence, attached to these animal bodies, and if it's helpful to dissect these topics I suppose we should.
The world needs more attractive Godly men and women, just look at the way things are now.
It’s not odd if you understand biology
You’re insinuating that I don’t understand biology, from my female point of view, his “looks” per say don’t come into play with our intimate life.
I obviously wouldn’t have married someone I considered an ugmo, how he treats me and loves on me show me how much he cares, that in turn makes him more attractive.
It’s difficult to explain in this type of realm :|
It's called putting off sin, and putting on Christ. Read Col 3:8-10,
" 8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,"
Pornography is a soul eater.
Porn is free bc you pay with your soul.
You pay with extra tortures that you'll eventually experience in hell. Wanna watch gore porn? Well in hell YOU become the gore to some demons porn.
Porn is a psychological weapon.
Never mind what it does to the wife. After so many years of getting off to the visuals and the use of the hand it’s pretty close to impossible to finish off the way intended, in the wife. The male member becomes accustomed to only “working properly” with hand motion only. Natural intercourse doesn’t do anything for him anymore. And eventually the husband becomes so selfish that he realizes he can pleasure himself in a few minutes by himself and doesn’t have to put in the energy of pleasing his partner, that the wife becomes completely ignored. And the rare times he does decide to be intimate with the wife, because the wife cries and pleads for intimacy, it’s nothing at all like making love. It’s the husband trying to recreate with his wife whatever sordid scene he’s been watching recently. I love him and spent years trying to convince him to stop but I’ve given up now. And you can’t say oh the wife must not try to keep him interested. I’m the same weight from the day I married him and I’ve wanted intimacy a couple times a week since day one. But I never knew about his porn addiction for years and always cried myself to sleep over why isn’t my husband interested in me? I didn’t know I was competing with all the women on the internet for his attention. So yeah. Porn addiction affects the wife very much.
I walked your path dear heart, the rejection from your husband sexually is more devastating than people realize.
The “couple times a week” was compared to his once a month. Believe me I would do it every day.
^Ditto- everything you said. I married my husband without knowing about this problem, also. I agree in some cases the wife can be partially at fault for lack of taking care of herself, weight, low libido, etc-- but in my case, I discovered this problem about a year into our marriage, when we were having sex EVERY night. I was absolutely blindsided by finding HUNDREDS of pages of porn open on his phone when I picked it up to check the weather or something. In subsequent fights/discussions about this issue over the years, the blame has been put on me for being too busy, not going to bed on time, not being interested, lots of other excuses. I believed some of those things for a time, until I would fix whatever issue it was and find out it was still happening. Devastating all over again. Books, advice columns/info about this issue is just as devastating and hopeless. It took a lot of years for me to finally realize that it wasn't my fault or anything I was doing or not doing. All I can do is pray for him and love him anyway.
I meant to say, if I had not discovered his porn addiction when I did, in our extended "honeymoon" phase -- when there was absolutely ZERO reason for it to be happening-- I would have blamed myself much more.
And finally- I wish that smart phones never existed. It wouldn't totally solve the problem, but it would make it way more difficult to watch porn all day.
Also women who stop taking care of themselves after they get married.
Truth hurts
To be honest with you I understand that. I don’t believe a wife should gain 100 pounds and still expect her husband to be physically attracted to her. But in my situation the lack of interest in intimacy was from day one. I just didn’t discover his porn addiction for years and always blamed myself. Now I know better.
SOME women but not all, just as SOME men go to pot...pun intended. 😸
That's hard to bear I'm sure. May God change his heart to long only for you. Porn is dangerous and damning. The ignoring/accepting of porn is a major milestone in the detriment of our country, society, and culture. I hope as many things change for the better, part of this plan, puts an end to much of the pornography culture. People will still have porn on hard drives, dvds, thumb drives, etc. There will always be porn, but may that be overshadowed in great measure by its harmful effects, the creation of new porn - ceased, and the spider webb of effects that spread outwards - may that be destroyed. In Jesus' name, amen.
Women are also addicted to pron and maturation. Not as much as men tho
Refraining ..it's so hard.
Pray, get right with God, repent. Ask for the doorway that was opened that allowed satan influence and control to be closed and sealed with the Blood of Jesus for all eternity. Resist the devil and he will flee.
