I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with hypertension, so he gave me a prescription. I returned and it was high, so he doubled it. I returned a third time and it was still high, so he added a second medication.
Afterwards, I noticed some hair loss and looked up that sure enough, the second prescription causes hair loss!
After the entire Covid vaccine ordeal, I now realize that all doctors can do is prescribe shots, but not necessarily effective or healthy. Thus, I'm interested in looking for something different.
So I'm wondering if anyone has ever gone to a natural cure doctor for high blood pressure?
Lose weight
Get enough sleep
Intermediate fasting (2 to 3 days a week effectively restrict yourself to 3 pieces of natural fruit, coffee, tea with no added sugar.)
Drink lots of water.
Your body with begin to naturally regulate itself again.
This thank you. All of this is good advice I've been given and still have a hard time following thru. I needed this reminder.
I started off partially fasting 1 day a week. I would set aside 1 Orange, 1 banana, and 1 apple. No need to go more than 3 days. (If you can do every other day you'll see results within the first 30 days)
I found the banana in the morning was good, as it was the most filling. By lunch time I would be craving something sweet, so I would have the Orange at lunch. And later in the evening I'd save the apple.
Tea with no sugar, taught myself to enjoy black coffee (it's actually sweet if you get the right blend and you're not overloading everythin else with sugar all day.)
There's also a mix I like to cook with called Trikitu (it's a 1-1-1 ratio of BlackPepper, LongPepper, and Ginger). Along with Pink Himilayan salt, it seems to be all the seasoning I crave.
On the days you don't fast you won't have a big appetitite and your body will help regulate your portions for you.
Bible says to treat food like medicine. We don't take medicine if we're not sick, so we shouldn't eat unless we feel hungry.
Thank you, yes.
"ntermediate fasting (2 to 3 days a week effectively restrict yourself to 3 pieces of natural fruit, coffee, tea with no added sugar.)"
what do you mean by restricting to 3 pieces of natural fruit? Does that mean you only eat 3 pieces of fruit in a day?
Fasting by avoiding regular meals and in the event you "have to eat" something, keep it to no more than 3 pieces of nautral fruit.
The goal is for the stomach to shrink, and to restrict as much as possible the intake of carbs. If there are carbs, they should be natural sugars from fruit.
I understand fasting is not eating so i call it intermediate fasting or quasi fasting. This is how it was explained to me. I'm not a doctor, but this is info I'm relaying from medical sources to help lose weight.
Eventually after a while. the actual fasting becomes possible because we gain better mental and spiritual control over our gut instead of being a slave to the munchies.
I used to own a CrossFit gym. I had multiple clients who got to ditch their blood pressure medications after dieting and exercising for even just a few months in some cases. Getting enough sleep is super important as well.
Mine has been high at times. I run 6 miles a day. Not sleeping good lately though. Maybe staying mad at our horrific government doesn’t help either.
My BP definitely rises when I go on CNN 🤣
Great answer. Losing weight, exercising, and diet cures a lot of things. Due to CF my high BP is gone, resting HR now in the mid 50s after previously 40lbs heavier and heart rate was in the 90s and sometimes erratic.
Another good thing to stop is any kind of fizzy soda drinks, sugared or diet (worse).
Where do you get the ivermectin from?
Seems to work for acid reflux. Used to that all the time but now I almost never get it. I haven’t really changed much else so I think might be the IVM
That's awesome. Well done.
Read the book, "oxygen advantage" or read up on buteyko breathing methods.
Carnivore diet and morning exercise. All your blood markers will improve. I guarantee it.
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and oesteo. I came across Mikhalia Peterson’s testimony on her RA being cured by eating the carnivore. I was desperate as I realised 8 painkillers a day was not good. I cried with pain most days, felt trapped as my body was rapidly going down hill and my specialist just didn’t care. I’ve always been relatively sickness free, but I woke up one morning with it and couldn’t turn over in bed. I think it was coming on as climbing stairs were cruel, but I realise that was early signs. Mikhailia said something that made me realise my fate. She said. ‘I was dying’. And I was too dying a painful death. So many people confuse RA with arthritis. While it has similar pain in the joints, it’s much more. It attacks your organs, including heart and lungs etc. I take methotrexate weekly which is a form of chemo.
I have been on it 4 weeks today. I’m not sure what weight I have dropped, but it’s gone. Still pain in my knees, but more localised. I’m feeling better because while this is a controversial diet, it answers soooooo many questions about food we are told a good for us, but are really poison to our bodies. It’s easy as I’m down to 2 meals and being so simple, there is no huge shopping lists. Hubby has dropped weight and he’s now like an eveready bunny! I don’t expect my RA to clear up overnight, but so far I’m amazed at how simple and easy it is.
