It's only going to get better from here on out. The 45th President of the United States is posting memes everyone. What a time to be alive. I know no politician in my lifetime that has been so intune with the "average voter."
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Trump is in good spirits. That means the plan is moving forward without issue.
God, I hope so.
Sun Tzu. When you are strong, appear weak. When you are sure you're about to rek cunts, appear even stronger.
🤣 I don't remember reading this in The Art of War:
When you are sure you're about to rek cunts
It's right there on page 69. Page 70 is a prophetic entry that points to Q post #1, with a picture of Trump and his big ass grin.
Sun Tzu was clearly a time traveler. And his best friend? Barron.
If the actual saying is “if you are weak, appear strong,” does that mean Trump is weak?
Yes, that would be the consistent way of thinking if we are to apply his adherence to Sun Tzu universally.
"If your opponent is of choleric temperament seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak that he may grow arrogant."
I think that one would apply fairly well here. They seem to be growing very arrogant from what I have been seeing.
Today appears to be the end of some phase of "the plan". If WW4 is not kicked off in Ukraine with a false flag over the next 31 days it will be a sign of whitehat shadow operators are being successful. Deep State is trying to so hard right now that we are in "harvest season". They need some sort of "event" to justify delay of midterm elections. Are they going to get it?
High Octane speculation here but I have to wonder if the Artemis shuttle cancellation is a message. The "calling it off" statement appears to have been written with a much different type of defeat in mind. Kamala gave one of her nonesencial speeches regarding the Artemis project...
But he has to be even if it isn't going well.
"Be he has to".
Your Trump isn't free to choose what he will do?
"appear weak when you are strong..."
It is an exciting day. But he's been posting badass memes his entire presidency. The connection to the Q post is what's exciting.
For proper context.
Trump DID NOT retruth a Q post - he retruthed a reply to a post that contained the Q drop. Truth Social will show the original comment on your timeline when you retruth the reply to it (that's how it ended up on his timeline)
Funny to watch all these Mainstream Media clowns get all trigger happy and rush out their fake news pieces misrepresenting what happened - they don't know how the user interface of TS works.
Still though I'm pretty sure Trump knew exactly the full thread he was replying to
I agree I didn't write that someone else did. Thought it wad an interesting take.
Yeah right. And Trump doesn’t understand how the user interface works either. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Let’s leave this lame mental gymnastic shit for TDW. It’s Trumps fuking platform. He knows how muh user interface works. It’s comms.
Right on X22 Report.
Jordan Sather. on X22 Report.
They did that with Roseane Barr. She tweeted that Trump had done a lot to reduce human trafficking which had saved thousands of children. That's all she said.
Media. lost. its. mind.
It's not wonder Q posted "We had a good laugh" (Q post #984) about the MSM's insane response to this tweet:
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) March 31, 2018
Like... no she didn't. Their reaction was overkill. They always overdo it. Trump knew what he was doing. He knows them well. He wanted them to blow a gasket. He succeeded.
For more "proper context":
Q trained readers to understand that Trump used Re Tweets, especially during what the media frames as a Tweet Storm, to communicate with anons and malevolents, while maintaining plausible deniability.
Trumps Re Tweets/Re Truths are ACTUAL, rather than made up, " dog whistles" that mockingbird media employees, their employers and anons can hear but normies cant.
Intel gathering/testing: Message sent. Message received? Message understood? Reactions to what's understood?
Can you link the post?
Right on X22 Report.
Jordan Sather.
All of it is amazing, no matter the context. Truly think about it. I think we all may be a bit desensitized.
Yup, on the 666th day since the insurrection on November 3, 2020. Not a coincidence.
edit: fixed the start date. i originally set election day as 11/3/21 vs 11/3/20. thanks to u/epium for bringing it to my attention.
Speaking of 666...
Reagan died 6/5/04 and Gorbachev died today 8/30/22.... 6660 days
Probably just coincidence, but damn this stuff comes up constantly.
That is weird.
"Tear down this wall Mr. Gorbachev."
I watched that when it happened - got the goosebumps.
Indeed, a stunning moment.
I thought, this is the smartest thing he ever said. I was a democrat at the time. Not much longer.
Numbers have power. Look what binary did for computers.
All binary did was attempt to break God's word down to a human syntax. Ergo, it showed us it faults. Binary, that is.
non puny gods deal in hexadecimal.
And more numberfagging: 8-30-2022 is 8+3+6=17
Actually I believe it's 665 days, and I don't think Trump would land any date on a 666, that crap is reserved for the deepstate kid fuckers.
Numbers are "reserved for the deepstate kid fuckers".
Source? The " kid fuckers"?
Numbers are a part of God, the Creators, creation. Numbers are part of the bible and one way He communicates with us.
" The deepstae kid fuckers" can't create but they can imitate, co opt, invert and pervert then claim what God created is "reserved" for them now.
I refuse to allow the " kid fuckers" to get away with their nonsense. So does Trump. So does Q.
ALL things belong to God no matter how many times the "kid fuckers" insist that some things belong to them now.
Also the number of the beast is 616 not 666 as is widely thought. You can look into it but i think there was an issue in translation.
Well, it's 665 days if you exclude today (08/30/2022) and 666 days if you include it. I'm including it because we're on the 666th day vs that being the number of full-days completed.
Similar to how we say we're in the 21st century even though only 20 centuries have completed (since the start of the Gregorian calendar).
This is the tool I used.
Except he is promoting Kushners new book, and he and Ivanka own a building at 666 something street - that is one of the things I can’t get past.
So that used to trip me up too until I found out that right away Kush filed to have the building readdressed and now the building is something like 660 I believe. I still am cautious about Kush and Ivanka but have seen enough to know that what makes me cautious could be hit pieces.
Where you getting that number?
November 3, 2021 - August 30, 2022
300 days
whoops!!! my mistake: meant for that to be November 3rd 2020 and not 2021. Plus you have to include today in your count.
I used this tool to verify.
As one man standing in front of Trump tower(supporting President Trump) after the FBI raid said, he's one of us not one of them.😍😎
yes I agree, and can't wait to see what happens next!
be awesome if he retruthed some GAW!🥳😎🇺🇸
Meme me up, Scotty
Agreed Op, agreed. I was thinking the same thing when I saw your thread.
He completely ruined and devastated the day for many and he began it before most of them were awake in the morning.
The media is driving normies to Truth Social...
By average voter you mean screen junkies right?
No, Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans.
Hawkeye La Longue Carabine