Jamie Lee Curtis outs herself as part of Pedowood via Instagram. Took the post down but not before a friend grabbed it. Maybe worth looking into cometpictures. Look at the framed picture on the wall...
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

I don't care the context...Why would anyone choose that as decoration? I mean.....Seriously?!?!!
I wouldn't be surprised. She has been doing alot on interviews recently. These people sold there souls to get famous.
Sometimes given how absolutely ugly some celebrities homes are makes me think that they don't actually own their money but are given a house, allowance and some fame in return for being puppet.
They have to show you what they're doing. It's part of the satanic ritual they go through.
I say we create an online game where you guess if the creepy painting was found hanging in a mass-murders home or the home of a politician/celebrity.
A distinction without a difference.
Everyone used to say that JLC was a hermaphrodite or a tranny back in the day, and now her own son lives as a woman. JLC grew up in Hollywood with famous parents, so there's no doubt she's warped in the head. And I used to like her a lot.
JLC and her contemporaries (I believe Sigourney and Sally Fields), that I used to like, have been way too anti-birth lately, so I concur!
Glad to see somebody else remembering Sally FieldS.
"Reality" now tells you that your memory is "wrong" 😉
Ripley was a solid female lead. Now we have all this woke bullshit of terrible, retarded "female" leads just for the hell of it; whether the character even should be female is inconsequential.
I’ve definitely thought she was a he. Her Mom was petite and pretty and her Dad was handsome so how do you end up with a masculine and plain daughter?
XXY chromosomes.
A true intersex person.
It happens. It's rare, but it does happen.
Same. One of my favorite comedies and she was good in it.
Does comet pictures have an affiliation with that pedo who owns comet ping pong ? Don’t have a clear enough image of the photo of the child, but she looks potentially in distress. To me that’s usually what seems to give sick photos /paintings away.. when the children don’t look happy.
I looked at the Instagram account, there’s only 12 posts and they don’t look too odd. They are kinda random though.
They have 382 followers and only follow two people, Russel Goldman and Morgan Cote.
Both look like rubes.
Goldman has a picture with JLC on his account from Oct 2022. So he knows her to an extent.
Comet pictures?
no idea, just noticed it in her post
"I have Covid" this is coms for I've been caught. This post is to let other elites know and maybe was Gregg Kelly of newsmax, Chrissy Teigen outing type post for the public.
I am glad we get to see the WHOLE picture here.
So that’s why she’s a spokes person for Children Hospitals. Sick☘️
That child looks dead to me. Dead, in a plastic garbage can for disposal.
I was on her page last night, nearly everyone was calling her out on her choice of artwork. It was a beautiful thing to behold!
WHY, WHY Would you have that disgusting picture??? Would have you a meal there? NO! Crap if this pisses me off, I’m in trouble. Ugh! These are not people.🤬
The dining room is next door, that must be her seance/sacrifice room.
That may be her seance/sacrifice table.
Outing herself? freaky
Found this website searching on Brave. Has some more detail on the photo. That definitely is not a small bathtub. Looks more like a plastic storage tote, suitcase, or even an electric turkey roaster.
Website Link Here
A short dig found the owner of comet pictures, here is the google bio, screengrabbed: https://media.greatawakening.win/post/qXb3ZG8JURvC.jpeg
Eww that is messed up
Is the picture of her as a child?
More like an actual photo done up as an illustration, imo.
I thought the same thing.
This isn’t at all Ground Breaking like Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10 or the clear PizzaGate at all Anons. But for the sake of “How to mini-Dig” I’ll chime in.
Okay Anons: The photo. My kids have done this during the summer, jump into a storage tub too small, full of water to see if they fit near or totally submerged. Heck they still do this stuff at 11 and 15 with 5-6 of their friends even with a pool and hot-tub nearby and Selfy each other in the tub. So is this Jamie herself as a child, or one of her kids or grandkids? Is the kid alive, dead, tortured? WE Don’t Know!
First: On what Jamie states: “But I couldn’t figure out how else to get the picture Out Into The World, that I would post a picture of them on my IG in my offices for @comet.pictures and I am a truth.”
Now to me Anons the context of her statement is very interesting. If looked at through our Eyes, is she comm-ing to Comet, or is she comm-ing about Comet directly to those that would understand this; Anons? She states DIRECTLY, she “couldn’t” figure out how else to get that “Picture Out Into The World”!
