I truly believe all those vaccines that they made these middle school kids take had something in it that turned them queer ! I signed medical release forms ( they won’t allow anymore ) and wouldn’t let my kids get jabbed ! I remember there was quite a few for the 6 7 and 8 grade students that they pushed ! they were constantly making these kids get jabbed to move from elementary to middle school and then again for high school , next thing you know preteens and teenagers are all confused ! I’m not saying jabs are the only cause, but I truly believe what they’re injecting in kids from the time their babies is causing a lot of this problem and then they just advocate and push it with MSM the Internet etc.
Smart versus wise ,, wow so true … wise/wisdom is so different then smart/ intelligent !
Yes Luciferase
I saw a video where they were saying they were able to tap into the area where God is the God gene or something and stop people from having the ability to believe in Him , it was intense
Well I certainly don't buy into the nonsense that people are born that way and I am of the belief that it has to be coming from something in our food supply, vaccines, our medicines, brainwashing by Hollywood. Who knows for sure, I know it isn't normal. Vaccines could definitely be part of it.
I think it has more to do with the heavy metals in the vaccines especially mercury. There was a study where birds were given mercury and the make birds started nesting with other male birds.
Yes , think about it has to be in the vaccines ,, yes the brainwashing is like water on the seed ! Stuff in our food yes but I would think injected in the cells of our bodies is stronger way , there is no way ,,, over the past 10 or 15 years the appearance of kids has changed , Some girls really look like boys and boys look like girls how did that happen ! That’s DNA they changed it with the jab ,, these people need to swing. Seriously !
There were already signs of this starting back in the late 90s, I always thought it was weird how I was one of the few teenagers I knew who could grow a full beard by the end of high school. Now we're surrounded by 20-somethings who are utter baby faces.
If the absolute spike in this LGBTQ behavior in kids is not just a fad induced from this media push, then it is most certainly being artificially created by something.
I agree and think there could be more to this than meets the eye. Not too far-fetched to think that DS big pharma has tested anything and everything to identify poisons, observing the effects on people, are now evaluating poison cocktails. If that is the case, the callous disregard of using people as guinea pigs in a large scale deployment is absolute tyranny.
I believe you are right because we opted our son out of Jabs when he was in Middle School as well. I only pray that when he moved on in life he remembered what we did for him.
I pray to for your son as well ,, my daughter 29 spent her school years telling everyone how thankful she was that her mother was smart enough not to give her the poison ,,, university, social media later , she’s a lib , im nuts, the jab is safe , she took it ! Heartbreaking !
NOTE: The guy in the video said he took the antiparasitic protocol utilizing a type of turpentine as directed by a female MD he saw. To his shock, many disgusting parasites came out in the toilet.
He continued on the protocol for a period of months until he expelled a really horrible thick parasite like something out of a horror movie. He said it had suction cups and antennae! He felt measurably better health-wise following all that purging of invaders.
It was then that he realized his long time homosexual cravings completely disappeared, and even 6 yrs later have not returned!
It is not solved so quickly. The anti-parasite protocol takes daily doses of specific amounts over and over for many months to defeat the things. Then, a regular weekly dose, at least. Plus, the ability to take a laxative (castor oil or similar) nearly every day to flush the bowels and be strapped to your toilet while the process is going on.
At the same time, practice a very healthy diet that eliminates junk & processed food.
When I looked into this a while ago, most prescriptions for antiparasitic purposes took ivermectin once every few months at most. I think one had you take it two times in one week, then stop.
If you watched the video that I linked, the guy who was using the pine gum turpentine was taking it daily for more than 7 months, so it just depends.
Personally, I did some intense research on this subject back about 2013-2015 (and since then) and compiled a bunch of data. The leading parasitologists in the world say that you can never truly get rid of parasites because there are thousands of species, they are in the soil, the water, and in and on your domestic pets and farm animals and in the meat and the fish we buy and often on vegetables grown in the soil. Thus, you are going to keep getting reinfected no matter what.
Understanding the life cycle of the particular species and how it spreads is key to defeating them. Now unfortunately, the various parasites can each lay hundreds of thousands of eggs in their lifetimes. Most anti-parasite drugs will only 'stun' the adults temporarily, but not the eggs or the babies which are constantly hatching, growing and reproducing. Thus, a sustained protocol of constant, regular dosing along with making sure you have regular, (if not multiple) daily bowel movements to expel them 'before they recover' is key.
