I am sure there are some the are actually very smart and have been very careful to not let anyone know that they sold out. Those have to be weeded out also.
McCarthy put money and effort behind making sure MAGA candidates lost. He tossed Trump under the bus. He's been AWOL on Kari Lake. He's happy to gaslight anyone saying the elections have been compromised. He's happy to keep dumping money into the Ukraine debacle.
Maybe Trump needs Fetterman to be in the spotlight for some reason. He knew Dr. Oz was a stinker and would never get enough voter support to get elected. Just like I think Biden is exactly who Trump wanted in the White House. He likes his victims front and center. Just a theory.
Pretty sure if the election WASN’T rigged Oz would have won massively regardless of his “likability.” Fetterman didn’t win that election it was stolen for him.
McConnell's behavioral pattern tells us he is leveraged by the DS and CCP, not Trump. This is why McConnell gives the democrats practically everything they want. It's appearing more so that McCarthy may be leveraged by the DS and CCP, as well. We don't know any more to what Trump's motivation are for supporting McCarthy as we do regarding what the 'plan' is. Only time will tell us.
Safest bet is to get rid of everyone who is not MAGA and get fresh blood patriots in there. No ammount of leverage is worth it if dems cheat on everything to get their pedos in.
In our world, yeah. We would all choose 100% uncompromising constitutionalist candidates.
But in DC, where 99% of those in power have been corrupted (either because they agreed to it in exchange for power and $$$, or because it was forced on them by Deep State Clowns) the goal would likely HAVE to be to bring that beast under subjection before anything else. I believe this to be a temporary situation.
I would really hate to sit in a movie theater with some of you. The only way a sting wins is if some of the players convince the other side that they are with them. We need to except the fact that we don't know as much as the key players.
This is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nothing will change until the petro dollar collapses and/or the truth of the jabs can no longer be denied. I have emotionally detached from all of this cause until the petro dollar collapses this movie is BORING AS FUCK. There are happenings but nothing big enough to rock the world of normies and NPC’s or causing medical people to kill themselves or bankers to jump out of buildings. That’s when the fun begins.
They sure are, they don't even know who we are. I told my friend what that Idiot that came on and gave a rally call to us, telling us this is what we have been waiting for, now we stand up and march to battle.
I told my friend and he laughed. I told him acting of course, ya Il march with you and he came back with for about 30 feet before you hit the dirt. We many of us don't even have clothes more than pajamas.
We have seen how Trump uses people for a specific purpose and for a limited length of time in his quest to Drain the Swamp. McCarthy is one of Trump's quicksand players...
McCarthy IS the Swamp. He took money and used it to scuttle Republicans during a critical election. IDGAF if he's compromised and now under control, and IDGAF about good will gestures with the Deep Staters until regaining enough power to drop them.
He has to. It's either deal with him or deal with the Democrats, people seem to forget the Republicans only hold a 3 seat margin. Better the devil I know then the devil I don't. Trump has no choice.
" We took [out] Boehner—and a group of people, some of whom are the same, and they’re very good friends of mine. All those people are very good friends of mine. "
End Trumps quote. WOW. He's letting us know loud and clear that he's got this!
So many in congress are against Trump, so his 'full' endorsement muddies the waters quite a lot more. Anything he puts his laser-focus on has meaning and purpose.
I reckon our job is to just watch and learn from a Master...
Seems like whenever Trump does this, whoever he does it to winds up being exposed for who they really are in one way or another over time. Interesting...
Is this how we want our politics? I don’t want people being blackmailed and bribed, we are so fucked just one bad thing accepted as a win over another while society is ruined. let’s celebrate
I think Trump is positioning some of his enemies in ways to get them into their criminal spotlight. Remember, Trump is showing everyone the corruption crystal clear and changing the Zeitgeist of the whole nation.
Trump OWNS the GOP and can be a king-maker or a destroyer of political careers. He has proven that and I am happy to say that he has no tolerance for any policy makers who work against the American people. Perhaps McCarthy is smart enough to realize this and willingly or unwillingly, he is on the Trump train? Just a thought.
Every snake in DC is cabal. Watch that McCarthy snake wiggle. Good for gumming up Jotaters agenda works if nothing more. Why waste a house rockstar without senate majority.
I read this as "I can use him"
I read it as:: Trump has something on that Clown, so maybe we should trust Trump....
