We should all be willing to look up stuff like this, but thanks for making it easy for those of us who don't think we have the time. Now there's no excuse.
Right. So I dug through that and the related sub trees of linked articles. Here’s what I found:
The claims of a link between George Soros and Christianity Today (CT) are given in the article as Ed Stetzer, editor of CT’s “The Exchange”, posting an article on immigration reform by Matthew Soerens.
The article existed on The Exchange website in the past. archive link
The Exchange website has since been replaced. The referenced immigration reform article by Matthew Soerens was not preserved.
I don’t see what CT gains by taking sides in politics like that. Gaining funding is a plausible answer. The fact that they keep using “qanon” is suspicious. Whatever they are doing on that front isn’t investigative journalism.
In my youth there were still churches in the rural communities where a member of the congregation took a rotation at giving the Sunday sermon. It wasn't the same person every week, and those that did preach the sermon were not living off the flock's wealth. They worked for their own living just like everyone else.
Christians need to return to that model. The church was never intended to be about collecting more and more money.
And the first of all the firstfruits of all kinds, and every offering of all kinds from all your offerings, shall belong to the priests. You shall also give to the priests the first of your dough, that a blessing may rest on your house.
1 Corinthians 9:14
In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.
A pastor and a priest are not the same thing. Technically all Christians are supposed to be proclaiming the gospel. Attending seminary doesnt make you a Levite.
If pastors had to run a church as well as work a full time job we would literally have no pastors. much work goes into running a church if your a true biblical following pastor and care.
If anything most pastors don't make enough imo. Yes there are some that make a ridiculous amount. Sorry friend but I strongly disagree with your idea
The argument that Pastors shouldn't be paid is a disrespect to the whole group comprising the church. It's not that God and the Bible aren't easily understood on an introductory level It's that God and His Bible have a depth that requires years of study to well versed at. It's and ignorance and pride issue. A good man who walks in integrity and applies himself to study and practical delivery of the Word is priceless. If you want a novices' attempt at it you'll get what you pay for. It'd be like choosing to let the kids cook dinner a couple nights a week... you may get something out of it...
Bingo. That's why preachers / pastors are "sent" - that means they have both an internal calling to devote their life to explaining God's Word, but an external calling where competent, experienced peers can observe and evaluate that they are qualified for the undertaking.
Being earnest and enthusiastic is simply not enough. Just look at how much scripture twisting happens in online debates, bumper stickers, and highway billboards. The sheep need under-shepherds commissioned by the great Shepherd.
You're welcome fren. I'd like to add that if a group doesn't have the means then by all means possible they should do their best with what they have. It's just nonsense though to have such a low respect for the communication of God, when, if possible, that group can fund a man to be as learned and able as possible to convey God's Word. Why even worship a God you have such disregard for?
The men you are supposed to give everything to in that passage are the same group that wrote the passage. The Bible was corrupted like everything else men have touched.
Today we are supposed to love thy neighbor and hold nothing against any man, and yet the writings of the Bible show a number of times that God instructed his people to commit genocide against their enemies. How do you reconcile that?
God killed all the first born of the Egyptians. That is the death of innocent children that had committed no crime against his people. How do you reconcile that?
When u say things like the bible is corrupted it eliminates the truth and therefore it's impossible for us to have any sort of fruitful Convo because now we each will give our thoughts and u can simply say oh that verse is true and that one isn't. God is a sovereign God and kept his word in tact even though man is corrupted.
It only thing it eliminates is those to braindead to think for themselves and understand that two set of rules go back in the the rewrite of the Old Testment to fit to the new demographic of Christians. In the old Testament the people were taught a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth etc. In the New Testament you are taught to turn the other cheek and love they neighbor.
Because the scum of the earth didn't want to be hunted down and treated just like they were treating everyone else.
You don't need a "church" to worship God or follow God's laws. To many of those good "church folk" are just POS when no one is looking, and so are their priests, preachers, and pastors.