Also, you may have success by combining more than one treatment simultaneously. For instance, food grade diatomaceous earth (read up on how to take this) can cause them to become irritated and let go of their attachment in the gut temporarily, and fresh pineapple or pure pineapple juice will also cause them to be more easily swept through the gut, so do this + stimulate your bowels with castor oil, or other purgatives may yield better results, especially if used in combination with another anti-parasite drug.
Dosage for each drug is different and there used to be plenty of info online where they explain dosages according to age/body weight. Dosages will be recommended for say, 3 days straight, or multiple times per day for a period of time, and then you will have to repeat 2 weeks later. I know that this is the bare minimum. You might need to continue doing this every 2 weeks for a year or more to get the numbers down.
I'd recommend going onto Yandex.com and searching each parasite or drug you are interested in and reading the recommendations and going from there.
Re Ivermectin - I took it weekly for 18 months and also took it 7 days straight, on several occasions if I was exposed to someone sick. I also took Fenbendazole 3x per week for more than a year.
IMPORTANT! Many of these anti-parasite drugs work measurably better when combined with a specific group of vitamins - as proven in their mice trials.
So, I recommend that you take at least these, EVERY DAY no matter what protocol you go on:
Vit A, Vit E, Vit K2, Zinc, Vit D3, Quercetin, Turmeric, B-complex, Artemisinin Annua, and of course, Vit C.
If that's true, why is there even a 10% of (infected) straight guys who aren't gay? Different parasites?
What's the reason for the 30% of homos who don't have parasites?
Maybe they didn't become gay from parasites, but were gay already and they passed/received them in high quantities due to high frequency/quantity of contact?
Avg. homo has 800-1000 partners in a lifetime.
Personally, I think its demonic affliction/oppression, JMO.......
I personally think its trauma inflicted. Parasites might play a part for some but I see why some minds might turn gay for survival based on upbringing. Ex. an abusive father so the child becomes a lesbian as a way to protect herself emotionally.
That partner count is bs. A study from 1978 said 28% had over 1000 partners, and I’m too young to know if that is true, that that isn’t true now. While there are whores out there. Most studies will show average of 20-30. Which is still a lot, but not 1000.
As a hetero male, I used to work in high-fashion modeling, entertainment, etc. and I can tell you its at LEAST 1000.
The "debunking" articles are the actual propaganda.
Their entire lives revolve around this. Every moment of everyday is spent thinking about the next hook-up. Every bit of conversation is innuendo. Its not a thing they do, its a thing they ARE.
There's no 30 about it. They hit 30 just on Pride Day alone.
You are talking about the sexually charged industries that have an always party mentality. As I said, there are whores out there, but the vast majority of gay people aren’t in that group. There are most that just go to their jobs at the cable company or investment firm, go home to his husband and watch TV and go to bed. That is the majority of gay men, not the wild sex whores that you know or hear about in passing. Source: as noted, am gay and know tons of real life gay people, not just the ones in fashion and entertainment.
Read this man’s testimony and weep for humanity. ALL they think about is the next hookup and the depravity they choose to go through will make anyone reject the lifestyle.
That nUmber sounds astronomical to me. That’s almost 1 new partner everyday for 3 years straight …………
Gay or straight it just sounds insane. It’s like beyond slutty. It almost sounds like work. What a terrible life. Can’t imagine having a brain that’s just obsessed with having sex with a new person. Sounds again like brain washing.
I wonder if the people in the 60s had more sexual encounters or less.
the 'number' of partners is what always gets me; they're obviously sex addicts🤮 And I agree, it's coming from demons; I think the physical parasites gives them a 'home' base in our bodies/makes it easier to control the host.
That's one way.
I've witnessed this first hand. Nature vs nurture. My late mom n late sister were over bearing demanding screamers when they didnt get their way. And I know my late brother had feelings but never acted upon them as he was religious. He journeyed about it. At my late sisters funeral in November my nephew who I also suspected as gay had a male w him that when I was viewing the video slide show was in every holiday photo as well. Theres only one kind of friend that goes home to Florida from New Jersey w you every holiday you go and also comes to the funeral.....now I know what my sister made mom take back my dads wedding band from me and give it to him. Meanwhile they're treating me like a leper at the viewing as I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. As my sister said "all these idiots w their high school diplomas vote for Trump. " That's because we werent brainwashed and saddled w a unpayable bill to have been brainwashed. Theres a lot of brainwashing attempts through gaming platforms. They seize on kids w broken homes and try to convince them their feelings all point to being gay. It's got to stop.