Look up "borax conspiracy" worked for me.
That was incredible! Thank you!! I’m getting some on pay day!
I’ve been staggered at what drs. are saying. Seek out the videos by
Mainly drs in the audience. https://youtu.be/N39o_DI5laI
I read that ivermectin cured/drastically improved arthritic conditions.
Illegal in Australia. It’s prescribed, but there is no way my specialist would prescribe that as there is so much controversy here about it.
Here in the U.S. we can get ivermectin from India. Doctors here still will not prescribe it, unless the patient was on it pre-Covid. There is also one place that will mail ivermectin within the U.S., it also comes from India, but the turn around time is quicker.
Do your cows use Ivermectin?
Agreed. Worked for me.
Yes. Carnivore diet got rid of my high BP and all my BP meds within 3 weeks. In 2.5 months I lost 42 lbs.
On a carnivore diet, constipation is not typically a problem. In fact, in the first couple of weeks of transitioning to this diet, you may experience the opposite issue: diarrhea. This is because your body is used to a fiber-rich diet and is not yet accustomed to digesting only meat. Eventually, your gut will adjust and bowel movements will slow down to a normal pace. It is not uncommon for people on a carnivore diet to only have bowel movements once a week or every other week, as there is little waste being produced due to the limited number of undigested foods entering the gut. This is not constipation, but rather a natural result of consuming only fully digestible foods.
Doctor anon here:
Hypertension: Work out!! Also reduce carbs. Stop adding salt to things that don't need it. Veggies and fruit, whole foods, low GI complex carbs, quinoa. Cold showers if you can handle them (Wim Hof Method). Intermittent fasting 16 hours fast, 8 hour eating window.
High triglycerides: fish oil, High cholesterol: red yeast rice (natural occurring statin), fiber (psyllium husk) Anxiety: Ashwaghanda, L-Theanine, Magnesium
These are just a handful that come off the top of my head. The most important things for overall health are consistent exercise, reducing carbs and cutting soda (if you drink any).
That’s my anxiety playbook though switched to Citocoline + Magnesium recently
Yeah magnesium and ashwaganda work well for stress/anxiety
Any chance you have links to those studies saved that show how effective these things are.
I have a doctor that has told me to to Amla Fruit & Brazil Nuts for either cholesterol or Blood Pressure. I will need to find that study again,
I like examine.com for supplement information. There's links to studies too.
Thank you so much!
Stop drinking alcohol if you do.
Ivermectin is used in Africa for high blood pressure. I very been taking it,for prevention and it seams to lower my blood pressure as well.
Yes I used to get acid reflux bad a lot now almost never. Only change was IVM
Looks like it does everything but whiten teeth.
I heard from a friend it cured his micro-penis. Now hung like a horse! His GF loves the apple flavor.
I may have a grown a few inches,I would have to measure it I guess.......
I've just started ingesting 1 to 2 tablespoons of high quality extra virgin olive oil and raw garlic. I also have sleep apnea and could stand to lose 30 pounds. Thanks to all for additional suggestions. I'd love to no longer be on BP meds.
My high blood pressure is a direct result of the oblivious normies all around me for decades.
Losing weight did it for me
I recently started taking this brand for another use and check the reviews: https://www.amazon.com/Kyolic-Pressure-Capsules-Supplement-Gluten-Free/dp/B005FC6VUQ/ref=sr_1_4?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI97W67dKk_AIVKx6tBh1Tog7WEAAYASAAEgKgd_D_BwE&hvadid=583722226242&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9023220&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3600652530336400220&hvtargid=kwd-296330391494&hydadcr=21225_9690814&keywords=kyolic%2Bblood%2Bpressure%2Bhealth&qid=1672516869&rdc=1&s=hpc&sr=1-4&th=1
wow. 4.6 score after 4000 reviews.
This cured my mom's BP issue and she's completely off her prescription.
HumanN SuperBeets Heart Chews - Nitric Oxide Production for Daily Blood Pressure Support & Circulation - Grape Seed Extract & Non-GMO Beet Energy Chews - Pomegranate Berry Flavor, 60 Count https://a.co/d/4qZbM0o
Why did you add all that crap to the link?
I just copied it from my browser. I didn’t add anything
Cayenne pepper. I make a tonic of Cayenne, turmeric, and ginger... about 1/2 tsp each mixed into 16 oz water, sip it at first to make sure you don't have digestive adverse reaction... I just drink it right down.
