Many metals go into those cars. Electric vehicles do not have a positive impact on the environment. It’s at least as negative as combustion engines, just different.
So glad I live in Mexico right now, we laugh at the teslas that are on the side of the desert roads down here. Actually, we laugh or arses off at these idiots.
I'm sure they have stopped making them. This was early 90s and if you got too close to a vehicle equipped with it a voice recording would play, "protected by viper, stand back." the rumor was it could shock you if you touched the car, but I never tested it.
Yeah, I remember those. I loved how dudes started installing them on their old beater hand-me-downs. Don't worry, no ones wants your riced-out POS econo-box but it was still funny af.
Haha, wow. That seems so old and dated now, only because of the sexy music and the pretty woman. Can't be having pretty, feminine women in tv ads any more. Thanks for posting that.
Attention Tree Killers. You've killed millions of trees posting confession papers of your illegal activities. We are removing your environment killing paper, ink, computer, monitor and printer from your homes. The world is saved now. Hallelujah.
Lol. So make the vehicle far less fuel efficient. Idiots. They should be topping off the tire pressure is they want to do good. Or better yet mind their own business.
If I found any “tire fighters” deflating the tires on my vehicle, they would get the crap beat out of them.
With a frigging tire iron!!!
OMFG. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm imagining someone getting their ass beat and the dudes like "gimme them soles, punk!"
~Hit em with the tire iron~
Would carrying my baseball Bat help?
Horse theive used to get hung...
Carry a gun, protect your only source of income and food.
Drain the air of out their lungs - for good!
They would get a special tire massage from me.
I guess they believe that a EV tow truck will be sent out to fix or inflate the tyre? Almost as stupid as gluing yourself to a showroom floor.
Another reason to stay armed…
There's the right answer
Retards need to take a tour of a lithium mining operation and rethink what really impacts the environment.
Many metals go into those cars. Electric vehicles do not have a positive impact on the environment. It’s at least as negative as combustion engines, just different.
Really?!? How petty... I wished I was surprised. This is an attempt to instigate violence if I ever saw one.
Well, it'd be righteous violence. You cannot destroy another person's property for your social causes.
Follow them home, leave a note on their door about how heating their home causes global warming, so therefore they are now missing a window
Username checks out. Oorah
The climate cult is a terrorist organization
So glad I live in Mexico right now, we laugh at the teslas that are on the side of the desert roads down here. Actually, we laugh or arses off at these idiots.
I am seriously considering moving.. this place is really scaring me.. mind a dm?
Of course, np. It’s a strange time when living in Mexico is safer than the USA, right?
It really is 😅
how leftards fight inflation
They would be out cruising for a bruising….
I really didn't know I was drunk at the time.
Claim your tires are filled with nitrogen and then it is theft.
I forsee an ambush with dire consequences for the tire fighters.
Time to bring back the "Viper" vehicle alarms. Protected by Viper: Stand Back.
Or at least install motion sensor cameras to catch these assholes.
Trunk monkey.
Best ever SNL sketch! Trunk monkey
Not familiar with them. Did they stop making them?
I'm sure they have stopped making them. This was early 90s and if you got too close to a vehicle equipped with it a voice recording would play, "protected by viper, stand back." the rumor was it could shock you if you touched the car, but I never tested it.
Yeah, I remember those. I loved how dudes started installing them on their old beater hand-me-downs. Don't worry, no ones wants your riced-out POS econo-box but it was still funny af.
Yeah, like on a Honda CR-X. Good times!
Oh cool, lol. Yeah, bring that back. I wonder why they stopped making them.
Haha, wow. That seems so old and dated now, only because of the sexy music and the pretty woman. Can't be having pretty, feminine women in tv ads any more. Thanks for posting that.
South Park predicted this kind of shit long ago.
Bait car time! Your face is going to look different in the end.
karmas a bitch when they get caught fukin around.....guess they will find out
#FAFO 😬😁
That's a good way to get shot
properly inflated tires conserve gas tho
When your virtue signaling & natural selection, intersect.
So place that on a hybrid and do it to them. Make them eat their own.
I’d break his fucking neck. Not sorry.
What a stupid faggoty faggot.
that's when you lift the hood of your F-550 and show them that you did a prius drivetrain swap lol
I catch them touching my truck, my twin pit bulls will be unleashed.
Oh Fu@k no!
Attention Tree Killers. You've killed millions of trees posting confession papers of your illegal activities. We are removing your environment killing paper, ink, computer, monitor and printer from your homes. The world is saved now. Hallelujah.
My gas guzzler isn’t the only thing that kills...
Now we're bringing fake gay shit from reddit to here now
Um, I took this from Truth social. Maybe it generated on Reddit, but I don’t use Reddit.
Still fake bs, this same pic was posted last year
I didn’t know. But I’ll be sure to check with you first before I post…
Lol. So make the vehicle far less fuel efficient. Idiots. They should be topping off the tire pressure is they want to do good. Or better yet mind their own business.
Great, more rubber in landfill.
Can't printing be traced these days?
Show this to Whoopi Goldberg who claims the Left never does any of this.
Ive decided that if it happens to me im going to print one similar but about small vehicles and just start letting air out of those tires.