When you deny the truth of the written word it makes it impossible to guide you to any sort of understanding of scripture because all truth gets thrown out and u get to pick and choose what you wanna believe. I don't have any baseline to use to get you to better understand why it is the way it is. There is a reason we have the written word. You are free to throw it out if you want however that is not a winning long term strategy. Eventually u will be forced to face it if u wanna grow in Jesus.
I follow a pastor named Gene Kim mainly on YT. He seems really good at interpretation of the bible and delivering the message which should be most important.
Dont both those things take running. To educate u need leaders, teachings, a place to do it all. Same with worship. I'm a little confused what u are suggesting. Would u please give a little more detail on exactly what your vision of a church is?
Churches are not big tech or corporations, but now there are “mega churches” that operate just like them. Then the Vatican is hiding history of humanity inside their secret chambers instead of spreading knowledge and faith.
My limited experience with churches in NY metro area also gave me the impression that money is taking over to be the higher priority.
1958 501C3 was the beginning of the end for "the Church". 1976 "good news" Bible then removed Satan from the equation. Our seminaries, organizations and many churches were infiltrated decades ago.
I don't need others to tell me what the Bible says. I can read.
I hope you can read hebrew and greek then or you will always be reading what others are telling you it says.
I dont say that to say you cant read the Bible without someone else, I say it because it should be noted that inherent in reading the Bible in English is the help of others who translated it to convey the text and its meaning to you. Likewise having another give historical context, multiple meanings of a word in the original text, or insight for our lives today can enhance our understanding of the Bible not detract from it. Not an endorsement of the “good news” Bible, just a denouncement of a carte blanche “i dont need anyone to read the Bible” attitude.
Today we have Bible study tools/programs/resources that other generation of Bible teachers/students could only dream about. We can quickly look up the meaning of English words in our Hebrew & Greek concordances/dictionaries. Not to mention we have dozens of commentaries at our finger tips. Today there's NO EXCUSE for being biblical ignorant. Study to show thyself approved.....
This is the fallacy they believe, they think they're justified but ultimately sola scriptura = liberalism.
It's MAN thinking they know best. You make it sound like the priesthood shoves doctrine down our throats, but everything is based on truth.
Why follow the Pope?
Why follow Luther or Calvin?
Why follow the Council of Nicea?
Why follow St. Paul?
Why follow Peter?
Where does it stop?
The truth is there's only one Church that Christ established on earth, and his direct successors:
Wrote the book of Revelation (John the Beloved Disciple) while in prison
Popes 2 and 5 are mentioned in the NT
Defined the Canon (table of contents that defines the bible)
Produced the first translation (Latin Vulgate) from the Greek
Defended against the false religion of Islam and the barbarian horde that invaded
Created Chapters
Created verses
Excommunicated the incestual homo degenerate King James
Defended the deutorocanonicals when they were removed...and then reinserted
when the Hebrew originals were found
Protestant heresy has been proven wrong over and over and over. It's indefensible
While I disagreed with a carte blanche “i can read for myself and need no one else“ i also disagree with your hardcore catholic stance. Sola scriptura doesnt = liberalism. Sola scriptura lends itself to individual freedom. Is it possible with that freedom you can misinterpret something it read it wrong it out of context? Yes! Just like individual freedom in society means that you may use your freedom to cause harm to yourself or others. But you are trusted with it because it is better to live free with those dangers than to live perfectly safely with tyranny. Just as it is better to have Christians plot their own personal spiritual path through the Bible if they choose not be told they’re not allowed to do that in order achieve some sense of security that “hey at least i wont ever misinterpret something”.
The Catholic Church throughout history has used its power and influence to exploit millions of believers including by telling people they shouldn’t read the bible on their own.
I reject a call to read it with no historical context, insight, or original language context and I also reject a call to ONLY listen to what your priest, pastor or church tells you it says and means.
I agree with most of what you say. I don't know where you heard that the Church tells people not to read the bible on their own, but it's a lie.
Sola scriptura has nothing to do with free will or individual freedom, it's disregarding Christ's orders. He could have easily just told the 12 to spread the word on their own, instead of pulling Simon aside, a sinner who rejected Him multiple times, and selecting him to lead the Church. Now that's faith!