Or he has not learned and snakes are still in his company guiding some desisions. I assume not everything is Q related
"we have everything"
The House Speaker is absolutely Q related. If we control McCarthy, that's a good thing. The more of these people we have on a short leash, the better.
Well we just defined the two schools of thought on this one subject....
Good work Fren....
I am sure there are some the are actually very smart and have been very careful to not let anyone know that they sold out. Those have to be weeded out also.
McCarthy put money and effort behind making sure MAGA candidates lost. He tossed Trump under the bus. He's been AWOL on Kari Lake. He's happy to gaslight anyone saying the elections have been compromised. He's happy to keep dumping money into the Ukraine debacle.
He's a traitor to the cause if not the country.
Consider him weeded out. Multiple times.
You're right, but it's the connections they need to follow and get those people too. We need to be patient.
Me too. He is also forcing a choice to the others. Choose the Chaney bush mcain wing or choose maga.
Just like Oz? 🙄
Maybe Trump needs Fetterman to be in the spotlight for some reason. He knew Dr. Oz was a stinker and would never get enough voter support to get elected. Just like I think Biden is exactly who Trump wanted in the White House. He likes his victims front and center. Just a theory.
Pretty sure if the election WASN’T rigged Oz would have won massively regardless of his “likability.” Fetterman didn’t win that election it was stolen for him.
What is really funny is most of the people even non red pilled and total demodiots know that's not really him
As in, he serves a specific purpose.
Someone's heads gotta roll when the tribunals start.
Is that when he started to run around in all those States looking like he actually cared???
At this point, I reckon yep. I reckon they is controlled. Good guy style. At least, the former. The latter, not so sure about.
McConnell's behavioral pattern tells us he is leveraged by the DS and CCP, not Trump. This is why McConnell gives the democrats practically everything they want. It's appearing more so that McCarthy may be leveraged by the DS and CCP, as well. We don't know any more to what Trump's motivation are for supporting McCarthy as we do regarding what the 'plan' is. Only time will tell us.
Where are we seeing McConnell leveraged by Trump? He seems to be the biggest thorn in Trump's side.
This is it. Republican infighting will not result in a better Speaker, it's only ever a way for Dems to sneak in.
Yup. The DemocRATs are so much better at falling in line lockstep, must be why their followers are such Brown Shirts and Fascistees…
And why they are such triggered idiots when exposed on their own, the token press secretary, VP Giggles…mask zombies…soy boy vegans…
What’s wrong with these people?
Doesn’t it hurt to be this stupid?
“Hey everybody! We’re all gonna do a J6 committee! Then we’ll finally get that Orange Man Bad!”
Let's hope McCarthy is secret maga then because he seems to be a pos globalist rino on the surface
Oz did too and look what happened.
Trump has a nack for picking shitty candidates.
Call it a "military move" or whatever, but it's high time we stop letting RINOS maintain control.
Safest bet is to get rid of everyone who is not MAGA and get fresh blood patriots in there. No ammount of leverage is worth it if dems cheat on everything to get their pedos in.
In our world, yeah. We would all choose 100% uncompromising constitutionalist candidates.
But in DC, where 99% of those in power have been corrupted (either because they agreed to it in exchange for power and $$$, or because it was forced on them by Deep State Clowns) the goal would likely HAVE to be to bring that beast under subjection before anything else. I believe this to be a temporary situation.
He never was and never will be MAGA but he MIGHT be compromised...one can hope.
Add him to the long list of deepstate candidates that trump has endorsed…
I don't care for McCarthy ,but I do believe in President Trump.
I think this article gives perspective to the shitty choice currently on the dinner table... https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/12/18/president-trump-warns-gop-house-the-alternative-to-mccarthy-could-be-worse/
... Now pray for a huge win with the Brunson brothers and Supreme Court.
I do remember McCarthy visiting Mar-a-Lago. Who knows what plans are afoot?...
I would really hate to sit in a movie theater with some of you. The only way a sting wins is if some of the players convince the other side that they are with them. We need to except the fact that we don't know as much as the key players.
I don't understand people on here who think they know more than POTUS Trump about the plan or about the "players" in this movie.
Arm chair quarterbacks.
I don't want to understand how they think either.
This is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nothing will change until the petro dollar collapses and/or the truth of the jabs can no longer be denied. I have emotionally detached from all of this cause until the petro dollar collapses this movie is BORING AS FUCK. There are happenings but nothing big enough to rock the world of normies and NPC’s or causing medical people to kill themselves or bankers to jump out of buildings. That’s when the fun begins.