If that was the case than 90% of third world country populations would be gays. Parasites are very common in the third world, yet faggots are more common in the first world where less parasites live inside the guts of the population
If they can afford it to clean their guts yes. Most third world nations don’t get free medicine. Also the tribal people of the Amazon and other regions that don’t have access to medicine or won’t use medicine have tons of parasites. Their population would be overwhelmed with gays and they would essentially go extinct.
Who said it isnt as prevalent? Lots of homosexuality takes place in third world areas.. Any port in a storm .Remember back when aids started to snow ball (thought to have been a parasitic infection as a result of men banging monkeys I read back then )there was also Giardiasis in water supplies. My cousin who is a surgeon said it was from a parasite. And he was right. Beavers w a parasite in the water shed..so that parasite perhaps combined w crap in food or water could've been a start or part to it. They've been using ivermectin for river blindness since 1988. River blindness is a result of a parasitic infection.
Nope. I’ve taken a round of ivermectin and still as gay as ever. I was hoping I had some parasite and would lose weight on killing it. But no parasites to be seen.
Not sure what you are reading but the post literally says he was gay, prescribed ivermectin for COVID (which would be a round, you don’t take ivermectin for months for COVID), he expelled worms and was straight. So regarding the post, yes ivermectin and yes one round.
Not parasites! The REAL reason is in a book very few read or they would know!
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
someone on Voat wrote a "book" some years back called "the parasite pill" well worth the read if you're willing to ignore the rando racist stuff thrown in.
Cats are a big spreader of toxoplasma gondi, and its also claimed that it may cause degeneracy
took me a minute to find some more info (edit: I just noticed some of the pubmed links are dead)
[3:20 PM]
Anon with degree in microbiology says parasites cause aids. Is this another reason why (((they))) don't want you taking Ivermectin?
[3:20 PM]
LIST OF LINKS PROVIDED (Will update later for download links to paywall papers):
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-9034-3_36 All the species of trypanosoma are given different names based on the host they are found in. But every species is cross contagious with every other host. IE, if you take the chicken version and put it in a human, it will follow the same life cycle as if it came from a shellfish or cow. The indestructible eggs (oocysts) are identical in every species, along with larval form., epimastigotes. The adult form changes slightly depending on the host, like the alien face hugger changing slightly depending on its host. They call the disease Nagana in cows, Dourine in horses. In reality it's all the same species, structurally, and morphologically identical. It's a multi-trillion dollar cover-up that allows Big Agriculture to breed "resistant" cattle that won't die to their infection instead of doing constant & expensive deworming treatments - THEY KNOW!
30-60% of wild deer, 40% of wild pigs, 44% of Italian bats, 80% of chickens. It's the #1 case of heart failure! NIH-deleted article, need to use wayback machine to locate... ( I didn't need to use the wayback machine? Comment is confusing)
Mosquitoes, triatome beetles, ticks, fleas, biting flies, are all vectors, but my estimation account for less 10% of the spread. Most outbreaks are linked to contaminated food.
One theory from an evolutionary perspective I've heard is that while being gay obviously ends the gene line directly, it does create an able bodied member of society that can contribute resources for siblings, cousins, etc. which strengthens the genetic fitness of the family as a whole and reduces competition on resources since the gay member would have no children of their own.
Whether there's any validity to that, that's for you to decide 😂
Except many don't. I have a relative that came out as gay back in college and was embraced & supported by his family and siblings. He also got the full college and master's program paid for by his parents while his other siblings did not. After college he moved back home and lived rent free for years with the parents paying for his lifestyle while he brought guys back home for 'sleepovers' much to the angst of his religious parents.
Then he became an absolute orgy goer, had a number of lousy relationships in which both parties cheated constantly on each other. His friends began dying of AIDS, he got some awful STDs and he became pretty angry at the world, screaming that he hated God and that he was a victim.
He began smoking, ate badly, got sick, didn't help himself, stopped working, and ultimately was useless to his family, unavailable when help was needed, always professing that he was broke. He wouldn't return phone calls or emails and now lives like a recluse within his small gay community and talks with no one in his family.
And then there's also the kind that walk in the Pride parade wearing S&M bondage leathers who publicly dance around with their genitals hanging out or crawl on all fours with a leather dog mask aka a 'Pup Trainer', complete with spiked dog collars and harnesses, happily doing so in front of vulnerable children.
Then there are the ones who attend the orgies and get Monkey Pox and post their photos on social media with infected pustules all over their faces.
