When someone makes an appeal against that sort of thing as being far fetched, I will always gently remind them that MK Ultra is not simply a baseless theory of a conspiracy, it is an admitted and documented fact -- and successful, to boot.
Mkultra not far fetched. Reality. Remember the guy that set himself on fire and tried to walk across the White House grounds. That's what you witnessed in that. Videos on youtube of celebs freezing on live tv. Dig research repeat.
The other kind of stimulus could have been an electric spark. Easy to accumulate a charge if you are wearing the right shoes and the carpet is of the right materials. People don't think about it. It is instantaneous and can affect the nervous system.
But his vacant stare and immobility really suggests something like a stroke or a TIA. Something happened to completely disrupt his concentration. It could have been a sudden wave of dizziness. (Something that has been afflicting me for 2-3 years, which I now think is a side effect of my diuretic. But the distraction is real, and disruptive.)
Edit: I got a chance to review the video clip. Too fast to conclude much about the woman's touch, but his expression was alarming. If he hadn't remained standing and balanced, I would have taken it as the mask of death.
The lady in green is actually guided towards him by the two men to Mitch's right. As soon as the lady in green touches him with her left hand he immediately becomes catatonic. The guy to Mitch's left saw the whole thing. The lady in pink watched and nodded. I watched it over and over, paying attention to each/only one individual behind Mitch per view.
Youre going to think I'm crazy but I personally know at least 5 people who acted like this and knew they were going to die that day. They called family to gather, those who were away they said their goodbyes.
This is most plausible to me. Otherwise, he knows what's coming and is attempting a pathetic "illness/ sickness" to try and bail himself out which won't work, still going to gitmo
Starting at ~40s in the video, 2 guys, each wearing a pin on their left lapel come in to shot. I can't tell what the pins are at this resolution. Could they be US Marshals?
Maybe. But I notice reps in congress where pins to signify they are members. Maybe the Senate does similar. Maybe the pin gets you past security quickly. They gave me a pin like that last time I served jury duty.
Uncle Mitch is highly controlled. I think he is only still there because his seniority gives him a certain amount of power that is useful to the DS. I have seen him a couple of times with a look of terror of being disposed of.
Its so bad now its not even weekend at Bidens level. Its weekend at DC. So many of these people are paraded out for pictures then most I imagine have masked actors do their in depth talking.
Why is this stickied? This is phenomenal, absolute TOP KEK. Needs to be seen!
What kind of buzzkill would ask why this is stickied? This made my day!
Just #modLife
Kekkity...kekkity...kekilicious...'Glitch McConnell': https://greatawakening.win/p/16bjA5SLj6/failure-to-communicate-starring-/c/
I've been mostly disengaged from media due to a heavy work and travel schedule, so haven't yet seen the MitchGlitch.
Will Go a-huntin' for it. Stick that used up turd to the WALL!
Amazing because everyone knows it is true.
Also Sickening because everyone knows it is true.
Lots of Kek!! :) :)
I think her touch on Mc Connell's hand was a trigger for a post hypnotic suggestion. God only knows what or why he was "triggered".
He started talking about an NDA.
Non disclosure agreement?
He mentioned it was bipartisan in nature.
Although it seems far-fetched, I think this is a very real possibility.
When someone makes an appeal against that sort of thing as being far fetched, I will always gently remind them that MK Ultra is not simply a baseless theory of a conspiracy, it is an admitted and documented fact -- and successful, to boot.
Mkultra not far fetched. Reality. Remember the guy that set himself on fire and tried to walk across the White House grounds. That's what you witnessed in that. Videos on youtube of celebs freezing on live tv. Dig research repeat.
Britney comes to mind.
The other kind of stimulus could have been an electric spark. Easy to accumulate a charge if you are wearing the right shoes and the carpet is of the right materials. People don't think about it. It is instantaneous and can affect the nervous system.
But his vacant stare and immobility really suggests something like a stroke or a TIA. Something happened to completely disrupt his concentration. It could have been a sudden wave of dizziness. (Something that has been afflicting me for 2-3 years, which I now think is a side effect of my diuretic. But the distraction is real, and disruptive.)
