It’s really unbelievable how you just started posting here with the exact same narrative being seen on 4chan and 8kun trying to make it seem like this is bad for Trump and good for desantis
You reek of being a shill for the political establishment
Between Italian and Irish is FAR more prevalent, but hey, that's not as accusatory.
But let's say I'm mistaken, and your"incredible amount" is accurate. We're talking about the population controlling huge conglomerates, not a random Jewish person in Brooklyn.
Bagels and lox were part of my grandma Giuseppina's traditions; boiled cabbage was not. That said, I was just agreeing with your statement that "we don't mind we're used to be accused of being connected" and pointing out one reason that might be the case.
For those that are utterly confused... I don't understand how.
The point is to show you how embarrassingly daft one would have to be to ignore 5%{I believe it's more like 2%} of the population controls 95% of everything.
You can dispute other factors, but you can't dispute that these people still share a self identified common trait. Are they just usurpers? Possible, but that's an argument that should come after acknowledging the initial problem.
And Chappelle was correct, hence my suggestion of using Italians in place of football players. If it were Italians that were in charge of nearly every institution, do we really think it wouldn't raise eyebrows across the land?
"Are they just usurpers? Possible, but that's an argument that should come after acknowledging the initial problem."
No they aren't just usurpers. "They" want a world of their own. They do not want us here and the best way to get there is to eliminate the white race. The remainder of the races will be easier to enslave or remove once whites are gone.
I am not making this up. They have said this out loud. So far their plan is working. People get tired of the jew talk and division and everything, well then stand by for elimination. Maybe not you but your brethern and your posterity.
The fact that about a third of the people thought this was about football players explains a lot about how the savior at the precipice psyop is working.
As tiers on the cabal go - 'football players' are not the top issue.
Satanism is. Which is global, and what they do behind closed doors is way worse than simply 'who controls the money etc'.
The fact that this MK Ultra dipshit married to a whore of Babylon while openly defending and wearing the satanic pedophile brand Belenciaga should let everyone paying attention know he is not serious about what he is doing. He is creating drama to smear Trump, Twitter, and conservatives and anything now relating to 'but its just free speech bro!'
If he was serious he would be calling out the fucking satanic pedos all around not defending them. Say something about what happens to children around all your rich friends and maybe you are being serious. But this mush brain still thinks he is the right hand of God...question is which God?
Ya everyone already knows about Hollywood and 'football players' - but there is a lot of other evil out there that is far more sinister, and the country, and the world, has to get to the point where we win enough battles that the whole 'hate speech' psyops can be done away with as a way to shut down free speech, and then deal with the other stuff later - because right now you cant talk about certain things and still be able to operate normally - yes we dont have free speech, but win those battles first before nuking everyone actually trying to fight for freedom.
Not about the football players. It's only a fucking game. You're looking at the wrong demographic. The fact they play football is really only a coincidence.
Was Italian participation in the Mafia also a coincidence? There was no collusion there between Italians, right? Everyone was equally welcome in the mafia, it was all a fluke that they were Italian. They never once saw each other as Italian or acted differently if someone had Italian heritage. The mob bosses looked at everyone as an individual, and always acted as an individual. Only a Nazi would make some bullshit connection between the Italians and the Mafia.
You guys are braindead if you think Kanye is a control op or trying to hurt Trump on purpose. Kanye is his own character and he gets to say whatever he wants.
It’s because most of these morons don’t know the difference between the Torah and the Talmud, so they just jump to the conclusion of blanketed bigotry and have never really read the Bible where it specifically calls out this difference and separation throughout the entire book.
I think even earlier than that. Maybe around 500 ad
Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Stephen is talking to elders of the temple.
From my understanding, the mysticism that lies beneath ties back to these more ancient rituals and religions.
Look at Ezekiel 8 where he is brought beneath the temple to see the idols and other gods they were worshipping in secret. Much of the same that is occurring today.
I don't know if all those statements are true that all those positions are by people who play football. I wouldn't be surprised. Where is the evidence? A list?
From my experiences the local high school football teams are the worst and most hostile as are a lot of their parents. Parents donate big funds and get on school boards to vote to divert funds from educational, cultural, artistic ventures at a school and put it all into the foozball. Their coaches are not only hostile, every one I ever knew was sadistically twisted, easily enraged, and have ZERO respect for non footballers.
High school football is recruitment time and players are groomed to GO FIGHT WIN! At all costs. They do not ask questions, they are told the play and they execute it, They will gladly suffer getting brain damage to succeed.