There are the Drag Queens who groom and do 'story hour' and encourage the little children to come up and touch them or give them dollar bills. The grooming has become blatant.
The more productive ones often have HIV. A good example of this is gay Senator Scott Wiener from SFO who passed laws in CA that makes it a misdemeanor to give someone AIDS without telling them, rather than a felony, and also put forth legislation to give HIV positive people a $1,000 per month stipend and other special privileges. All of his legislation and effort is not to help his family or his community, only HIV-positive gay men like himself.
There are very few examples I can think of (although there are some) where the gay males became an asset to the overall non-gay community.
The behavior changing PARASITE is the warped culture brought to us by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL which through infiltration and subversion poisoned our education system and media from the top down.
yes^ I took SO many college classes based on 'their' beliefs/theories. wish I could get my time back! should have been studying the Bible instead of 'psychology'🙄
My two cents: Could it be an all of the above approach: Social media, Shots, sex, Social conditioning... You don't make a soup with only one seasoning. If the goal is wild abandon, multiple agents would probably combine to increase their effectiveness.
The parasites are alien. They showed up when the elohim peaced out. They are a tool that an extradimensional hivemind has sent to manipulate humanity. They feed on negative emotional energy. They alter your behavior to produce more of it.
Parasite drug protocol is only one part of the "exorcism", there is a heavily required spiritual component to purge them completely. You cannot do it without prayer.
Especially if you tamper in the fecal area, of course you're going to get some kind of parasites. Wow this is really an incredible breakthrough. I will bet that this person's hypothesis is 100% correct.
So we dump this in San Francisco's water supply and within 6 months MAGA parades through the streets?
We dump it into every water supply in the United States of America and turn everybody straight! Wouldn't that be something!
^Best comment I read all day! Thank you!^
I have a feeling liberals aren’t also filled with parasites and shit
pour ivermectin into the water supplies!
"They're turning the frogs straight!" -- Alex Jones probably
Do it.
I truly believe all those vaccines that they made these middle school kids take had something in it that turned them queer ! I signed medical release forms ( they won’t allow anymore ) and wouldn’t let my kids get jabbed ! I remember there was quite a few for the 6 7 and 8 grade students that they pushed ! they were constantly making these kids get jabbed to move from elementary to middle school and then again for high school , next thing you know preteens and teenagers are all confused ! I’m not saying jabs are the only cause, but I truly believe what they’re injecting in kids from the time their babies is causing a lot of this problem and then they just advocate and push it with MSM the Internet etc.
The abomination that causes desolation?
People are indeed DESOLATED from these jabs.
I've seen 2 super smart friends who took the jab, cognitively turn into soup-sandwiches over the past 1 1/2 years. They're just not the same....
Notice I said "smart", not "wise".
Smart versus wise ,, wow so true … wise/wisdom is so different then smart/ intelligent ! Yes Luciferase I saw a video where they were saying they were able to tap into the area where God is the God gene or something and stop people from having the ability to believe in Him , it was intense
Smart is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
Wise is knowing you don't put it in a fruit salad.
Wow never heard that ,, not sure if it’s yours but I’ll be using it ,, thank you , Brillant just Brillant !
Not mine, it's a pretty old saying, at least here in Texas. Feel free!
Excellent analogy
Smart is having knowledge. Wisdom is what you do with that knowledge.
100% agree.
Right !!! you’re the first person who’s agreed with me , I’ve been saying it for years !
Well I certainly don't buy into the nonsense that people are born that way and I am of the belief that it has to be coming from something in our food supply, vaccines, our medicines, brainwashing by Hollywood. Who knows for sure, I know it isn't normal. Vaccines could definitely be part of it.
I think it has more to do with the heavy metals in the vaccines especially mercury. There was a study where birds were given mercury and the make birds started nesting with other male birds.
One article here
Very interesting.
Yes , think about it has to be in the vaccines ,, yes the brainwashing is like water on the seed ! Stuff in our food yes but I would think injected in the cells of our bodies is stronger way , there is no way ,,, over the past 10 or 15 years the appearance of kids has changed , Some girls really look like boys and boys look like girls how did that happen ! That’s DNA they changed it with the jab ,, these people need to swing. Seriously !
We have new employees who are college graduates that look like they should be starting high school.
Ok, so I’m not just getting old. They are looking younger/under-matured
There were already signs of this starting back in the late 90s, I always thought it was weird how I was one of the few teenagers I knew who could grow a full beard by the end of high school. Now we're surrounded by 20-somethings who are utter baby faces.