Blood doesn’t seem like a good sealant
I see what you did there.
Oh come on, someone doesn't have a sense of humor here. 🤣
I bet you before you engaged in self-harm (masturbation), you were probably thinking about it. And you were thinking about it because you allowed impure images into your mind. So there are 2 things you have to accomplish.
custody of the eyes -- avoid movies, TV shows, environments (beach with babes in bikinis), and when you do encounter them, pull your eyes away from them so they do not pollute the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is your body.
grace of forgetfulness -- ask God to erase and neutralize the dirty images already in your brain.
And if you get those things down, then you will be able to take control of your imagination and not allow the demons to pull you into impurity.
If something is free, YOU are the product. When you realize that "free" pornography is financed with the sole intention of ruining the gift of sex that God gave us, that the goal is to corrupt one of the best things God created for us, it becomes so easy to opt out of the mind slavery.
They do the same thing by ruining our food, water, and air with poison. Everything we let them dictate is corrupted, and it's out in the open now. The trans agenda, the gay agenda, grooming children for sex- they are all different heads of the same beast, they are trying to ruin the development and future of children with incessant sex propaganda in the same way they are trying to ruin young men's sex lives with pornography. Same Satanic people, same Satanic playbook, different target markets.
Something that I don't see brought up very often on GAW is that pornography disproportionately affects men, but the Cabal is attacking women just as much as they are men, albeit in different ways.
This is a topic near and dear to my heart because I haven't been able to start a family. Not sure if God has it in the cards for me even, to allow me to find a decent woman before the bio clock runs out, which is almost out of time.
This is one arena that /pol/ has nailed down to a T, in that relationships between men and women has been so utterly corrupted by the Cabal, you have men wanting out (MGTOW), women buying into feminist culture to various degrees ("career" first, wamen stronk don't need no man, etc.), porn/hookup culture on both sides (including OF, dating apps), AND social media.
Social media has to utterly be burned to the ground for women's sake just like porn has to be for men. Cabal has created a culture for women to do two things: receive instant attention, likes, from internet people (Snapchat, Instagram, FB, Tiktok, chat apps, dating apps, etc.) along with promoting "grass is always greener" syndrome. So now, women are encouraged to "look for a better man", and possibly give up on what would be a better relationship. This will often come in the form of " monkey branching". And if a women can monkey branch to you, she can just as easily monkey branch away.
The end result is this: you have a culture being ripped apart in multiple ways and what it does is the top 60% of women is only mating and being passed around by the top 20% of men. So by the time a woman is "ready to settle down", she's had multiple partners while only looking for a " provider" for ALL of the wrong reasons.
I don't want it seem like I'm only picking on women here, but I don't see how Cabal is attacking women brought up enough on GAW. I could really go on, but I think this paints a general picture.
The quickest solution to all of this? We need to find God and faith in Jesus more than ever.
I upvoted, but that’s not enough to convey thanks in bringing up the topic of social media’s toxic effect on lives.
Thanks man. Just like when discussing anything related to the Cabal, it's always a multi-facteted issue. It's hard to talk about one piece of it, without acknowledging or discussing the other parts, to help explain and give context. Social media and it's effect on women is just a piece of the puzzle. And there is soooo much to unpack.
But try actually explaining that to a normie and their eyes will just glaze over.
I've spent a lot of time on this subject in general, because I haven't been able to find a mate. I'm not so dense that I don't acknowledge my own faults in this arena and work to try and improve them. I missed the boat in life in many different ways, but at least God has shown me the light and set me down this path for a reason. Exactly why it's called The Great Awakening.
Like this website?
Maybe, nothing is above questioning. Someone produces this website, and just may not be doing it because he or she is a "wealthy philanthropist".
You're getting it.
So thankful my hub and I walked away from it. My soul feels so much better
postmillenialism intensifies
The route to enlightenment is to overcome all baser urges, this is why the cabal pushes sex and drugs on to the youth so they will spend their lives addicted to the feelings they get when doing those things it also keeps them from God.
