He did a lot more than that. If his students are really writing about "infringement of individual liberties" it shows that the PTB have lost the power to control the narrative, even in their greatest brainwashing institution; our school system.
This guy probs wants unvaxxed in camps.....till this very day. He is probs saying the government didnt infringe "they saved lives".......fuckin lemmings and the hive mind
Maga: So trump saved lives?
NPC: Oh no not him but all the other people in government did. Trump said we could eat unproven hydroxychloroquine instead of waiting for a proven safe and effective jab.
Maga: What about governors ordering sick people into nursing homes?
NPC: That’s been debunked.
We're all kings/queens of our respective castle, so in my sphere of influence (home, work, social gatherings on my property) it was "no masks/jab required, but you do you". I'm not gonna force anyone to comply, nor will I force them into noncompliance.
I voted for Abbott today, and frankly it felt disgusting because I haven't forgotten how he pulled a mask mandate and canceled all public events on the evening of July 3rd of all dates - or spent 350 mill for contact tracing, for that matter. (But I mean, obviously couldn't let Beto gain any ground so I had to do what I had to do). Point is, Texans can brag all they want, but if any of 'em are claiming their freedom wasn't under attack in 2020 then they apparently weren't paying any damn attention.
And who the heck didn't experience some form of oppression with the vax rollout? History will remember Covid as a worldwide attack on Freedom itself from all sides.
I was happy I lived in Texas rather than a blue state after the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" began, but I'd never say liberties weren't infringed here.
This is gaslighting 101 - an attempt to make us question the reality of what we have experienced firsthand, and seen and heard with our own eyes and ears.
When my city had its “two weeks to stop whatever” I was still going out at least every other day. I can still remember how empty ALL the roads were. It was creepy. I would travel 10 miles south of my house almost completely on the highway and saw maybe two other cars.
Colorado was planning to close down one of those Mondays so I wanted to get fresh stuff to stock up. Went to the grocery store the Friday evening before, trying to plan best time/day to actually find things we wanted.
So drove down. Town was deserted. Like Walking Dead empty. Creepy as fuck.
Parking lot at the store had a few cars.
Masks and trash all over the place. Creepy.
Went into the store...just like walking dead...fresh fruit and vegetables gone. Except for the few weirder ones.
TP, paper towel aisle decimated. Pasta, soup, etc. just a mess.
A few people, some masked avoiding others. A few others like me with the knowing nod and eye contact.
I was never locked in/ not allowed to leave my house. I know in some countries shit got fucked up though. Like Australia where there was a lot of video of cops harassing people for walking down the street.
Even if you could leave your house, they shut down businesses and playgrounds so kids had nothing to do. No movies, no trampoline parks, no theme parks, no playgrounds, no pools, no community centers, nothing.
There's a difference between a government mandate that forces you to stay locked in your home and businesses and entertainment venues being closed or having limited hours.
This is nothing but a Strawman argument.
The other side engages in enough actual, real bad deeds that we can spend our energy on. We don't need to invent reasons to get angry at them.
True, as far as I know, they didn't force people to stay in their homes. Although they did send police if you had more than the"allowed" number of people at your house, but that's because shitty neighbors turned each other in. We personally never had that happen.
However, the government mandate in our area forced the businesses to close, and reopen with mask mandates. We had quite a few businesses in the area fighting it. Some businesses did choose to close down, and a lot of those never reopened, or went out of business due to lack of customers once they decided to reopen with reduced hours and draconian mask mandates.
The government also closed down the city parks at one point with police monitoring them.
The tweet above doesn't claim that there were no changes made during the pandemic.
The writer clearly explains that his students wrote, and believed, that people weren't allowed to leave their homes due to government mandates.
Which is simply not true.
Bringing up all of these other things that happened and implying that the writer claims those things never happened when he never did is a Strawman argument.
It's simply not true. It's making things up just to get angry and get other people angry.
And it's something that really damages the integrity of the Q community in the eyes of normies.
How do you know who does or does not read these posts?