If the absolute spike in this LGBTQ behavior in kids is not just a fad induced from this media push, then it is most certainly being artificially created by something.
I agree and think there could be more to this than meets the eye. Not too far-fetched to think that DS big pharma has tested anything and everything to identify poisons, observing the effects on people, are now evaluating poison cocktails. If that is the case, the callous disregard of using people as guinea pigs in a large scale deployment is absolute tyranny.
I believe you are right because we opted our son out of Jabs when he was in Middle School as well. I only pray that when he moved on in life he remembered what we did for him.
I pray to for your son as well ,, my daughter 29 spent her school years telling everyone how thankful she was that her mother was smart enough not to give her the poison ,,, university, social media later , she’s a lib , im nuts, the jab is safe , she took it ! Heartbreaking !
Thank you very much. So sorry to hear about your daughter. Praying she'll be fine.
It should be $0.10 (or less) a pill not a $1.25/pill, but there are way more expensive drugs out there that do more harm than good.
Looks like he knows the guy who posted this video:
Turpentine Cured Me From Being Gay
channel: You Be You Free And Clear
NOTE: The guy in the video said he took the antiparasitic protocol utilizing a type of turpentine as directed by a female MD he saw. To his shock, many disgusting parasites came out in the toilet.
He continued on the protocol for a period of months until he expelled a really horrible thick parasite like something out of a horror movie. He said it had suction cups and antennae! He felt measurably better health-wise following all that purging of invaders.
It was then that he realized his long time homosexual cravings completely disappeared, and even 6 yrs later have not returned!
Dr. Jennifer Daniels
Well anyone with gay friends can test out the hypothesis by slipping some ivm into said gay friends soy latte
It is not solved so quickly. The anti-parasite protocol takes daily doses of specific amounts over and over for many months to defeat the things. Then, a regular weekly dose, at least. Plus, the ability to take a laxative (castor oil or similar) nearly every day to flush the bowels and be strapped to your toilet while the process is going on.
At the same time, practice a very healthy diet that eliminates junk & processed food.
When I looked into this a while ago, most prescriptions for antiparasitic purposes took ivermectin once every few months at most. I think one had you take it two times in one week, then stop.
Do you have a reference for this dosage?
If you watched the video that I linked, the guy who was using the pine gum turpentine was taking it daily for more than 7 months, so it just depends.
Personally, I did some intense research on this subject back about 2013-2015 (and since then) and compiled a bunch of data. The leading parasitologists in the world say that you can never truly get rid of parasites because there are thousands of species, they are in the soil, the water, and in and on your domestic pets and farm animals and in the meat and the fish we buy and often on vegetables grown in the soil. Thus, you are going to keep getting reinfected no matter what.
Understanding the life cycle of the particular species and how it spreads is key to defeating them. Now unfortunately, the various parasites can each lay hundreds of thousands of eggs in their lifetimes. Most anti-parasite drugs will only 'stun' the adults temporarily, but not the eggs or the babies which are constantly hatching, growing and reproducing. Thus, a sustained protocol of constant, regular dosing along with making sure you have regular, (if not multiple) daily bowel movements to expel them 'before they recover' is key.
Also, you may have success by combining more than one treatment simultaneously. For instance, food grade diatomaceous earth (read up on how to take this) can cause them to become irritated and let go of their attachment in the gut temporarily, and fresh pineapple or pure pineapple juice will also cause them to be more easily swept through the gut, so do this + stimulate your bowels with castor oil, or other purgatives may yield better results, especially if used in combination with another anti-parasite drug.
Dosage for each drug is different and there used to be plenty of info online where they explain dosages according to age/body weight. Dosages will be recommended for say, 3 days straight, or multiple times per day for a period of time, and then you will have to repeat 2 weeks later. I know that this is the bare minimum. You might need to continue doing this every 2 weeks for a year or more to get the numbers down.
I'd recommend going onto Yandex.com and searching each parasite or drug you are interested in and reading the recommendations and going from there.
Re Ivermectin - I took it weekly for 18 months and also took it 7 days straight, on several occasions if I was exposed to someone sick. I also took Fenbendazole 3x per week for more than a year.
IMPORTANT! Many of these anti-parasite drugs work measurably better when combined with a specific group of vitamins - as proven in their mice trials.
So, I recommend that you take at least these, EVERY DAY no matter what protocol you go on:
Vit A, Vit E, Vit K2, Zinc, Vit D3, Quercetin, Turmeric, B-complex, Artemisinin Annua, and of course, Vit C.
