dunno, what did he say about Christmas? Unless he acknowledged that it is a celebration of the Winter Solstice from the Old Roman calendar and therefore Pagan and nothing whatsoever to do with Christ then I'm not going to give it any real credit
Jesus said “see to it that you’re not deceived” and had plenty of instructions and warning about your relationship to the truth.
And there are plenty of warnings of the Antichrist spirit and in people coming in Jesus name.
Christmas comes in Jesus name but is tricking Christian’s into celebrating a commercialised pagan festival.
I’d rather trust the Bible as a Christian and there is no Christmas in the Bible.
If you permit these kind of retardations of the truth and allow yourself to be guided away from what is true then how much more open will you be to further deception?
Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Thank you for your comment. Jesus wasn't born in the winter solstice either. The Bible gives details that say otherwise. And please don't get me started on the "Christmas tree"!
Meanings change over time. It's as simple as that. Christianity adopted a lot of pagan holidays and repurposed them to be Christian in order to help convert the pagans. Which obviously worked.
No, meanings are changed over time. It’s the typical Masonic Kabbalist commie way but you can’t eradicate etymology and the source of things - you can only paper over them.
The papered-over, fabricated meaning is not the meaning, it’s the lie that conceals the truth, which you are free to adopt as your belief if you like. I won’t though.
I think things are getting more strident. An Italian taking down the EU flag and the EU brain locker talking about electing the "right" person. How arrogant can you get? How oblivious to even the pretense of a emocracy?
Same thing here. All pretense of free speech gone. Fascist Bidet speaking in Philadelphia.
Financial system breaking daily.
Finally, the storm may,be coming. A cold winter for those needing heat, gas prices going to sky rocket after Nov 8 no matter what, etc.
There are millions of the complicit worldwide. This isnt going to end in some declaration of victory on a single day. This is going to drag on for years, decades, before victory is complete. You better come to terms with that.
I don't know about you all but I'm glad when a day comes and goes. It gives me time to pack and prepare. We know it's coming, it's just a matter of when. We know this is coming. Use the time to prepare.
I prepare every single day and am grateful for that time. It also gives me the time to save my not fully awake, but definitely Patriots, family members. I have finally convinced all of them they need to prepare and that we are at war. They need time too.
I am also impatient for the final assault on evil to begin in earnest and publicly but am fully aware that this war will drag on for years as the nests of vipers are found and cleared. I dont understand anyone thinking this will go easy and at the snap of the fingers all will be resolved. This is an entrenched enemy with vast personal and governmental resources who like a cornered rat will fight to the death. There will be heavy casualties on both sides.
It means they are controlling the outcomes. If they know the future they aren't in control, just riding the wave of time which is ultimately in control, even if they can make slight course adjustments to get the outcome they want.
based on the descriptions of looking glass it sounds a lot more like there is no controlling this. no matter what they did, no matter how they gamed it out, there was certain a certain thing that happened that they couldn't stop, and nobody could get the machine to see anything past a certain date.
If looking glass is real as described, it's showing potential future outcomes that uses the persons intent. So, one could effectively make a decision and play things through, if it's bad try something different, and ultimately could build up a plan on that route.
If it's AI, it would not be some off the shelf AI, but would be some military grade AI resting on some super computer.
For all we know, it might be a literal time travel operation. People like to think in terms like "if we just assassinate Hitler" but you would need to look through how that timeline plays out. If operating outside of time, it could essentially be a person's life work and then just provide the requirements to a younger self.
i think people need to get a grip on what predictive AI is, it's not just magic mirror on the wall it's literally just crunching statistics and variables and predicting most likely outcomes.
a predictive AI could calculate all the variables on the pool table in it's current state, then project forward to the best solution with the highest probability for winning the game.
but that doesn't work 5 years out... it can't predict how good or bad i will shoot pool 5 years from now... even knowing the opponent and date/time/location, etc... for all it knows it will predict i win but along the way i lose my vision and both hands in a lightning strike.
it's not magic, it's probabilities... it's war gaming.
even a sentient AI allowed to run free and given enough computational power... it can do some amazing (and truly horrifying) things... but it's never going to be able to predict the day and time of the queen's death and burial services 5 years in advance.
i keep circling around it because it's just crazy talk... but the only possibility is some sort of time travel or at the very least finding ways to send data streams back in time. to send warnings.
assume we will one day invent that, the records we are creating right now will presumably live on forever. a future person could look up "when did the queen die, when was the queen buried" and then fire up their "post shit to 2018 8chan" machine and start shit posting.
as insane as that sounds it's the only thing that makes sense at this point, there are far too many "coincidences".
