The fight is ongoing. (Note that KL uses the term "maladministration", which does not require proof of fraud, cheating, conspiracy or anything of that ilk.)
That's a very easy thing to write on truth social but it's a very difficult thing to do. If you're a parent in Maricopa County and you have kids to look after and a job and future expenses and things that you're worried about people aren't going to just decide no f*** it. I mean come on... It's a great idea but people are not going to do it.
Now when the electricity turns off and there's no more stores and the grocery stores are empty and the government is not doing anything that's when they lose the consent of the governed, not over a stolen county election. Sorry
That's a very easy thing to write on truth social but it's a very difficult thing to do. If you're a parent in Maricopa County and you have kids to look after and a job and future expenses and things that you're worried about people aren't going to just decide no f*** it. I mean come on... It's a great idea but people are not going to do it.
Now when the electricity turns off and there's no more stores and the grocery stores are empty and the government is not doing anything that's when they lose the consent of the governed, not over a stolen county election. Sorry
People aren't going to do it because they won't come together.
The point is, you don't let them get away with it. If they get away with it. Then nothing is exposed to the sleepers. They just think the conspiracy guys are crazy.
What would happen if someone filed a Writ of Quo Warranto?
A writ of quo warranto is not a petition, but a notice of demand, issued by a demandant, to a respondant claiming some delegated power, and filed with a court of competent jurisdiction, to hold a hearing within 3 to 20 days, depending on the distance of the respondant to the court, to present proof of his authority to execute his claimed powers. If the court finds the proof insufficient, or if the court fails to hold the hearing, the respondant must cease to exercise the power. If the power is to hold an office, he must vacate the office.
The writ is unlike a petition or motion to show cause, because the burden of proof is on the respondant, not on the demandant.
By itself, the writ does not seek the support of the court to order the respondant to cease the exercise or vacate the office. That would be an accompanying writ of prohibito or a writ of mandamus. All such writs contemplate enforcement by the people as militia, although that could include the sheriff or constable as commander of militia. The right involved is that of the respondant to present his evidence.
These writs are called prerogative writs because they are supposed to be docketed ahead of all other cases except other prerogative writs. The demandant represents the sovereign, the people, and anyone may appear in that capacity, even without a personal stake in the decision.
A writ of habeas corpus may be regarded as a subset of quo warranto, for cases where the claimed power is to hold a prisoner, but with the addition of a requirement to produce the prisoner in court, not just appear to present evidence of authority.
The prerogative writ of quo warranto has been suppressed at the federal level in the United States, and deprecated at the state level, but remains a right under the Ninth Amendment, which was understood and presumed by the Founders, and which affords the only judicial remedy for violations of the Constitution by public officials and agents.
Yes, and that includes the Republican’s. That’s the problem. Nothing is going to be fixed overnight, and at this point in time I’m just not gonna vote anymore. What’s the point?
Not voting gives them more voter registrations to manipulate the cheat. If 90% of the registered voters cast a ballot, they could only cheat to swing 10% of the vote before they exceed 100% of registered voters.
So voting can help, even in the face of rampant cheating.
This is why the Republicans try so hard to purge the voter rolls.
My vote did not count this time, or last time. What’s the point? They stole the presidential election and they stole the governor election or gubernatorial or whatever they call it. Obviously, our votes don’t count, so what’s the point of voting.
There's no way to catch a rat without the cheese? And sometimes, you don't catch it the first time, you'll need to bait it the second time. That's all I'm saying, I feel you, I'm in CA, it's hopeless but I still put in my vote anyway.
Time to send the National Guard into Arizona - Completely secure Maricopa County, round up the traitors and begin the tribunals - anyone found guilty of defying their oath to duty and country should be executed on the steps of the Capital building - a message to future criminals and scoundrels / this tyranny will not be tolerated ….
Any time a Maricopa county official strays into a red county for any reason, they should be arrested and jailed by that counties sheriff. Sure they will get out (eventually), but we need to fight like we mean it, not with sternley worded letters. Make it so they can't walk down the street!
They cheated. You know it, I know it, they know it. They certified anyway, they don’t care what anyone says or thinks.
The fight is ongoing. (Note that KL uses the term "maladministration", which does not require proof of fraud, cheating, conspiracy or anything of that ilk.)
It's difficult to handle, but justice moves at a glacial pace.
By the time justice moves here, Hobbs will be in her second term.
She can pardon away any justice and the fake AG can be sure justice never gets off their horse
And Biden on his third. Yep, I know.
Well, maybe we can get'um in 2024, if they don't cheat so much...(fingers crossed!)
We just gotta 'vote harder' I guess.
Well you have to admit, that tweet was worded quite strongly.