A pope commissioned St. Jerome to produce the Vulgate which was the first translation from the Greek. This was so that "the people" could read it in Latin.
The first book ever printed in history was by Gutenberg, a Catholic, and was the Bible.
No priest that I know will ever tell you to only listen to them. God's greatest gift to us was free will. Honestly, I don't understand how Protestants think Catholics are unthinking sheep. Everything the Church teaches is based on truth and logic.
There are good Catholic churches no doubt. But if you dont know how people can think what they think of Catholicism in general then you dont know its history.
Riiiiight. Just ignore the problem and hope it goes away on it own? These places need to be burned to the ground. ANY organization who tries to swerve you away from looking at these crimes is defending this industry and needs to be destroyed. Any person attacking this movie and those who created it need to pray to God for discernment.
Everything about this article is to cast shade…. “This isn’t what trafficking looks like HERE!” Okay, so?? “But not all trafficking looks like THAT!” Okay, so??
This quote:
“I think as Christians, we want to go get everybody saved, as opposed to meeting people where they’re at,” he said. “Maybe [trafficking survivors] leave the safe home and go back, and then they come six more times before they decide to stay. It’s really being prepared to let that process unravel in God’s timing.”
So they have a shelter and that’s supposed to solve the problem? Like that fat kid on Simpson’s: “Look at me, I did something!”
Jesus was revolutionary and DID NOT hide in head in the sand, but boldly took on evil!!! We stand up for what’s right and the devil be damned!! Information is key!! Silence and avoidance is a sickness. That’s how evil has been permitted to flourish in our beautiful country!!
We subscribed to Christianity Today many many years ago when I was a baby Christian. I canceled it. It didn't help us grow closer to the Lord. Just read God's Word. His Word is sufficient for all things.
I did a search for soros funded pastors and came across a website called Evangelical Immigration Table which is soros funded. They use pastors for their propaganda. To see if you pastor has signed onto go to Evangelical Immigration Table website. Scroll to the bottom and click PARTNERS then you can view by them state or profession. https://evangelicalimmigrationtable.com/
It's true, I saw Mission Impossible last night and now I want to drive my motorcycle off a cliff.
Let's be real here, does anyone think that some piece of human filth that would sexually assault a child isn't aware of any of this? Some guy in the theater is just sitting there finding out about this for the first time?
"Gee, I have the internet at home, but it wasn't until I saw this anti-human trafficking movie in the theater did I ever contemplate this possibility."
Yes, well, the US Episcopal church is into childhood sexual mutilation. And my priest gave a sermon wherein he claim that bit where Jesus warns about messing with children and millstones was just "hyperbole". His exact word.
Translation: Ministries and former law enforcement are having their lives threatened if they don't come out against this suddenly popular and influential film.
Yes. It makes some good points, that rescue work is mostly not dramatic, that trafficked children need deprogramming, that abusers and traffickers are more likely familiar groomers than sinister kidnappers.
Christianity Today is a Soros funded propaganda rag.
Where can I read more about this? I would love to have the receipts because I know people that read the website regularly.
Hopefully Helpful Hint: Search Engines -- just a friendly nudge. ❤️🤗 Searching on {"Christianity Today" "Soros funded"} yielded THIS ...
... in mere seconds of effort. 😊☺️
We should all be willing to look up stuff like this, but thanks for making it easy for those of us who don't think we have the time. Now there's no excuse.
Right. So I dug through that and the related sub trees of linked articles. Here’s what I found:
Here’s the original claim by u/DigitSoldier
I don’t see support for this claim. One person running a new website under the CT umbrella ran one article one time, and that article is already gone.
Full disclosure: I have no interest in CT, I don’t read it, and I have no reason to recommend it to anyone.
Propaganda rag for sure…
I appreciate the links.
I don’t see what CT gains by taking sides in politics like that. Gaining funding is a plausible answer. The fact that they keep using “qanon” is suspicious. Whatever they are doing on that front isn’t investigative journalism.