The idea that it's somehow wrong or suspect for someone to care about making a logical argument is just sad.
And asking me to explain how a YouTube video that has zero to do with the Twitter post in the OP just tells me that you don't really understand what a Strawman argument is.
Seriously, in your own words, please tell me what you believe a Strawman argument is.
Seriously, in your own words, please tell me what you believe a Strawman argument is.
No, you explain why a person surfing all by themself on the ocean was arrested for violating Covid lockdown orders IF THERE WASN'T A LOCKDOWN.
And while you're at it, explain why you're defending the Twitter cuck.
Also, explain why mocking somebody's opinion and exaggerating it to its logical extremes isn't supposed to happen on a message board because some liberal who took a philosophy class says you can't do that because iT's A sTrAwMaN?
And honestly, I don't care who reads these posts. If people look down on others for expressing their opinions, fuck 'em.
It's entirely possible that's what the parents told the kids. No idea how old these students are. They might be too young to understand all of the details of what was happening, so were just told "government said so". A blanket statement to kill any arguments, and relieve the parents of guilt/fault.
Also, the fact most schools were shut down for anything in person for over a year, and students had to do school remotely, probably reinforced the idea. Did the kids get to play sports, go to band, clubs, dances, graduations, etc? I thought all in person activities were cancelled, but my son isn't old enough and won't be going to public schools, so I'm not sure.
I know my left leaning neighbors had their kids locked up for at least 2 years. My son tried to play with their son through the fence. Rather sad, really.
You are correct in this but I wonder about whether the tweet author is being disingenuous, which I think it what people here are reacting to. If the kids actually remember not being allowed to go out, and that isn't true... Or if they are just being loose with their verbiage. Where I live I didn't really change my habits much excerpt for my office being closed. Apparently there was a curfew but I didn't even know. Everything was closed and people were wearing masks which is just plain irritating.
But some people who are a bit crazy stopped leaving the house.
Point is, what is the authors point? He says these kids have an inaccurate memory (or an imprecise expression of it) The subtext is that nothing that bad happened and these kids remember a fiction. I think it was a travesty even without actually locking down china style or Australia style, and not to be minimized.
The kids were writing that they were unable to leave their homes due to government mandates, and appeared to believe what they wrote.
I didn't go looking through the tweet chain to learn more of the context. But to me, his frustration over people exaggerating the situation and engaging in some edited personal history seems clear enough.
It's interesting to see how many people here are saying that he had an agenda to brainwash and that he was implying that nothing changed during the pandemic.
Because it's a hot button topic and he doesn't come out clearly as being anti- covid mandates, many people here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that he's the enemy. And that anyone who supports the facts in what he said is an enemy as well.
The lack of rational thinking and the eagerness to jump right into the pool of victimization is just sad.
Like I said before, it seems as if many people here are just waiting to be outraged about something.
I think part of my personal reaction to his tweet is that, if they kids remember it as worse than it was, maybe that's ok. They took an important lesson in why tyranny is bad, maybe a stronger one than if they remembered it with more precision. At this point any take away in the right direction is going to help the cause of freedom. If they are angry at government, that is good!
If we weren't under total lock down, that's only because they couldnt pull it off. Maybe the kids just understood the true nature of the situation and skipped to the punch line
They shut down beaches, playgrounds, and parks in the US, they were literally LOCKED up. The entire 18 mile Chicago open air lakefront trail with beaches was shut down and had cops kick people off — all in the name of “health.” No exercising! They pulled down the basketball hoops and locked up tennis courts. They arrested moms for taking kids to playgrounds. This all happened.
This truly blows me away....that they are actually going to try and convince people what happened never happened. I knew they would come up with some dirty tricks right before the midterms, but this one is off the charts ridiculous. Gaslighting at its finest.
I wonder how much these people (if they are people and not bots) are being paid to do this.
Just like the people insisting that the BLM riots didn't cause massive property damage, didn't kill more black people than the police, and Antifa doesn't exist.