2nd: Think-dig about Jamie’s own life/family history and movie career. Think how she has been portrayed as a youth, teen, and adult. Is she trying to tell certain people that may get this a message?
Or, or… is this just a fun, kid, summertime picture she put up of either her, her own kids, or grandkids?
Last: Await any follow-up or read comments from others on any post following this, as someone will comment or ask about a prior-deleted post. Dig more around on other factual info related directly to her, not a bunch of BS MSM drama junk.
Either way she wanted this PUBLIC. We Anons just have to use our BEST discernment and RESEARCH further to decide. You’re all the best! God bless you all. WWG1WGA.
Jamie and her husband adopted a boy and a girl. The boy is now a girl too.
Correct! Unless it’s a Comm or it is her in that tub. It’s very hard to tell by the picture and then the curious statement. And it could be her in the tub, trying to Comm about how she became a star.
Oh Good Lord that is EVIL!
It would be perfectly reasonable to put up posters of the movies she was in, but no, she has to choose something really fucking weird.
Chairs are arranged as a six pointed star with the base at the "art"
This has better resolution
The child appears to be under water, the torso is pasty white; definitely not a happy child. No excuse for a photo like this and even less for it to be framed on someone's wall.
the picture is of a kid having a bath in a plastic tub.
somewhere there's a pic of me having a bath in a plastic flower pot. that's on someones wall. not illegal. not murder. not pedophilic. just a kid chillin in a tub.
I'm not saying she's innocent... but this is not evidence... i know normal ass people who would put this up, so i don't even really consider it suspicious.
this is not the time to stop digging and say gotcha.
That doesn't look like a bath to me.
The body , the pose , the face,, it’s looks tortured to me ,, I’ve seen pics of children crawling in small tubs as if taking a bath ,, this is not one !
Thats because its a plastic tote.
its not, its a plastic tub. but you can take a bath in anything that holds water. another anon provided a link that puts the picture in context, and the girl appears to be happy before and after being in the tub.
nah, its fucking weird.
Sure. but so am i. weird isn't a crime. show me the crime.
Big difference between weird and sick. You seem to be crossing over. Fancy a helicopter ride, do you?
This photo/illustration reminds me of those sick photo ones/art pieces of the naked children bound up in boxes and being shipped. It is just weird.
i'll grant you that its a little uncanny. i'm just saying that's not nearly enough to go on.
This is called virtue signalling to the group. Often it will become a contest to see who is the least tolerant of the art, or whoever has the least charitable evaluation of it must be the purest among us. Common among groups with such a high paranoia of infiltration and thus expulsion from the group. That equals identity death. Most unpleasant on a primal level.
But you are correct about what equals actual evidence. It's just that isn't what much of the board is actually after. Theres people that want a team. And people like us that want Truth. Actual truth. Not just getting everyone to say the right passwords.
Btw, JLC sucks.
appreciate it. some people will have to get used to the fact that we are team truth before anything else.
and yeah, i have zero attachment to her as an actress or as anything else. certainly have no desire to defend her, i just gotta speak up when i see people flying off the handle for next to nothing.
That the picture is demonic and sick is not open for debate. It doesn’t prove anything but it is NOT a normal picture.
A kid folded up in a plastic tote bin with lifeless expression, skin tone, and what appears to be rigormortis is not a simply a bubble bath.
So you’re a pedo. Got it.
Its a plastic tote and they normally come with plastic covers that snap shut. You can see the tote handles on either end.
You can definitly use a tote as a tub...but its intended purpose is usually for storage.
sometimes the midwit effect really gets accentuated here. you don't have to explain a storage tub to me. they're quite common, which is why its also quite common to bathe your kid in one, as long as they can fit. this one clearly can.
All i see is a kid, with their eyes closed and without a smile, jammed into a tote low enough so the cover could fit along with some sandles on the ground beside it. No soap, no shampoo or wash cloth. No towels or clear evidence of water even. Nothing to suggest this is bath time other than pure speculation.
do you always smile in the bath? and do you always have your favourite shampoo and your rubber ducky?
i always loved baths but hated the soap.
Let's just turn that right back around on you: Nothing to suggest this is murder/pedophile time other than PURE SPECULATION.
Show me some habeas corpus. show me some ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat. Any evidence beyond your wildly inaccurate estimation of what position would be fatal or even harmful to a child? 'Cause it ain't fitting into that box.
Not once, in any of my comments, did i suggest the child was injured or harmed. Who are you turning this on?
