Stupid is, as stupid does. Yet they have milk shakes or something, so they have to take masks off to sip through a straw, which is by the way exposed to all the surrounding germs floating around. It makes absolutely zero sense! I believe it is a woman pushing the stroller if you enlarge the picture.
I actually dug up a covid-era mask and wore it for a couple hours today while I was tractoring a ton of dirt around. It's super dry and creates insane dust clouds.
Wearing this amazing technological cotton marvel that can apparently stop covid viruses I still managed to get enough dust to grind between my teeth. My face had dust marks around my nose, and when I blew my nose after, loads of black came out (sorry if TMI).
I probably should have been smarter and used something more appropriate to the job......
I just wish common sense wasn't the least common of the senses. They way masks are pushed on the mindless is literal insanity.
I copied the warning that is on every box of masks and carry it with me. I love to watch their face when they read the Fact that this mask does Not stop a virus, hits them like a brick.
Same reason an abused wife or beaten blood dog stays loyal.
Fear can become an addiction and once someone is accustomed to it, they will miss it and fear it's absence...
People will cling to what they have grown accustomed to, especially if growing accustomed to it involved some kind of trauma as it creates a trauma association with having to grow accustomed to something new, and their minds have already had enough of that...
The pain they know and is accustomed to feels safer than any alternative...
I saw a woman, in her car alone, drive out of the parking lot at our local grocery. She was wearing a leopard print mask - it matched her outfit. What a STUPID fashion statement! I wondered if she was imitating Nancy Pelosi because she looked just as demented. I just shook my head. It’s really hard not to just feel contempt towards these idiots who continue to push such a clearly false, illogical narrative.
Pretty sure the father, wherever he works, is getting PAID to do this Impression Management stunt at the expense of his kids. Some people will do anything for money.
I always feel bad when I see people still wearing masks, I just feel it in my gut that there is a good chance that person will never breathe fresh air again. Really it has become a visual indication of how deeply brainwashed someone is, at a glance you can tell whether or not a person has completely lost their mind.
Why is that kid on the left—not baby, not toddler—in that stroller in the first place? (I mean aside from not having enough oxygen to keep his legs functioning.)
What kind of parent takes what would otherwise be a perfectly healthy child and pushes them around in what's essentially a wheelchair?
I was thinking the same thing.
Hours of breathing restriction is a small price to pay for their parents hours of virtue signaling.
Their kids might. You think they don't notice that they are the only ones that have to muzzle up?
Look at their faces, all three of them are terrified. There is no punishment severe enough for these people...
Probably because they are deprived of oxygen so can't walk.
Nice username (45 in binary). I guess 00010001 was taken. LOL
likely been masked for 2 1/2 years at this point.
^^^THIS. Came here to say this.
Child abuse.
The dude pushing the stroller looks sketchy af.
Yep. We know who wears the pants in that family.
Until TV says otherwise.
Mental deficiency bordering on child abuse.
Compare that to the kids in the background with painted faces having fun, just being kids.
Stupid is, as stupid does. Yet they have milk shakes or something, so they have to take masks off to sip through a straw, which is by the way exposed to all the surrounding germs floating around. It makes absolutely zero sense! I believe it is a woman pushing the stroller if you enlarge the picture.
I actually dug up a covid-era mask and wore it for a couple hours today while I was tractoring a ton of dirt around. It's super dry and creates insane dust clouds.
Wearing this amazing technological cotton marvel that can apparently stop covid viruses I still managed to get enough dust to grind between my teeth. My face had dust marks around my nose, and when I blew my nose after, loads of black came out (sorry if TMI).
I probably should have been smarter and used something more appropriate to the job......
I just wish common sense wasn't the least common of the senses. They way masks are pushed on the mindless is literal insanity.
Just in a grocery store in L.A. Still about 35 - 40% wear masks. Many wear them outside too.
These people will worship ESG. Coming in December. God help us.
Mother in law called her bank in the Bay Area and the greeting said masks were still required…some parts of California are so completely different…
I copied the warning that is on every box of masks and carry it with me. I love to watch their face when they read the Fact that this mask does Not stop a virus, hits them like a brick.
Same reason an abused wife or beaten blood dog stays loyal.
Fear can become an addiction and once someone is accustomed to it, they will miss it and fear it's absence...
People will cling to what they have grown accustomed to, especially if growing accustomed to it involved some kind of trauma as it creates a trauma association with having to grow accustomed to something new, and their minds have already had enough of that...
The pain they know and is accustomed to feels safer than any alternative...
I saw a woman, in her car alone, drive out of the parking lot at our local grocery. She was wearing a leopard print mask - it matched her outfit. What a STUPID fashion statement! I wondered if she was imitating Nancy Pelosi because she looked just as demented. I just shook my head. It’s really hard not to just feel contempt towards these idiots who continue to push such a clearly false, illogical narrative.
And they are trying to convince us there are 85 million adults just like these two.
What horrible decisions these parents are going to make for their family when the food supply stops. What will happen to the kids?
the IQ between the two are probably not even 80. looks like child abuse to me also.
Conversions are hard.
I'm glad I didn't marry her.
Now you guys know what I have to deal with on a daily basis. . . .
You can't fix stupid.
Fucking disgusting. A walking mental illness, endangering innocent children.
Not to mention the nasa shirts. Hell nasa runs so deep half the people in here at least believe that shit.
It's super hard not to react with hate seeing that. I have to pray for my own soul to be delivered from hate and to remember to love all as God loves.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
They keep that up, they're gonna collapse. Then again, they may just randomly collapse dead anyway.
Pretty sure the father, wherever he works, is getting PAID to do this Impression Management stunt at the expense of his kids. Some people will do anything for money.
I always feel bad when I see people still wearing masks, I just feel it in my gut that there is a good chance that person will never breathe fresh air again. Really it has become a visual indication of how deeply brainwashed someone is, at a glance you can tell whether or not a person has completely lost their mind.
That is so sad.
Oh boy... You sure got me.
They all have Nazi, I mean NASA shirts. Typical libshit government boot lickers.
Why is that kid on the left—not baby, not toddler—in that stroller in the first place? (I mean aside from not having enough oxygen to keep his legs functioning.)
What kind of parent takes what would otherwise be a perfectly healthy child and pushes them around in what's essentially a wheelchair?
Whole lot bad in this pic besides masks if that is Disney it looks like cheap ass construction just like their whole woke concept
Let them die.
Legoland Carlsbad? (SoCal, so it would make sense.)