Did Trump Make a Huge Mistake? Experts Say It Could Cost Him Big in Key State
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"Experts say..."
Exactly. Uniparty propaganda .
We are done with “Experts!”
Experts say biden won......
“Christopher Columbus will sail off the edge of the Earth “.
Iowa farmers are not going to leave Trump for this. Iowans also appreciate Trump protecting their status as the first primary contest.
And, all you have to do is look at crowd size to know “experts “ are just trying to create a narrative to fit their hopes and schemes.
Edit: How can someone who claims to be a conservative political leader say they are neutral about who gets the Republican nomination? Let’s be real, there is only one Republican candidate who recognizes there is a Deep State. If you aren’t supporting him you are ignoring the existence of the DS. That makes you part of the problem, not the solution.
Since I don't know the "plan" and Trump does, I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing. There is absolutely nobody who can accomplish more with less than him.
If they are not endorsing Trump, they are part of the Uniparty, big PAC donors and Swampy candidates. MAGA will run circles around these weak candidates and most will be primaried!
So who will the senator support once the Ron! campaign collapses?
Trump probably needed to point out this governnor more than he needs to worry about winning Iowa. He may have lost an endorsement over it. But I doubt he will lose the state.
A small event for farmers keeping to one issue attended by almost 100,000...okay
for as long as i have been trying to follow what President Trump is doing , he operates in a way to bring light to people who do not have the best interest of The American People . so he DJT brings people into the light to show The People what politicians are going to put America first in their decisions . DJT says sometimes you can't tell THE People you have to show THE People.
His endorsements could mean a couple things. One, he thinks you're the best person for the job. Or two, he knows you're a crook and he's going to put the spotlight on you so you can't hide from what is coming.
Interesting. So, the politician does not get served directly, so he turn-coats. To whom? De Sanctimonious ...
Well, another DS wanne-be outed.
And just like that the politician will lose to a MAGA candidate. We will not forget, we are awake and we won’t fall for this shit anymore! Just wait for the next Iowa rally and watch them get Lindsey’d
Still waiting patiently while plotting their demise, fren!
Same “experts” that said to get vaccinated?
Experts can kiss my ass
This wont hurt him in Iowa or anywhere. Trying to make something out of nothing.
Right.. might as well say.. "Undistinguished politician who apparently requires political connections to keep his job decided to prioritize his job above his duties and is switching his rather worthless endorsement over to another candidate out of dumb political spite."
Well.. nice knowing you, loser. Perhaps you should have focused on your voters instead.
Oh another RINO gets exposed and feigns the moral high ground?
Trump is fucking king at this. Everyone takes the bait.
If anyone thinks this is somehow bad news I'd give your head a shake
Since when have ‘experts’ ever been correct when it comes to DJT?
Experts say!
The experts are always wrong so I don't know if it's even worth clicking on the story
Great ending by the author!
But It is a mistake to ignore the Midwest. They tend to be very loyal.
Hopefully their loyalties lie with country, not swamp.
"According to sources familiar with the matter..."
This is Uniparty news. Trump could blast Lyndsey Graham and they'd say the same thing. All they want is headlines to make people doubt Trump.
On top of getting rid of Joni Ernst they got some rino cleanup needed in Iowa. The Boss is going to give Iowa and eyeopener with/without help.
Post removed. The frogs have spoken.
No he didn't.
Experts said that Hillary would win by landslide.