I’m still trying to process the fact that on the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses on Castle Church, Q posts his first picture, a Durham boat crossing the Delaware River. And then, a few years later, goes silent with a final word: Durham. And 30 months later Durham released his report.
I mean, eventually, in a few years, schools and churches will be talking about Q, the Protestant Reformation, and Holy Scripture. So, like, this retard is kinda right. It’s just that he’s the one in the cult, we’re the actual Church.
He, I think, stays far away from close encounters with Q and Anons, he wouldn't want to get his hands dirty. Hopefully he will meet his retribution in person and it is one of great fright for him and all of the followers of his group.
Them talking about it gives me hope that it is real. I don't know about you, but I never talk about stuff that isn't real or affect me in any way.
I know, but just try hammering this into the thick skulls in the DoomRoom. They just don't get it. Q is a LARP, you're Qtarded, end of discussion. Exactly like conversing with liberals. Mind is slammed shut.
I mean, it doesn't even matter if you've read one word Q wrote. If you know the MSM has done thousands of hit pieces hysterically screaming that it's a dangerous cult, a religion, a LARP, or whatever, then THAT MEANS IT'S DANGEROUS TO THEM. PERIOD.
Isn't that a good enough thing to at least make you shut up and see what pans out? If nothing comes of it and the country goes down the toilet, then yay for you, you can rub our noses in how right you were about Q as we're all shipped off to the gulags.
If you're wrong, and Q was the blueprint for saving humanity, then you get to live in a Golden Age. Either way, you win, so shut up. Doomtards.
The "smartest" people in the room using AI to produce "results" they want...UHHH...where are the tabulations in spreadsheet for other(s) to see what you did...UHHHHHH...NO CAN PRODUCE? Wonder WHY...
The fact they're talking about Q at the fucking WEF makes me cozy.
What do we want?
The Storm!
When do we want it?
Klaus Schwab: they are talking about me on conspiracy forums. Wont somebody please do something about that?
shall we talk MORE about you klaus?
Rope neckties for Klaus and Yuval and they won't have to worry so much about sticking their :noses: in our business
Then guillotine and 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Straight into the lake of fire, fren
Well I mean we are the news now so...
We're living rent free in the minds of some of the most powerful people in the world.
It is a nice feeling, isn't it? They KNOW their time is ending SOON!
This is a porn cult? Why didn't any of you tell me?
Why didn't I get the memo?
Which one of us is in charge of that?? The article didn't flush that out
You guys are too funny.
If Q is porn, lemme see dem size Q boobs!
They go as large as Q+++ from what I hear.
I gonna sue for the back catalog.
I’m still trying to process the fact that on the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 Theses on Castle Church, Q posts his first picture, a Durham boat crossing the Delaware River. And then, a few years later, goes silent with a final word: Durham. And 30 months later Durham released his report.
I mean, eventually, in a few years, schools and churches will be talking about Q, the Protestant Reformation, and Holy Scripture. So, like, this retard is kinda right. It’s just that he’s the one in the cult, we’re the actual Church.
The smell of pants freshly filled with shit must be over whelming there.
Whereabouts is this whelming place?
Wherever Nadler is.
Yuval Noah Harari is a stupid little man.
hey Yuval Noah Harari, i dare you to challenge me, i'll turn you into a blabering idiot in a few minutes.
He’s a dangerous little demon.
He, I think, stays far away from close encounters with Q and Anons, he wouldn't want to get his hands dirty. Hopefully he will meet his retribution in person and it is one of great fright for him and all of the followers of his group.
Ok here is my take. If Q is fake why are they wasting their precious time even acknowledging it?
Them talking about it gives me hope that it is real.
I don't know about you, but I never talk about stuff that isn't real or affect me in any way.
I know, but just try hammering this into the thick skulls in the DoomRoom. They just don't get it. Q is a LARP, you're Qtarded, end of discussion. Exactly like conversing with liberals. Mind is slammed shut.
I mean, it doesn't even matter if you've read one word Q wrote. If you know the MSM has done thousands of hit pieces hysterically screaming that it's a dangerous cult, a religion, a LARP, or whatever, then THAT MEANS IT'S DANGEROUS TO THEM. PERIOD.
Isn't that a good enough thing to at least make you shut up and see what pans out? If nothing comes of it and the country goes down the toilet, then yay for you, you can rub our noses in how right you were about Q as we're all shipped off to the gulags.
If you're wrong, and Q was the blueprint for saving humanity, then you get to live in a Golden Age. Either way, you win, so shut up. Doomtards.
Powerful statement.
Ai is going to what? Add footnotes? Q's last drop was long enough ago that anything new is SUSPECT.
Is that guy an alien?
If he gets too upset talking about Q, he’ll start throwing up lizard eggs.
Hillary did that once
No. He's a buttplug.
Yes with an if, or no with a but.
Flip a coin.
The "smartest" people in the room using AI to produce "results" they want...UHHH...where are the tabulations in spreadsheet for other(s) to see what you did...UHHHHHH...NO CAN PRODUCE? Wonder WHY...
Go back to your sheep dip stuff...
Harari is an evil c_nt.
You’re going down baldy. That is all.
Patiently waiting for the $$$$$$ shot
"Stop calling us pedophiles! You are all in a porn cult!!!"
Klause getting upset with us? I wonder why?
Man that is NSFW!
Boy, that's a tiny one he's got. I've seen this pic before, but I dunno if there's ever been confirmation.
This was debunked. This is not him.
Ya, I know, but it makes me feel good to post it. :)
Or a sight for sore ass.
Harari is Khazarian slime
Wait, aren't you talking about yourselves?
Yuval Harari is the most evil human in planet earth.
another faggot.he's part of sodom cult.
Or as the Iron Shiek would call him, "FAGGOT JEW!" lol
That guy looks straight up like the devil’s spawn.
Unbelievable - almost nothing but based Twitter replies, people mocking the notion of Q being a cult or religion LOL
And remember, it's against the law to read those Wikileaks emails.
For people that are supposed to be so smart, they are really kinda abysmally stupid. Sacred texts hehe. Yes, this is reassuring.
Loving rent free in these asshat's heads is mighty nice.
And these "people" don't even know what we're fully capable of.
"We have not yet begun to fight."
Let's talk about Klaus
Obama recommends Yuval Noah Harari's book called Sapiens.
Mark Zuckerburg loves Yuval Noah Harari as well. He interviews him here.
I was thinking the same while watching him. Draw some whiskers on him. WALA!!! A rat.