That's the point. Food producers will mention the bugs in the small print of the ingredients, but if we can get the bug ingredients front and center to raise awareness, it will negatively impact sales.
Some use the term Cricket Protein or Cricket Powder. Others mask the use of crickets by using Acheta Domesticus (House Cricket) and/or Gryllodes Sigillatus (Tropical House Cricket) in the ingredient list.
See, I think that could relate to gmo things like gmo soy and gmo corn, etc. I hope they use a more specific term because that seems to be a catch-all.
PepsiCo uses the ground cricket flour in several of their products which include: Quaker Granola Bars, Quaker Oatmeal, Cap’n Crunch Cereal, Quaker Life Cereal, Quaker Shredded Wheat Cereal, Aunt Jemima mixes, Quaker Rice Cakes, Quaker Tortillaz, Doritos, Cheeto’s, Lay’s products… the list goes on and on.
Great post but GOD HELP US! That article is mind blowing! They're putting these critters in EVERYTHING!
If they can't kill us with the bio-engineered viruses or vaxxess, they might kill us off by starvation because a lot of people (myself included) are gonna have a hard time eating any of this cricket sh!t.
Yep, along with the pic of him in lingerie at the beach. The ‘I did that’ stickers on steroids. Would be very effective contradiction to how normies see him portrayed (if they do at all).
That's the dang thing......dont think most of them know who he freaking is!! Been telling my normie fam for welllllll years now and they just smirk and blow it off. Then again, pretty sure they still think bill-gates-of-hell is a decent computer man. Lol but ugh
I'm not saying DON'T do this, but if you do, you should know the possible consequences. Currently, thirteen states — Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas – have food libel laws. Known as the "veggie libel laws" people can be sued for disparaging foods, especially in agriculture economies of the states listed above.
Just wanted y'all to know what you might be facing if caught doing this.
Libel is false information. This would be true information. However, care would be needed to ensure that such products this was done to actually do contain bug parts and not just rumored to.
You may be right. But I also know that large corporations have platoons of lawyers, all just itching for a case like this. Guilt or innocence doesn't matter to them, but tying someone up in costly legal battles for a few years is a blood sport for them. Again, all I'm saying is to be aware of possible consequences if engaging in this kind of guerilla warfare.
I don't know a lot about case law, but I do know that sometimes people get charged with things JUST to make an example of them and warn off others who might do it too. And living through countless court appearances and paying legal bills would be a major pain in the ass for anyone.
As I said, though, I'm neither advocating nor disapproving of this tactic; I'm merely stating that laws are in place that people should know about. If folks are rebellious enough and don't care about the consequences, then do what you've gotta do. Otherwise...
I can't recall what famous person said it, but "The law is an ass." These particular "veggie libel laws" were made under lobby pressure from certain agriculture mega-farms and food giants, not because they helped the public in any way.
I have posted quite enough on this, suggest you Google "veggie libel laws" and "disparaging food" if you want to dig deeper. Hey, I'm just he messenger, NOT the message.
Crickets are the THIRD bug to be approved in the EU for food.
The Commission has authorized the marketing of house crickets (Acheta domesticus) as novel food in the EU. It is the third insect which has been successfully approved for consumption and follows previous authorisations given last July for the dried yellow mealworm, and in November for the migratory locust. The house cricket will be available in its entirety, either frozen or dried, and powder.
Gryllus domesticus or Acheta domesticus are both Latin for house cricket, maybe we all need to sharpen up our Latin or just stop buying from the store. Maybe everyone should turn their yards into gardens.
Neil Oliver talked about this, sorry about the YouTube link but he really does get to the point and calls out the bugs in food.
As someone with access to large scale commercial printing… I would be able to make these (and similar needed info-prints) insanely cheap without fear of being censored… Not sure how I’d manage to distribute them to y’all though, especially while avoiding the risk of looking like a pay-triot… If anyone has suggestions I’d be open to to trying.
I’d have to form some sort of legal entity that purchases the materials and produce batches of prints to split up and share. Maybe a nonprofit would be the best so sales tax doesn’t turn into an issue… bleh logistics
Keep in mind placing these on a food container could result in a felony charge in Texas and many other states for food tampering, even though it's far short of licking the icecream...
