TRUTH SOCIAL: Not from America and can't get in? Have you tried using a VPN to register? Worked for me here from Canada just now! Once registered I can view and use Truth on my phone/pc anywhere without VPN. Let's all follow each other! Post your [TS] handles here!

Good grief..who downvoted you!?!
You ain't nothing if you don't got haters!
You are always over the target! 🎯 Haters gotta hate.
They hate you cuz dey ain't you.
You know me
(someone took my username before I got there)
For what purpose should we post truth handles here? Pardon my insolence, but this almost sounds like a round up effort. In my view, Truth social comes nowhere near this board in terms of sharing relevant and valuable information; And nearly no decodes. It’s more of a campfire Girls outing combined with a support group, cheering each other on in an echo chamber seeing more shills by the day.
In truth social, it requires an inordinate amount of personal time to get a comment in early on an “influencer’s” post to get noticed. Even after that, unless you have thousands of followers, those that follow you rarely see your posts/comments cuz of the huge board slide (if you follow 20 or more “influencers); thus discussions on your posts don’t come until you have invested the time for a large following; you can still share whatcha got in other discussions.
At this point if you follow someone, you get all their posts and their back-and-forth comments with every Tom Dick and Mary out there in your feed, exacerbating the board slide further. It’s more of a race to be relevant in my view. Granted you can manually choose to look at one individual’s stream at a time to find worthy info.
Here, any idiot (yep that includes me) can create a post...all have the opportunity to see it if it’s a quality informative or sadly true post. There is no pecking order. For the most part post of higher quality bubble to top.
In my view, if Twitter is now or very soon a place where we can post truth now, It is a much more fertile ground for waking the normies, and thus having a positive impact if we flood it.
Anyhow, round my ass up. Someone took my name here before I can get it there; bastards. So mine is
John Q Based
Good! Stand and be counted. Trump owns Truth Social. Round me up!
This was my sentiment when I registered on Truth. That’s why registered with my birth name on Truth. You gotta truth if you’re gonna Truth. Come and get me faggots.
What you say is true only if you follow people only because they followed you.
I lost a ton of followers because I unfollowed people who did nothing but start "Trump trains" to collect more followers. At first, I followed back everybody who followed me.
I'd have likely culled more followers by now, but TS added the feature to subscribe to accounts, which vastly cleaned up the feed.
"It’s more of a campfire Girls outing combined with a support group, cheering each other on in an echo chamber seeing more shills by the day." I go there to check the word directly from our sources. Forgive me for not echoing your sentiment and cheering you on, but you're reading way too much into it. It's more important to me to hear from top sources (and get expedient information) than it is to post my opinion. I like the top stories and analysis here, too.
Agreed there is good info there; just been informed that the settings allow filtering replies from the feed...I totally missed that when I looked specifically for that...😒
Bruh, you can edit that shit in the settings to only show posts in your feed, not posts and replies. takes two clicks…
Well thank you Captain Obvious...guess I’m less autist, and more “Awww, missed.”
Kek that’s funny. I might have to use that. Wasn’t trying to be a dick (just a bit of that grumpy ‘get of my lawn’ vibe coming out early in the mornin)
I actually missed the setting when I previously looked for one... my feed much better now....🤫
Wait, wait! I thought that was PA. Oh my mistake, PA is a shithole. Got my holes mixed up.
Do we need a 'WRONG HOLE' flair, frog??
Holy hell....thanks not for that visual...
Ok buttwipe
Get me some nachos, u/Buttwipe
@PrayerGarden https://truthsocial.com/@PrayerGarden
and lmao to veteran seekers jus discovering vpn ;)
haha. Most of the sites I use VPN for to change location adapt to it. But, you're right, what a rookie mistake. I totally assumed that TS would block location changing but I was wrong.
Mine is GGRockz @J061506J
I don't think this works for every country by the way, since it does need a legit phone number. I think it works for Canada because the phone numbers are so similar. I brought it up to you in the other thread only because you mentioned you were from Canada haha.
Yeah, last time I tried it.. it needed a US phone number
I can't believe I didn't put it together. CatsFive is dense sometimes.
There are multiple websites where you can receive text messages within X or Y country. That's how I got in.
I did have to try a couple before Truth would accept some of the numbers I tried (the numbers tend to conk out after a while), so look around and be patient.
Searching "free phone numbers for sms" or something should get you there.
Wow, a fellow cornholer in here...👍
I would love to have a beer with literally any one in here :) My little brother is in here somewhere so he and I talk a lot. We mostly just check news and happenings here. Don’t post much. He goes to PDW quite a lot but tells me of all the dooming over there.
Yep. Might be leaving soon though. Property taxes are ridiculous!
I went have a university degree from there
Finally signed up a couple/few weeks ago, but just a lurker for now. Not bad. I've never had a Twat account or anything so I have nothing to compare it to. https://truthsocial.com/@StickyBit
Now that I just got laid off from my freakin' job (stupid overly woke company), looks like I'll have some time on my hands for GAW and TS. Gonna have to clean up and grease down my rusty ole' Meme machine.
@Southernwhitebread https://truthsocial.com/@Southernwhitebread
No round up and self doxing for me. I’m good.
I randomize my usernames for every service I sign up on, mostly by mashing my keyboard and seeing what it comes up with.
Hard to believe I know, but "javixpimraj" is not my real name!
Why establish a trackable identity unless I'm trying to monetize it or something?
If you guys understood the ways they have to profile you, you wouldn't bother. They are absolutely legion. Facebook's AI can identify users by how they type.
VPN for the .WIN
/u/catsfive/ thats great
614flagday. I haven't been active here or there because life has been busy.
I can't join Truth Social without a cell phone.
Hey, try a burner number from one of these sites (many out there) till u get in. https://receive-smss.com/ Register with a protonmail account also ;)
It worked with mine, +1 country code since I'm Canadian
Last time I tried with a VPN, it still wouldn't let me in. Maybe that's changed or it just works for different VPNs
What worked for me was the VPN setting within Opera. I don't use the browser for anything else, but this worked for me.
Thanks for the info.
I haven't been following TS development since they expanded to the UK. I'm hesitant to use a vpn to get around their policies. I respect the Don too much, and TS too much, to start out the relationship by flaunting their policies.
That's where I am, but as I said, I don't know where they are at now.
Fellow Linuxfags, are there any free-to-use VPNs for Linux? Last I checked there aren't because even the so-called "free" ones aren't really free.
Run that shit straight from terminal.
I’ve had good luck with https://hola.org/
NORD gave me three months free
Protonvpn offers multiple free servers in various countries and a route to a subscription account, the subbed accounts are worth the investment.
glow with the glow