Uh, maybe the best thing to do is to have a plan for the no-plan contingency, instead of only planning on there being a plan? If you think you could be fucked, do something about it. Look into making purchases that would still be useful in a non-broke bad scenario, while they are still relatively inexpensive, such as freedom seeds. At the very least - and there is never a bad reason to do this - make sure you/your family has your emergency kit on lock. Not just first aid, but dry rations, light source, heat source, basic water filtration and test strips. If you have all that, what about your neighbors? Church members? Do the elderly in your community have supplies? Moreover, do the youngins living in flats thinking they'll live forever have emergency supplies?
"Either Politician Daddy wins for us or I give up" is not a plan.
You are missing the point, and the things you mention are all nothing more than short term prepping.
We are in a war of good vs. evil. That war is the whole point. Try to keep up.
It is fairly simple. Plan A is the Patriots doing all the heavy lifting fighting the war of good vs. evil for us in a way that does not destroy our country and economy and civilization in the process. They get the job done with a minimum of collateral damage and suffering.
If Plan A does not work, it means that the patriots we are depending on turned out to be incompetent... and we must therefore move on to Plan B.
Plan B is a combination of Revolutionary War 2.0 and Civil War 2.0. Millions die as a result of Plan B, so I am hoping Plan A works out in the end.
I believe, near the end of this debacle, we must do what we must to protect our freedoms (and they are eroding daily) so that our children and grandchildren can realize what America is. To me it means to have faith that a plan is in existence, but also, be ready to take whatever steps are needed to keep America free. We must not forget our Founding Fathers and what they would have done by now--had they been in our shoes.
My take is if the other side is winning then they do a good job of looking like they are losing. Left have lost the media pillar of the insurgency, they lost on the economy as their money the U..s dollar owned by the fed is failing. The BRICS nations have over 1/3 of the nations on earth already trading with in their banking block of gold backed paper.
The petrondollar is dead Thank God. But, its still in the playing field. Inflated to trillions, sequestered among the remaining 120 or so non brics aligned nations further intensifying its inflationary impact.
I don't think we destroy the old, we abandon it for a better way. It then withers and dies on its own with no work from us. But to get everyone moved it will have to be catastrophic I think. In the end vanguard, black rock and state street all need to be purged if deep state actors.
Yes plan A is better. Short term prepping is good for those who are in rural areas and have few neighbors. For those in suburbs you can prep all you want but there has to be a unifying foundation in the area. For instance if you are a Christian in a city that out of control. The enemies will see you like a sore thumb. So short term prepping is pointless.
We need our society to still function under plan A. If there is no plan A or B. The facts still claim there is a lot of bad things coming out ways. Plan B in USA will be very bleak but the good (Side of God) will win nonetheless.
Me being nobody important and an allowed to see others seeing this torment of Biden the dictator and media biased coupled with children running around in drag, people shooting themselves with a mRNA and lots of injuries ALL indicate something is very unbalanced. I try to pinch myself still. I rarely watch any news any longer but if I happen to be out and see a news broadcast it retells me I am not panicking.
Very concerned about the future of USA and Christian’s inside the USA. The opposition will have wipe out Christian’s to do their plan. Will that be the plan B? Who will help them? Americans have become implicit and only care about themselves and that is why prep and hoard.
Anyway one chews on this junk going on all goes back to-NCSWIC and yet that too all by itself has a double meaning. It is an acronym.
I do not think we are in the end times. God has an algorithm and this algorithm will eventually show us all where USA stands. Faith and Love in both your neighbors and God is a fabric of survival in a society as ours.
Prepping is a great thing. For me prepping is being able to take care of anybody around me when the time comes. I will help anybody I can. When I run out of stuff I run out of stuff.
It's not about me surviving while others around me die. It's about me trusting God even to death. Helping others no matter what.
It's more important to me that my and my families "souls" survives than just our bodies surviving.
Nice. Discernment is tough at times. I make too many typos too. My attitude (spirit) is of yours. I hope if it gets to say plan B. There are many as you around.
