I have spent the last 6 years...
Being Called "Crazy".
Watching my country Divide.
Giving thousands of hours to research and information sharing.
Nuking Normie Brains with TruthBombs.
Losing more and more trust in qualified leadership.
Watching myself and my children be subjected to extremely harmful levels of state sponsored propaganda, and for 2 of those years having to watch the school system force face diapers on my kids.
Stacking physical gold and silver.
Building the perfect bugout bag.
Deprogramming as much of my family as possible.
Eating Popcorn.
Enjoying The Show.
Watching the entire shithouse go up in flames.
Watching DemonRats lose their marbles in front of the entire world.
Listening to fake and ghey racism bologna.
Hearing how as a straight white Christian male, I am the problem.
Watching illegals pour over the border of my country making my country worth less and less as more and more come over and wreck our economy.
Watching my taxes go to things I don't support.
Learning Exponentially.
Praying for The Children.
Wanting Justice....
And I'll be damned, if I'm going to let the last six years be a waste of my damn life due to the outcome of one fakkin Speech!!!
I don't care if DJT gets up there and specially announces that his favorite color has changed from magenta to cerulean!!! I don't care if he announces Baron impregnated his girlfriend!!!
He may not say the words I would like to hear tonight.
But that doesn't mean that I'm going to quit fighting. There is no other alternative.
Give Me Liberty!!!
Or Give Me DEATH!!!!
Since he’s been campaigning and especially since he told HRC « because you’d be in jail », I have actively followed him, even though I am not American… but with 3 nationalites, 2 by blood, 1 by work, I guess I am proto-American anyway.
Donald Trump changed my life for the better, I am NOT failing him. Never.
Great story frien
Love you all, Frens. GAW is my surrogate Family in God.🙏🏻
you are a true patriot.
Just a wannabe but I will keep being on your side, Fren.
You don't have to be an American to be a patriot!
Well, I feel obligated to fight for my great Swiss neighbors before I cross the Atlantic and fight your commie invaders .
Thanks for all you do, penisse o7.
I am doing it for you, so thank you for keeping me motivated and focused.
Amen. He had no need to do any of it. He lost money, his whole family attacked and put in danger, freak witches gunning for him, actual assassination attempts... Just trying to keep the world from killing itself, and helping his country get back to where it should be.
And you, pede, you are American in spirit, which is what we all are, and we are what make it greater than anyplace else in history.
Thanks Fren, I wish I could be more of a Lafayette to you all, Frens.🙏🏻
Doesnt matter you're one of us.
Love you too friend.
Thank you.🤗♥️🙏🏻
We honestly have this flag outside our house.
I've lost everything, friends, family...this fight is all I have left. 🦅🇺🇸🌩️
We have frens now and we can choose/start our new families. You were chosen to awaken and answered the call, do not despair. We mourn when loved ones do not want to wake up, and pray they will eventually.
I have some short beginner stuff prepped for the ones that do, Joe M vids and such, and I'm collecting based history books and articles for sharing with new home schoolers, among other things. We will eventually need to either build a parallel society or a new one, much work to do!
My pets don’t even like me anymore! Kek joke I haven’t lost any friends or family. Democrat friends just realize we have different views so we don’t discuss politics
Never happen with my little Chihuahuas Gypsy and Sugar. They just want snacks, and will rip your shoelaces to pieces to get them.
This is the way, fren. Keep going. I'm with you, whatever it takes. Let the doomers doom, we're better than that.
Absolutely! People need to quit whining.Q
That might be the problem.. some people will get tired from whining, when it's supposed to be tired from winning! They have to read carefully. Lol 😘
Thank you.
Yw. I like your name, btw.
And learn to stop setting expectations...
"when you're going through hell, keep on going..." as the song goes...i agree with you totally on your comments!! AND, it is STILL all about the CHILDREN...
My sentiments exactly 🇺🇸
Right there with you!
This right here I'm Holding the damn line and I'm not giving up!
Preach it brother...powerful words. These are crazy times...God bless you and your family.
The words of a true patriot.
God bless you, sir.
Right beside you and ready to keep the battle going. Let's win this for God and country!!!
Everything you've said plus - Lost relationships with my parents, my in-laws, my only cousin, friends. I've been chased out of the workplace. Had to leave DC (worked out for the better). Watched my vaxxed friends fall ill and die.
I still will NOT waiver, I will not give in, I will not back down. I still have Faith that God will prevail. Trump will keep fighting and will win. And if the chips are down and we hold the losing hand, I will fight to the death, even i it means losing everything.
Holding my own, I stand my ground. You will not break me, I will not back down.
