Declass happened before Trump left office. We are now in a disclosure phase with more and more information on the cabal and their puppets evil and criminal depravity coming to light in easily digestible bite sized nuggets. As far as I can tell in my small corner of the world, the normies are waking up and this awakening is accelerating.
We have 18 months to go on this dissemination. And it is to prevent internecine violence.
But it is also about the 2024 election.
Political pundits have long used a phrase after every election that a candidate wins handily. Mandate to govern. If this plan is to be as effective as it possibly can be, I fully believe that Trump will not take office before January 2025. He will win in the biggest landslide ever recorded, winning all 50 States by large margins. To a large extent he probably achieved this in 2020 but it is hidden behind the fraud. This time the fraud will be mitigated to a great extent if not outright eliminated.
This will give him the mandate to do whatever is necessary to root out the cabal, from thier bastard sons to the puppets, the compromised and the threatened, without any political blowback. Thats when the swamp is drained and the Washington toilet scrubbed. It is how Trump will be able to round up all the scum, try them in military tribunals and jail or execute traitors and those who are participating in crimes against humanity, satanic ritual murder and human and drug trafficking, and do so without the threat of civil war.
One scenario, and this is only speculation, is that the Military will step in sometime before November 2024.
This would result in a clear and clean break from a corrupt civilian administration (Biden Government) to a temporary Military Government in preparation for free and fair elections in 2024.
In the Military Government phase,the final eradication of the Deep State would take place.
Towards the final stages of the clean up,the part White Hat politicians, like DJT and others, have played in aiding the Military to save the World from destruction by the Cabal, would be revealed to the general public.
This would result in a massive land slide election win for DJT and other White Hat politicians World Wide.
This is only speculation, but it is a plausible scenario.
I don't think it necessary that military take control of the White House. It's necessary they take control of overseeing the results of the 2024 election.
This I could definitely see happening and could be the vehicle for the fraud being completely eliminated.
I think the military stepped in a long time ago. It's the only way Trump made it office in the first place by MI stopping the electronic cheating in 16.
Flynn removed the “Ret” for retired from his header. Legally if he’s retired he has to put the “Ret” on his signature and any social media headers. We’re going live boys.
Edit: Here Flynn uses the (R) in his name.
On social it was “Ret.”
And here are the examples of what’s allowed.
An (R) like this traditionally means you’re a Republican.
Like much of everything else that we have witnessed as a proof there tends to be something injected into whatever it is that is intentional to keep some ppl questioning. I personally believe this is done to slow the progression of the Awakening as too keep ppl from all agreeing at the same time and having a uniformed meltdown..
So how is the military justified in stepping in? I want to see a free and fair election overseen by the military, but to many, this would look like a coup. Or they could spin it that way and a lot of people would fall for it. Now, in order for the DS Dems to win this time they would have to have to ramp up their cheating much more than before. At this point they Have to win, or lose everything. -And, they're arrogant. They are likely to steal it and say Whacha gonna do about it? You didn't do Anything about it the last two times!' If they were to totally steal it in broad daylight, wouldn't that give the military a great big green light to round up all of the treasonous traitors.
The groundwork is being laid down right now as we speak not only for 2024. Keep in mind if President Trump was openly "serving" as President in light right now up to 2024 who would be the wedge to stop the DS/globalist plans for 2030?
So right now President Trump and the white hats are operating in an environment where they are perceived to be the weakest when that is the great opportunity to lay down the groundwork for what is to come against the DS/cabal. We are already seeing the DS/cabal being systematically dismantled in a very covert way which is not taking the headlines by storm.
That is basically how I see it as well.
I used to believe this. But, I think Trump is CiC. Trump has told us many times Biden is president. Even if Biden is removed from office, for fraud, corruption or whatever, he will always be known as the 46th, worst, most corrupt president in history. The history is very important since history is what we teach our children with hope to prevent reoccurrence.
If Trump's impeachments get expunged, they would no longer appear in the historical record, right?
If/when Biden is exposed for stealing the 2020 election, the corrected record would have to reflect that there was no 46th president as his whole term would be rendered invalid.
I don't believe that Biden would be granted the honor of having his name and portrait on historical presidential displays.
Trump is still President right now?
I don't agree with that theory. If you follow devolution theory, he is still commander in chief, but not the President.
If Trump were President, he would not allow everything that is happening to occur, because it would turn around and bite him: the flood of illegals at the border, the woke military, the vax mandates, the chaos worldwide, the pollution of our waters, etc. Trump is all about removing evil and corruption, I don’t think he would allow it to escalate under his name as President.
Exactly, that's why he is not President. It would be a terrible thing if he was allowing the things you mentioned to continue.
What about the whole thing with two presidents at the same time?
And the whole plan is about exposing the evil to the asleep population, trying to do a controlled demolition etc?
Can you prove that Trump is still CIC?