I am concerned for the USA. Concerned for the world. The liberals use this against and so does the devil.
I believe God will and has a plan. Those as you and many others on here are a very important ingredient of that plan.
I stumbled onto this platform and the previous one out of determination of wanting to prove my middle brother was right. I cannot blindly listen to even family telling me to get a mRNA or even vote for a Republican I do not like.
My brother is wrong and demented in my opinion. I pray for him to see some common sense but I cannot make him.
For me I hope if things get really bad I can help others and yet I am worried that I cannot help my own family. Do not misunderstand. My wife and me work. We have fantastic careers. But I know how a little thing like people not being able to get their meds can cause some serious ripple effects.
I do not panic though. I pray and realize I am nothing but a human that makes mistakes and lots of typos.
Fail to see how emergency preparedness (which you'll note I said was the LEAST you should be doing, while nodding towards preparing for and building longer-lasting sustainability) is worse than not preparing for any emergencies and assuming unseen actors will save the day for us.
Short-term survival is necessary for long-term survival.
Great reply! I will humbly add to check out second hand stores (Savers, Goodwill, etc) for low tech type items; hand cranked coffee beans grinder, cast iron pans, books, glass pans etc. Changing out items are better for your health and wallet (cost to run electric items).
Same here, hope for the best and prepare for the worst is a great way to live. You are prepared for just about anything life will throw at you. It gives you a sense of calm in the storm.
The best thing to do is vet those that say there is a Plan...Are they liars? Have they been wrong regularly? And the "not much we can do" if there isn't means go down swinging.
It's already been confirmed for like, more than a year I think. Hes making a Q in the air as comms to us. There's no such thing as a coincidence! And no its not like "when you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail reeeeee!" or whatever the normal people say.
At this point we are basically who the whole speech is for. So technically you could say the when speech is comms. I don't know. It seems like there's suddenly a lot of doubt about things we all were absolutely sure of only a month ago. What happened? I'm ready to gooooooo! Let's go!
They should have never messed with the children!
Totally agree with homeschooling IF this actually happens! However, you have to wonder why in the world would the CDC put this info out there right before the mid term election! It’s like someone is trying to piss voters off!!
There's no risk exposure if your kids aren't in government run institutions. We have to take the reins and get involved with our own local governance, else it won't matter what is accomplished at the federal level. Every elected official and every appointed official that have participated in tyranny for any reason must be replaced with vetted MAGA Patriots.
However, it does matter if people take their kids to pediatricians and they push the vax--school age or not. They are vaxxing kids (pediatricians) at age two or slightly over. So it seems, we, are not winning that one. These pediatricians need their heads examined, or they are being paid huge sums to promote these jabs.
Aside from the poisonous vaccines, they are turning kids into communists, trans crap, into very stupid people.....HOMESCHOOL for the life and health of your precious little ones. There is NOTHING in the public fool system of ANY value for American children.
Thing is, we won’t really know for 5-10 years how many will actually die from it. Myocarditis ultimately results in heart failure in the long term, not short term. The vaxxed will die off enmasse in 5-10 years of either heart attack or heart failure. I’m really sad about it. I don’t think we can fathom what’s coming. The fact that the CDC did what they did is astounding given the KNOWN rate of myocarditis. I thank God I live in FL.
They did what Trump told them to do. Show some respect and give credit to the man that saved millions, perhaps billions of people from 7 years of solid lock down and famine. I for one am grateful.
I agree about the long term damages, but my gut tells me there is some kind of a cure to undo this long term effect. We will see. If I am wrong, perhaps the GA would have been for nothing. Or perhaps a whole generation needed to be replaced like with Moses. I sincerely hope there is a simpler answer. We will know in due time.