You ever noticed that the leftys are always pushing for more extreme sex and are totally driven like animals who do not think but just react, this is because they are addicted to their own brain chemistry they get from reacting to things, being constantly outraged is a way for them to feel something as they feel empty cause they have no God in there lives and no higher purpose but to follow and do what they are told.
The more you meditate the easier it becomes to overcome these things, even just sitting and slowing your breathing for 10-30mins a day will help you feel better.
I've noticed what people are being TOLD leftists supposedly are from a minor few, yet the ones I've talked to seem to want to live their lives in peace... Like most of the sane ones here...
But here's the thing: was anyone forced to watch porn at a young age? Likely you sought it out yourself. Way too many people conflate access with "forced" when in reality you can turn off your TV or internet...
True self control is being able to walk down the porno aisle and not being bothered. True self control is accepting what you naturally want and deciding whether or not to indulge from there. True self control is controlling your own life and letting people decide their lives for themselves.
As long as men and even women desire boobs there will always be a sex trade of sorts. Oh it's "selling your body". Lol. Then what's blue collar work? Exactly, selling your body for even cheaper.
Just look at the way faggotry is dangled in front of kids these days. In schools, on the internet, on TV. It's nothing like what we went through. Yes, these kids are choosing, but look at the opportunity for choice that has been artificially foisted upon them.
No, we were not forced to watch porn. But it was artificially inserted into our environment, against our will. People of older generations didn't have to deal with this like we do. The choice has been made too easy.
You will get no argument from me when it comes to protecting and sheltering prepubescent children. THAT I do agree with is going too far. Thankfully all the "leftists" I talk to agree. Children can't consent and exploitation isn't free speech. Absolutely we should do more to protect kids. They have their whole adult lives to understand corruption and sin. Their childhoods SHOULD be sunshine and rainbows.
EDIT: generic feel good rainbows not perverted symbolism.
I was exposed to pornography as a child, I wish certain images were seared from my brain..
Amen-God is so Great and Loves us so much that He gives Mercy and Grace to those who seek Him.
So well said
Psyop immunity here
What's interesting is where porn is headed. If anyone has tested VR porn with 5k to 8k resolution videos on a newer VR headset (for science!)... you can get the feeling of actually being "there". If she kisses you or puts any of her parts in your face, your brain can give you the same internal sensation you would get as if it were really happening. Yikes. We have a history that is built out of men doing chivalrous things for a women, and really stupid/crazy self-destructive things for a woman. The power of a man's love/lust/desire for a woman has been one of the driving forces of our world. That dynamic going to change in the future. We're heading towards a future where men will value women much, much less. With VR porn and whatever is coming in the future (no pun intended), men will immediately access and satisfy that need to be intimate with an actual woman. Actual real woman and the courting process, and pursuing a woman will become less and less desirable. There's also going to be crazy advancements in physical replacements like AI sex bots.. possibly an augmented reality crossover between the bot and the VR. Yes, basic porn videos can have this effect now... but it really is nothing compared to what is coming. Yes, for men who have been through the ringer with women, this will be a liberating experience for them. The "clutches" women have had on men since the dawn of man will be nullified. This will change the dynamic of our world, for better or worse... almost definitely for the worst overall. Many, many families exist because kids "happened accidentally" as a result of the urge for actual sex. The more that gets replaced, the less families are going to "happen".
Virtual sex is safer - no risk of STDs or pregnancy or alimony or losing 50% of your assets. If a man has a desire for fatherhood, there will be plenty of video games that will satisfy that urge. Fast forward into the future, we have an underpopulation problem. Perhaps then we start growing people in laboratories... or at least make it mainstream because they likely already do that. Interesting.
Seriously. These people think because they figured it out for themselves that they've figured it out for everyone else. This post and your comment are perfect examples of why we have the CONSTITUTION and NOT the Bible as the law of the land.
It bothers me how many here will accept a theocracy simply because they assume THEIR brand of religion will be the model... Sometimes fundamentalists feel to patriots what Fudds are to gun owners...
Yep! A lot of men are turning to Jesus because they are reading Him and studying Him FOR THEMSELVES and rejecting the religousity attached to His Word by man and man's corruption.
Shame breeds rebellion. The Christian fundamentalist had influence in this country and they ABUSED their position. I wanna be there when Jesus asks, "So why did you spend time trying to get Family Guy taken off the air instead of something productive like praying for Seth MacFarlane and working to better your community?" ...okay that's what I would ask anyway- I mean, that's what I am asking.
