Diana stated in a letter that Jimmy Savile was Prince Charles' mentor. It's not a "gay" lifestyle, that's just the spin so people think any attack on Charles is an attack on "gays" as a group.
The truth is, Prince Charles is a pedophile who was groomed by Jimmy Savile, a Saturnalian Wizard using mass media to cast spells.
I think the origins go back further than Savile. Charles's great uncle, Lord Mountbatten, whom the prince held in high regard, was in the Royal Navy and had an interesting sex life as, it is rumoured, did Prince Philip, Mountbatten's nephew.
My family are from Belfast and it was the IRA that killed Mountbatten. The story goes was they were trafficking Catholic boys to sexually abuse and him and his boat was blown up because of it, rightfully so. That's common knowledge over there.
British elites abusing Irish children has been going on for hundreds of years have a look about the hellfire club or more recently the Kincorra boys scandal
I literally watched this on the weekend. It's got the misinfo on the "fossil fuels" right alongside what appears to be straight shooting on the faggot king, except it will turn out to be boys not men.
How have I never heard of the abiogenic theory?? I just went down that rabbit hole and consider my mind blown...Every time I think that I have uncovered most of the lies I find that I am not even scratching the surface. Literally everything that we are told/taught on every subject is complete bullshit used to control us. Seriously thank you for mentioning this. https://www.motortrend.com/news/0004-turp-abiogenic-petroleum-theory/
My wife is Canadian. We celebrate Thanksgiving in October and November. She been baking for two days now. I made a turkey last night so I have weekend leftovers. Thanksgiving is at my brothers this year and he is stingy with his leftovers lol.
Q post 100.
Who is the Queen of England?
How long in power?
With power comes corruption.
What happened to Diana?
What did she find out?
Why was she running?
Who did she entrust to help her flee?
She found out he was both gay and a pedophile and she attempted to flee with that very wealthy very not gay Islamic guy. Probably not a coincidence she found his religious objection to homosexuality comforting.
Have my doubts about King upChuck being gay but having been besties with the pedo monster Saville, I tend to believe he’s a kiddie diddler. His association with Saville was widely known but I don’t think the public was aware of Saville’s horrendous pedo past.
Robert David Steele .ex CIA said ,"we will accept William as king but not Charles,,". Why are the cia deciding who gets the throne of England the windsors were not the legitimate heirs and all of them are corrupt and bloodline families
William head of serco murder Inc Kate Middleton said to be a hermaphrodite so children not theirs. ...she regularly had sticking plaster on her middle finger
Spiritcooking? Named one of her children after Mountbatten a pedophile said to be blown up by ira in his boat he used to take orphan boys out in that didn't come back from the trips
Her ties to Rothschild her uncle antics are yet to come out if people believe she wasn't picked then you are mistaken she and her sister are bloodlines with her sister marrying a Percy
I don't think any of them are capable of giving birth. The boy babies become girls and the girls become boys .
The knights of the order of the garter plotted the bloodlines to keep them as pure as possible to the aliens who mated with humans .as per the Bible and other books .
They think this gives them a divine right to rule us. Nothing divine about the aliens. Most of them seemed to be psychopaths and mass murderers. ...this is why nothing has changed since the invasion and messing with our dna
Absolutely ...her build was more male than female .big hands feet nose etc wide wide shoulders .she was a superior bloodline than the windsors ...her sister was said to be jemima khan..who married Pakistans president Imran khan who is sure to be a bloodline Jemima is a goldsmith part of Rothschilds line. Her and Diana looked very alike. and were very close
The public liked Diana the way you would like a naughty child who runs rings around pompous authorities and says things no one else is allowed to for fear of jail if not being murdered as she eventually was
Imo she had to know about Camilla as everyone else did and Diana's sister has gone out with Charles touted as a suitable match before her by the order of the garter . It was in the papers she nearly backed out.. how. much control she had in the matter I don't know. None marry for any other reason than to further the aims of the bloodlines and they are not expected to be faithful to. a partner or a god they don't believe in
Diana stated in a letter that Jimmy Savile was Prince Charles' mentor. It's not a "gay" lifestyle, that's just the spin so people think any attack on Charles is an attack on "gays" as a group.