Yep. And if 5 billion die instead of 6, then it's all been worth it. Trump sacrificed everything so our children wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Sounds like somebody else Ive heard of.. 🤔
Yes! This is what I was explaining to an anon in this very thread! He is speaking to us while pretending he's talking to others. It's brilliant! This way it's a secret between GEOTUS and us, and the Black Hats are too stupid to figure any of it out! These people are sick! (And dumb taboot taboot)
God wins in the end and I’m on the winning team! Is that a call for doing nothing? Nope! I pray, with quite a bit of ceasing! Wish I could say without ceasing! I vote every election, even off years for local people! I practice red pilling on a constant basis! I learn everything I can! We grow much of our own food! We know how to fish and hunt! We have three months plus of food and water! Basically, we as a family do, all we can, in preparation! I’m confident though, in complete victory! To God, all the glory!
I will be the first to ask, did anyone notice the 'bronzer' POTUS was wearing? Was this a sign of maybe the dollar is going back to the gold standard? Am I just high? Please someone chime in on this, don't be a hater, I love POTUS.
Isn't that what he's been using for years? Hence the "orange man" memes. Just a couple of rallies ago his skin tone seemed normal, but now he's back on the orange skin lmao.
Initially my thought was, “That isn’t Trump”. He had his cap pulled down low over his eyes, open shirt, almost sloppy appearance, which is totally not DJT. Fast talking speech, like he wanted to end quickly, almost like a flight of ideas, where he moved from one topic to another quickly. At one point he pulled up the collar of his shirt, like he was hiding something. But then his mannerisms, voice, etc. seemed so Trump, that if it is a body double, he does a damn good job.
Dude, you're right! That is his body double! I think the eyes and chin area are different. I think the nose might be a tad bit too narrow when you look at him face on.
I also 100% agree on the fast talking. It really did sound like a good impression.
I agree, especially the narrow nose. Hard to believe someone could imitate him so well though, hopping from subject to subject, interjecting between whats in his script. Same voice....Amazing.
So I'm not crazy on the nose. It was the first thing I noticed.
As far as the voice goes. Check out this comedian's (Tyler Fischer) impression. Where as the body double mostly read off a script, this comedian impersonates Trump when he's off script, perfectly. I think it's more impressive than the body double. I just mention this to prove an impression can be done near perfectly.
Good to hear someone else thought it was a strange scenario. Mannerisms were much like Trump, but the way he said in the beginning, “Let’s have fun” and then immediately started into his rapid speech that morphed into one unrelated topic after another, seemed strange. Usually he brings in the politicians 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through, this was closer to the beginning. Dance moves, tone were pretty much spot on, but the genuine warmth, friendliness seemed off.
It worked on me and 7 other people that were watching it with me. I wish I was as convincing as you guys, because nobody that watched it with me is believing we watched a whole speech of someone other than Donald Trump. And fuck them for not believing me anyway! They won't believe me when I tell them Hillary and Obama have already been tried and convicted.
As meticulous as Trump always is with his attire, I don’t believe he would look so sloppy. I know it is warm there. I could see him wearing a collared golf shirt, but the open collar, not starched, hat pulled way down over his eyes, I just don’t see it being him. I could be wrong but......., until someone proves otherwise, I don’t believe it is him.
I only saw a clip and thought the exact same thing! I’ve seen his double do a great job before. The Trump that appears on the Golf course is his double.
Whenever I see the really tan Trump with a cap pulled down low - I believe that is him(double). And thinking about this - the focus on hats all these years makes sense. It is a great way to hide a double who will almost certainly not have the same hair!
You're saying that the cap guy is the double, correct?
One thing I noticed is that the audience removed their hats during Star Spangled Banner but he did not. If it's the double, he probably left it on bc the hair would have come off with it. ha ha
Either there’s a plan or we’re all fucked. If we’re all fucked then there’s not much we can do, so the best thing to do is assume that there’s a plan.
