First off, look at the threat the Biden admin poses to the SC. Democrats have a bill to push term limits for SC justices. Currently, justices are appointed to lifetime seats, democrats want to take that away from them. Also, stacking the court is another threat.
Secondly, many patriots are expecting the new MAGA majority to come in and start investigations and impeach Biden admin for his financial corruption. Would this be a good idea? Imagine the shitstorm this would cause "Left vs Right". This would not be a great way to start off with the new Republican congress. The threat of riots springing up from BLM and Antifa, creating a deeper divide among our people when we should be trying to unite the people. The SC handing down the ruling would make much more sense, ALL 9 judges voting yes, just like Mike Lindell predicted, it makes it a bipartisan decision. How does BLM protest a decision made from a democrat SC justice?
Thirdly, remember the Texas case in 2020, where 17 states and over 100 congressmen took the election fraud to the SC and they threw it out, saying you had no standing?
Well, I am sure the timing of that case didn't line up with the Q plan, so it was rejected. The SC throwing out the election fraud case gave the Biden admin and Biden's puppeteers the courage to wreak their havoc on the USA. They felt invincible at that point. Dig your own graves.
With the SC throwing that case out, they just made themselves complicit in the election fraud. They made themselves complicit in jeopardizing the national security of our nation. If those 385 people are guilty of placing the national security of our nation at risk from foreign entities, the Supreme Court is just as guilty. Their hands are tied.
Do you see, the SC has no choice. They most likely know the military is watching how things play out. Do they want to be on the receiving end of a military boot up their ass as they get removed from their seats?
Have a good day my frens!!!
You're missing one important point...THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!! Roberts, and only God knows who else, is being blackmailed and will fight to the death.
Pretty much this.
OP mentioned them being complicit in these past crimes....then why be afraid to continue to be complicit again? The military....that’s a joke. It shouldn’t be, but currently no one needs to be afraid of the military. These judges can do whatever they want, with no oversight or repercussions. And they know it. Hopefully one day the military or whoever can change all this. Hold folks accountable. Visibly, hope is all we have.
What if the complicity we see actually was the SC being forced to dismiss the case, that force came via Q / military. Q always talked about markers, a SC decision on election fraud in 2020 would have been to soon, certain markers had not been achieved. There were many stages to the Q plan, each stage pushed the deep state in to a deeper, more desperate mind frame. The DS would be maneuvered until they were cornered and would be left with miserable choices to protect there freedom. For example; Hobbs and Fetterman. These poor choice candidates made their fraud blatantly obvious. This opens many eyes, gives election fraud claims more credibility. Remember, resolving the election fraud to soon would make Trump ineligible for 2024. We are now entering a time period that will give Trump 6 more years. Timing is very important.
Agreed. As I said, hope is all we can do.
Exactly this.
It only takes 4.
Like 4 cans of coke?
Only 4 for case to go to full SC. But 5 to win. We aren't winning shit with John Roberts on the SC and in my opinion, wishy washy Barrett and Kavanagh. But if the latter 2 did their job, and they are Trump appointees, we might have a chance. Are they part of the plan? Perhaps
Row v Wade overturn was a big win, and big but lesser was the 2a win. Last SCOTUS session… Just saying
Yes, but roe v wade pales in comparison to the enormity of what is being asked in tbe Brunson case. I dont think the conservatives will have the guts. I pray they do though
Everything thing pales to this!
Roe v Wade was massive! Don't sell it short. It reversed a major left stronghold that existed for 50 years!
We got some major big wins from this court. Dont rule them out entirely.
I was going to say, they surely don't act like they have anybody watching their movements and how this plays out--or maybe they would be more attuned to their decisions or the taking of cases and stick to the Constitution as much as possible. Except for the commies on the court.
i see this child porn story spreading like crazy, Chandlers name getting thrown around. If they release the Epstein names now, it ties much of it together.