Forced is not the same thing as being convinced by MSM propaganda. I traveled a good portion of the US during the height of lockdown. Nobody forced me to stay home
Didn’t really run into those curfews. I wasn’t forced to stay home by any means. I went biking or on long walks every day. I visited more national parks since 2020 than I have in my entire life.
i remember quite well the weekend Wisconsin wend on lockdown... we were coming home from on a Sunday evening and the interstate 94 was almost completely deserted.... it was quite an eerie few hours on the road seeing so few cars. the media had everyone in such a panic over a flu.....
From the mouth of Children, they got the quiet part without it being said.
The educational and emotional damage is real. Thanks to God and the Anon community of information to help me guide my family through that part of the storm. My child reads now just short of 3 grade levels above his classmates. We turned the situation to a positive to build our family stronger..
Pedantry at it's finest. It wasn't a 'true lockdown' because the government wasn't going around welding people's front doors shut like China. But there was a period when 'non-essential' businesses were closed, and in my state there was a goddamn curfew. In other countries people were arrested for hiking or sitting on a beach.
Ha! My family spent Easter that year as a gathering. 21 of us, no mask, no distancing, no bullshit. Only the Risen Lord, family and good food, and we had a marvelous time.
When I was in China in 1993, locals in Zhejiang province gravely stated with fear of death that the massacre in Tiananmen Square NEVER HAPPENED. I was suddenly reminded of this while reading this post.
Sometimes adults in power positions don't realize that just because they are higher up in the hierarchy doesn't mean that the peons down below will automatically eat the BS you shovel. When my nephews were in high school, they took a class trip to DC. This was early 2017 and Trump had just been inaugurated. They met with our congresswoman (Jackie Spier). I did a similar trip when I was in HS and when we met with our rep, he gave an overview of what he did, etc. Apparently, Spier did nothing but bitch about Trump according to my nephews. It was winter and it was cold; the icing on the cake was when she turned to an aide and said 'give me your jacket'. Not, 'hey I am a little chilly. Do you mind getting me a sweater?'. No. Give me YOUR jacket. More than anything she said, that was the impression that stayed with them. They were appalled at how the aide was treated. Put it this way, one ended up coming home with a MAGA hat.
She is retiring. I am thinking about sending her a little send off letter to share that story with her...
is this guy in the US? if, so I'd argue he's correct. I was never locked down and never forced to wear a mask. came and went as I pleased and the establishments that denied me entrance or humane treatment for my "medical condition" (like all humans I require a minimum of 19.5% oxygen in the air)
I was never locked down because we were “essential”, a very nasty concept for other workers. Georgia wasn’t as tough as many states, but some places were worse than others.
This week I went to pick up a legal document, and the couple said they had been shut in for TWO years because of Covid fear. The wife was constantly trying to get the husband to stay masked. They are a retired professional couple.
I was given paperwork from my eSsEnTiAl job to show the police or national guard if I were to get pulled over going into work. There were at least a couple of weeks everyone was told not to leave their homes unless they were an essential employee, and almost everyone I know was an essential employee, except restaurants it seemed like. However, just because everyone was told not to leave their houses or they would get a ticket, I never heard of that actually happening to anyone. Once we realized it was all BS, life went back to mostly normal except having to wear a mask at work or to be able to buy groceries. 🙄
Weasel wording. The government didn't, in most places, ban you from "leaving your home", they banned you from doing anything involving a business once you left it.
This is why I think our side loses so many battles, because it refuses to comprehend that it is fighting an enemy that doesn't concern itself with reality.
The right wants to be right and the left wants to win.
Creating an alternate reality is what psychotics do.
We cannot go down this Whirley-bird tunnel with them.
The cure for it? Facts and reality. They will scream. Demons always do when wrenched from their dream-state.
He's playing the same game the fact checkers do. Find the most extreme or specific statement about something, debonk it, and ignore all the facts that would have made it true had you picked a more honest representation of the statement.
So yes, while you WERE allowed to leave your home, thus making the statement false, you couldn't go to school, the gym, church, the bar, the movies, sports, etc.
Freak admits they're waging a memory battle. Delicious.