Can you prove that he is not? Have you read the PEADs? Do you even know what the PEADs are? Have you read all the EOs? Can you explain why Biden keeps renewing EOs that obviously go against the cabals depopulation and enslavement agenda? Are you a shill, a doomer, or just new to this stuff?
All you have to do is google who the commander in chief is! I’m not dooming I just want to see your proof that Trump is still CIC?
Google? SMH
Don't use Google or Duck Duck Go. You'll get less censored results with Yandex, Freestate, etc.
Lmao, handshake account trying to bait.
How am I trying to bait? He made the comment that Trump is still the CIC. I just asked for proof
If there was proof, there wouldn't be debate.
This is war, not everything is black and white.
Trump would have been derelict in his duties to allow a manchurian candidate to take office (as CIC). Provided he knew the 20 election was stolen (he did - mil intel) he put "certain safeguards in place" - the evidence is everywhere fren
A lot of people, and even Trump himself, have joked(?) about him running for a third term. One argument is that his first term shouldn't count because he was undermined at every turn.
I also wonder if it's possible that when Trump comes back, it will be under a newly formed Constitution and a new nation where his previous terms are irrelevant.
Not necessarily a newly formed constitution, but the ORIGINAL REAL one (not the corporation)
That's pretty much what I meant.
...did Putin go first
All that long time listening has paid off.
I concur. I believe you have summed it all up well. There are two primary or key elements in this game, and both are critical: one, a people willing and ready to cleanse themselves and their land of the scourge of institutional evil (Cabal) and two, a government, headed by a real leader, able to do it, to carry out the mandate.
It had to be this way.
Then again IMO. . .Trump may well be a President in Exile; 2020 was rigged. Steps were taken by Executive Orders prior to Trump "leaving" office. If so, it is again "up to the military" for they must take control as there is clear evidence that all three constitutional branches of the Federal Government are corrupt and actively colluding in a coup with foreign governments and others of evil intent. An election in 2024; like 2020, would more likely than not be rigged unless it was it was overseen by the military. With the latest Hunter Biden indictment farce it's clear the indictments necessary for draining of the swamp will not come from the DOJ. The DOJ does treason; the military and military law undoes it.
It strikes me that the awakening is happening and there is a plan. At what point does truth revealed and disseminated reach the threshold level where the military can take control without widespread violent insurrection can be avoided?
so the believer in me wants this to be true, and thinks about Trumps age and how his health has not been impacted by growing older or by the stress of the road ahead. God is either with you or your soul is owned by the devil -
I would like to understand at some point before I die operation warp speed and why, from him, and the choice he had to make.
Evil folks seems to show outward physical signs of their inner corruption. That’s why DJT looks so good.
Great theory, but I keep referring back to DJTs own words "sooner than you think" in regards to his return to the white house. Disinformation or plan?
Some of you really need to dig further into the Ghosts in the Machine. You're falling for Gen Flynns 5th Gen Psyop Warfare. Most of this 'precipice' news is fake. There was a post proving here months ago that illegals are being detained and deported at the highest rates. Cross reference this stuff with people like Decoding Symbols, Miles Mathis, etc. They all from different viewpoints conclude most of this shit is fake and extremely gay. One's a Q guy, one's a liberal, and they are all parallel constructing this.
The perfect time for Trump to be distanced from the Storm would be: under tons of indictments, looking like all hope is lost, he's obviously 'not in control' to the normies. I assume the slow drip will reach a boiling point to where it becomes obvious Sleepy Joe and Co is fully compromised for the MIL to step in and somehow Trump gets re-instated. I think the election jargon is a slight of hand.
I've been thinking that we might come to a constitutional crisis over the biden corruption, and the Mil has to step in. Not sure how that could happen specifially... just a nagging thought.
I disagree. There are too many people brainwashed. The only way for everyone to wake up is for Biden to win again when EVERYONE knows they didn't vote for him. The whole system has to be brought down. Expecting Trump to win is trusting that the system still works. It doesn't.
My fear is that if Biden wins, it will solidify their delusions.
They'll figure someone else voted for him and that it's legit because they hate Trump THAT much.
Well its either that or in 2024 the democrats will win by 300 million votes and people will still say Trumps trying to steal the election lol.
If that happens are we still going to sit on this board and do nothing?
As an AF Veteran, I can clearly see LOTS of DECLASS stuff on Wiki. Was just recently reacquainting myself to the old navspasur radar and, lo and behold, up pops a bunch of stuff most never knew before? Check out Space Delta 2 and dig some rabbit holes!
I find this conversation very interesting. I have been among those who are hoping for an intervention (military?) in 2023, but am also keeping an open mind about the possibilities. OP has given a very lucid interpretation of what might be coming, so thanks for that.
Still though, I wonder if the 2024-2025 dates will test the resolve and patience of most Americans? I guess we'll find out, but on a longer timeline than I was hoping for.
It will most definitely test our resolve but it will also strengthen it. It will also add to our numbers.