Exactly. That's why AI doesn't cut it, I mean, even with all the real time data from all collection devices fed into it as close to real time as possible, and having the computing capacity, it could never come up with a 'solution' in the way Q did. In fact, an AI analysis was done on Q posts that determined that there are at least 2 people involved in writing Q posts because of different writing styles, phrasings, etc.
Looking glass is not an AI tech (if even real) but rather opening a window through time that shows potential futures. It's closer to time travel or "stargate" technology than AI technology.
Consider the Mandela effect, someone or people could be flipping back and forth through time trying to flip different switches and going to check out the outcome, those of us impacted might catch some effects as time change effects ripple through.
So, if someone who was around in 2016 lives through at some point travels through time and eventually builds a map that we call the Q clock, and creates posts to conceal information about the future in a coded way, then when that time comes in as a proof, it's not a surprise because it was in fact a plan and having seen the different moves of the game knows the precise timings.
Yes, time travel as real sounds crazy as fuck, I get it, you don't have to tell me, but it really is the best explanation, even if it's "impossible".
Or, it could be crazier, a fiction book I once read, there was an alien species that stumbles across a human ship, one of the first to setup on a new star. This alien species uses a 'comms' system that does not transmit information, but rather holds all communications that device would ever need from the beginning to the end of time, the species had that communications device as their great project to complete and evidently completes because the device works before it is completed.
from what i understood the description of looking glass left the door open to a bit of speculation and i think the complex nature of the thing paired with people's understandings at the time gives us this false perception that it's a magic window in time.
the lookingglass thing has been romanticized over the years but according to the description it's more like something that can predict if a stock market is going to rise or fall, if a hurricane is going to make landfall, even how a population will react to certain laws or regulations... shit like that.
but it's not a magic window on the wall showing you shit, it's just data.
Well I give them from now through January. If no overt, demonstrable habbenings have occurred then at that point I don't believe anything will happen. But I think we are close and shits about to go down. We'll see.
The only consolation I can take from all this is that it took a long time to screw the world up and it is going to take some time to unscrew it. I know that's not much help, but it is what it is and we have to keep doing what we can at our own respective levels.
Picture on here 3 lights behind Trump. Made me think of this post..yesterdays delta then Dan posts this clip w the 3 brights lights behind Trump.
Pray for strength and safety and most of all, the TRUTH!
What's up with the three asterisks? Countdown?
Flynn. At least it was at the time anyway. But now, who knows..
Maybe flag of Washington D.C.
Nice connection. Plausible!!
A google search returns nothing but "The End Of The F***ing World"
Definitely posted a pic of Santa Claus holding a hammer
= Thor
dunno, what did he say about Christmas? Unless he acknowledged that it is a celebration of the Winter Solstice from the Old Roman calendar and therefore Pagan and nothing whatsoever to do with Christ then I'm not going to give it any real credit
I don't know, maybe he said that the original point is irrelevant and that how it is practiced now is what matters?
No, I checked. He didn’t say that.
It was a satanic holiday. That need have no bearing on what it is today, nor how it's celebrated today.
Being against Christmas is simply aligning yourself with the people who hate Christians and hate Christ.
Ok thanks, so I can’t give it any credit I’m afraid.
You realize - stolen or not, it's still celebrating the birth of Jesus
Exactly Shalimar.
People get to wrapped up in dates. Who cares what the date is. That is the day WE Christians celebrate Jesus’s birth.
And that it must piss the demons off that we have stolen their holiday and made it about Christ, Peace, Love and Family.
Is that what it looks like when you go out at that time of year?
I see greed, wanton lust and love of money in people.
Biblically if you care September 11, 3b.c..
Jesus Christ our Promised Seed by V.P. Weireille. I think sometime around 1979.
Convinced me.
I do it on his actual birthday. Believe it or dont September 11th.
How was Jesus born in Nov? The baby animals were in the barn - baby animals are born in the spring.
Jesus said “see to it that you’re not deceived” and had plenty of instructions and warning about your relationship to the truth.
And there are plenty of warnings of the Antichrist spirit and in people coming in Jesus name.