I find it amusing that they lost the battle against reality and truth, not against a fiction like what is being pushed today.
Because his students stayed home during that lockdown and listened more to their parents than their f'd up teacher
He did a lot more than that. If his students are really writing about "infringement of individual liberties" it shows that the PTB have lost the power to control the narrative, even in their greatest brainwashing institution; our school system.
I still have a form I had to keep on my iPhone to show the French Gestapo had they caught me outside whilst I was shopping.
yeah I wonder where this dude was
Dancing in drag in front of kids.
"Nobody has tried a REAL lockdown."
Definitely homo
He is not forgetting. It's much worse than that.
He is demanding that everyone else pretend to forget.
This guy probs wants unvaxxed in camps.....till this very day. He is probs saying the government didnt infringe "they saved lives".......fuckin lemmings and the hive mind
Maga: So trump saved lives?
NPC: Oh no not him but all the other people in government did. Trump said we could eat unproven hydroxychloroquine instead of waiting for a proven safe and effective jab. Maga: What about governors ordering sick people into nursing homes? NPC: That’s been debunked.
how quickly he deleted that tweet lol
ANY violation of the People's liberty, without due process, is UNACCEPTABLE.
And the perps must be prosecuted for their crimes.
Lessons have to be taught her that last unti lthe end of time itself.
Unfortunately, you're dead-on mate.
We're all kings/queens of our respective castle, so in my sphere of influence (home, work, social gatherings on my property) it was "no masks/jab required, but you do you". I'm not gonna force anyone to comply, nor will I force them into noncompliance.
How it should have been from our government.
I voted for Abbott today, and frankly it felt disgusting because I haven't forgotten how he pulled a mask mandate and canceled all public events on the evening of July 3rd of all dates - or spent 350 mill for contact tracing, for that matter. (But I mean, obviously couldn't let Beto gain any ground so I had to do what I had to do). Point is, Texans can brag all they want, but if any of 'em are claiming their freedom wasn't under attack in 2020 then they apparently weren't paying any damn attention.
And who the heck didn't experience some form of oppression with the vax rollout? History will remember Covid as a worldwide attack on Freedom itself from all sides.
I was happy I lived in Texas rather than a blue state after the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" began, but I'd never say liberties weren't infringed here.
This is gaslighting 101 - an attempt to make us question the reality of what we have experienced firsthand, and seen and heard with our own eyes and ears.
When my city had its “two weeks to stop whatever” I was still going out at least every other day. I can still remember how empty ALL the roads were. It was creepy. I would travel 10 miles south of my house almost completely on the highway and saw maybe two other cars.
That is seared into my memory.
Colorado was planning to close down one of those Mondays so I wanted to get fresh stuff to stock up. Went to the grocery store the Friday evening before, trying to plan best time/day to actually find things we wanted.
So drove down. Town was deserted. Like Walking Dead empty. Creepy as fuck.
Parking lot at the store had a few cars.
Masks and trash all over the place. Creepy.
Went into the store...just like walking dead...fresh fruit and vegetables gone. Except for the few weirder ones.
TP, paper towel aisle decimated. Pasta, soup, etc. just a mess.
A few people, some masked avoiding others. A few others like me with the knowing nod and eye contact.
Just freaking weird.
And it was all a product of the cabal.
These people are evil. Fuck them and their gas lighting. I'm sick of this shit
I was never locked in/ not allowed to leave my house. I know in some countries shit got fucked up though. Like Australia where there was a lot of video of cops harassing people for walking down the street.
Children were easier to control.
These people still need to hang for their crimes.
Even if you could leave your house, they shut down businesses and playgrounds so kids had nothing to do. No movies, no trampoline parks, no theme parks, no playgrounds, no pools, no community centers, nothing.
Sigh... All masked/vaxxed up, and no place to go!
There's a difference between a government mandate that forces you to stay locked in your home and businesses and entertainment venues being closed or having limited hours.
This is nothing but a Strawman argument.