Are you nuts! The way the child is twisted in the tub and the age is not normal. Yes a baby being supported in a basin like that and bathed by the mother or father, I can see that, but that pic is ABNORMAL.
it is totally fine... have you never seen/been a kid on a trampoline? or sat in a plastic tub? it isn't fatal to be in an awkward pose for the duration of a photo.
Even so who thinks to put that on a wall to look at every day? The kid is naked and has a less than happy expression as well. I saw the actual photo on the photographers website.
naked doesn't mean porn. aren't there naked babies on the sistine chapel? her expression looks serene.
accusing someone of having weird taste is one thing. but lets try to resist jumping to conclusions without having all the facts.
Also the sistine chapel has cherubs on it, not "naked babies" as you say (or naked preteens, folded up like they are trash in a plastic bin about to be dissolved by Walter White with Hdyrofluoric acid, which is what it actually looks like). If you are going to make a comparison don't use an analogy with no comparative value. I get devil's advocating for things but seriously...
how does saying baby instead of cherub ruin my comparison? i think this post makes this community look very stupid. maybe that's the reason she shared the image, because she knew people like you would share half baked theories about it.
the less said about your comparison, the better. sometimes when the HEART is tugged at, the BRAIN just shuts itself off.
One is a representation of the divine, the other isn't, and looks as far from innocent as possible to. The context of comet pictures, a company owned by a demonology writer, however, puts a bit of a different spin on the image in the frame.
Or you can krep trying to compare a work of classical Christian art to potential abuse imagery. Your choice.
as far from innocent as its possible to... i still just see a kid relaxing in a tub. Most people I know who study demonology are in fact Christians. Granted, I know nothing about the company. But this and the other pictures i saw from them look perfectly normal, unless you are trying to see something morbid in it. when you see a picture of a sleeping child, do you assume they are dead?
there are plenty of things celebrities have done that are very alarming. this is not one of them. to pretend that its strong evidence is to weaken everything else we do here.
It's a framed photo in an Office, not a photo album of old baby photos. Also the kid cant move in the tub to be washed, they are too big for it. The filled the container entirely to my eyes.
Also there isn't a series to look at. She took down the post already on istagram whrn people started asking "dude wtf is that about" so we cant establish any context on why a kid is stuffed in a plastic container (with no visible water in it, which makes the "bath" theory more difficult to presume as well).
Sure, Context is key, true, but its the only photo in the room that we can go on, and the rest of the space is her office/workplace (not a summer cabin), with no other pictures around. Operative word being workplace. You dont put naked kids on the wall in a big frame in your workplace, not unless you are some kind of deviant.
No one has mentioned the shoes in the photo. Yet another human trafficking symbol. Just ask ol' Hanks about the missing shoes!
Lol, half of your comments are defending this post, and the other half are all deleted. Begone glowie pedo shill.
Incorrect. i very rarely delete my comments, you can go back a whole year.
Yep you’re a pedo
and so is the artist of the sistine chapel, clearly. get a grip. do you not even care whether anything you say is true? if you did, you would speak more carefully.
Lol “naked doesn’t mean porn” I wonder how many pedophiles tried to use that one. So if someone is caught with naked pictures of kids taking baths they can just claim it’s art and they have weird tastes 😂😂
How extremely dishonest of you to say. it isn't hard to tell the difference between nudity and porn. possession of the picture in question obviously does not qualify as posession of child porn.
just because something has been used as an excuse, doesn't make it untrue. it is true that God forgives all sin, and that has been used dishonestly as an excuse as well.
Anyone with integrity can tell when such a statement is being used as an excuse and when it is said in good faith.
It has handles, like a suitcase or a cooking pot. The kids eyes are closed but not smiling, the pose is very awkward. It doesn't look like a playing child to me, not even playing dead.
It has handles like a plastic tote. They normally include a snap shut plastic cover too.
i think you're a little biased due to your mistrust of the source. this could be anyones summer cabin photo. recommend looking at the other pics in the series for context.
sure, it could be an elaborate cover up. not denying the existence of those, especially in hollywood.
but to me the entire scenario makes perfect sense. look at the other photos in the set. to me, occams razor says it is what it appears to be.
I have that picture of you in the flower pot. Transfer 24 bitcoin to my private coinbase address or I go public with it.
yeah well i was keeping my btc on ftx so go ahead and release it i guess -_-
Crap! I had it saved as an NFT on FTX! You dont happen to have a spare copy do you?