Christmas comes in Jesus name but is tricking Christian’s into celebrating a commercialised pagan festival.
I’d rather trust the Bible as a Christian and there is no Christmas in the Bible.
If you permit these kind of retardations of the truth and allow yourself to be guided away from what is true then how much more open will you be to further deception?
Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Thank you for your comment. Jesus wasn't born in the winter solstice either. The Bible gives details that say otherwise. And please don't get me started on the "Christmas tree"!
They saw a painting that's how they know.
Meanings change over time. It's as simple as that. Christianity adopted a lot of pagan holidays and repurposed them to be Christian in order to help convert the pagans. Which obviously worked.
Meanings change over time.
No, meanings are changed over time. It’s the typical Masonic Kabbalist commie way but you can’t eradicate etymology and the source of things - you can only paper over them.
The papered-over, fabricated meaning is not the meaning, it’s the lie that conceals the truth, which you are free to adopt as your belief if you like. I won’t though.
Dinkus--a section break in novels!
This is the endgame.
It certainly feels as if the winds have changed.
I think things are getting more strident. An Italian taking down the EU flag and the EU brain locker talking about electing the "right" person. How arrogant can you get? How oblivious to even the pretense of a emocracy?
Same thing here. All pretense of free speech gone. Fascist Bidet speaking in Philadelphia.
Financial system breaking daily.
Finally, the storm may,be coming. A cold winter for those needing heat, gas prices going to sky rocket after Nov 8 no matter what, etc.
There are millions of the complicit worldwide. This isnt going to end in some declaration of victory on a single day. This is going to drag on for years, decades, before victory is complete. You better come to terms with that.
Flynn....3 star general.
Or other 3 star generals?
I don't know about you all but I'm glad when a day comes and goes. It gives me time to pack and prepare. We know it's coming, it's just a matter of when. We know this is coming. Use the time to prepare.
Best advice ^^^
I prepare every single day and am grateful for that time. It also gives me the time to save my not fully awake, but definitely Patriots, family members. I have finally convinced all of them they need to prepare and that we are at war. They need time too.
I am also impatient for the final assault on evil to begin in earnest and publicly but am fully aware that this war will drag on for years as the nests of vipers are found and cleared. I dont understand anyone thinking this will go easy and at the snap of the fingers all will be resolved. This is an entrenched enemy with vast personal and governmental resources who like a cornered rat will fight to the death. There will be heavy casualties on both sides.
The spiritual warfare is escalating this past week.
Oh boy has it EVER!!!
My body and normal disposition is in an upheaval. Just opened my Bible for the first time in awhile.
We feel it too, trying our best to not allow ourselves to get angry and focus on God
lights cigar while popcorn starts popping
I've been trying not to post Delta's but I'm just feeling this one all the way
Facts don’t care about our feelings.
but how...
how do deltas happen?
a rudimentary predictive AI (looking glass) isn't going to work 5 years out... so how?
are all of these events being centered and carried out and planned on pre-selected days... like a movie playing out in a script?
because there's not a lot of ways to explain all the queen "coincidences".
excluding any "matrix/simulation" theories... there are only two possibilities here as far as i can tell:
given the totality of circumstances it doesn't seem that both sides would be playing into the Q deltas... it would be one or the other.
so the Q team has access to biff's sports almanac?
"Patriots are in control"
which could mean 100 things
It means they are controlling the outcomes. If they know the future they aren't in control, just riding the wave of time which is ultimately in control, even if they can make slight course adjustments to get the outcome they want.
based on the descriptions of looking glass it sounds a lot more like there is no controlling this. no matter what they did, no matter how they gamed it out, there was certain a certain thing that happened that they couldn't stop, and nobody could get the machine to see anything past a certain date.
that doesn't sound like a controllable situation.
So they lied when they said 'patriots are in control', then?
If looking glass is real as described, it's showing potential future outcomes that uses the persons intent. So, one could effectively make a decision and play things through, if it's bad try something different, and ultimately could build up a plan on that route.
If it's AI, it would not be some off the shelf AI, but would be some military grade AI resting on some super computer.