The truth is, Prince Charles is a pedophile who was groomed by Jimmy Savile, a Saturnalian Wizard using mass media to cast spells.
I think the origins go back further than Savile. Charles's great uncle, Lord Mountbatten, whom the prince held in high regard, was in the Royal Navy and had an interesting sex life as, it is rumoured, did Prince Philip, Mountbatten's nephew.
My family are from Belfast and it was the IRA that killed Mountbatten. The story goes was they were trafficking Catholic boys to sexually abuse and him and his boat was blown up because of it, rightfully so. That's common knowledge over there.
British elites abusing Irish children has been going on for hundreds of years have a look about the hellfire club or more recently the Kincorra boys scandal
Interesting perspective. I mean that recent disown tampon tweet has many saying were just trans haters.
Saturn...the first son
☝️☝️☝️ This frog jingle-jangles...
Not "gay" life....it's called "pedophile" life
Or, more accurately, pederast life.
an explosive MI5 dossier detailing nearly 60 years of homosexual trysts with boarding school buddies,
Hahahaha!! Someone has his blackmail
And many were wondering why the queen would not relinquish the throne. She knew, and she knew it would all be exposed.
I wouldn't be surprised, given his isolated upbringing, but, this whole article is full of unverified sauces.
We knew he was cheating on Di with Camilla, because a steamy conversation was overheard and published in the rags.
He was trading in a Rolls Royce for a used Yugo. That right there should've been grounds to show he's a nut case and keep him off the throne.
I literally watched this on the weekend. It's got the misinfo on the "fossil fuels" right alongside what appears to be straight shooting on the faggot king, except it will turn out to be boys not men.
Bring it, rip the band-aid straight off the normie's lobotomy scar !
How have I never heard of the abiogenic theory?? I just went down that rabbit hole and consider my mind blown...Every time I think that I have uncovered most of the lies I find that I am not even scratching the surface. Literally everything that we are told/taught on every subject is complete bullshit used to control us. Seriously thank you for mentioning this. https://www.motortrend.com/news/0004-turp-abiogenic-petroleum-theory/
Clue: Royal Family Version -- The butler did it. With his rump. In the bedroom.
And I bet Dianna caught them in the act, probably before she discovered the child abuse that was happening all around the 'Royals.'
No, it was his Teddy-bear fitness consiglieri, with a narwhal tusk in the study (in the Khyber Pass)
Dough, I was way off, you solved it mate! And to think, I used to think I was so good at Clue. Now I walk away dejected with my head held in shame.
Kek ! You are still a steely eyed missile man !
But isn't William's father Carlos of Spain? Don't want him either.
Why did Kate wear an identical dress to the one in Rosemary's baby leaving the hospital with George? Satanists. Do away with all of them.
I remember that. Really spooky.
Q100 - Nov. 5. 2017
Who is the Queen of England?
How long in power?
With power comes corruption.
What happened to DIANA? ❗️❗️
What did she find out?
Why was she running?
Who did she entrust to help her flee?
What was the cover?
Why is this relevant?
Why now?
Connection. News.
Bad actor.
London Mayor.
Connection to Queen?
British MI6 agents dead.
What was reported?
What really happened?
Why is this relevant?
Secret society.
Why are migrants important?
What are assets?
Define assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
Who follows?
What political leaders worship Satan?
What does an upside down cross represent?
Who wears openly?
Who is she connected to?
Why is this relevant?
Spirit cooking.
What does Spirit Cooking represent?
What is a cult?
Who is worshipped?
Why is this relevant?
Snow White
Godfather III
Hardly a surprise, he is a walking arsehole after all.
Stay strong Mary. We will all get through this together.
Good luck with all your cooking preparations. In Canada, tomorrow is Thursday. I'll be thinking of you as you enjoy your Thanksgiving. God bless.