Good luck!
Thank you! Looks like I've got some reading to do.
If that's true, why is there even a 10% of (infected) straight guys who aren't gay? Different parasites?
What's the reason for the 30% of homos who don't have parasites?
Maybe they didn't become gay from parasites, but were gay already and they passed/received them in high quantities due to high frequency/quantity of contact?
Avg. homo has 800-1000 partners in a lifetime.
Personally, I think its demonic affliction/oppression, JMO.......
I personally think its trauma inflicted. Parasites might play a part for some but I see why some minds might turn gay for survival based on upbringing. Ex. an abusive father so the child becomes a lesbian as a way to protect herself emotionally.
That partner count is bs. A study from 1978 said 28% had over 1000 partners, and I’m too young to know if that is true, that that isn’t true now. While there are whores out there. Most studies will show average of 20-30. Which is still a lot, but not 1000.
Imma have to respectfully disagree.
As a hetero male, I used to work in high-fashion modeling, entertainment, etc. and I can tell you its at LEAST 1000.
The "debunking" articles are the actual propaganda.
Their entire lives revolve around this. Every moment of everyday is spent thinking about the next hook-up. Every bit of conversation is innuendo. Its not a thing they do, its a thing they ARE.
There's no 30 about it. They hit 30 just on Pride Day alone.
You are talking about the sexually charged industries that have an always party mentality. As I said, there are whores out there, but the vast majority of gay people aren’t in that group. There are most that just go to their jobs at the cable company or investment firm, go home to his husband and watch TV and go to bed. That is the majority of gay men, not the wild sex whores that you know or hear about in passing. Source: as noted, am gay and know tons of real life gay people, not just the ones in fashion and entertainment.
Read this man’s testimony and weep for humanity. ALL they think about is the next hookup and the depravity they choose to go through will make anyone reject the lifestyle.
Those are low numbers for female whores. Are those old numbers?
I've been watching videos about the sluttiness of modern women, and the numbers get MUCH higher. Some well over 1000.
That nUmber sounds astronomical to me. That’s almost 1 new partner everyday for 3 years straight …………
Gay or straight it just sounds insane. It’s like beyond slutty. It almost sounds like work. What a terrible life. Can’t imagine having a brain that’s just obsessed with having sex with a new person. Sounds again like brain washing.
I wonder if the people in the 60s had more sexual encounters or less.
the 'number' of partners is what always gets me; they're obviously sex addicts🤮 And I agree, it's coming from demons; I think the physical parasites gives them a 'home' base in our bodies/makes it easier to control the host.
I just took an Ivermectin.
After reading this thread, I feel like I need one too
its caused by overbearing mothers and weak fathers
That's one way. I've witnessed this first hand. Nature vs nurture. My late mom n late sister were over bearing demanding screamers when they didnt get their way. And I know my late brother had feelings but never acted upon them as he was religious. He journeyed about it. At my late sisters funeral in November my nephew who I also suspected as gay had a male w him that when I was viewing the video slide show was in every holiday photo as well. Theres only one kind of friend that goes home to Florida from New Jersey w you every holiday you go and also comes to the funeral.....now I know what my sister made mom take back my dads wedding band from me and give it to him. Meanwhile they're treating me like a leper at the viewing as I'm a Republican and a Trump supporter. As my sister said "all these idiots w their high school diplomas vote for Trump. " That's because we werent brainwashed and saddled w a unpayable bill to have been brainwashed. Theres a lot of brainwashing attempts through gaming platforms. They seize on kids w broken homes and try to convince them their feelings all point to being gay. It's got to stop.
That makes sense. Reminds me of what jordan peterson talked about, “the mother”.
Reminds me also of this Bible quote
Proverbs 21:19 “Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.”
If that was the case than 90% of third world country populations would be gays. Parasites are very common in the third world, yet faggots are more common in the first world where less parasites live inside the guts of the population
Yes but aren't some of these 3rd word countries using Ivermectin because of the parasites?
If they can afford it to clean their guts yes. Most third world nations don’t get free medicine. Also the tribal people of the Amazon and other regions that don’t have access to medicine or won’t use medicine have tons of parasites. Their population would be overwhelmed with gays and they would essentially go extinct.
I think the key is a parasite infection combined with western propaganda. Rotten combo!
Or it's a specific parasite which can't survive as easily in those climates.
Could be a certain parasite.
The third world uses anti-parasitic drugs like vitamins.