Uh, maybe the best thing to do is to have a plan for the no-plan contingency, instead of only planning on there being a plan? If you think you could be fucked, do something about it. Look into making purchases that would still be useful in a non-broke bad scenario, while they are still relatively inexpensive, such as freedom seeds. At the very least - and there is never a bad reason to do this - make sure you/your family has your emergency kit on lock. Not just first aid, but dry rations, light source, heat source, basic water filtration and test strips. If you have all that, what about your neighbors? Church members? Do the elderly in your community have supplies? Moreover, do the youngins living in flats thinking they'll live forever have emergency supplies?
"Either Politician Daddy wins for us or I give up" is not a plan.
You are missing the point, and the things you mention are all nothing more than short term prepping.
We are in a war of good vs. evil. That war is the whole point. Try to keep up.
It is fairly simple. Plan A is the Patriots doing all the heavy lifting fighting the war of good vs. evil for us in a way that does not destroy our country and economy and civilization in the process. They get the job done with a minimum of collateral damage and suffering.
If Plan A does not work, it means that the patriots we are depending on turned out to be incompetent... and we must therefore move on to Plan B.
Plan B is a combination of Revolutionary War 2.0 and Civil War 2.0. Millions die as a result of Plan B, so I am hoping Plan A works out in the end.
I believe, near the end of this debacle, we must do what we must to protect our freedoms (and they are eroding daily) so that our children and grandchildren can realize what America is. To me it means to have faith that a plan is in existence, but also, be ready to take whatever steps are needed to keep America free. We must not forget our Founding Fathers and what they would have done by now--had they been in our shoes.
THIS! 👆👏 u/proforma1
Well said.
Which as discussed on last nights Devolution Power Hour morale upkeep is the main point of the rallies.
My take is if the other side is winning then they do a good job of looking like they are losing. Left have lost the media pillar of the insurgency, they lost on the economy as their money the U..s dollar owned by the fed is failing. The BRICS nations have over 1/3 of the nations on earth already trading with in their banking block of gold backed paper.
The petrondollar is dead Thank God. But, its still in the playing field. Inflated to trillions, sequestered among the remaining 120 or so non brics aligned nations further intensifying its inflationary impact.
I don't think we destroy the old, we abandon it for a better way. It then withers and dies on its own with no work from us. But to get everyone moved it will have to be catastrophic I think. In the end vanguard, black rock and state street all need to be purged if deep state actors.
Yes plan A is better. Short term prepping is good for those who are in rural areas and have few neighbors. For those in suburbs you can prep all you want but there has to be a unifying foundation in the area. For instance if you are a Christian in a city that out of control. The enemies will see you like a sore thumb. So short term prepping is pointless.
We need our society to still function under plan A. If there is no plan A or B. The facts still claim there is a lot of bad things coming out ways. Plan B in USA will be very bleak but the good (Side of God) will win nonetheless.
Me being nobody important and an allowed to see others seeing this torment of Biden the dictator and media biased coupled with children running around in drag, people shooting themselves with a mRNA and lots of injuries ALL indicate something is very unbalanced. I try to pinch myself still. I rarely watch any news any longer but if I happen to be out and see a news broadcast it retells me I am not panicking.
Very concerned about the future of USA and Christian’s inside the USA. The opposition will have wipe out Christian’s to do their plan. Will that be the plan B? Who will help them? Americans have become implicit and only care about themselves and that is why prep and hoard.
Anyway one chews on this junk going on all goes back to-NCSWIC and yet that too all by itself has a double meaning. It is an acronym.
I do not think we are in the end times. God has an algorithm and this algorithm will eventually show us all where USA stands. Faith and Love in both your neighbors and God is a fabric of survival in a society as ours.
Prepping is a great thing. For me prepping is being able to take care of anybody around me when the time comes. I will help anybody I can. When I run out of stuff I run out of stuff. It's not about me surviving while others around me die. It's about me trusting God even to death. Helping others no matter what.
It's more important to me that my and my families "souls" survives than just our bodies surviving.
Nice. Discernment is tough at times. I make too many typos too. My attitude (spirit) is of yours. I hope if it gets to say plan B. There are many as you around.