You need to add black pepper to thar otherwise turmeric is ineffective.
Get the book “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger. First chapter is on heart disease. I took his advice and it cured me.
Beetroot or megabeet i hear works good. Ive been taking it. Hears from an older friend whose wofe has high BP. Got her off pharms. Late 60s.
Or just eat beets, they are delicious. Especially in salad.
I did. I stopped taking the pills and stopped testing. Problem solved.
What? So you don't really know if your bp is still high? I worked with the sweetest man who had a stroke from uncontrolled bp. He didn't die. That was the horrible part. Vegetatative life for about 10 years. Destroyed his wife and their finances.
I think it's bullshit, but if you want to continue to believe a bunch of known liars go ahead. I don't worry about it, just like everyone before the invention of the sphygmomanometer.
Diatomaceous earth.
Food grade.
I take k2, nattokinase, fermented garlic extract and started regular exercise an good sleep. I started using flonase and deep breathing with plenty of water. From what I have read sleep apnea causes fluxuating high blood pressure.
I take beetroot extract. I don't have actual data to back it up, but I used to get red in the face under stress and I can say that hasn't happened since I began taking it.
Free Guide By The World Council for Health
If your high blood pressure increased after the vaccine against Covid-19 or if it started then, it might be because of the Spike Protein it creates. To resolve this challenge, you might be interested in this free detox guide by the World Council for Health at https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/
This guide includes lots of natural options. Most are either free or cheap.
My related blog at https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/detox-guide-from-covid-19-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-1349212838148706311
Do heaps of research on the carnivore diet.
View first. https://youtu.be/e56gVwMFVPw
These are doctors that have tried the diet and have helped many of their patients.
I also take nattokinase as a supplement.
For me, diet and stress are the things that spike my BP. If I eat a natural diet and stay away from bad carbs and processed crap, my health naturally seems to straighten out. Getting sleep, drinking water, and staying relaxed are equally as important, and so is walking. If slack in any of those areas, I start having problems.
Intermittent fasting and eating whole foods, which also allows many people to come off their medications.
People report good results with wim hof breathing and cold showers / ice baths.
Homeopathy has protocols for high BP, usually have to take it once to twice a day for 3 months.
Celery believe it or not. There is an ingredient in that, forget which one, that lowers blood pressure in spite of the sodium in the stalk.
They actually did scientific tests on that about 20 years or so ago and showed 3 medium sized stalks a day was enough to do it. Think it's also used as a remedy in some Third World country
Various other foods like beetroot, and herbs. Can't remember many of them off the top of my head (lol been a heavy night), but there are loads of foods and supplements to help blood pressure.
I'm quite certain that natto has made my blood pressure for once.. I think black seed oil may help too.
Ceragem master v3... It's a wholistic massage table/machine that, when used once a day, will restore your health. It combines eastern philosophy and western technology, by using JADE stone rollers and infer red heat set on a track, will use the combination of a good alignment and deep tissue massage (and heat) to increase blood flow without increasing blood pressure... I could go on and on, but since I'm posting this here... It works. You know because way back in 2001ish, they had a couple hundred locations around the us and where giving away free massages every day. Hour after hour, a new group would switch out. People started getting health and in turn, happy... so many people that "they" started to notice. "they" sent people in with preexisting back conditions followed with lots of law suits... drove most of the Ceragems stores to shut down.
Old Irish cure for heart related issues: tincture of haws (or hawthorn flowers). Not sure if available in US. Works wonders. I take teaspoon every day.
Hawthorn works great for about 4-5 hours. Then i just brew another cup of the tea. People took it for thousands of years
Taking metropolo tartrate, prescribed by doc. Tried 4 or 5 other prescription drugs but either they did not have the right effect and one of them made me real woozy. So basically you may need to try several to find the one that works for you if you want to do a prescription.
Exercise. Also, stop drinking if you drink alcohol. But exercise really helps either way.
Maybe fish oil? It has helped me considerably. I take 6 a day, two each morning mid day and night. It’s more than recommended, but I looked up some studies. I like the Pure Encapsulations EPA / DHA essentials. It’s not fishy.
Also, a no processed carbs eating plan really worked for my husband. Admittedly difficult to follow long term, but he was able to avoid medication.
I’ve heard red beet powder. Same issue, just ordered it so hoping for the best. For the poster who said he is ignoring it not a good idea as it can lead to multiple avenues towards death.