Parasite Pill: https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf
Who said it isnt as prevalent? Lots of homosexuality takes place in third world areas.. Any port in a storm .Remember back when aids started to snow ball (thought to have been a parasitic infection as a result of men banging monkeys I read back then )there was also Giardiasis in water supplies. My cousin who is a surgeon said it was from a parasite. And he was right. Beavers w a parasite in the water shed..so that parasite perhaps combined w crap in food or water could've been a start or part to it. They've been using ivermectin for river blindness since 1988. River blindness is a result of a parasitic infection.
Nope. I’ve taken a round of ivermectin and still as gay as ever. I was hoping I had some parasite and would lose weight on killing it. But no parasites to be seen.
The guy mentioned above parasite cleansed for over six months before his monster was expelled.
And he didn't use Ivermectin.
Let's set aside discussions of sexuality.
Every human being over a certain age (maybe 12, maybe 7?) should be performing regular parasite cleanses.
Every single human.
I am starting to believe that parasites are behind every major disease.
Older copies of the Merck Manual even describe viruses as a type of parasite.
In many cases, cancer is just rebranded parasite infection.
We don't even know how many parasites there are. Many were created in labs, and they aren't going to fess up.
Therefore, cleanse fully. Cleanse often.
Parasites hide. That's what they do. Hide and make you sick.
So, you might not see them until you start serious cleansing -- and that's going to be more than a single round of Ivermectin.
Not sure what you are reading but the post literally says he was gay, prescribed ivermectin for COVID (which would be a round, you don’t take ivermectin for months for COVID), he expelled worms and was straight. So regarding the post, yes ivermectin and yes one round.
Ivermectin and a tbsp of (food grade) diatomaceous earth a few times a week for upkeep. You won’t believe it until you see the parasites for yourself.
Not parasites! The REAL reason is in a book very few read or they would know!
Rom 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Rom 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Rom 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
I wouldn't want to put the best part of myself near the same hole that pooped out a hydra either.
However, it always fascinated me that humans are the only animal that doesn't get dewormed regularly.
I deworm my humans.
someone on Voat wrote a "book" some years back called "the parasite pill" well worth the read if you're willing to ignore the rando racist stuff thrown in.
Cats are a big spreader of toxoplasma gondi, and its also claimed that it may cause degeneracy
took me a minute to find some more info (edit: I just noticed some of the pubmed links are dead)
4chan claiming to be a micro biologist
https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf [3:20 PM] Anon with degree in microbiology says parasites cause aids. Is this another reason why (((they))) don't want you taking Ivermectin? [3:20 PM] LIST OF LINKS PROVIDED (Will update later for download links to paywall papers):
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/9464791/ Chagas causes microphage derangement
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/21734249/ T. Cruzi causes autoimmune disease that causes heart disease
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/21734249/ Chagas and auto-immunity
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/22951533/ Chagas causes auto-immunity in chickens
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/16323421/ Chagas causes immune dysfunction by mimicking other toxins/pathogens
https://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5823355/ All parasites are STDs
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/29211102/ Sexual transmission of Chagas is an ordinary event
https://www.longdom.org/open-access/trypanosoma-cruzi-and-domestic-animals-2327-5073-1000e142.pdf 100 million people are exposed yearly in Latin America, alone, making it the MOST prevalent STD in the world.
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-011-9034-3_36 All the species of trypanosoma are given different names based on the host they are found in. But every species is cross contagious with every other host. IE, if you take the chicken version and put it in a human, it will follow the same life cycle as if it came from a shellfish or cow. The indestructible eggs (oocysts) are identical in every species, along with larval form., epimastigotes. The adult form changes slightly depending on the host, like the alien face hugger changing slightly depending on its host. They call the disease Nagana in cows, Dourine in horses. In reality it's all the same species, structurally, and morphologically identical. It's a multi-trillion dollar cover-up that allows Big Agriculture to breed "resistant" cattle that won't die to their infection instead of doing constant & expensive deworming treatments - THEY KNOW!
T. Cruzi is EVERYWHERE, in all mammals, birds, & shellfish, found in 80% of randomly tested guinea pigs https://www.ncbi.nlm.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4657135/
80% raccoons, 77% of Argentina goats https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/22951533/
30-60% of wild deer, 40% of wild pigs, 44% of Italian bats, 80% of chickens. It's the #1 case of heart failure! NIH-deleted article, need to use wayback machine to locate... ( I didn't need to use the wayback machine? Comment is confusing)
Mosquitoes, triatome beetles, ticks, fleas, biting flies, are all vectors, but my estimation account for less 10% of the spread. Most outbreaks are linked to contaminated food.