Especially in church. So many family members told me I needed to marry a Christian girl cause muh worldview. I ended up with someone I love very much because I ignored all that and chose to accept her as she is as Jesus accepts me. We're going on 8 years now. There's no secrets, no shame, I tell her every time I find myself attracted to other women and the stupid ideas quickly subside. We support each other in our struggles. Our relationship is easy and I would have it no other way. She has a unique spiritual perspective different from my own. And I love her all the more for that.
But I didn't get there following other people's made up and HEAVILY derivative ideas about Jesus and the scope of purpose.
They say the Lord works in mysterious ways and if that's true and we expand our thinking then it's reasonable to rationalize that our experiences are going to differ. That our purpose and paths will diverge significantly. That the sins we incur have a purpose... What? I don't know. And while there is no justification for sin... There is forgiveness. Jesus gets to make the decision for salvation. Not you. Not me. Not anyone in GAW. And personally, the only people I would send to hell are the pedophile elites who made all our lives fucking miserable. Everyone else gets a chance to explain themselves- I may even advocate for a lot of the non believers because honestly I totally empathize with why they feel the way they do.
If Jesus is going to send a guy to the same place as the pedo elite just cause they obsessed, arguably unhealthily over boobs then he is neither just or good or worth following as he's an insecure baby... Well He's NOT an insecure baby so...
I dunno, I really do like a good set of titties…
All straight men do. It's just fundamentalists are trained to be ashamed for it...
They always remind me of the mother from Carrie….cuckoo for coco puffs!
Yeah so this is just more fundamentalist nonsense. He claims all men are "addicted to porn" and he broke out of it. No Josh YOU were addicted to porn. Don't fucking speak for all of us as though you know each of us and our struggle. We are NOT the same. There are over 3.5 billion men on this planet all with their own unique ideas on life the universe and everything. Can porn be addictive? Absolutely. So too is sugar, adrenaline rushes, tobacco, alcohol- you name it, there's probably an addictive property to it. Can porn be destructive? Sure. In the same way soda can give you diabetes.
In the end, people need to decide and figure out for themselves. Even if you remove the sex trafficking element, there will always be a sex trade provided men and women still desire boobs. Instead of trying to control what people can and can't have access to, just pray for them and love them as Jesus commanded.
Nowhere in that post does it infer that all men are addicted to porn.
Lol. The entire post broadstroke generalizes men. He's speaking as though he knows all men and their struggle. He's speaking as though he has all the answers and he does... For himself.
Not all men struggle with porn. Some don't even have a sex drive one way or the other. He's speaking this way, because he's too afraid to accept responsibility for his actions. It's easier to criticize when you tell yourself everyone else is covered in sin too.
That is NOT the point if testimony or personal conviction. Speak for yourself. I will speak for me.
You’re not only speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for the poster as well.
FFS....yeah, you're the 'hEaD oF yOuR fAmiLy'...until she decides she's bored and wants to fuck Antwon Thuggy McDrugdealer. Then the full weight of society and govt will be used against you, your children (if they even are yours...you have a DNA test that proves it?) will be weaponized against you, you'll be looted of everything you've ever built and a significant portion of everything you'll do in the future.
Porn is a visual aid to help empty your balls, if you need it. If you don't have a good memory or a good imagination. Nothing more.
The reason so many are suddenly campaigning against it is the same reason that those same people are trying to shame men who don't bother with relationshits, but yet don't say shit about all the whores on sites like Tinder, OnlyFans, etc.: They want men to continue being slaves, and anything that breaks female power over men means more potential slaves going free.
And we simply can't have that.
Ummm, what? I have questions.
Why are you defending pornography, which encourages sex trafficking, child trafficking, promotes filthy habits (for both men and women), causes chemical changes in your brain, ruining relationships and future relationships?
Why do you assume we are ok with women banging random dudes or women cheating on their spouses?
Why do you assume the woman any one of us might be with is a cheating whore?
Why do you defend masturbation, as it is what causes that chemical changes I spoke of earlier?
Besides "Trust me, bro.", what kind of resources / sources can you show to prove your point of view?