The other side engages in enough actual, real bad deeds that we can spend our energy on. We don't need to invent reasons to get angry at them.
No, there is not.
Both are horrific violations of liberty.
There might be a difference between a Chevy and a Ford, but they are in essence the same thing.
Fuck off with that nonsense. The "other side" wants YOU dead.
Wake the fuck up.
Then Christmas is a huge violation of liberty as well.
Only if the government forces stores to stay closed.
lol you lost
True, as far as I know, they didn't force people to stay in their homes. Although they did send police if you had more than the"allowed" number of people at your house, but that's because shitty neighbors turned each other in. We personally never had that happen.
However, the government mandate in our area forced the businesses to close, and reopen with mask mandates. We had quite a few businesses in the area fighting it. Some businesses did choose to close down, and a lot of those never reopened, or went out of business due to lack of customers once they decided to reopen with reduced hours and draconian mask mandates.
The government also closed down the city parks at one point with police monitoring them.
This is a good example of a Strawman argument.
The tweet above doesn't claim that there were no changes made during the pandemic.
The writer clearly explains that his students wrote, and believed, that people weren't allowed to leave their homes due to government mandates.
Which is simply not true.
Bringing up all of these other things that happened and implying that the writer claims those things never happened when he never did is a Strawman argument.
It's simply not true. It's making things up just to get angry and get other people angry.
And it's something that really damages the integrity of the Q community in the eyes of normies.
So I didnt have to carry a essential worker paperwork?!? Did you not know that this happened?
And yet more strawman argument.
Do you guys understand what a strawman argument is?
Because I keep pointing out that is what you're using in these conversations and you just keep doing it.
Is your argument that we were allowed outside with no restrictions?
Or are you taking the phrase “not allowed to leave their homes” literally instead of how it is normally used as an idiom?
This is a good example of a Redditor, talking about strawmans and logical fallacies while contributing absolutely nothing.
This is hysterical. Normies aren't even here to see these comments.
You're either a shill or a glowie or out of touch or all three.
P.S. Explain how this is a strawman if you're actually serious-
How do you know who does or does not read these posts?
The idea that it's somehow wrong or suspect for someone to care about making a logical argument is just sad.
And asking me to explain how a YouTube video that has zero to do with the Twitter post in the OP just tells me that you don't really understand what a Strawman argument is.
Seriously, in your own words, please tell me what you believe a Strawman argument is.
No, you explain why a person surfing all by themself on the ocean was arrested for violating Covid lockdown orders IF THERE WASN'T A LOCKDOWN.
And while you're at it, explain why you're defending the Twitter cuck.
Also, explain why mocking somebody's opinion and exaggerating it to its logical extremes isn't supposed to happen on a message board because some liberal who took a philosophy class says you can't do that because iT's A sTrAwMaN?
And honestly, I don't care who reads these posts. If people look down on others for expressing their opinions, fuck 'em.
It's entirely possible that's what the parents told the kids. No idea how old these students are. They might be too young to understand all of the details of what was happening, so were just told "government said so". A blanket statement to kill any arguments, and relieve the parents of guilt/fault.
Also, the fact most schools were shut down for anything in person for over a year, and students had to do school remotely, probably reinforced the idea. Did the kids get to play sports, go to band, clubs, dances, graduations, etc? I thought all in person activities were cancelled, but my son isn't old enough and won't be going to public schools, so I'm not sure.
I know my left leaning neighbors had their kids locked up for at least 2 years. My son tried to play with their son through the fence. Rather sad, really.
Again, this is nothing but a Strawman argument.
Why do you keep going down this road?
You are correct in this but I wonder about whether the tweet author is being disingenuous, which I think it what people here are reacting to. If the kids actually remember not being allowed to go out, and that isn't true... Or if they are just being loose with their verbiage. Where I live I didn't really change my habits much excerpt for my office being closed. Apparently there was a curfew but I didn't even know. Everything was closed and people were wearing masks which is just plain irritating.
But some people who are a bit crazy stopped leaving the house.