The railway strike hits, shuts down supply lines. Inflation on store bought items starts to rise because of scarcity.
FTX can continue to spread further, taking out more cryptos.
The Federal Resrve promised in their contract with the people to prevent currency depreciation and control inflation rates. If these things occur, we can end the relationship with the Federal Reserve (they failed to uphold their end of the deal) and we roll out a new currency. Ending the financial stranglehold they had on our Republic.
The Brunson case is ruled on, they try to block out the internet.
Durham comes from the shadows.
There is a bottleneck of stuff coming and I think it will play out in the next month.
Trump releases a video wishing us all a Very Happy Christmas.
Please Lord, Amen!!!
That dude is chilling in his condo in boca, he ain't doing sh!+.
He was there to cover it up...
Go back to your basement. NOW!
He's done, its over... never has he amounted to anything significant other than some low level trials and he lost those..
Seriously, whose in the basement? Catch up little tomato...
Then you dont follow nor believe in Q if you think Durham isnt important. I think what he found will play a massive role in future military tribunals.
Q is another data point of information. That information rises in validity when proven (proofs) and drops when wrong.. but when you have essentially unprovable statements over and over and innuendo with the only real clear direction is to do nothing, you have to ask... "how much weight should I put on this this info?
This is weighed against the real, demonstrable failures and loss of our "position" in this conflict. And yes it is a real conflict.
Now your gonna say "it takes time, hold the line, work the plan!".. what plan are "WE" working? Vote harder? The only plan I see "WE" doing is "White hats are in control, wait for it!".. at this rate, we gonna watch it all fall apart as we stand and do nothing. Everyone has been lulled to sleep.
Now you say "well get after it buckaroo", "Glow harder", "You first sport". Your right, and I have, by talking to people daily about believing your eyes and ears, looking with the conscious mind at what is happening and ask, "Is it possible that I'm missing the point? Am I being deceived? By who? (And I'm not saying it's Q)
IM NOT SAYING TO GRAB YOUR AR!! I'm saying that if your waiting for the white hats to save us, we will walk right up to the mass grave like so many people have in the history of color revolutions. This is 100% a communist takeover of america.
Now about this time your ready to deport, no problem, but ask yourself this.... the last few Q posts said beware false prophets... false prophets where? The only thing I see that even screams false prophet is Q. Completely indecipherable statements, no clearer than nostradamus, up to any number of interpretations.. why?
My heart wants Q to be real, my heart wants this to all be predetermined, but my mind tells me it's gonna be up to us.
God is indeed in control, but needs the agency of man to act to make his will reality.
thats a lie
Try this , judge for yourself... seriously there is more data out there than Q posts...
Only if (a) they hear the case and (b) decide in the plaintiffs favor. You're counting the pot pies from chickens that haven't hatched yet.
Well said🐸
Agreed. I have more hope for Jim Jordan and the house committee
Except you're 100% ignoring the fact that the Justices can simply choose to not hear the case.
This is ONE case out of over 7,000 petitioned to the SC this year. They have agreed to hear only about 100 out of those 7,000.
Do people think that the SC has to hear every case petitioned? I really don't understand this whole "The SC has no choice but to do what we want!!" mindset.
Also, people keep talking about "The Military" as if it were a sentient being that could make decisions. Who exactly do you believe to be the head of the military that would put a boot in anyone's ass over this case? A human being has to be making these types of decisions. What is that human being's name?.
I somehow missed the Brunson thing can anyone give a brief synopse?
Some brothers have brought a case and gotten it all the way to the SC. The gist of the case is that the congress did not follow the Constitutional requirement of a 10 day investigation into the matter of foreign interference in the 2020 election. It's approaching the whole thing from a different angle. And they are going after each specific congressperson who voted against the 10 day investigation. Having voted against it, those congressmen would have broken their oaths of office.
one correction. its on the docket....supreme court hasnt accepted it yet. very slim chance
Hoping the SC has a motive to take it, with dem's threats of stacking the court and limiting SC terms..knowing they will have a Senate majority in 2023 to nominate traitors into the court.
