I don't think insulting people is necessarily a vice or character flaw. Some people deserve the bashing. Trump is merely guilty of saying out loud what so many of us are thinking.
I kinda hate the term boomer.
but the OP who posted this and anyone reading it going "yeah yeah yeah steve harvey way to go!" are the epitome of the deragtory slur that is 'boomer'.
CLEARLY this is a photoshop job, poorly done... on top of that, it takes a whopping 10 seconds to google and realize this was not said by steve harvey.
Also, this reads as if written before Trump was in office. The list of peace deals he achieved, and honoring as none before have in other countries is a worthy addition...
I think back to the time when Windows Media Player would have "skins" that you could change. That is, the functionality of WMP would remain but the appearance could be changed from a boring Windows rectangle into a graphic equaliser display or a jukebox or something from outer space.
Some people with Trump can't get past the surface veneer and recognise the underlying functionality is still exactly what they want.
MSM does not help because it just harps on the quirkiness and "forgets" to mention any actual achievements so that is all that the masses see.
I think he's trying too justify his stance. You see, it's safe now. Steve can slide back into Trumps shadow. Even lesser known actors are speaking up.the winds have shifted and they are shifting with them. Pay attention.
Not only can’t the city’s 4 different exterminators handle the job, but they tell you that hundreds of rabid raccoons are good for you because they keep swearing, butt cackin people out of your house
Actually the message had been attributed to the wrong person. This story has been out since 2016 and Someone along the way put the picture of the entertainer Steve Harvey on it for name recognition but it was posted on another guy’s Facebook page who has the name Steve Harvey (not the famous one).
The message is relevant and spot on but we need to investigate these things before passing on being associated with someone falsely. That gives us a bad reputation. The entertainer Steve Harvey has denied those being his words.
We can still pass on the story, just remove the picture which makes it fake news.
Add to his visual the way the raccoons are jumping out of dark places to bite, gouge, and scratch at the exterminator...non stop. He withstands it all to get the job done.
Steve Harvey is an egotist and narcissist - the way he treats his staff and the general public.. this guy should not comment on anyone’s personality traits…
LOVE IT Partner and I have both been married 3 times. Long and interesting stories, but it sure does make you less judgemental. I have prayed for Trump since the escalator and will not stop.
OP YOU NEED TO DO BETTER, by simply reading it I could deduce it was fake. Horrible grammar, where was this posted (?), Harvey has a TV reputation to uphold. C'mon man......
Hmm... You're late Steve. Better late than never but dam. You had a chance at the beginning of Trumps presidency. You could have been standing for a something (America) but you didn't. You folded and ran away. You could have stood with a giant and you would have been greater for it. Now, now I remember the weak person you were and you ran away. The blowtorch of MSM was too much and you ran away. ON CAMERA! I will not forget what true friend you could have been. The respect we all would have had for you is gone never to return. Last, go play a clip from your show as you sell baby foreskin shilling for the elites. Count your millions and drive your fancy car. Smoke that cigar. You could have been a beacon and giant in your own right. But what are you now...
I couldn’t stand Steve Harvey back in the day. Now I respect and adore the patriot. There’s something extra special when a minority sticks up for trump.
Regardless of who may have actually written this (skepticism because of the bottom paragraph), they're spot-on with their analogy and analysis of the issue(s) at hand.
We're sick of the dystopian Idiocracy infested government.
I don't think insulting people is necessarily a vice or character flaw. Some people deserve the bashing. Trump is merely guilty of saying out loud what so many of us are thinking.
I kinda hate the term boomer. but the OP who posted this and anyone reading it going "yeah yeah yeah steve harvey way to go!" are the epitome of the deragtory slur that is 'boomer'.
CLEARLY this is a photoshop job, poorly done... on top of that, it takes a whopping 10 seconds to google and realize this was not said by steve harvey.
Yep 100% https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-steve-harvey-false-quote-idUSKBN26L3KU
Exactly. We have to stop sharing BS
Post removed after user reports for fakeness. Thank you everyone.
Also, this reads as if written before Trump was in office. The list of peace deals he achieved, and honoring as none before have in other countries is a worthy addition...
Idk, I’m skeptical. Lots of illegals talk for such a polished tv personality. Also the copy/paste/share bit? Nah I’m gonna say this isn’t Steve Harvey
I’m always skeptical of the copy/paste/share ones too.
If it is, I'd be surprised. Didn't he come out against Trump? He could always have a change of heart, not sure though.
Remember he almost took a meeting with Trump after his election win. However, MSM, clobbered him and he wilted. He slunk away like a coward.
I was skeptical as well until I found this clip: https://youtu.be/tgvHF47usXo
Sure sounds pro-Trump to me.