Is this something you were aware of before seeing this particular article?
It’s always been compromised.
It shouldn't be difficult to find out what the corporate entities are and what else they own.
https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.christianitytoday.com%2Fct%2F2013%2Fapril-web-only%2Fdont-make-george-soros-oppose-prostitution.html 💀 The article is paywalled because of course it is.
Churches should have never been run like a business.
In my youth there were still churches in the rural communities where a member of the congregation took a rotation at giving the Sunday sermon. It wasn't the same person every week, and those that did preach the sermon were not living off the flock's wealth. They worked for their own living just like everyone else.
Christians need to return to that model. The church was never intended to be about collecting more and more money.
What are your thoughts on these verses.
Ezekiel 44:30
And the first of all the firstfruits of all kinds, and every offering of all kinds from all your offerings, shall belong to the priests. You shall also give to the priests the first of your dough, that a blessing may rest on your house.
1 Corinthians 9:14 In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.
A pastor and a priest are not the same thing. Technically all Christians are supposed to be proclaiming the gospel. Attending seminary doesnt make you a Levite.
What are the differences in your eyes
If pastors had to run a church as well as work a full time job we would literally have no pastors. much work goes into running a church if your a true biblical following pastor and care.
If anything most pastors don't make enough imo. Yes there are some that make a ridiculous amount. Sorry friend but I strongly disagree with your idea
The argument that Pastors shouldn't be paid is a disrespect to the whole group comprising the church. It's not that God and the Bible aren't easily understood on an introductory level It's that God and His Bible have a depth that requires years of study to well versed at. It's and ignorance and pride issue. A good man who walks in integrity and applies himself to study and practical delivery of the Word is priceless. If you want a novices' attempt at it you'll get what you pay for. It'd be like choosing to let the kids cook dinner a couple nights a week... you may get something out of it...
Bingo. That's why preachers / pastors are "sent" - that means they have both an internal calling to devote their life to explaining God's Word, but an external calling where competent, experienced peers can observe and evaluate that they are qualified for the undertaking.
Being earnest and enthusiastic is simply not enough. Just look at how much scripture twisting happens in online debates, bumper stickers, and highway billboards. The sheep need under-shepherds commissioned by the great Shepherd.
Wow really well said my fren. God bless u. Thanks for this!!
You're welcome fren. I'd like to add that if a group doesn't have the means then by all means possible they should do their best with what they have. It's just nonsense though to have such a low respect for the communication of God, when, if possible, that group can fund a man to be as learned and able as possible to convey God's Word. Why even worship a God you have such disregard for?
The men you are supposed to give everything to in that passage are the same group that wrote the passage. The Bible was corrupted like everything else men have touched.
Today we are supposed to love thy neighbor and hold nothing against any man, and yet the writings of the Bible show a number of times that God instructed his people to commit genocide against their enemies. How do you reconcile that?
God killed all the first born of the Egyptians. That is the death of innocent children that had committed no crime against his people. How do you reconcile that?
When u say things like the bible is corrupted it eliminates the truth and therefore it's impossible for us to have any sort of fruitful Convo because now we each will give our thoughts and u can simply say oh that verse is true and that one isn't. God is a sovereign God and kept his word in tact even though man is corrupted.
It only thing it eliminates is those to braindead to think for themselves and understand that two set of rules go back in the the rewrite of the Old Testment to fit to the new demographic of Christians. In the old Testament the people were taught a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth etc. In the New Testament you are taught to turn the other cheek and love they neighbor.
Because the scum of the earth didn't want to be hunted down and treated just like they were treating everyone else.
You don't need a "church" to worship God or follow God's laws. To many of those good "church folk" are just POS when no one is looking, and so are their priests, preachers, and pastors.
When you deny the truth of the written word it makes it impossible to guide you to any sort of understanding of scripture because all truth gets thrown out and u get to pick and choose what you wanna believe. I don't have any baseline to use to get you to better understand why it is the way it is. There is a reason we have the written word. You are free to throw it out if you want however that is not a winning long term strategy. Eventually u will be forced to face it if u wanna grow in Jesus.