This has always been a war of attrition where the side of good can only gain strength and the side of evil can only diminish. Once a persons eyes are opened they will never close again. Besides all our other advantages, such as the Truth, numeric superiority can only flow in one direction.
Yes, we've come this far, so... I have to remind myself from time to time that the first American Revolution took 14 years to unfold, and that didn't even include the years of British oppression that lead up to it.
That is so juicy I can hardly stand it.
How do you think that voter fraud will be overcome?
The same as it was in 2016. Have no clue how it happened then. But, I figure if it worked once, they can do it again.
Crowdstrike servers in Ukraine that were set up to use hammer/scorecard for Hillary were hacked by Russia. Yes. Russia hacked the 2016 election. And stopped Hillary from cheating. This is in the Q drops.
Refer to my response to u/CovfefeAmericano below.
Yeah until the military intervenes on the west coast with our universal mail in voting idk how it’s possible at least out here.
How are they going to do that? The only way I see that happening is eliminating all the electronics involved in the election process.
Either that, or have electronic counter measures in place by the white hats.
Remember 2016. She was NEVER supposed to lose. But, she did...
Refer to my response to u/CovfefeAmericano below.
They did it once and elections are slowly but surely getting patched post 2020 and 2022 midterms. This sounds like cope but if what OP says is true and trump wins in a landslide this will cause a massive awakening about our elections too. As people who thought elections were secure in 2020 who voted biden will now be pissed and mass Chaos begins
The 18 month time frame is interesting, as Trump claimed this weekend that over the next 16 months specifically, the DS would be trying VERY hard to cause chaos.
Very encouraging perspective, OP.
Why do you think election fraud will be mitigated if not eliminated in November 2024?
First and foremost is the 2016 election. They cheated then too but it was stopped. That is a central tenet of our movement. They never thought she would lose. They never thought she could lose. If she had won I cant even begin to imagine the dire straits we would now be in.
Second, but less obvious, is many States have strengthened their elections laws. Shit like what happened in Arizona dominate the news but if you are watching for it, as I do, you see that there are many, many small election integrity victories. Those small victories add up. One snowball becomes an avalanche.
You also have the case of Virginias last gubernatorial election. I believe the cheat was stopped there. Virginia is very important to the cabal and losing it was a big defeat.
Look at the exodus from the ERIC system. Counties all over the country are also strengthening the integrity of their elections.
And then you have a possible scenario playing out as u/Dirty30 described above your post.
I fully believe in the plan and because I do I fully believe that in 2024 the fraud will be defeated.
Agree! ^^^ Personally, on an emotional note I don't see Trump pumping us up and getting us excited about his vision for America just to let some evil moron steal the election again! If we look at the time line we are way beyond the need to have a corrupt installed puppet. The exposure needed, the events needed are being played out now. Soon the next phase will begin. The next phase includes Trump as president.
If not I do believe you will see the majority of us in the streets unless there is a damn good explanation!!
NC has tightened up their election laws significantly since 2020. We now have voter ID and the Governor can no longer interfere in the elections as he did in 2020. only the state legislature has the authority. Trump won here in 2020 but with the exception of Mark Robinson (our Lt Governor and tipping the state Supreme Court back to Republican hands) the 4 top positions in the state (Governor, AG, Sec of State and State Auditor were stolen. They stopped the vote count on Nov 3rd here in the state in 2020 but it wasn’t enough to deny Trump a win. I suspect the margins were to hard to reach for him but the other positions were stolen through all the absentee ballots.
Great comment. Remember that not ALL elections have to be honest. Just enough to get honest people in the majority running the government.
Thanks for your detailed response, LongTimeListener. I pray we can thwart any plans they have to cheat. Because I believe that they cannot win a truly fair election.
Don’t forget election fraud got stopped in FL. We almost had Gillum for Governor in 2018. Perkins Coie was sniffing around in Broward County right after the election, and they inexplicably gave up and went back north. Definitely white hat involvement in that election.
Very good use of the word internecine, I have never heard it or observed it being used in a sentence. I definitely had to look it up.
Bring out the gallows now and save us the wait
I have seen no awakening in my life (irl). Could be because I don't associate with the sleepers. But I have a few amongst siblings and in laws and they are snoring and curse me for trying to awaken them.
Frankly, they'll die before having to admit I've been right for 50 years and they are actually the bad guys, not moi.
It will take Judgement Day for them. But that's too late.
The goal is not to win an election. The goal is to reach the precipice.
I expect all good things habbening by 2025. Possibly the military tribunals will be in motion by then
THIS is a core tenant of the plan that can’t be denied.
Without this being put front and center by WHs we would risk all the years they watched, gathered and planned becoming all for not.
It had to be this way. WWG1WGA
Trump told us that Biden would get the 25th Amendment. (His Alamo TX speech.) I wonder if a sequence of events with succession leads to McCarthy being president. Or it is such a cluster that the military has to step in then?