The only reason they would allow this movie to continue is if they still have Blackhats to expose.
The financial system is a complete mess and I'm waiting to see how that unfolds.
The ENTIRE market has been naked shorted for decades. That was the game.
In turn comes the devaluation of the dollar with all the derivatives being sold but never bought.
Robbed over generations.
I understand the Vaccinated are slow to wake up but from where I stand.... everyone is still not really understanding the level of control, theft, evil at play.
Think Truman show. It really is all made up.
Personally, I look within to find God's hand and build my truths about this world from there.
I know Zelensky's planning on being there for some WEF fluffing. Maybe Soros and co don't want to be involved with that? Or perhaps they're afraid someone's going to try and use the opportunity to remove an internal problem? It's all speculation at this point.
And frankly, they could always have him give his planned speeches via Zoom so the minions would still have their orders from the Bond villain.
Add to the suspense, why the 5000 armed troops there this year too. They planning to falseflag / Psyop up in that joint would be ones guess and those fucks at the top know not to be there.
Imagine if certain individuals are blamed for the deaths resulting from the pandemic and the vaccine. How much security would those individuals need to be safe from all those who wanted revenge? 5000 soldiers is not enough to keep that place secure.
Strange that Soros, Schwab and now Gates are not there. The big three. If you are right, (I don't thing you are, but it would sure be a great day if it were true) I would celebrate for a week.
Ok… I realize this is going to make me the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist here… But with all these recent WEF announcements, is this comms? Because there’s that number again:
17-Year-Old Girl Jumps To Her Death From Luxury Highrise on NYC’s Upper East Side, Police Say
And why not say “teen girl”? Because they’re not releasing her identity, likely due to the fact that she’s a minor.
But even aside from that, some in the comments point out that jumping is not a likely or common/traditional choice for suicide for a young person. They’re more likely to OD.
And if it’s comms, does this 17 yr old actually exist?
However, assuming she was a real person, and given the location, (not exactly next to Epstein’s Manhattan apt, but same vicinity within a few blocks), from whom was she possibly trying to flee? Or, which wealthy individual made her jump?
She's a minor. They typically protect the names of minors. Even moreso, they protect the names of victims until family can be identified and notified so they don't have to learn about it on the nightly news. Withholding the name of the highrise would probably just be part of the same concept, since there are a limited number in the building and presumably she could be identified by a doorman/concierge/security guard/whatever who'd then blab to the media for their 15 minutes.
We badly need a Red October fighter bomber crew or 2 or 3 with the right munitions within a flight radius of Switzerland to save all of humanity from these demonic psychopathic blood thirsty monsters. The monsters are not destroying Europe and US simultaneously. “Do Something”.
The penultimate Clancy thriller, Debt of Honor (1994), ends with a Japanese terrorist flying a Boeing 747 into the U.S. Capitol as both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the cabinet have gathered for a presidential State of the Union address. What happens in the aftermath is told in Clancy’s ninth and most recent book, Executive Orders, which has spent five months on the best-seller lists.
Listen and Subscribe to the Commentary Podcast
Jack Ryan, now President, must reassemble the leadership of the U.S. government. His task is complicated not only by a disgraced Vice President who publicly questions the new President’s legal right to govern but by an evil Iranian mullah, Mahmoud Haji Daryaei, who makes the Ayatollah Khomeini look like a kindly grandfather. At the cleric’s direction, Saddam Hussein is killed and his possible successors are neutralized; Iran thereupon absorbs Iraq and moves decisively to seize Saudi Arabia. As the mullah uses military force to achieve Middle Eastern hegemony, Iranian agents bottle a rare airborne strain of the deadly Ebola virus to wage biological warfare against the U.S. Meanwhile, homegrown militia types are striving to achieve some of the same violent ends from inside American borders.
or rather soros and schwab getting it on...gates looks like the type that likes to sit in the corner and watch over the rim of his sick puppy
With none of the big 3 being in Davos maybe they just relocated their meeting and didn't tell the rest of the miscreants. Wonder why they wouldn't just attend via Zoom? They could still give all of their speeches if they wanted to.
Bill? What is going on, honey? I thought you were looking forward to grabass with the fellas? They even arranged the type of entertainment they know you like, just like the kind you went to the Island for?