& contaminated beverages
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.gov/32781335/ & then sexual transmission is right up there.
The Parasite Pill
One theory from an evolutionary perspective I've heard is that while being gay obviously ends the gene line directly, it does create an able bodied member of society that can contribute resources for siblings, cousins, etc. which strengthens the genetic fitness of the family as a whole and reduces competition on resources since the gay member would have no children of their own.
Whether there's any validity to that, that's for you to decide 😂
Except many don't. I have a relative that came out as gay back in college and was embraced & supported by his family and siblings. He also got the full college and master's program paid for by his parents while his other siblings did not. After college he moved back home and lived rent free for years with the parents paying for his lifestyle while he brought guys back home for 'sleepovers' much to the angst of his religious parents.
Then he became an absolute orgy goer, had a number of lousy relationships in which both parties cheated constantly on each other. His friends began dying of AIDS, he got some awful STDs and he became pretty angry at the world, screaming that he hated God and that he was a victim.
He began smoking, ate badly, got sick, didn't help himself, stopped working, and ultimately was useless to his family, unavailable when help was needed, always professing that he was broke. He wouldn't return phone calls or emails and now lives like a recluse within his small gay community and talks with no one in his family.
And then there's also the kind that walk in the Pride parade wearing S&M bondage leathers who publicly dance around with their genitals hanging out or crawl on all fours with a leather dog mask aka a 'Pup Trainer', complete with spiked dog collars and harnesses, happily doing so in front of vulnerable children.
Then there are the ones who attend the orgies and get Monkey Pox and post their photos on social media with infected pustules all over their faces.
There are the Drag Queens who groom and do 'story hour' and encourage the little children to come up and touch them or give them dollar bills. The grooming has become blatant.
The more productive ones often have HIV. A good example of this is gay Senator Scott Wiener from SFO who passed laws in CA that makes it a misdemeanor to give someone AIDS without telling them, rather than a felony, and also put forth legislation to give HIV positive people a $1,000 per month stipend and other special privileges. All of his legislation and effort is not to help his family or his community, only HIV-positive gay men like himself.
There are very few examples I can think of (although there are some) where the gay males became an asset to the overall non-gay community.
The mathematical logic defines an “implication” relation. It’s very important whether you put something before or after the implication sign =>
High rate on infection .. explains => why they’re sexually degenerate.
Most likely reality:
They’re sexually degenerate => high infection rate.
Homosexuality is a Spiritual problem.
Come to the truth
Could be a combo of many things....herbicide atrazine makes frogs feminine so .....
I'd love to see independent pesticide testing for non organic flour. Just to see. Pesticide test everything.
Parasite Pill: https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf
Shivers/It came from within - canadian made horror flick.......worth the look -
The behavior changing PARASITE is the warped culture brought to us by the FRANKFURT SCHOOL which through infiltration and subversion poisoned our education system and media from the top down.
yes^ I took SO many college classes based on 'their' beliefs/theories. wish I could get my time back! should have been studying the Bible instead of 'psychology'🙄
My two cents: Could it be an all of the above approach: Social media, Shots, sex, Social conditioning... You don't make a soup with only one seasoning. If the goal is wild abandon, multiple agents would probably combine to increase their effectiveness.
This feels very accurate!!
Need more ivermectin in the world!
The parasites are alien. They showed up when the elohim peaced out. They are a tool that an extradimensional hivemind has sent to manipulate humanity. They feed on negative emotional energy. They alter your behavior to produce more of it.
Parasite drug protocol is only one part of the "exorcism", there is a heavily required spiritual component to purge them completely. You cannot do it without prayer.
God wins, but the war is not pretty.
Best Tip I Heard: #HaraldKautzVella Picture The Pure Green Light Entering Your Heart Chakra
How to discredit a movement with one easy trick.
Honestly all mentalnillness could be explained by parasites addicted to sugars
No, it is caused by karma.
Karma Chameleon?
How does it feel to pass a toilet bowl full of worms?
I concur.
This was discussed in "parasite pill" and it makes perfect sense.
i wouldn't take nothing off the table
There is a pdf out there called The Parasite Pill that deals with this subject. Search for it.
Parasite Pill: https://files.catbox.moe/9rbtxh.pdf
Especially if you tamper in the fecal area, of course you're going to get some kind of parasites. Wow this is really an incredible breakthrough. I will bet that this person's hypothesis is 100% correct.