Someone is gonna write a book about all this.
We are living in a great time in history.
What if it’s all over and our fondest wishes come true?
Will we mourn the loss of our anger? What will we do with our time to fill the void.
Those would be the days of remembering. If this all pans out as according to plan. I don't see anybody for the next two generations that will stop talking about what happened on this earth during this time now.
Write the history books. 100 years from now they read about the blood red moon on the stolen election day. It's going to be biblical!
Record, analyze, rebuild. Design better safeguards and create better training for youth to try and prevent this sort of evil ever again. And find those who can spy out the next sorts of evil. Cleanse all the institutions, not hysterically but patiently, coldly, methodically and thoroughly. Lots and lots of work, fren.
There will be lots of work to do still - at least at first, imo
All I know is God is in control, and He sees the big picture. I don’t know if DJT is completely onboard with all that, but God has used men who weren’t onboard with him LOTS of times in history to accomplish His purposes. I trust that this evil will be put down because He says so - God has already defeated the enemy who is behind all this. We don’t know when or how, but it will happen and in the meantime He leaves us with this instruction:
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
So I wait on Him.
As for me and my house.... We will Serve The LORD!!!
"We kneel to God, and God alone." DJT
You are our kind of Turd, Ferguson!
Now this is a great speech. 👍
I'm with you. I don't care what laws this illegitimate government makes or what they try to do to Patriots. I'm going to live righteously and to hell with anything that tries to stop me. I know who wins and these turkeys can suck my whole nutsack. If Trump does something glorious tonight, it's gravy.
Well said.
By watching Trump, I have learned more about 'what it means to be a man' then from anywhere (or anyone) else.
I'll stand by him.
And cerulean is gorgeous.
Me too dude, and I've been there since day 2 of Q posts. I've lost 99% of my friends since then, but who cares. I'd rather have those losers out of my life anyway. At least more are awake now because of us
The idea of GEOTUS calling a special press conference, hyping it up as history-making, and then announcing that Barron got his girlfriend pregnant has me rolling on the floor LMAO that's hilarious I hope he does that lowkey
Best speech of the day. Subtract children out of the equation [my only son is a Senior Chief in the Navy] and I'm right there with you.
Turd Ferguson. It's funny.
No, it isn't.
Sure it is!!!
Chews gum
You like this hat?
It’s funny.
It's a big hat 🤠
It’s funny. Because it’s big.
This made me laugh harder than I should have.
Of course I’ll vote for him. I have no other choices. What do nothing? No. Trust any “plans” or promote any MAGA policies, nah. I’ll vote. I’ll keep praying for my guy, but hearts and minds aren’t changing and it wouldn’t matter they’d just cheap more. In 2 more years we will all be starved out and in a Gulag anyways. I’m praying for Trump, but this isnt going well at all.
Everything you've said plus - Lost relationships with my parents, my in-laws, my only cousin, friends. I've been chased out of the workplace. Had to leave DC (worked out for the better). Watched my vaxxed friends fall ill and die.
I still will NOT waiver, I will not give in, I will not back down. I still have Faith that God will prevail. Trump will keep fighting and will win. And if the chips are down and we hold the losing hand, I will fight to the death, even i it means losing everything.
Holding my own, I stand my ground. You will not break me, I will not break down.
Everything you've said plus - Lost relationships with my parents, my in-laws, my only cousin, friends. I've been chased out of the workplace. Had to leave DC (worked out for the better). Watched my vaxxed friends fall ill and die.
I still will NOT waiver, I will not give in, I will not back down. I still have Faith that God will prevail. Trump will keep fighting and will win. And if the chips are down and we hold the losing hand, I will fight to the death, even i it means losing everything.
Holding my own, I stand my ground. You will not break me, I will not break down.
Beside my son you guys are all the family I have. God bless President Trump. God bless you and yours. I'm trying hard not to read into tonight. Part of this battle is disinfo to keep [THEM] off balance and swinging at air.. unfortunately getting us hyped up gets the word out..so I gladly take the names I'm called being abandoned by my family gladly. I take this roller coaster rides ups n downs gladly. All in Hope's that humanity is saved from the abyss. But even though I will rejoice when the mission ends...I wont know what to do w myself w o all of you and your keen insight. We need old anons retirement villages.🤗🇺🇸🐸🇺🇸🤗
Big red white and blue dick energy!
I looked up the word "cerulean" 😁
Well said Fren!
Why would a billionaire….
Imagine what they put him through and he's still fighting for us. Remember that. They're pulling their last card, removing his popularity - it really ticks me off that so many who professed undying support for him are now letting their inner RINO out.