I do not trust any of them and for good reason. In high school I was chased down and attacked by the entire football team because the COACH sent them after me. His only reason was because he could. I weighed 120 pounds soaking wet back then. Somehow, while minding my own business, I pissed him off by crossing through the "footballer" section of the quad. I did not even know normal people were not allowed to walk by their tables. I was late and tried to take a shortcut. The coach said "Hey what the fuck do you think your doing walking thru here, you long hair freak?" I ignored him and kept walking. He yelled for some guys to grab me. They tried but I am agile and while I was now walking backward away from them I said "Don't you fucking touch me unless you want to loose a finger or an eye, I will ruin you chance to be a star." They could tell I was not joking and looked scared, honestly. They recoiled in shock. I then dashed off and vanished into the crowd of 3000+ people leaving, I was last bell. I figured I had lost them.
5 minutes later I am in a field near the school on a trail that me and my friends used daily to walk to the arcade. I was almost caught up to my friends. Suddenly two 4x4 trucks enter on opposite sides of the field One loaded with football players and they other truck had Track and field guys and the football Coach driving.
The footballers jumped out of the back of the truck, it had not even come to a full stop yet. They began a formation across the field and created a block-aid in the direction I was heading. They were grunting or chanting something, They were pretty far away so I couldn't understand them. It seemed demonic. Behind me, the coach and track guys came zipping at me with the othertruck, he would have hit me if I had not dived out of the way. Psycho coach! I got up and 4 guys were rushing me, These were the Track Stars. I had no way to go except toward the football team.
I ended that day with bruised ribs, concussion and I was arrested, held for a few days, evaluated for mental illness, expelled from high school and became a legend at that school.
Although none of them got in trouble for what they did, the Coach and his boys did not fare well that day. I warned them. Over and over. I begged them. I said "Please do not make me hurt you!"
Their Track Star almost had me a few times as he chased me toward the football team, i ran toward off to the right toward a farm and jumped fences full speed. The Track guy fucked up a jump and got tangled up in barbed wire. He sought me out weeks later, came to the arcade to apologize, show me his scars and said he could get me back in school and have my record cleaned if I joined his Track Team. Said he never seen anyone move like me. Called me lightning. I said "thanks but no thanks. "
The footballer that tackled me got his throwing elbow bashed and smashed into tiny bits with the closest rock I could grab. He won't play football again, He is lucky if he can do normal things with that arm. I came at him so fast all he could do was put up his arm to block me, so I destroyed the elbow, like a jack hammer.
Once that guy was decommissioned, crying and yelping on the ground, the team and coach surrounded us. Coach says "ohhh you are a dead , you are a fucking dead man! Look what you have done. All my guys are under 18 and won't get in trouble for fighting. And they are ALL gonna kick your ass. One at a time!"
There was a piece of old broken fence, a sharp wooden club between me and them. They did not notice it I guess. I grabbed it fast, held it up and headed for the closest guy, while saying "Ok, who else wants a career ending injury! Some mother fuckers are going to the hospital today and it ain't me!" Do you want to join them?" On guy tried to sneak in on me from behind, I whipped around with my club swinging hard and stopped about an inch away from embedding the spiky part in his neck. They all backed way back from me.
I had been surrounded and did not see that the field had filled up with spectators, students teachers and some COPS. Some people yelling "GET him!". Others yelling "Leave him alone!"
This is one time I was glad to see the police, there was two cops in the field getting close to us and about 10 cop cars surrounding the field. I threw down my club and threw my hands up in the air and quickly headed toward the police. I kept repeating "Please Help me, they are trying to kill me, the coach tried to run me over with his truck. Some of these people saw it" The cops had their guns drawn and aimed at me and moved in and arrested me. I did not resist, I was glad to be safe. At first they were not rough with me. After they saw the injured players one cop did start getting rough with me,. I was cuffed. When they put me in the car he put his hand on my head as if to guide me so I won't hit it on the door jam, he yelled out, "Hey calm down, stop resisting and then slammed my head into the metal door jam. That gash on my head was the worse injury I got that day. I guess he was a football fan ;) He was obviously friends with those guys and was getting me back.
He tried to rough me up more at the station, tried to get me to resist or react, I didn't. A few other cops there caught on to what he was doing and stopped him. One told him,"this tiny kid has been thru enough today. Get out of here we will handle it from here.
It took me a while but in my heart I forgave the footballers, they only know how to do what they are told, they are just mindless attack pitbulls. It was ALL the coach really, and he can rot in hell! And that cop can rot in hell too since I have to think of him whenever I look in the mirror.