Besides the Bible, if you want a source about why porn is bad, look up FightTheNewDrug
But it's not commendable, because of what happened. "He's a good guy in a bad situation"
Okay, did he put himself there?
Yes the courts are screwed up. That is not limited to one thing. To say the system is broken, therefore, be screwed up ourselves is no better than saying let's torture and kill those who torture and kill. Are we any better at that point?
Good guys will always get the bad end of the deal until enough good guys do the right thing. You want change, get after it, make a difference. I have no sympathy for internet complainers whose motive and actions make them just as bad as the people they are complaining about.
In short, NFG (No Effs Given).
No, the user (commenter) I was replying to, not Josh Waller.
If A>B and B>C, then A>C, right?
Good family life > Porn / masturbation > Bad marriage
Why stop at b? Why discourage a?
I don't mean to disparage singleness either. Apostle Paul says quite a bit about the blessing of singleness (and it's not watching porn nor masturbating, quite the opposite).
I never disagreed with effed up courts. Look at any topic in our country, the courts are corrupt. You can't fix 1 issue and ignore the rest. Not to say you don't try. Let's say you fix this 1 issue, will the corruption of the court disappear? You're cutting off 1 head of a hydra. It just comes back, worse than before.
Porn addiction is a common problem in America. The user made it clear he hasn't personally watched porn in a month or so, good for him, but he's recommending porn, so how do you think I would combat that? You realize no one ever wins an online argument? It's done for other people to see either side, and how they come to their decision.
Every person is accountable for the decisions they make in life. You ought to do your best to ensure the person you marry will be faithful to you. If you wonder on how this is done, you need to have close to identical FOUNDATIONAL beliefs. Not everything, but the foundation needs to be the same. This also works to generationally kill off the leeches on society. If you are a piece of crap, you wont have sex, you wont reproduce, and you die sad and alone. I wouldn't pity them for being a trash human being. There are good people who have that fate, and I feel for them, truly I do.
Both masturbation and the porn industry are fraught with negative effects. I have provided multiple times this same link
which clearly lays out those effects. It is not limited to the porn industry, which no one here should defend.
I'm not pessimistic, I believe that the war can be won, I don't think winning one battle and ignoring the war is worth it. Let's win battles while keeping our eye on the whole of the war.
If porn goes away after human trafficking is abolished, then so be it.
Reality and history, however, tell us that as long as men and women desire boobs, there always be a sex trade of sorts. Just look at Only Fans and Reddit (if you have the mental fortitude, if not then trust me or someone who does). Those women aren't trafficked. They're just making their own brand of their own free will selling their bodies. It's a byproduct of capitalism. The only difference between a sex worker and blue collar is that blue collar sells their body for much less to keep their clothes on.
Morally speaking, we all need to decide for ourselves. You can't abolish sex work and then turn around and shill for this evil cutthroat economic system. If you really want to end sex work, then help build a system where other labors are more beneficial.
Otherwise stop trying to control other people's lives. That's what faggots do.
What you are saying sounds like it's good, which makes it dangerous. It's called relativism. Relativism itself is contradictory. It states there is no truth (except apparently the idea of relativism itself is exempt from its own statement). I have no desire to control one's life. Call a spade a spade. I say things like they are, I fight for the truth, not my own theories nor ideas. If you want to call me a faggot, do it, I could care less. I'm not here for me. I'm here for the truth.
You are right that we need to decide for ourselves. Let's not kid ourselves about what is right and what is wrong. If someone talked about a separate topic spouting off something wrong, would you keep silent (clearly not, as seen here). People take issue with my comments because of some sort of reason. Do they indulge in porn and fight any guilt with reasoning away the guilt? Do they think porn is not even wrong in the first place? I don't really know, nor care. Porn at the end of the day is evil, wrong, immoral, disgusting, destructive. I don't care that people commonly watch it. People frequently have abortions, is that ok? Obv. no, so how does somebody know what is good or bad? What grounds do you base a moral compass upon? Who can even determine what a good moral compass is? If we can't solve these questions, why do we try to solve the downstream problems? We can't clearly see the solutions when we don't know that the problems are. That's why I come here over patriots.win. It's not even about Q, it's about the truth.