Yeah but this guy is one private citizen with no power
That’s the same can we kicked down the road in 2020 and how did that work out for us?
Well strongly worded letters didn't work, so what next? I'm up for about anything that doesn't involve foul language...kno wat I mean?
Protesting outside the Maricopa courthouse with funny Pepe posters?
I know exactly what you mean.
Another strongly worded letter.
lol... you have some negative vote but most of us know where you are coming from. :D
yup...use'n a ree-ree flat spinner
That's a very easy thing to write on truth social but it's a very difficult thing to do. If you're a parent in Maricopa County and you have kids to look after and a job and future expenses and things that you're worried about people aren't going to just decide no f*** it. I mean come on... It's a great idea but people are not going to do it.
Now when the electricity turns off and there's no more stores and the grocery stores are empty and the government is not doing anything that's when they lose the consent of the governed, not over a stolen county election. Sorry
It's the same as with the vaccines and the masks. If everyone goes along with it, then everyone is stuck with it. You deserve what you tolerate.
Yup 100% people are too lazy and comfortable.
Comfort kills...
You're absolutely correct.
The sad part is once everything goes to shit, it becomes much harder to fix.
People think things can be magically fixed, but you're right.
If I lived there, I would ask myself, what would Antifa/BLM do?
They'd riot and loot.
People aren't going to do it because they won't come together.
They are gonna certify. And no one will do shit. Why would they after J6?
I don't think the same crap would happen outside of DC. DC is a very different situation. But, I'm probably naive.
I hope some day we can protest when necessary and just not let antifa hijack it. It's like we've let them permanently put us on the sidelines.
I swear to God... This happened back in 2020... Yall have short memory.
It's called blindly optimistic insanity
It is bad. Until the evil people are remove; how can anyone expect a different outcome?
how to you expose evil people if you don't give them a reason to cheat?
The point is, you don't let them get away with it. If they get away with it. Then nothing is exposed to the sleepers. They just think the conspiracy guys are crazy.
…same shit was tweeted in 2020… not too surprising
Praying for justice.
By that logic the same goes for the Federal Govt and all the state legislatures that approved the steal.
I’ve heard that before
What would happen if someone filed a Writ of Quo Warranto?
Go after their bonds? What if a court won't enforce it? Not that I believe our British judicial system has any place in this country...
Yeah, but who’s gonna make that happen. And I live here.
You have to take over the local elected offices. Every one. They have too many crooks holding all the levers of power.
Yes, and that includes the Republican’s. That’s the problem. Nothing is going to be fixed overnight, and at this point in time I’m just not gonna vote anymore. What’s the point?
Not voting gives them more voter registrations to manipulate the cheat. If 90% of the registered voters cast a ballot, they could only cheat to swing 10% of the vote before they exceed 100% of registered voters.
So voting can help, even in the face of rampant cheating.
This is why the Republicans try so hard to purge the voter rolls.
You will have played into their hands and there will be no legitimate reason to expunge their criminality.
My vote did not count this time, or last time. What’s the point? They stole the presidential election and they stole the governor election or gubernatorial or whatever they call it. Obviously, our votes don’t count, so what’s the point of voting.
There's no way to catch a rat without the cheese? And sometimes, you don't catch it the first time, you'll need to bait it the second time. That's all I'm saying, I feel you, I'm in CA, it's hopeless but I still put in my vote anyway.
Will the people do anything?
No. It seems they succeeded in removing our will with the January 6th shenanigans.
Noncompliance. I'm kinda like that anyway but I don't live in Maricopa County.
Damn straight!
Our Founding Fathers went ape shit over a 3% tax on a fucking breakfast drink. What do we do?
Good luck.
I'm already there. Zero confidence in an6thng government does.
Time to send the National Guard into Arizona - Completely secure Maricopa County, round up the traitors and begin the tribunals - anyone found guilty of defying their oath to duty and country should be executed on the steps of the Capital building - a message to future criminals and scoundrels / this tyranny will not be tolerated ….
Who would call up the National Guard? Doocey? Hobbs? Biden?
There's absolutely no chance that they will do any of this.
That could be easily re-worded to work for the 2020 election.
Blahblahblah they cheated and won again. Punch me in the face and kick me in the balls when it's over just to add insult to injury.
Stand up for your rights ARIZONIANS! You are the first wave!!!
Having broken their oath, their seats should be vacated and they should be tried.
Any time a Maricopa county official strays into a red county for any reason, they should be arrested and jailed by that counties sheriff. Sure they will get out (eventually), but we need to fight like we mean it, not with sternley worded letters. Make it so they can't walk down the street!
Treason => Death Penalty
Otherwise no one will ever be afraid to keep rigging and fucking We the People.
It's not about hurt feelings, it's about stolen God-given rights.
Pure evil.