I tell everyone that footballers are pussies and I don't watch that shit and I won't it until they man up. When they start getting extra points for killing an opponent or tearing off an arm, I might watch it then. Other than that I boycott all football.
I don't follow that Kanya guy or any other celebs even when they are being loud. I had to go look up what he is being loud about to understand it was not football. I saw the picture and thought he was a football player with NFL and was sharing some info he found out. OR, MAYBE he does mean football.,. how can you say either way?
Yeah, I did not get that code word thing.. I had not been following that story. I thought that guy was a football player and was giving us some dirt, hhahahaha.
I would like to say I am stunned this type bullying happened to others, but I am not, I hear it happens a lot. The footballers almost always get away with it too. Sometimes not even a slap on the wrist after hospitalizing people.
FYI: The joke is that you are supposed to replace football players with Jew's in this context.
I'm astonished that this even needed to be pointed out.
To be fair, I breathe out of my mouth and drag my knuckles on the ground.
Me to but thought I would just in case.
Took me a second.
We have great anons, but some are a little slow.
It’s really unbelievable how you just started posting here with the exact same narrative being seen on 4chan and 8kun trying to make it seem like this is bad for Trump and good for desantis
You reek of being a shill for the political establishment
Thanks fren, the coffee hasn't kicked in and I was thinking they were literally talking about football players, kek. I get it now.
All good I did that too at first then I was like oh wait….. football players don’t have any money
I appreciate this attempt, but it falls short of accomplishing it's purpose.
Just use Italians in place of football players. That'll get people to research it. Then draw their own conclusions.
And yes, we don't mind we're used to be accused of being connected. I was 7 the first time someone asked me.
Me: I wish!
There's an incredible amount of cultural cross-pollination between New York Italians and New York Jews.
Ahh the old "they all look the same to me".
Between Italian and Irish is FAR more prevalent, but hey, that's not as accusatory.
But let's say I'm mistaken, and your"incredible amount" is accurate. We're talking about the population controlling huge conglomerates, not a random Jewish person in Brooklyn.
Bagels and lox were part of my grandma Giuseppina's traditions; boiled cabbage was not. That said, I was just agreeing with your statement that "we don't mind we're used to be accused of being connected" and pointing out one reason that might be the case.
I gotcha
For those that are utterly confused... I don't understand how.
The point is to show you how embarrassingly daft one would have to be to ignore 5%{I believe it's more like 2%} of the population controls 95% of everything.
You can dispute other factors, but you can't dispute that these people still share a self identified common trait. Are they just usurpers? Possible, but that's an argument that should come after acknowledging the initial problem.
And Chappelle was correct, hence my suggestion of using Italians in place of football players. If it were Italians that were in charge of nearly every institution, do we really think it wouldn't raise eyebrows across the land?
"Are they just usurpers? Possible, but that's an argument that should come after acknowledging the initial problem."
No they aren't just usurpers. "They" want a world of their own. They do not want us here and the best way to get there is to eliminate the white race. The remainder of the races will be easier to enslave or remove once whites are gone.
I am not making this up. They have said this out loud. So far their plan is working. People get tired of the jew talk and division and everything, well then stand by for elimination. Maybe not you but your brethern and your posterity.
Part of the problem is the Talmud the Jewish law book that basically states non Jews are the same as animals.
The fact that about a third of the people thought this was about football players explains a lot about how the savior at the precipice psyop is working.
Hitler is vilified in Hollywood more than people like Mao and Stalin, who killed 50x as many people than old Adolf did. Ask yourself, why?
Our History is a lie, our world is fake, so it makes me wonder about the realities of WWII that are being kept from us.
I find it interesting some newspaper clippings long before Adolf appearing cited a number of 6M football players.
Sure, those clippings could be doctored. The burden of proof is on us to go digging through archived microfiche to validate that info ourselves.
But the officials lie to us about nearly everything so it's believable the truth is there was no 6M football players.
As tiers on the cabal go - 'football players' are not the top issue. Satanism is. Which is global, and what they do behind closed doors is way worse than simply 'who controls the money etc'.
The fact that this MK Ultra dipshit married to a whore of Babylon while openly defending and wearing the satanic pedophile brand Belenciaga should let everyone paying attention know he is not serious about what he is doing. He is creating drama to smear Trump, Twitter, and conservatives and anything now relating to 'but its just free speech bro!'
If he was serious he would be calling out the fucking satanic pedos all around not defending them. Say something about what happens to children around all your rich friends and maybe you are being serious. But this mush brain still thinks he is the right hand of God...question is which God?