Trump is getting bad advice. McCarthy is a RINO, period, and not a MAGA. He needs to come out very strongly against McCarthy, now.
no one is enjoying this movie. If you are then you are braindead. The tune of this movie needs to change, like yesterday.
Wow, who down voted Q, anybody think we have a whole bunch of santa's helpers trying to bring us down.---but can't
Doomers and shills. They're here, but they do not support Q, the Plan, nor President Trump.
They sure are, they don't even know who we are. I told my friend what that Idiot that came on and gave a rally call to us, telling us this is what we have been waiting for, now we stand up and march to battle. I told my friend and he laughed. I told him acting of course, ya Il march with you and he came back with for about 30 feet before you hit the dirt. We many of us don't even have clothes more than pajamas.
Ok, so since you know more than Trump, you should go on truth social and give him your advice in person.----go ahead we will all be waiting.
Do you think Dr Oz was the best choice for PA?
I really don't know, maybe for a short time, as a puppet to the white hats. Not following his agenda
Setting them up and knocking them down...
We have seen how Trump uses people for a specific purpose and for a limited length of time in his quest to Drain the Swamp. McCarthy is one of Trump's quicksand players...
Trump also said to trust the vaccine.
Q said to question everything.
Trump could use him.
God can use anyone.
We don’t need McCarthy. All we need is Jesus.
I don't LIKE that Trump said that, but he didn't say it for us to like. He was trying as ALWAYS. to limit the death.
Limiting death by convincing sheep to "trust the vaxx".....yeah, that makes soooooo much sense.
Just realized. "I think he deserves the shot " Completely flew over my head several times.
So DJT knows KM and what he is involved with so KM can be controlled from both sides. He must be exposing him.
That or he removed their blackmail of him. Does he have kids they threatened.
Well, I'm not.
McCarthy IS the Swamp. He took money and used it to scuttle Republicans during a critical election. IDGAF if he's compromised and now under control, and IDGAF about good will gestures with the Deep Staters until regaining enough power to drop them.
The McFailures have gotta go.
Im 100% NOT backing McCarthy
He has to. It's either deal with him or deal with the Democrats, people seem to forget the Republicans only hold a 3 seat margin. Better the devil I know then the devil I don't. Trump has no choice.
Trump knows McCarthy is going to win, none of the challengers can get no where near the votes needed.
I like this part:
" We took [out] Boehner—and a group of people, some of whom are the same, and they’re very good friends of mine. All those people are very good friends of mine. "
End Trumps quote. WOW. He's letting us know loud and clear that he's got this!
So many in congress are against Trump, so his 'full' endorsement muddies the waters quite a lot more. Anything he puts his laser-focus on has meaning and purpose.
I reckon our job is to just watch and learn from a Master...
Since he has it all, he uses him until he either straightens up or becomes unusable and then switches him out when the truth comes around.
No surprise. Although I have my doubts about him, there is nobody else with the backing to go against Mitch's boy!
Forget Speaker, I'm POTUS.
Maybe he has enough on McCarthy to control him.
Seems like whenever Trump does this, whoever he does it to winds up being exposed for who they really are in one way or another over time. Interesting...
Is this how we want our politics? I don’t want people being blackmailed and bribed, we are so fucked just one bad thing accepted as a win over another while society is ruined. let’s celebrate
I think Trump is positioning some of his enemies in ways to get them into their criminal spotlight. Remember, Trump is showing everyone the corruption crystal clear and changing the Zeitgeist of the whole nation.
Yes, Trump applying leverage on the RINO.
use the worst person to do the worst jobs.
if President Trump thinks that way, he'll have a very dirty job for McCarthy.
Or maybe this will be another Fauci, another 30 Pence, another Bitch McConnell
Trump OWNS the GOP and can be a king-maker or a destroyer of political careers. He has proven that and I am happy to say that he has no tolerance for any policy makers who work against the American people. Perhaps McCarthy is smart enough to realize this and willingly or unwillingly, he is on the Trump train? Just a thought.
Must own him then. Or he needs him there because he is compromised and he needs to be later removed so trump can do his thing.
Every snake in DC is cabal. Watch that McCarthy snake wiggle. Good for gumming up Jotaters agenda works if nothing more. Why waste a house rockstar without senate majority.