I am concerned for the USA. Concerned for the world. The liberals use this against and so does the devil.
I believe God will and has a plan. Those as you and many others on here are a very important ingredient of that plan.
I stumbled onto this platform and the previous one out of determination of wanting to prove my middle brother was right. I cannot blindly listen to even family telling me to get a mRNA or even vote for a Republican I do not like.
My brother is wrong and demented in my opinion. I pray for him to see some common sense but I cannot make him.
For me I hope if things get really bad I can help others and yet I am worried that I cannot help my own family. Do not misunderstand. My wife and me work. We have fantastic careers. But I know how a little thing like people not being able to get their meds can cause some serious ripple effects.
I do not panic though. I pray and realize I am nothing but a human that makes mistakes and lots of typos.
Fail to see how emergency preparedness (which you'll note I said was the LEAST you should be doing, while nodding towards preparing for and building longer-lasting sustainability) is worse than not preparing for any emergencies and assuming unseen actors will save the day for us.
Short-term survival is necessary for long-term survival.
Great reply! I will humbly add to check out second hand stores (Savers, Goodwill, etc) for low tech type items; hand cranked coffee beans grinder, cast iron pans, books, glass pans etc. Changing out items are better for your health and wallet (cost to run electric items).
Except, we don't have to assume anything.
You and me both man. I hope for the best
Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst!!!
Always worked for me when the shit is about to hit the rotating oscillator!!!
Same here, hope for the best and prepare for the worst is a great way to live. You are prepared for just about anything life will throw at you. It gives you a sense of calm in the storm.
The best thing to do is vet those that say there is a Plan...Are they liars? Have they been wrong regularly? And the "not much we can do" if there isn't means go down swinging.
I did see him do the air Q when leaving the podium!
It's already been confirmed for like, more than a year I think. Hes making a Q in the air as comms to us. There's no such thing as a coincidence! And no its not like "when you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail reeeeee!" or whatever the normal people say.
At this point we are basically who the whole speech is for. So technically you could say the when speech is comms. I don't know. It seems like there's suddenly a lot of doubt about things we all were absolutely sure of only a month ago. What happened? I'm ready to gooooooo! Let's go!
NCSWIC! They should have never messed with the children!
He has done one very obvious where he marks the little dash in the Q
A few times he has done the obscure script capital Q.
Ok but when are they going to stop the jab? They just added them to the childhood schedule ffs.Its been 18 months enough is enough.
Agree, this is a MAJOR issue. The plan better have not forgotten about those of us in blue/purple states with children who have risk exposure here.
Homeschool! It’s getting to the point where it’s almost mandatory if you want to save your children.
Totally agree with homeschooling IF this actually happens! However, you have to wonder why in the world would the CDC put this info out there right before the mid term election! It’s like someone is trying to piss voters off!!
There's no risk exposure if your kids aren't in government run institutions. We have to take the reins and get involved with our own local governance, else it won't matter what is accomplished at the federal level. Every elected official and every appointed official that have participated in tyranny for any reason must be replaced with vetted MAGA Patriots.
However, it does matter if people take their kids to pediatricians and they push the vax--school age or not. They are vaxxing kids (pediatricians) at age two or slightly over. So it seems, we, are not winning that one. These pediatricians need their heads examined, or they are being paid huge sums to promote these jabs.
Aside from the poisonous vaccines, they are turning kids into communists, trans crap, into very stupid people.....HOMESCHOOL for the life and health of your precious little ones. There is NOTHING in the public fool system of ANY value for American children.
The plan is the people have to figure out the jab is bad,and the msm and politicians are lying like dogs in the sun.
The number of people who have to die before this stops, is directly on the heads of the people who refused to open their eyes until that point.
Thing is, we won’t really know for 5-10 years how many will actually die from it. Myocarditis ultimately results in heart failure in the long term, not short term. The vaxxed will die off enmasse in 5-10 years of either heart attack or heart failure. I’m really sad about it. I don’t think we can fathom what’s coming. The fact that the CDC did what they did is astounding given the KNOWN rate of myocarditis. I thank God I live in FL.