What if they are saying they arent going then actually going. I mean they went as far as hiring 5000 mercenaries to protect themselves there. And klaus ended up going when he said ge wasnt
So far, Soros, Schwab, and now Gates have pulled out of their favorite annual confab...
Something is up, obviously - but we have no idea what is going on, as usual. At least not yet, anyway.
Klaus is now there just running late - confirmed an hour ago
Weird... I saw a news report that Schwab would not attend due to illness.
Gates and Soros still no-shows though.
I saw that as well, perhaps it was false to prevent planned protests.
Soros had to speak in Germany or something. He could easily get smuggled in.
IS it Klaus? or a guy in a mask?
It took an hour to get the makeup right
Those three names and the phrase pulled out made me throw up in my mouth a bit
I wish all 3 of their fathers pulled out
that's funny.
Schwab opened the conference today
The only reason they would allow this movie to continue is if they still have Blackhats to expose.
The financial system is a complete mess and I'm waiting to see how that unfolds.
The ENTIRE market has been naked shorted for decades. That was the game.
In turn comes the devaluation of the dollar with all the derivatives being sold but never bought.
Robbed over generations.
I understand the Vaccinated are slow to wake up but from where I stand.... everyone is still not really understanding the level of control, theft, evil at play.
Think Truman show. It really is all made up.
Personally, I look within to find God's hand and build my truths about this world from there.
Hear hear! In Jesus Christ we Trust! Buy GME, Hodl, DRS & Book them!
Hedgies r fuk
I know Zelensky's planning on being there for some WEF fluffing. Maybe Soros and co don't want to be involved with that? Or perhaps they're afraid someone's going to try and use the opportunity to remove an internal problem? It's all speculation at this point.
And frankly, they could always have him give his planned speeches via Zoom so the minions would still have their orders from the Bond villain.
probably very afraid of tactical nukes,,, ;-)
not a nuke
Something is up. Those are probably the three most recognizable names of WEF.
Add to the suspense, why the 5000 armed troops there this year too. They planning to falseflag / Psyop up in that joint would be ones guess and those fucks at the top know not to be there.
We could have only hoped that the 5000 troops that were there, were to arrest all the WEF Denzins! PipeDream, I know.....
And they take your fingerprint to even get in.
Imagine if certain individuals are blamed for the deaths resulting from the pandemic and the vaccine. How much security would those individuals need to be safe from all those who wanted revenge? 5000 soldiers is not enough to keep that place secure.
They'll go to New Zealand where they don't have guns.
The WEF was probably mandating the COVID Vax, and of course they didn't want it😃
First we read that Schwab canceled, or delayed, then he gave remarks this morning. Now this. Need sauce.
What, 5,000 guards aren't enough to keep you safe? 😏
The kids aren't alright.
Pulled his gay ass out n tossed his ass in Gitmo
Strange that Soros, Schwab and now Gates are not there. The big three. If you are right, (I don't thing you are, but it would sure be a great day if it were true) I would celebrate for a week.
I'm just hoping
Soros is very old. He has to die sometime. Just like the Queen. Look for his son, jerk ball Soros jr.
Ok… I realize this is going to make me the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist here… But with all these recent WEF announcements, is this comms? Because there’s that number again:
It's odd they don't say it was her home, just a luxury highrise.... I wonder whose owns it, and why do they assume she jumped?
And why not say “teen girl”? Because they’re not releasing her identity, likely due to the fact that she’s a minor.
But even aside from that, some in the comments point out that jumping is not a likely or common/traditional choice for suicide for a young person. They’re more likely to OD.
And if it’s comms, does this 17 yr old actually exist?
However, assuming she was a real person, and given the location, (not exactly next to Epstein’s Manhattan apt, but same vicinity within a few blocks), from whom was she possibly trying to flee? Or, which wealthy individual made her jump?
So many questions. So many tragic possibilities
Or nabbed from the nearby park or hiking trail.,, It's very strange
She's a minor. They typically protect the names of minors. Even moreso, they protect the names of victims until family can be identified and notified so they don't have to learn about it on the nightly news. Withholding the name of the highrise would probably just be part of the same concept, since there are a limited number in the building and presumably she could be identified by a doorman/concierge/security guard/whatever who'd then blab to the media for their 15 minutes.