I agree with some of what you are saying, but relativism quickly proves itself wrong when weighed against simple absolutions like the sky is blue, gravity is real and the earth is round. These are basic things you can prove to yourself with a plethora of home experiments and thanks to flat earthers, more home experiments prove round earth more each day.
Where you lost me was comparing porn to abortion. Porn isn't "evil". Yes it can become evil, but in instances where everyone is consenting, it's just sin and degeneracy. I agree we shouldn't call it "good" or "okay" it has its problems. If does have psychological effects, but these aren't apocalyptic and world ending as fundamentalists need it to be.
As for abortion, in the Netherlands it's 100% legal and rarely ever performed. Outside of medical and rape yes I'd rather have none, but the numbers per capita are so low it's astonishing. This is because their society actually provides viable and reasonable alternatives. All the pro life things right wingers virtue signal about they actually do. And that's the other side of the problem. Fundamentalists say they are "pro life" but in practice do fuck all to actually LIVE pro life. Of course that was by design- but anyway, point being, humans are not the evil degenerates the fundamentalists WISH they were. And that's what's most fucked up about it... Christians NEED people to be worse than they are so they're vindicated. And that's why I walked away... Well one of many reasons anyway.
How is being addicted to pornography freedom?
And I don't see anybody praising OnlyFans and Tinder whores. Kek.
It's a substitute. It means not having to get married/be a slave. And that's freedom.
There are so few addicts of porn that they're statistically insignificant. Just because a grifter says they were addicted to something and you give them clicks on their website, buy their book, or donate to their "church"/organization/whatever, doesn't mean they ever were actually addicted to anything.
You substitute being a slave to a godless wife and system to being a slave to your own lusts.
Neither of those things are good, and neither of those things are freedom.
Only the truth can set one free.
OnlyFans and Tinder Whores are a byproduct of our capitalist system. They're small business entrepreneurs selling themselves as their own brand. You may not like it, but this is America so you can fuck off.
OK, Coomer.
Yep. That's all you have. Meaningless insults thrown from the safety of your keyboard.
When you're ready for a Big Boy conversation, I'll be here.
OnlyFans should have been shut down long ago for multiple violations of the Child Online Protection Act of 1998.
Tinder is a dating app.
Just because you fucked yourself (both in a bad relationship and with your hand), doesn't mean the rest of us should fuck ourselves.
Yes, there it is, always the man's fault. And then you wonder why men are just walking away, and this society is dying.
Yeah, men need to stand up. Why shirk responsibility? The fact men are doing that is the cause of society's issues, not the corrective action.
We tried your way, the country went to hell, try my way, it's what built this country.
I have no responsibility to a society that hates me and decided I was the enemy before I was born. Many of us have tried it your way, we ended up looted, those with kids lost the ability to spend time with them, and far too many ended up killing themselves.
You know the best part of banging your head against a wall? How good it feels when you finally stop.
You're right when you say you have no responsibility, that's what's gotten you to where you are today. Taking responsibility isn't playing into the system, it's breaking out of it. You do what's right, always, no matter the consequences. Do you think people who have died for their faith and belief gave up, took there ball, and went home?
No, they died: 1. Receiving a greater reward in heaven and 2. Enacted changes bigger then they could have done while they were alive.
When only a small part of society does what's right, you WILL suffer for doing right. No question there. Does that mean you just join the throng of doing wrong?
By no means. MEN need to stand up. MAN needs to find a WOMAN with great morals and values. THEY need to become a couple and raise KIDS who are likewise people of great morals and values. This is how you SAVE our country, each country. This isn't recommended for only USA, literally every country ought to do this.
It doesn't fall on men alone. Both men and women need to be of good repute. If you are a responsible man who gets involved with an irresponsible women (or vice versa), that is on YOU for getting involved. Not on society. There's what, 150 million women (or men) + in the USA, are you telling me that no one shares your values and would marry you out of that big of a pool? C'mon man.
First off, you don't know me. I do what's right, and the men who've worked for me in the past will tell you that. It's part of why I've been consigned to running the machines, driving the trucks, and repairing equipment. Corporate America doesn't want anyone who does the right thing or isn't afraid to make decisions. I've been fucked over a LOT for doing the right thing, and I no longer care what someone else thinks is the right thing. I do what's right for me, the people I care about, and doesn't violate my principles.