Ya everyone already knows about Hollywood and 'football players' - but there is a lot of other evil out there that is far more sinister, and the country, and the world, has to get to the point where we win enough battles that the whole 'hate speech' psyops can be done away with as a way to shut down free speech, and then deal with the other stuff later - because right now you cant talk about certain things and still be able to operate normally - yes we dont have free speech, but win those battles first before nuking everyone actually trying to fight for freedom.
Not about the football players. It's only a fucking game. You're looking at the wrong demographic. The fact they play football is really only a coincidence.
Was Italian participation in the Mafia also a coincidence? There was no collusion there between Italians, right? Everyone was equally welcome in the mafia, it was all a fluke that they were Italian. They never once saw each other as Italian or acted differently if someone had Italian heritage. The mob bosses looked at everyone as an individual, and always acted as an individual. Only a Nazi would make some bullshit connection between the Italians and the Mafia.
Who was the quarterback of one of the first NFL teams - the Racine Legion?
Mitt Romney
You can choose to play football
This is really good.
Barak obama doesnt care about white people.
I'm guessing a football player is really a jew?
Someone hates jocks! Mommies basement isn’t cozy enough!
The more I come here the more I realize the GAW is dead. We've been infiltratrated
Are you bananas? Best place ever.
By ((who))?
The Super Bowl games are huge for human trafficking; could this be why “both major political parties pay billions to the NFL each year”?
Replace 'football players' with Jews and 'NFL' with Israel.
You guys are braindead if you think Kanye is a control op or trying to hurt Trump on purpose. Kanye is his own character and he gets to say whatever he wants.
Mods not going to sticky this? Calling u/catsfive
Da Joooz lol
I am tired of all this bs stormfag division
Kanye is a sock puppet.
Conky for President !
"If a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing right !" Dr- Gonzo
It’s because most of these morons don’t know the difference between the Torah and the Talmud, so they just jump to the conclusion of blanketed bigotry and have never really read the Bible where it specifically calls out this difference and separation throughout the entire book.
Wasn’t the Talmud written about a thousand years after The Bible?
I think even earlier than that. Maybe around 500 ad
Acts 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Stephen is talking to elders of the temple.
From my understanding, the mysticism that lies beneath ties back to these more ancient rituals and religions.
Look at Ezekiel 8 where he is brought beneath the temple to see the idols and other gods they were worshipping in secret. Much of the same that is occurring today.
they certainly are unhappy with anyone not toeing the DA JOOZ narrative.
nice catch. and that's what we're here for, to draw out the poison.
I don't know if all those statements are true that all those positions are by people who play football. I wouldn't be surprised. Where is the evidence? A list?
From my experiences the local high school football teams are the worst and most hostile as are a lot of their parents. Parents donate big funds and get on school boards to vote to divert funds from educational, cultural, artistic ventures at a school and put it all into the foozball. Their coaches are not only hostile, every one I ever knew was sadistically twisted, easily enraged, and have ZERO respect for non footballers.
High school football is recruitment time and players are groomed to GO FIGHT WIN! At all costs. They do not ask questions, they are told the play and they execute it, They will gladly suffer getting brain damage to succeed.
I do not trust any of them and for good reason. In high school I was chased down and attacked by the entire football team because the COACH sent them after me. His only reason was because he could. I weighed 120 pounds soaking wet back then. Somehow, while minding my own business, I pissed him off by crossing through the "footballer" section of the quad. I did not even know normal people were not allowed to walk by their tables. I was late and tried to take a shortcut. The coach said "Hey what the fuck do you think your doing walking thru here, you long hair freak?" I ignored him and kept walking. He yelled for some guys to grab me. They tried but I am agile and while I was now walking backward away from them I said "Don't you fucking touch me unless you want to loose a finger or an eye, I will ruin you chance to be a star." They could tell I was not joking and looked scared, honestly. They recoiled in shock. I then dashed off and vanished into the crowd of 3000+ people leaving, I was last bell. I figured I had lost them.
5 minutes later I am in a field near the school on a trail that me and my friends used daily to walk to the arcade. I was almost caught up to my friends. Suddenly two 4x4 trucks enter on opposite sides of the field One loaded with football players and they other truck had Track and field guys and the football Coach driving.
The footballers jumped out of the back of the truck, it had not even come to a full stop yet. They began a formation across the field and created a block-aid in the direction I was heading. They were grunting or chanting something, They were pretty far away so I couldn't understand them. It seemed demonic. Behind me, the coach and track guys came zipping at me with the othertruck, he would have hit me if I had not dived out of the way. Psycho coach! I got up and 4 guys were rushing me, These were the Track Stars. I had no way to go except toward the football team.