It’s been determined fake. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-steve-harvey-false-quote-idUSKBN26L3KU
I think back to the time when Windows Media Player would have "skins" that you could change. That is, the functionality of WMP would remain but the appearance could be changed from a boring Windows rectangle into a graphic equaliser display or a jukebox or something from outer space.
Some people with Trump can't get past the surface veneer and recognise the underlying functionality is still exactly what they want.
MSM does not help because it just harps on the quirkiness and "forgets" to mention any actual achievements so that is all that the masses see.
I agree with everything but the "bit of a jerk" part. If he seems like a jerk to you, it's probably because YOU are an asshole.
I think he's trying too justify his stance. You see, it's safe now. Steve can slide back into Trumps shadow. Even lesser known actors are speaking up.the winds have shifted and they are shifting with them. Pay attention.
I saw this yesterday and will comment here what I said there....
God does not send a sheep to do the work of a lion!
Steve Harvey talking favorably about Trump on his show: https://youtu.be/tgvHF47usXo
well, according to reuters.. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-steve-harvey-false-quote-idUSKBN26L3KU
Not only can’t the city’s 4 different exterminators handle the job, but they tell you that hundreds of rabid raccoons are good for you because they keep swearing, butt cackin people out of your house
Always nice to see someone a lot of people know help get the messages out to the normies.
Sometimes, they just need to hear the message from someone else than us in order for it to sink in.
Actually the message had been attributed to the wrong person. This story has been out since 2016 and Someone along the way put the picture of the entertainer Steve Harvey on it for name recognition but it was posted on another guy’s Facebook page who has the name Steve Harvey (not the famous one).
The message is relevant and spot on but we need to investigate these things before passing on being associated with someone falsely. That gives us a bad reputation. The entertainer Steve Harvey has denied those being his words.
We can still pass on the story, just remove the picture which makes it fake news.
Came here to say the same thing, thank you. Old story and didn’t come from the Steve Harvey comedian’s Social Media originally.
Thank for the clarification, guys.
There's no way he wrote that
He didn’t. It’s fake. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-steve-harvey-false-quote-idUSKBN26L3KU
Deport fake posts for posterity?
Nailed it Steve!
hell yeah!!!
Add to his visual the way the raccoons are jumping out of dark places to bite, gouge, and scratch at the exterminator...non stop. He withstands it all to get the job done.
I think this was before the 2016 election but I would love to be corrected that he said this recently.
Steve Harvey is an egotist and narcissist - the way he treats his staff and the general public.. this guy should not comment on anyone’s personality traits…
I don't think a pope is what I would call a saint...
LOVE IT Partner and I have both been married 3 times. Long and interesting stories, but it sure does make you less judgemental. I have prayed for Trump since the escalator and will not stop.
Steve Harvey is compromised.
I remember seeing something about him selling out or sacrificing or somehow being linked to Bernie Mac's death.
He did a piece on foreskin face cream with some witches complete with his patented fake outraged black guy routine.
this is dope and exactly my sentiments as well.
Dems will label him “uncle Tom” within seconds.
I was surprised reading this, was expecting TDS.
He has a huge following though. Hopefully, more of the zombies wake up.
I don't care for a 'pope', but I did vote for a 'Pepe'.
OP YOU NEED TO DO BETTER, by simply reading it I could deduce it was fake. Horrible grammar, where was this posted (?), Harvey has a TV reputation to uphold. C'mon man......
"Bit of a jerk?" "Egomaniac?"
Are we talking about the same Donald Trump?
Hmm... You're late Steve. Better late than never but dam. You had a chance at the beginning of Trumps presidency. You could have been standing for a something (America) but you didn't. You folded and ran away. You could have stood with a giant and you would have been greater for it. Now, now I remember the weak person you were and you ran away. The blowtorch of MSM was too much and you ran away. ON CAMERA! I will not forget what true friend you could have been. The respect we all would have had for you is gone never to return. Last, go play a clip from your show as you sell baby foreskin shilling for the elites. Count your millions and drive your fancy car. Smoke that cigar. You could have been a beacon and giant in your own right. But what are you now...
I couldn’t stand Steve Harvey back in the day. Now I respect and adore the patriot. There’s something extra special when a minority sticks up for trump.
Steve Harvey’s a complete badass.
Regardless of who may have actually written this (skepticism because of the bottom paragraph), they're spot-on with their analogy and analysis of the issue(s) at hand.
We're sick of the dystopian Idiocracy infested government.
"Put the coons in jail."- Steve Harvey
"Every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid" (every Tom, Rick and Jerry)
Guys come on... It takes 2 seconds of searching to find that this is fake... wtf man.