If you want to sacrifice yourself to be a slave, go for it. I tried that family thing once, I saw it for the lie it is, and I paid for being stupid enough to believe it. I won't do it again, nor advocate that any other man do so unless he's moving to a society where men aren't simply work donkeys and disposable slaves.
What's right? What's wrong?
You are literally telling people what to do on the internet, and you expect no one to come back to you with their thoughts. You go as far as calling those who disagree with you a fool. You have given a one person experience and called it gospel truth. What you recommend is ruining this country. I won't shut up, I won't back down. Not because I like arguing, but because I have a burning passion for the truth.
What you are saying is not the truth, so I cannot be silent.
You have vision that is very narrow, limited to your own sense of happiness. If you are curious as to what is the outcome of unlimited human happiness, look no further than the wealthiest man alive who had everything he wanted. King Solomon. By all accounts, the wealthiest, wisest man to live. He had some things to say about wealth.
Broaden your mind's eye. I try to give people a realistic, non "pie in the sky" view because 2 theologians fighting over who believes the more correct thing is useless to most of us.
Use a logic to discover what is truth. We live in a world of logics.
Is there good and evil?
Who determines it at its base level?
Whomever determined it, on what authority do they do so?
Ask these kinds of questions, seek their answers. No, this is not pie in the sky, because when you discover the base level of understanding of why you exist, so many problems will fall into place, that is to say, be solved. There are definitely still problems observed after this truth is known. You will have grace to deal with them, and hope so strong, so resolved, that these short term sufferings will seem as little as nothing when compared to the knowledge of God and his redemptive work across time and space. Based on logics, as far as my feeble mind can understand, Christianity is the true religion, because it does not self violate like every other religion out there.
I don't know, maybe the person who decides that an oath didn't mean anything if she gets bbbbooooorrrreeeedddd, or maybe the society that rewards that kind of thinking and behavior? Maybe those who push a contract that's so bad for one party that a lawyer who told his client to sign a business partnership contract with the same terms would be disbarred, and rightly so.
Also, when you get married, both parties say "I do" and like above comment states, no one is holding a gun to your head to do so. If you marry prematurely, if you marry without truly knowing your partner (not saying you need a 30 year engagement period), that's not "society's fault" It is the fault of the couple. If she a hoe, don't marry her, not difficult.
Have you ever studied economics? Do you know any of the principles of economics, or what substitutes are?
In addition to your religious text of choice, study economics, chemistry, and physics a bit. Adding those three will allow understanding of the majority of everything in existence.
No you don't understand. You see, i found the correct religion. I have all the answers. I know what's best for everyone...
EDIT: oh woops! Did I step on some fundamentalist fee fees!?!
Look at this porn addict right here. (BTW, happily married with 2 kids, so BTFO😉)
Enjoy answering that to God when you die.
It’s better to lose an eye or a hand then to burn in hell, but what difference does it make, you get momentary pleasure for the eternal cost of your soul.
Does anyone understand what the Great Awakening is here, or are we Reddit cumlords?
Nope, my wife isn't a slut/whore/cheater. So I won't be. What a sad view on another human. Find you a good girl, stop finding love in all the wrong places, and this will not be a concern.
Not sure what's so funny. People in a different part of this conversation asked why I came across as rude. YOU are the reason that I don't hit lightly.
Lol have you followed RSD? I used to.
Imma be completely honest and say even if I had 300 wives, they couldn't keep up to my balls. That's right, 300 barefoot and eternally pregnant women is childs play for just one nut... [Downvoted with no comment, so I edited and corrected the number of wives that still wouldn't be able to keep up my balls.]
Name checks out.
If it wasn't for all the other men running around I'd gladly put my thoery to the test for the benefit of humanity.
Laugh of the day, well done.
When I do jiu-jitsu sometimes I get really bad gas and my opponent will tap out because I'll fart in his face to get the win. I have ulcerative colitis so my farts are really bad. They smell like a weird mixture of match smoke, throw up, rotting blood, and sour milk, with cheesy notes mixed in.
My cat's breath smells like cat food.