So which word do you teach the Old Testament or the New Testament?
I agree. History shows where ministers, pastors and priests would preach and then lead the charge! That's where we should be today!!!
How should they be run? I agree things need to change slightly
I follow a pastor named Gene Kim mainly on YT. He seems really good at interpretation of the bible and delivering the message which should be most important.
It should not be “run”. It should be more like a place to worship and educate.
Dont both those things take running. To educate u need leaders, teachings, a place to do it all. Same with worship. I'm a little confused what u are suggesting. Would u please give a little more detail on exactly what your vision of a church is?
Churches are not big tech or corporations, but now there are “mega churches” that operate just like them. Then the Vatican is hiding history of humanity inside their secret chambers instead of spreading knowledge and faith.
My limited experience with churches in NY metro area also gave me the impression that money is taking over to be the higher priority.
By this logic, murder mysteries are creating more demand for murders.
Well, that tells you everything you need to know about Christianity Today!
The LORD has a remnant in leadership of HIS church. The rest will be removed.
Only if you're a sick disgusting pervert would seeing a film about rescuing children from a lifetime of abuse make you want to abuse them more.
Prove me wrong
1958 501C3 was the beginning of the end for "the Church". 1976 "good news" Bible then removed Satan from the equation. Our seminaries, organizations and many churches were infiltrated decades ago.
I don't need others to tell me what the Bible says. I can read.
I hope you can read hebrew and greek then or you will always be reading what others are telling you it says.
I dont say that to say you cant read the Bible without someone else, I say it because it should be noted that inherent in reading the Bible in English is the help of others who translated it to convey the text and its meaning to you. Likewise having another give historical context, multiple meanings of a word in the original text, or insight for our lives today can enhance our understanding of the Bible not detract from it. Not an endorsement of the “good news” Bible, just a denouncement of a carte blanche “i dont need anyone to read the Bible” attitude.
Today we have Bible study tools/programs/resources that other generation of Bible teachers/students could only dream about. We can quickly look up the meaning of English words in our Hebrew & Greek concordances/dictionaries. Not to mention we have dozens of commentaries at our finger tips. Today there's NO EXCUSE for being biblical ignorant. Study to show thyself approved.....
This is the fallacy they believe, they think they're justified but ultimately sola scriptura = liberalism. It's MAN thinking they know best. You make it sound like the priesthood shoves doctrine down our throats, but everything is based on truth. Why follow the Pope? Why follow Luther or Calvin? Why follow the Council of Nicea? Why follow St. Paul? Why follow Peter? Where does it stop?
The truth is there's only one Church that Christ established on earth, and his direct successors:
Protestant heresy has been proven wrong over and over and over. It's indefensible
While I disagreed with a carte blanche “i can read for myself and need no one else“ i also disagree with your hardcore catholic stance. Sola scriptura doesnt = liberalism. Sola scriptura lends itself to individual freedom. Is it possible with that freedom you can misinterpret something it read it wrong it out of context? Yes! Just like individual freedom in society means that you may use your freedom to cause harm to yourself or others. But you are trusted with it because it is better to live free with those dangers than to live perfectly safely with tyranny. Just as it is better to have Christians plot their own personal spiritual path through the Bible if they choose not be told they’re not allowed to do that in order achieve some sense of security that “hey at least i wont ever misinterpret something”.
The Catholic Church throughout history has used its power and influence to exploit millions of believers including by telling people they shouldn’t read the bible on their own.
I reject a call to read it with no historical context, insight, or original language context and I also reject a call to ONLY listen to what your priest, pastor or church tells you it says and means.
I agree with most of what you say. I don't know where you heard that the Church tells people not to read the bible on their own, but it's a lie.
Sola scriptura has nothing to do with free will or individual freedom, it's disregarding Christ's orders. He could have easily just told the 12 to spread the word on their own, instead of pulling Simon aside, a sinner who rejected Him multiple times, and selecting him to lead the Church. Now that's faith!