Point is, what is the authors point? He says these kids have an inaccurate memory (or an imprecise expression of it) The subtext is that nothing that bad happened and these kids remember a fiction. I think it was a travesty even without actually locking down china style or Australia style, and not to be minimized.
To me, the author was quite clear in his point.
The kids were writing that they were unable to leave their homes due to government mandates, and appeared to believe what they wrote.
I didn't go looking through the tweet chain to learn more of the context. But to me, his frustration over people exaggerating the situation and engaging in some edited personal history seems clear enough.
It's interesting to see how many people here are saying that he had an agenda to brainwash and that he was implying that nothing changed during the pandemic.
Because it's a hot button topic and he doesn't come out clearly as being anti- covid mandates, many people here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that he's the enemy. And that anyone who supports the facts in what he said is an enemy as well.
The lack of rational thinking and the eagerness to jump right into the pool of victimization is just sad.
Like I said before, it seems as if many people here are just waiting to be outraged about something.
You certainly are getting down votes!
I think part of my personal reaction to his tweet is that, if they kids remember it as worse than it was, maybe that's ok. They took an important lesson in why tyranny is bad, maybe a stronger one than if they remembered it with more precision. At this point any take away in the right direction is going to help the cause of freedom. If they are angry at government, that is good!
If we weren't under total lock down, that's only because they couldnt pull it off. Maybe the kids just understood the true nature of the situation and skipped to the punch line
They shut down beaches, playgrounds, and parks in the US, they were literally LOCKED up. The entire 18 mile Chicago open air lakefront trail with beaches was shut down and had cops kick people off — all in the name of “health.” No exercising! They pulled down the basketball hoops and locked up tennis courts. They arrested moms for taking kids to playgrounds. This all happened.
This truly blows me away....that they are actually going to try and convince people what happened never happened. I knew they would come up with some dirty tricks right before the midterms, but this one is off the charts ridiculous. Gaslighting at its finest.
I wonder how much these people (if they are people and not bots) are being paid to do this.
Just like the people insisting that the BLM riots didn't cause massive property damage, didn't kill more black people than the police, and Antifa doesn't exist.
Were you forced to never leave your home?
A lot of people were, through psychological coercion.
If you refuse to acknowledge what really happened, then you are part of [them].
YOU are the problem.
Forced is not the same thing as being convinced by MSM propaganda. I traveled a good portion of the US during the height of lockdown. Nobody forced me to stay home
The word "force" seems to span a huge range.
To me, it involves someone using violence, or the threat of violence, against me or my loved ones to compel me to do something.
To others, just the hint of social ostracization seems to be more than enough to compel them.
Yeah I agree 100%. It’s like saying a beggar on the street asking for change means I’m forced to give them money
There were curfews in place. Are you brain dead? Did you get too many boosters?
Didn’t really run into those curfews. I wasn’t forced to stay home by any means. I went biking or on long walks every day. I visited more national parks since 2020 than I have in my entire life.
i remember quite well the weekend Wisconsin wend on lockdown... we were coming home from on a Sunday evening and the interstate 94 was almost completely deserted.... it was quite an eerie few hours on the road seeing so few cars. the media had everyone in such a panic over a flu.....
You could say that the media gave everyone the heebiejeebies
Surfers being arrested...in the water
Glowies coming on here calling this footage a strawman. Kek.
You tell that to people who lost their jobs, homes and total livelihood, Twitter.
This isn't "Twitter" but a psychotic leftist using Twitter to advance his agenda.
Unless that is, he is one of the thousands of Twit employees about to become unemployed.
"It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled"
From the mouth of Children, they got the quiet part without it being said. The educational and emotional damage is real. Thanks to God and the Anon community of information to help me guide my family through that part of the storm. My child reads now just short of 3 grade levels above his classmates. We turned the situation to a positive to build our family stronger..
This faggot sounds like a pedophile rapist.
“That never happened.”
It's not surprising that this is the new narrative, but what is confounding is that people will fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Pedantry at it's finest. It wasn't a 'true lockdown' because the government wasn't going around welding people's front doors shut like China. But there was a period when 'non-essential' businesses were closed, and in my state there was a goddamn curfew. In other countries people were arrested for hiking or sitting on a beach.