Holy food preparation Mary. I gained 2 pounds just reading what you're going to prepare and serve for Thanksgiving. :)
Food is such a connecting element in our culture. I see the future as an exciting opportunity for all good hearts.
My Maternal Great Grandfather was born in Michigan. So I've got some got some of the good stuff from down South pumping through me arteries.
I think our ancestry is connecting over the internet. Evoluti9n
My wife is Canadian. We celebrate Thanksgiving in October and November. She been baking for two days now. I made a turkey last night so I have weekend leftovers. Thanksgiving is at my brothers this year and he is stingy with his leftovers lol.
Whenever I interact with a hairy ass it's always mine and it's outward goods only.
This is the way.
Fucking weirdos.
Misspelled pedophile
Explains why he's so much in favour of UN Agenda 30. Got to get control of those "carbon" "emissions".
So he had Lady Diana murdered to coverup his sicko-pervert behavior. He couldn't risk that she would expose him, and bring down the crown.
Q post 100. Who is the Queen of England? How long in power? With power comes corruption. What happened to Diana? What did she find out? Why was she running? Who did she entrust to help her flee?
She found out he was both gay and a pedophile and she attempted to flee with that very wealthy very not gay Islamic guy. Probably not a coincidence she found his religious objection to homosexuality comforting.
With boys younger than his sons, is the rumor
My first thought was that those "men" were actually "boys"
Have my doubts about King upChuck being gay but having been besties with the pedo monster Saville, I tend to believe he’s a kiddie diddler. His association with Saville was widely known but I don’t think the public was aware of Saville’s horrendous pedo past.
I predict he will not abdicate.
Queen Charles the turd.
No gay pride here; but then again, what can you expect from Carmilla's tampon.
He was best friends with Jimmy Savile and wanted Jimmy to take him to parts of the UK that he's never seen.
Twelve-year-old parts?
The IB Times. Ignore this useless rag, its just lies upon lies.
Please get a better source than this OP?
Yawn. Royalty need to laid to rest forever
Robert David Steele .ex CIA said ,"we will accept William as king but not Charles,,". Why are the cia deciding who gets the throne of England the windsors were not the legitimate heirs and all of them are corrupt and bloodline families
William head of serco murder Inc Kate Middleton said to be a hermaphrodite so children not theirs. ...she regularly had sticking plaster on her middle finger Spiritcooking? Named one of her children after Mountbatten a pedophile said to be blown up by ira in his boat he used to take orphan boys out in that didn't come back from the trips
Her ties to Rothschild her uncle antics are yet to come out if people believe she wasn't picked then you are mistaken she and her sister are bloodlines with her sister marrying a Percy
The bloodlines cannot remain on the throne
Interesting. I often thought Kate faked her pregnancies. Months of morning sickness, instant pre-baby body soon after giving birth.
I don't think any of them are capable of giving birth. The boy babies become girls and the girls become boys .
The knights of the order of the garter plotted the bloodlines to keep them as pure as possible to the aliens who mated with humans .as per the Bible and other books .
They think this gives them a divine right to rule us. Nothing divine about the aliens. Most of them seemed to be psychopaths and mass murderers. ...this is why nothing has changed since the invasion and messing with our dna
Absolutely ...her build was more male than female .big hands feet nose etc wide wide shoulders .she was a superior bloodline than the windsors ...her sister was said to be jemima khan..who married Pakistans president Imran khan who is sure to be a bloodline Jemima is a goldsmith part of Rothschilds line. Her and Diana looked very alike. and were very close
The public liked Diana the way you would like a naughty child who runs rings around pompous authorities and says things no one else is allowed to for fear of jail if not being murdered as she eventually was
Imo she had to know about Camilla as everyone else did and Diana's sister has gone out with Charles touted as a suitable match before her by the order of the garter . It was in the papers she nearly backed out.. how. much control she had in the matter I don't know. None marry for any other reason than to further the aims of the bloodlines and they are not expected to be faithful to. a partner or a god they don't believe in