A pope commissioned St. Jerome to produce the Vulgate which was the first translation from the Greek. This was so that "the people" could read it in Latin.
The first book ever printed in history was by Gutenberg, a Catholic, and was the Bible.
No priest that I know will ever tell you to only listen to them. God's greatest gift to us was free will. Honestly, I don't understand how Protestants think Catholics are unthinking sheep. Everything the Church teaches is based on truth and logic.
There are good Catholic churches no doubt. But if you dont know how people can think what they think of Catholicism in general then you dont know its history.
1976 "good news" Bible then removed Satan from the equation
What do you mean?
Riiiiight. Just ignore the problem and hope it goes away on it own? These places need to be burned to the ground. ANY organization who tries to swerve you away from looking at these crimes is defending this industry and needs to be destroyed. Any person attacking this movie and those who created it need to pray to God for discernment.
All the pedo and pedo protectors are showing themselves.
LUKEWARM comes to mind.
Everything about this article is to cast shade…. “This isn’t what trafficking looks like HERE!” Okay, so?? “But not all trafficking looks like THAT!” Okay, so??
This quote:
“I think as Christians, we want to go get everybody saved, as opposed to meeting people where they’re at,” he said. “Maybe [trafficking survivors] leave the safe home and go back, and then they come six more times before they decide to stay. It’s really being prepared to let that process unravel in God’s timing.”
So they have a shelter and that’s supposed to solve the problem? Like that fat kid on Simpson’s: “Look at me, I did something!”
Leaders of all denominations had better be on the right side or GOD is going to remove them too.
Cannot solve a problem by hiding from it. All those supposed faithful are held accountable for wanting to obstruct the truth about the children.
Could inadvertently expose our churches and synagogues in helping out in the trafficking.
Bringing awareness to child trafficking… causes more child trafficking? What a retarded take.
I became a Christian over 40 years ago. Shortly after I realized that there was something not quite right with "Christianity Today".
Jesus was revolutionary and DID NOT hide in head in the sand, but boldly took on evil!!! We stand up for what’s right and the devil be damned!! Information is key!! Silence and avoidance is a sickness. That’s how evil has been permitted to flourish in our beautiful country!!
Christianity Today has long gone over to the deep end.
We subscribed to Christianity Today many many years ago when I was a baby Christian. I canceled it. It didn't help us grow closer to the Lord. Just read God's Word. His Word is sufficient for all things.
Then logically, we should all abandon Christianity, because it could “inadvertently create more atheists”.
I did a search for soros funded pastors and came across a website called Evangelical Immigration Table which is soros funded. They use pastors for their propaganda. To see if you pastor has signed onto go to Evangelical Immigration Table website. Scroll to the bottom and click PARTNERS then you can view by them state or profession. https://evangelicalimmigrationtable.com/
It's true, I saw Mission Impossible last night and now I want to drive my motorcycle off a cliff.
Let's be real here, does anyone think that some piece of human filth that would sexually assault a child isn't aware of any of this? Some guy in the theater is just sitting there finding out about this for the first time?
"Gee, I have the internet at home, but it wasn't until I saw this anti-human trafficking movie in the theater did I ever contemplate this possibility."
Evil has infiltrated every part of society.
Yes, well, the US Episcopal church is into childhood sexual mutilation. And my priest gave a sermon wherein he claim that bit where Jesus warns about messing with children and millstones was just "hyperbole". His exact word.
"Gave a sermon" - past tense - I hope you got out of there?
Translation: Ministries and former law enforcement are having their lives threatened if they don't come out against this suddenly popular and influential film.
Don’t take OP’s word for it. Read the article and think for yourself.
This. Title of this post is deceptive.
Yes. It makes some good points, that rescue work is mostly not dramatic, that trafficked children need deprogramming, that abusers and traffickers are more likely familiar groomers than sinister kidnappers.
Aptly named, for the christianity of today is lame af and lukewarm as day old piss.
Reading the article, it’s actually not a bad article. The quote does make sense in a twisted way…