Ha! My family spent Easter that year as a gathering. 21 of us, no mask, no distancing, no bullshit. Only the Risen Lord, family and good food, and we had a marvelous time.
Homeboy is clearly a LOCKDOWN DENIER and should be canceled from polite society.
Steal the left's linguistic warfare tactics from them. Force them onto the defensive, in every engagement.
When I was in China in 1993, locals in Zhejiang province gravely stated with fear of death that the massacre in Tiananmen Square NEVER HAPPENED. I was suddenly reminded of this while reading this post.
Someone in here stayed home during the entire "lockdown" and is downvoting all of us that actually fought the covid narrative.
Thanks, mate.
Communists want to erase history.
One of many reasons why communists and communism must be destroyed.
His students are smarter. And he doesn't listen.
Sometimes adults in power positions don't realize that just because they are higher up in the hierarchy doesn't mean that the peons down below will automatically eat the BS you shovel. When my nephews were in high school, they took a class trip to DC. This was early 2017 and Trump had just been inaugurated. They met with our congresswoman (Jackie Spier). I did a similar trip when I was in HS and when we met with our rep, he gave an overview of what he did, etc. Apparently, Spier did nothing but bitch about Trump according to my nephews. It was winter and it was cold; the icing on the cake was when she turned to an aide and said 'give me your jacket'. Not, 'hey I am a little chilly. Do you mind getting me a sweater?'. No. Give me YOUR jacket. More than anything she said, that was the impression that stayed with them. They were appalled at how the aide was treated. Put it this way, one ended up coming home with a MAGA hat.
She is retiring. I am thinking about sending her a little send off letter to share that story with her...
Looks like the students have become the teachers.....
is this guy in the US? if, so I'd argue he's correct. I was never locked down and never forced to wear a mask. came and went as I pleased and the establishments that denied me entrance or humane treatment for my "medical condition" (like all humans I require a minimum of 19.5% oxygen in the air)
I was never locked down because we were “essential”, a very nasty concept for other workers. Georgia wasn’t as tough as many states, but some places were worse than others.
This week I went to pick up a legal document, and the couple said they had been shut in for TWO years because of Covid fear. The wife was constantly trying to get the husband to stay masked. They are a retired professional couple.
I was glad to get out of there.
Did they offer you a ham sandwich with shaky hands like the couple in Book of Eli?
And ... what was done to those people is a CRIME.
I was given paperwork from my eSsEnTiAl job to show the police or national guard if I were to get pulled over going into work. There were at least a couple of weeks everyone was told not to leave their homes unless they were an essential employee, and almost everyone I know was an essential employee, except restaurants it seemed like. However, just because everyone was told not to leave their houses or they would get a ticket, I never heard of that actually happening to anyone. Once we realized it was all BS, life went back to mostly normal except having to wear a mask at work or to be able to buy groceries. 🙄
Easy explanation, which is why I'm not surprised a teacher couldn't figure it out.
The students were locked down by their parents and didn't enjoy the same level of freedom adults had.
Weasel wording. The government didn't, in most places, ban you from "leaving your home", they banned you from doing anything involving a business once you left it.
It's so different, I can't even-
This is why I think our side loses so many battles, because it refuses to comprehend that it is fighting an enemy that doesn't concern itself with reality.
The right wants to be right and the left wants to win.
Your last sentence is politics in a nutshell.
I've seen it the other way, too. ;)
Creating an alternate reality is what psychotics do. We cannot go down this Whirley-bird tunnel with them. The cure for it? Facts and reality. They will scream. Demons always do when wrenched from their dream-state.
He's playing the same game the fact checkers do. Find the most extreme or specific statement about something, debonk it, and ignore all the facts that would have made it true had you picked a more honest representation of the statement.
So yes, while you WERE allowed to leave your home, thus making the statement false, you couldn't go to school, the gym, church, the bar, the movies, sports, etc.