While we're at it, let's object to the use of that red dye, called cochineal or carmine, that's made from beetles. We've been eating that stuff for years and years.
BREAKING: Someone has discovered that the chetine contained in insects binds with Graphene so it facilitates the delivery of future nano-composites in the host body!
Eat ze bugs!
Many products contain insect parts without being labeled. I remember back in the 70s when they announced on the news that paprika was allowed to have a certain amount of insect parts before being failed in inspection. My mother wouldn't use paprika again.
The FDA allows companies to obscure ingredients with new names. For example, canola oil is really rapeseed oil, and carrageenan is seaweed. They don't want to "offend" the consumer.
All products containing bugs MUST be placed in a box containing live bugs to sift through to even get the product. Let the public see what they're going to eat by actually showing them while buying it. kek
Hello Congress! Make this a requirement for all products containing insects. Must be visible on front of product in large letters!
That's the point. Food producers will mention the bugs in the small print of the ingredients, but if we can get the bug ingredients front and center to raise awareness, it will negatively impact sales.
Yes, I agree 100%. Most people don’t read the fine print of the ingredients. Congress must make this a law NOW!
What is the terminology they use? Do they literally list crickets, or is it some mumbo jumbo?
Some use the term Cricket Protein or Cricket Powder. Others mask the use of crickets by using Acheta Domesticus (House Cricket) and/or Gryllodes Sigillatus (Tropical House Cricket) in the ingredient list.
Oh thank you, that's helpful.
We are looking for the term bioengineered ingredients….or similar
See, I think that could relate to gmo things like gmo soy and gmo corn, etc. I hope they use a more specific term because that seems to be a catch-all.
And then when listing it they use scientific names that the ignorant normies dont recognize.
They will combine the bug mill with wheat or corn and it will be allowed to be listed as wheat mill by product or some such lies.
I wonder how many people are period.
According to this woke news site, Pepsi is already slipping it in many of their products:
Doritos??? That's my jam!!
Let us know if you start to feel the need to rub your appendages together and start making music. Kek!
Right? I'm afraid to look at the label. Ever had Doritos and french onion dip? It's the shit.
Pretty sad about the doritos
I just read every last ingredient on my dorito bag and no crickets
Great post but GOD HELP US! That article is mind blowing! They're putting these critters in EVERYTHING!
If they can't kill us with the bio-engineered viruses or vaxxess, they might kill us off by starvation because a lot of people (myself included) are gonna have a hard time eating any of this cricket sh!t.
Thanks for posting. Sending this out to people I know who eat that stuff.
Glad I don't eat that shite but I sent it to a few people I know who do. Good looking out pede
They don’t list any sources in that article
Now that would be funny.
What if the manufacturers lie about the ingredients?
Fine them, big!
"You vill eat ze bugs." as stickers would be awesome.
Yep, along with the pic of him in lingerie at the beach. The ‘I did that’ stickers on steroids. Would be very effective contradiction to how normies see him portrayed (if they do at all).
That's the dang thing......dont think most of them know who he freaking is!! Been telling my normie fam for welllllll years now and they just smirk and blow it off. Then again, pretty sure they still think bill-gates-of-hell is a decent computer man. Lol but ugh
Yes, any man who wears a sweater must be ok.
Can we make a list of products this sticker makes the most sense to be slapped on?
This is a great idea!
I'm not saying DON'T do this, but if you do, you should know the possible consequences. Currently, thirteen states — Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Texas – have food libel laws. Known as the "veggie libel laws" people can be sued for disparaging foods, especially in agriculture economies of the states listed above.
Just wanted y'all to know what you might be facing if caught doing this.
Libel is false information. This would be true information. However, care would be needed to ensure that such products this was done to actually do contain bug parts and not just rumored to.
You may be right. But I also know that large corporations have platoons of lawyers, all just itching for a case like this. Guilt or innocence doesn't matter to them, but tying someone up in costly legal battles for a few years is a blood sport for them. Again, all I'm saying is to be aware of possible consequences if engaging in this kind of guerilla warfare.
Up front- I wouldn’t do this. Next.... is it really disparaging if the sticker is true?
I don't know a lot about case law, but I do know that sometimes people get charged with things JUST to make an example of them and warn off others who might do it too. And living through countless court appearances and paying legal bills would be a major pain in the ass for anyone.