They did what Trump told them to do. Show some respect and give credit to the man that saved millions, perhaps billions of people from 7 years of solid lock down and famine. I for one am grateful.
I agree about the long term damages, but my gut tells me there is some kind of a cure to undo this long term effect. We will see. If I am wrong, perhaps the GA would have been for nothing. Or perhaps a whole generation needed to be replaced like with Moses. I sincerely hope there is a simpler answer. We will know in due time.
Ooh, deja vu AND preja vu at the same time! Tingly
I think this is it. We either, as a species, evolve enough to think for ourselfes or WAF.
Yep. And if 5 billion die instead of 6, then it's all been worth it. Trump sacrificed everything so our children wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Sounds like somebody else Ive heard of.. 🤔
The states can stop it. Based MAGA governors solve the problem.
Election fraud will solve the based MAGA governor problem.
We'll see soon enough.17 days till election day.
16, but sure.
Or threats. Or Epstein Island type shit.
Who's they? WE are going to have to stop it.
4D Chess
You are missing dimension
No, that's what President Trump said at the rally, 4d chess. I was like, he said 4d CHESS. I knew that was for us.
Not only that but he said, “I know what 4d chess is.” That was definitely for us!!!
Yes! This is what I was explaining to an anon in this very thread! He is speaking to us while pretending he's talking to others. It's brilliant! This way it's a secret between GEOTUS and us, and the Black Hats are too stupid to figure any of it out! These people are sick! (And dumb taboot taboot)
Ah, thanks for the clarification.
Brought up once again that you couldn't find an actor in Hollywood to play the role of Xi...
Fast and Furious once again.
Storm them with votes.
Trump suing over the Pulitzer Prize Russia collusion, in 2 weeks time.
That is not like him to tip his hand before doing it.
Did I miss something. Do people think we've lost?
This thing is so far over for the deep state they are imploding now.
He mentioned the number 17 pretty early on. I don't remember specifics though, whether it was 17 hours or wind speed or what the heck it was.
God wins in the end and I’m on the winning team! Is that a call for doing nothing? Nope! I pray, with quite a bit of ceasing! Wish I could say without ceasing! I vote every election, even off years for local people! I practice red pilling on a constant basis! I learn everything I can! We grow much of our own food! We know how to fish and hunt! We have three months plus of food and water! Basically, we as a family do, all we can, in preparation! I’m confident though, in complete victory! To God, all the glory!
Wait so he was shorter, openshirt, hat pulled down and shiny gold skin?
Really? I’d live a pic of that lol
I haven't read through the comments but here are my observations.
At the 4:38 mark he said "...in 17 days..." He was talking about the upcoming elections. And he said it at the 1:33:13 mark.
At the 1:00:00 mark he played the video of Jack Ass and all his flubs, which was followed by chants of "Joe's gotta go" and "Let's go Brandon"!
Then at the 1:03:40 mark he talks about 4D chess, and states it 3 times.
Lastly, I believe at the 1:49:38 mark he made the Q sign to someone in the audience, as he was leaving.
Did anyone see the armed men in green in the background when DJT came.
"If he was panicking he wouldn't bother to reassure his loyal base" is a fucking take
I will be the first to ask, did anyone notice the 'bronzer' POTUS was wearing? Was this a sign of maybe the dollar is going back to the gold standard? Am I just high? Please someone chime in on this, don't be a hater, I love POTUS.
Are you.. are you serious? Lol.
RugerP89 says everything is comms.
Therefore, everything is comms.
Nice free advertisement for DecodingSymbols
Maybe stick with those that are present?
Isn't that what he's been using for years? Hence the "orange man" memes. Just a couple of rallies ago his skin tone seemed normal, but now he's back on the orange skin lmao.
hahahhaha what the fuck
I've read that theory before (gold/ silver) related to his hair color. Good thought.