Edit: I got a chance to review the video clip. Too fast to conclude much about the woman's touch, but his expression was alarming. If he hadn't remained standing and balanced, I would have taken it as the mask of death.
This is what I saw and had been discussed early yesterday, but no longer appears on the board. It disappeared:
7/27/23 - Here’s What Happened Before Mitch McConnell Just Froze For Nearly Half A Minute In Front Of The Cameras And Was Pulled Away From Podium
All the people surrounding him are all on board.
The lady in green is actually guided towards him by the two men to Mitch's right. As soon as the lady in green touches him with her left hand he immediately becomes catatonic. The guy to Mitch's left saw the whole thing. The lady in pink watched and nodded. I watched it over and over, paying attention to each/only one individual behind Mitch per view.
https://defiantamerica.com/heres-what-happened-before-mitch-mcconnell-just-froze-for-nearly-half-a-minute-in-front-of-the-cameras-and-was-pulled-away-from-podium/ here is the one I believe your referring to 👍
There's a small thing on her hand.
Wondering if it's a "shock" device ? Just spit balling.
I have heard about a shock device before.
Holy Guacamole! Crazy evil handlers.
Mitch, Biden, Feinstein. It's fucking absurd that people who probably should not be in charge of their own lives, are running the country.
Youre going to think I'm crazy but I personally know at least 5 people who acted like this and knew they were going to die that day. They called family to gather, those who were away they said their goodbyes.
This is most plausible to me. Otherwise, he knows what's coming and is attempting a pathetic "illness/ sickness" to try and bail himself out which won't work, still going to gitmo
Mitch didnt weekend at bernies himself.
Anyone bother to count how many seconds Mitch-da-Bitch was frozen after Sen Shelley Moore Capito tapped his hand and before he was taken away?
I saw in a photo she was holding something white in that hand.
It seemed longer than 17 seconds but I'd have to watch it again.
17 is as good a number as any...well...actually better...
TOP KEK <-- This one!
ACTS 2:17 --
Maybe he had a dream of what was happening at that moment.
i have a hard time believing it is the "End Times" and i do not believe there is aliens. God obviously created a dimension we cannot see.
the question might be is what would AI and truly evil people do to destroy USA?
something like Project Bible? <--just made that up. yet why would they not? Create a fake end time to cause panic.
Very interesting no matter what angle, one looks at this... even with only up to 10 percent of what truly is going on.
aliens = foreigners alien technology = foreign technology
they are only redefined words to tell the public what the truth is.
we are run by foreigners' technology. plus, we have domestic enemies.
"Sand bagged" when someone sneaks on you from behind to do you harm....trannie in a green dress...hex colors, wizard of oz?
Starting at ~40s in the video, 2 guys, each wearing a pin on their left lapel come in to shot. I can't tell what the pins are at this resolution. Could they be US Marshals?
Maybe. But I notice reps in congress where pins to signify they are members. Maybe the Senate does similar. Maybe the pin gets you past security quickly. They gave me a pin like that last time I served jury duty.
Uncle Mitch is highly controlled. I think he is only still there because his seniority gives him a certain amount of power that is useful to the DS. I have seen him a couple of times with a look of terror of being disposed of.
Replace the Reaper’s face with Trumps and it’s Gold.
How many Trumps?
Its so bad now its not even weekend at Bidens level. Its weekend at DC. So many of these people are paraded out for pictures then most I imagine have masked actors do their in depth talking.
Norm MacDonald (R.I.P.?) must be writing this script...he's not on strike!
Was the finger of God writing something on the wall?
Tick tock bitches
It should have a vaccine in its hands, not a sythe
Literally happened like this.
He saw his obituary and saw that the date was this month
True story! Awesome!
coulda been worse...
He coulda been picturing Pelosi in the nude...
Omg 🤮. Where do you find an awning that large?
Big Mike in a bikini.
I think the term you're looking for is "banana hammock".