As I said, though, I'm neither advocating nor disapproving of this tactic; I'm merely stating that laws are in place that people should know about. If folks are rebellious enough and don't care about the consequences, then do what you've gotta do. Otherwise...
Excellent points... I forget that sometimes (often?) the legal system isn’t based on common sense.
I can't recall what famous person said it, but "The law is an ass." These particular "veggie libel laws" were made under lobby pressure from certain agriculture mega-farms and food giants, not because they helped the public in any way.
Yes, if you're going to place the stickers, do not place them on the actual products.
Food tampering is what you'll be charged with. It's a 2nd degree felony in Texas.
I'll just wear a black hoodie, mask, tight black pants and black gloves. They will think I'm Antifa and leave me along.
Sued for disparaging foods? What does that even mean?
I have posted quite enough on this, suggest you Google "veggie libel laws" and "disparaging food" if you want to dig deeper. Hey, I'm just he messenger, NOT the message.
That's insane
do we have a list of products that contain insects?
This is probably gonna be very helpful.
We will need an accurate list of targets. Reckless application of stickers will ruin it's impact.
...and we used to have standards on keeping insects out of food production.
Crickets are the THIRD bug to be approved in the EU for food.
‘But don’t worry, because the crickets first have to be checked to make sure they “discard their bowel content” before being frozen.’
La Cocaracha!! :) :)
Awesome we need more of this please! Also bring back COOL; country of origin labeling and ban all the poison they put in our food; Bioengineering etc
Do this for foods that contain fetal tissue as well
We went from throwing away food infested with insects to eating them. Peak clown world.
Gryllus domesticus or Acheta domesticus are both Latin for house cricket, maybe we all need to sharpen up our Latin or just stop buying from the store. Maybe everyone should turn their yards into gardens.
Neil Oliver talked about this, sorry about the YouTube link but he really does get to the point and calls out the bugs in food.
This video is excellent. It should have its own post. Thank you for sharing!
Does anyone know which brand of stickers have that glue where even if you try to peel the fuckers off, they only peel away in fuzzy strips?
It's astonishing to see how quickly thing change. We went from
to one lifetime.
As someone with access to large scale commercial printing… I would be able to make these (and similar needed info-prints) insanely cheap without fear of being censored… Not sure how I’d manage to distribute them to y’all though, especially while avoiding the risk of looking like a pay-triot… If anyone has suggestions I’d be open to to trying.
I’d have to form some sort of legal entity that purchases the materials and produce batches of prints to split up and share. Maybe a nonprofit would be the best so sales tax doesn’t turn into an issue… bleh logistics
Keep in mind placing these on a food container could result in a felony charge in Texas and many other states for food tampering, even though it's far short of licking the icecream...
While we're at it, let's object to the use of that red dye, called cochineal or carmine, that's made from beetles. We've been eating that stuff for years and years.
In makeup too…
Ingredients derived from a bioengineered source…..or similar labels….
Go check your food now. We have a couple of boxes and have dumped a bunch that was opened.
Fantastic idea!
You can get stickers printed in bulk cheap.Kek. Just saying.
BREAKING: Someone has discovered that the chetine contained in insects binds with Graphene so it facilitates the delivery of future nano-composites in the host body! THIS HAS 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ALL OVER IT. Eat ze bugs!
Is this real life?
#MemeWars, now #StickerWars
This is the way.
Cochineal (a bug) has been used for a long time to dye foods red
Or a FB or Webpage that is .. bugs in my food .com... and point it to a site like this.
Yes! ever look at pictures of grocery store grabs before a weather event? The "fake meat" row is completely untouched!! The public knows already...
Which products DO contain insects? I don’t know.
Many products contain insect parts without being labeled. I remember back in the 70s when they announced on the news that paprika was allowed to have a certain amount of insect parts before being failed in inspection. My mother wouldn't use paprika again.
The FDA allows companies to obscure ingredients with new names. For example, canola oil is really rapeseed oil, and carrageenan is seaweed. They don't want to "offend" the consumer.
All products containing bugs MUST be placed in a box containing live bugs to sift through to even get the product. Let the public see what they're going to eat by actually showing them while buying it. kek
Might have to put it on literally every processed junk food, because bugs just accidentally fall into the mix anyways.