Melanie had a 2 for 1 deal. Just kidding. Showing youthful strength or his war paint?
Yes @ bronzer. Xtra shiny. I wondered on that as well.
Yeah, almost as though he was 'glowing'. What's he trying to tell us? Again, I may just have had too many gummies, kekity kek.
You could share. It wouldn't kill ya.
Too late fren. In frog fashion, I selfishly made them disappear.
It's OK. I'm so tired I think I just saw a talking cartoon hotdog ride past on a tricycle. Food would prolly do more harm than good at this point.
I believe!
Defeat their plan, get married and have children. Keep them out of public schools. The more we breed the more we succeed. Let THEM depopulate.
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth"
Insert a Liam Neesom meme here from The A-Team movie. " I love it when a plan comes together"
Now remember not every plan survives first contact....
China has always been a distraction
Initially my thought was, “That isn’t Trump”. He had his cap pulled down low over his eyes, open shirt, almost sloppy appearance, which is totally not DJT. Fast talking speech, like he wanted to end quickly, almost like a flight of ideas, where he moved from one topic to another quickly. At one point he pulled up the collar of his shirt, like he was hiding something. But then his mannerisms, voice, etc. seemed so Trump, that if it is a body double, he does a damn good job.
Dude, you're right! That is his body double! I think the eyes and chin area are different. I think the nose might be a tad bit too narrow when you look at him face on.
I also 100% agree on the fast talking. It really did sound like a good impression.
EDIT: Also, he is dressed sloppily.
https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/30/02/14/23077653/3/1200x0.jpg vs https://gray-witn-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/XzvninKkfoTkClPum_fCx1d_YGM=/1200x675/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/BBAHXEPSJFHMNALZHEERWUYWCY.jpg https://www.witf.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/AP22247045017894-1620x1080.jpg
I agree, especially the narrow nose. Hard to believe someone could imitate him so well though, hopping from subject to subject, interjecting between whats in his script. Same voice....Amazing.
So I'm not crazy on the nose. It was the first thing I noticed.
As far as the voice goes. Check out this comedian's (Tyler Fischer) impression. Where as the body double mostly read off a script, this comedian impersonates Trump when he's off script, perfectly. I think it's more impressive than the body double. I just mention this to prove an impression can be done near perfectly.
(He's a very based comedian, I highly recommend him) https://youtu.be/g3R9KVZKOoI?t=1748
Good to hear someone else thought it was a strange scenario. Mannerisms were much like Trump, but the way he said in the beginning, “Let’s have fun” and then immediately started into his rapid speech that morphed into one unrelated topic after another, seemed strange. Usually he brings in the politicians 1/2 to 3/4 of the way through, this was closer to the beginning. Dance moves, tone were pretty much spot on, but the genuine warmth, friendliness seemed off.
It worked on me and 7 other people that were watching it with me. I wish I was as convincing as you guys, because nobody that watched it with me is believing we watched a whole speech of someone other than Donald Trump. And fuck them for not believing me anyway! They won't believe me when I tell them Hillary and Obama have already been tried and convicted.
As meticulous as Trump always is with his attire, I don’t believe he would look so sloppy. I know it is warm there. I could see him wearing a collared golf shirt, but the open collar, not starched, hat pulled way down over his eyes, I just don’t see it being him. I could be wrong but......., until someone proves otherwise, I don’t believe it is him.
I only saw a clip and thought the exact same thing! I’ve seen his double do a great job before. The Trump that appears on the Golf course is his double.
Whenever I see the really tan Trump with a cap pulled down low - I believe that is him(double). And thinking about this - the focus on hats all these years makes sense. It is a great way to hide a double who will almost certainly not have the same hair!
You're saying that the cap guy is the double, correct?
One thing I noticed is that the audience removed their hats during Star Spangled Banner but he did not. If it's the double, he probably left it on bc the hair would have come off with it. ha ha
I knew that wasn't him! He's the leader of the world! I'm so sure hes going to be golfing. Lol. Maybe they do that for the normies?