Also, hoping the SC's urgent instruction to the Brunson's has some meaning.
what was the urgent instruction
Brunson said the courts asked him to present the case quickly. They even advised him what it should include. He was going to present it in two weeks. They said they needed it sooner
thanks. when did this happen? in the last day or 2?
Yes. I saw it on an interview on Monday. Brunson was explaining it.
Wow. They did take this video down. Here is another...
Beautiful synopsis tyvm
Ty fren
So four Mormon kids from Provo, Utah are gonna save the Constitution while it appears to be hanging from a thread?
Wow. Could Mormon founder Joseph Smith’s White Horse Prophecy be coming true…?
Have an updoot...
Doomer: Too much change. Never happen.
Q-er: Not enough changed. We caught them all. (Already won)
Military is the only way
If anything, this case may prove that military is the only way. I have very little faith the Supreme Court will do anything.
Well it'll have to be the citizen militia then, cause the military is full of vax-tard true believers now...
HOPING, this is the next step forward. As corrupt as the judicial system is, it would lend a form of legality to the normies who will have to get their heads around the next few moves.
They do have a choice and will not be afraid to simply rule against the Brunson’s saying that they feel everyone was acting in the interest of the country
If they chose that then they are going agatheur out and it will go to the military. At that point all protections built into the constitution will have been compromised right?
Couldn't the SC just strike the bill as unconstitutional? Isnt it their JOB? 🤣
The democrats didn't seem to be concerned about a shit storm when they did it.
Gonna have to read again ..... Hurried thru it...
Damn! That just might make sense. I love it.
It makes perfect sense.
However, we live in Clown World. The Az election result makes no sense at all - any sane person can see it is a blatant steal. Biden as Potatus makes no sense at all - any sane person can see that. Supporting Ukraine makes no sense at all - any sane person can see that.
Pres of SCOTUS is an Epstein client. The cabal can take everything away from him - his kids, his life, his freedom. So he, supported by the demons (Sotomayor, the non-biologist and Kagan and probably Kavanaugh) will find a way to kill the case - the reason will make no sense at all, but the naked MSM narrative power of the cabal will ram it through.
The power to do ClownWorld things and get away with them is why they call themselves "elites". They can do anything they want and getting away with it just mocks all of us.
I hope I'm wrong and it does tear down the whole stinking mess - but I think it's going to go the way of all the other legal routes tried to retrieve humanity from slavery. It's gone beyond that stage now - it has to be something paradigm changing.
SCOTUS. Tits on a bull.
Legislation for term limits? Sounds to me like that should be an amendment. The states should have a convention and do term limits on both houses.
i hope you are right........
Like BLM gives a flying fuck who does it.
They're funded by whom? They destroy what? Who stops them?
Answers: Global elite, everything, and no-one.
You really didn't think it was going to be that easy did you?
This is not going to stop until our "elected officials" are FORCED to do the will of the people they represent. The ballot box is obviously not working. The judicial system is obviously not working. They are killing the Tree of Liberty. Thomas Jefferson had a few ideas on how to fix this. I'm not advocating for violence, but the "course of human events" will either lead to complete tyranny or we’ll need to feed the tree with “natural manure.”
Here's my take:
The older judges they got juice on, the newer ones are researched and found to have "controlling aspects" to be used for leverage "BEFORE" they are put forth for nomination... so the fix is in.
They are captured assets.. they got dirt on them all.
ROBERTS - epstein island (true or not, they got something like this)
THOMAS - they've threatened his wife with jail
BARRET - Clinton foundation helped her adopt a couple kids from Haiti, word is possibly illegally. She took a million(s) dollar book deal also
KAVANAUGH - I think they broke him
GORSUCH - dunno
Others are dems...