I ended that day with bruised ribs, concussion and I was arrested, held for a few days, evaluated for mental illness, expelled from high school and became a legend at that school.
Although none of them got in trouble for what they did, the Coach and his boys did not fare well that day. I warned them. Over and over. I begged them. I said "Please do not make me hurt you!"
Their Track Star almost had me a few times as he chased me toward the football team, i ran toward off to the right toward a farm and jumped fences full speed. The Track guy fucked up a jump and got tangled up in barbed wire. He sought me out weeks later, came to the arcade to apologize, show me his scars and said he could get me back in school and have my record cleaned if I joined his Track Team. Said he never seen anyone move like me. Called me lightning. I said "thanks but no thanks. "
The footballer that tackled me got his throwing elbow bashed and smashed into tiny bits with the closest rock I could grab. He won't play football again, He is lucky if he can do normal things with that arm. I came at him so fast all he could do was put up his arm to block me, so I destroyed the elbow, like a jack hammer.
Once that guy was decommissioned, crying and yelping on the ground, the team and coach surrounded us. Coach says "ohhh you are a dead , you are a fucking dead man! Look what you have done. All my guys are under 18 and won't get in trouble for fighting. And they are ALL gonna kick your ass. One at a time!"
There was a piece of old broken fence, a sharp wooden club between me and them. They did not notice it I guess. I grabbed it fast, held it up and headed for the closest guy, while saying "Ok, who else wants a career ending injury! Some mother fuckers are going to the hospital today and it ain't me!" Do you want to join them?" On guy tried to sneak in on me from behind, I whipped around with my club swinging hard and stopped about an inch away from embedding the spiky part in his neck. They all backed way back from me.
I had been surrounded and did not see that the field had filled up with spectators, students teachers and some COPS. Some people yelling "GET him!". Others yelling "Leave him alone!"
This is one time I was glad to see the police, there was two cops in the field getting close to us and about 10 cop cars surrounding the field. I threw down my club and threw my hands up in the air and quickly headed toward the police. I kept repeating "Please Help me, they are trying to kill me, the coach tried to run me over with his truck. Some of these people saw it" The cops had their guns drawn and aimed at me and moved in and arrested me. I did not resist, I was glad to be safe. At first they were not rough with me. After they saw the injured players one cop did start getting rough with me,. I was cuffed. When they put me in the car he put his hand on my head as if to guide me so I won't hit it on the door jam, he yelled out, "Hey calm down, stop resisting and then slammed my head into the metal door jam. That gash on my head was the worse injury I got that day. I guess he was a football fan ;) He was obviously friends with those guys and was getting me back.
He tried to rough me up more at the station, tried to get me to resist or react, I didn't. A few other cops there caught on to what he was doing and stopped him. One told him,"this tiny kid has been thru enough today. Get out of here we will handle it from here.
It took me a while but in my heart I forgave the footballers, they only know how to do what they are told, they are just mindless attack pitbulls. It was ALL the coach really, and he can rot in hell! And that cop can rot in hell too since I have to think of him whenever I look in the mirror.
I tell everyone that footballers are pussies and I don't watch that shit and I won't it until they man up. When they start getting extra points for killing an opponent or tearing off an arm, I might watch it then. Other than that I boycott all football.
That wasn't supposed to be read literally lol they aren't talking about football players at all. Whoosh
I don't follow that Kanya guy or any other celebs even when they are being loud. I had to go look up what he is being loud about to understand it was not football. I saw the picture and thought he was a football player with NFL and was sharing some info he found out. OR, MAYBE he does mean football.,. how can you say either way?
Try working out who actually owns all the banks etc. and then you will know who to replace 'football player' with.
You should probably stick with mainstream news seeing as you clearly don't have reading comprehension skills.
I like this story. It's sorta like a mix of Forrest Gump and Revenge of the Nerds, with a touch of Karate Kid. It could be a box office hit.
The ancestral whimsy is strong with you
That was a hell of a read. Kept coming back to see how it ended.
I am absolutely stunned by the similarities, between your high school football bullying story and mine. But footballer is a codeword this time.
Yeah, I did not get that code word thing.. I had not been following that story. I thought that guy was a football player and was giving us some dirt, hhahahaha.
I would like to say I am stunned this type bullying happened to others, but I am not, I hear it happens a lot. The footballers almost always get away with it too. Sometimes not even a slap on the wrist after hospitalizing people.