If she didn't live there, how'd she get in and even if she did how'd she get access to the roof?
Looks like most of the residents there are older, very old, except one, a couple a 30yo & 20yo.
It's suspicious if true, and very sad
Evilcon without villains?
They skeered 😂
We badly need a Red October fighter bomber crew or 2 or 3 with the right munitions within a flight radius of Switzerland to save all of humanity from these demonic psychopathic blood thirsty monsters. The monsters are not destroying Europe and US simultaneously. “Do Something”.
I’m in for $100
Or the Clancy book where the Japanese 747 flies into the joint session of Congress.
I haven't read that one.
It’s a good one.
The penultimate Clancy thriller, Debt of Honor (1994), ends with a Japanese terrorist flying a Boeing 747 into the U.S. Capitol as both houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the cabinet have gathered for a presidential State of the Union address. What happens in the aftermath is told in Clancy’s ninth and most recent book, Executive Orders, which has spent five months on the best-seller lists.
Listen and Subscribe to the Commentary Podcast Jack Ryan, now President, must reassemble the leadership of the U.S. government. His task is complicated not only by a disgraced Vice President who publicly questions the new President’s legal right to govern but by an evil Iranian mullah, Mahmoud Haji Daryaei, who makes the Ayatollah Khomeini look like a kindly grandfather. At the cleric’s direction, Saddam Hussein is killed and his possible successors are neutralized; Iran thereupon absorbs Iraq and moves decisively to seize Saudi Arabia. As the mullah uses military force to achieve Middle Eastern hegemony, Iranian agents bottle a rare airborne strain of the deadly Ebola virus to wage biological warfare against the U.S. Meanwhile, homegrown militia types are striving to achieve some of the same violent ends from inside American borders.
First Soros.
Then Schwab.
Now Gates.
Hmmmm . . .
Gates knows he’s hated. Probably in his underground bunker.
Are they all really dead already?🤨
You know, in Godfather III there's that huge meeting of all the families...
oooooh yes!
trump card!
Some is seeding false information here.
After the first one we should be more careful with the next.
Let’s wait if we see all next ones there too.
Doesnt seem like similar gaits: (33:12)
Could be recorded? Guests watching a screen of him on stage.
White Hat riptide or under current? Legion of Doom in trouble.
You don't think Gates and Soros ran off together and are having sex, do you?
Can you imagine those two old bastards going at it.
or rather soros and schwab getting it on...gates looks like the type that likes to sit in the corner and watch over the rim of his sick puppy
With none of the big 3 being in Davos maybe they just relocated their meeting and didn't tell the rest of the miscreants. Wonder why they wouldn't just attend via Zoom? They could still give all of their speeches if they wanted to.
This douche is responsible for SOOOOO many deaths and adverse effects.
Like, literally super villain status and he still walks free!?!?
This Fag needs some treatment.
I'll keep saying it: nobody has the balls.
Why though? Why no juggernaut sent? What is so damn scary about that guy?
Tell you what, if my blood becomes spoiled due to the vaxx I didn't take...
No holding back.
Too bad his daddy didn't pull out... Fuck Bill Gates
Something strange is going on.
Is this fake news? The same handle tweeted yesterday Klaus wouldn't show up but he did. Smells fishy.
Hate to say it, but I’d say they were tipped off to an operation. Spies among us.
Maybe they think they might all get arrested lol
Bill? What is going on, honey? I thought you were looking forward to grabass with the fellas? They even arranged the type of entertainment they know you like, just like the kind you went to the Island for?
We would only be so lucky if Gates ended up on his death bed... That or he can't find himself an un-vvaxed pilot?
WEF is done. Find the new group they are organizing.
What if they are saying they arent going then actually going. I mean they went as far as hiring 5000 mercenaries to protect themselves there. And klaus ended up going when he said ge wasnt
Hmmmm, they are avoiding capture is my guess. I bet the spend a lot of time looking over their shoulder, prolly afraid to walk down the street....
They ran out of adrenochrome in Switzerland?
Hmm, what are they afraid of? 😬