For all we know, it might be a literal time travel operation. People like to think in terms like "if we just assassinate Hitler" but you would need to look through how that timeline plays out. If operating outside of time, it could essentially be a person's life work and then just provide the requirements to a younger self.
i think people need to get a grip on what predictive AI is, it's not just magic mirror on the wall it's literally just crunching statistics and variables and predicting most likely outcomes.
a predictive AI could calculate all the variables on the pool table in it's current state, then project forward to the best solution with the highest probability for winning the game.
but that doesn't work 5 years out... it can't predict how good or bad i will shoot pool 5 years from now... even knowing the opponent and date/time/location, etc... for all it knows it will predict i win but along the way i lose my vision and both hands in a lightning strike.
it's not magic, it's probabilities... it's war gaming.
even a sentient AI allowed to run free and given enough computational power... it can do some amazing (and truly horrifying) things... but it's never going to be able to predict the day and time of the queen's death and burial services 5 years in advance.
i keep circling around it because it's just crazy talk... but the only possibility is some sort of time travel or at the very least finding ways to send data streams back in time. to send warnings.
assume we will one day invent that, the records we are creating right now will presumably live on forever. a future person could look up "when did the queen die, when was the queen buried" and then fire up their "post shit to 2018 8chan" machine and start shit posting.
as insane as that sounds it's the only thing that makes sense at this point, there are far too many "coincidences".
Exactly. That's why AI doesn't cut it, I mean, even with all the real time data from all collection devices fed into it as close to real time as possible, and having the computing capacity, it could never come up with a 'solution' in the way Q did. In fact, an AI analysis was done on Q posts that determined that there are at least 2 people involved in writing Q posts because of different writing styles, phrasings, etc.
Looking glass is not an AI tech (if even real) but rather opening a window through time that shows potential futures. It's closer to time travel or "stargate" technology than AI technology.
Consider the Mandela effect, someone or people could be flipping back and forth through time trying to flip different switches and going to check out the outcome, those of us impacted might catch some effects as time change effects ripple through.
So, if someone who was around in 2016 lives through at some point travels through time and eventually builds a map that we call the Q clock, and creates posts to conceal information about the future in a coded way, then when that time comes in as a proof, it's not a surprise because it was in fact a plan and having seen the different moves of the game knows the precise timings.
Yes, time travel as real sounds crazy as fuck, I get it, you don't have to tell me, but it really is the best explanation, even if it's "impossible".
Or, it could be crazier, a fiction book I once read, there was an alien species that stumbles across a human ship, one of the first to setup on a new star. This alien species uses a 'comms' system that does not transmit information, but rather holds all communications that device would ever need from the beginning to the end of time, the species had that communications device as their great project to complete and evidently completes because the device works before it is completed.
from what i understood the description of looking glass left the door open to a bit of speculation and i think the complex nature of the thing paired with people's understandings at the time gives us this false perception that it's a magic window in time.
the lookingglass thing has been romanticized over the years but according to the description it's more like something that can predict if a stock market is going to rise or fall, if a hurricane is going to make landfall, even how a population will react to certain laws or regulations... shit like that.
but it's not a magic window on the wall showing you shit, it's just data.
Either Qs definition of “not long” is different from mine or something went wrong.
Well I give them from now through January. If no overt, demonstrable habbenings have occurred then at that point I don't believe anything will happen. But I think we are close and shits about to go down. We'll see.
Biblical timeline
Let's gooooooooo!!!!!!
[ * ] [ * * ] [ * * * ] It’s the pyramid
The families of the cabal, we’re about to take down the third level is my guess
Thought those were referred to by pluses.
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+
If you needed provisions, networks of friends and support, spritual strength… now is the fucking time. Its a 2020 post but this is a strange delta.
3 star general?
Two years later ...
The only consolation I can take from all this is that it took a long time to screw the world up and it is going to take some time to unscrew it. I know that's not much help, but it is what it is and we have to keep doing what we can at our own respective levels.
Music is about to stop.
https://qagg.news/siteimages/qaggdropimage2262.png 9/21 delta
https://youtu.be/UOYi4NzxlhE?t=23 reference
I got an interesting result when I searched ***
Increasing world wide ground swell we are all just waiting for the sound of the starters pistol
Picture on here 3 lights behind Trump. Made me think of this post..yesterdays delta then Dan posts this clip w the 3 brights lights behind Trump. https://t.me/stormypatriotjoe21/12982 🇺🇸🐸🇺🇸
10 days.
three star generals?
There was a Q post that explained what 1, 2 , and 3 plus signs meant. I just can't remember what it was. It's nothing that's been mentioned.