Jamie Diamond is saying the next banks to fail, and he knows which one(s), will be Bailed In, not Bailed Out.
Depositors money will be used to save the banks.
I didn’t ever consent to any of the machinations of the elite bloody families, the corporate money changers, the crimes against humanity or a Congress that gets paid way too much!
Right. But I am posting it. I know they visit here, and I want them to understand how profoundly negative a cause they have made and the resulting effect that will come back to them. The wonderful law of cause & effect is strict and unemotional. What goes around comes around. What you sow, so you reap. Cryptic messages or visuals in movies, television or written in books many not even be viewed or read by the world population & does not equate to asking for permission. And silence is not acceptance. Such stupidity.
If they visit here, & yes they may, they would enjoy this your comment as a comic relief. They believe they are immune to karmic laws & you're not going to convince them otherwise. If they are here, they are trying to figure out Q's next move or they are combing this site for things they can use against us or something like that. I think it's fine that you say that though & you are correct as far as their soul is concerned. In that sense it is total stupidity but I don't think they think like that. For that matter, I'm not sure they even think at all
I read some information where they are not immune as long as they get the other person’s consent. Which in reality they hadn’t ever got anyone’s consent. Boo Hoo!
Well, it's a speculation of course but I assume they follow a sort of satanism invented by Sabbatai Sevi a rabbi of the 1600's where they get a "redemption from sin" by doing another sin. (My sense is it needs to be a worse sin) There might be a certain strict format in which they do it, like you say: maybe they need some sort of consent. Like they might invite someone to join them in a ritual and tell them that they will be the center of everyone's attention there but leave out the fact that the reason they will be the center of attention will be because they will be ritually slaughtered.
Their techniques might actually delay the karma laws while they are alive - but not after that. Since they don't talk to anyone in the after life they don't know & so this sick cabal has gone on for centuries. My sense, though, is that they need to do more & more heinous sins just to keep this going. If they are already up to the sin of genociding the entire human race, I think they are about maxed out & so, my guess is that their power now will start to wane.
From what I have been reading a bail-in is just not on the table.
A bail in can only happen one time. The system would implode right after it happened.
Without trust in the banking system, no matter how misguided that trust is everything collaspes.
Also as of right now it is too easy for the people in control to print free money before they would be forced to allow a bank bail-in.
Then again anything is possible.
I went crazy paying off my mortgage this year. I had a 30 year mortgage that I paid off in a little over 7 years.
I did it just for this reason. On th eoutside chance that there was a bail-in you could lose your deposits..even the FDIC insured deposits. Yet you still have to pay off your loans.
Mathematically anybody that qualified for a 30 year mortgage can pay off that mortgage within 7-9 years as long has their income is still qualified (The qualification is based on the interest rate they are paying not whatever the current interest rate is)
Don't forget that they have metal detectors these days & you can bet the govt will have the very best of them. I'm just saying that so you make sure the boat tips at the very deepest part of the lake, if you know what I mean ;)
I found an Eisenhower 1/2 dollar today!! I never even knew I had one (& I was somewhere where only I go) It's only silver clad but I'm going to keep it.
BTW I go to a Bullion shop. You have to make an appointment & you can't buy or sell more than 10 grand worth at a time but he charges 3% which I'm pretty sure is a better deal if you can find one near you. I have friends that told me about mine
I think it's prudent to hold some and diversify...BUT - certain criteria has to be met in order for it to qualify. Crypto is certainly an exception to my rule, and percentage of "diversified holdings" reflect this.
The cold hard truth is, there are only 2 things worth anything in the whole world:
Things that come out of the ground.*
Skilled labor
Pretty much everything else is worthless bullshit.
*Food, oil, minerals, metals, aggregate, etc
If you have to do mental gymnastics to explain what something is backed by or what gives it worth, beware.
J. Pierpont Morgan was a carve out of the Rothschilds in the US. Among many other misdeeds, he owned the International Mercantile Marine Co which operated the White Star Line under which the Titanic sailed. He was supposed to be on the boat but cancelled at the last minute. And of course he was instrumental in the formation of the Federal Reserve as well as involved in the sinking of the Lusitania which dragged the US into WWI.
He was American born but English by loyalty, educated in the UK. People were stunned when he died that his estate was relatively modest, despite purportedly being one of the wealthiest men in the country or on the planet, for that matter. It's because he was a custodian of the Rothschild family in America, along with the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and others to varying degrees.
The ultimate point I'm making is that JP Morgan Bank is a critical cabal asset and anything coming from Jamie Dimon is a cabal comm.
wtf do I do if I have most of my life savings in a bank?? not enough for a house or land outright but enough for a nice ass rolex... wtf?? why can't we just have a normal life?
in what world/scenario do you think gold can tank? that's my recommendation. don't need that many gold coins if you don't have enough to buy a house. alternatively, find raw land (ideally as many upland [non wetland] acres as you can) to purchase with your money. in a perfect world you'll be able to show some value in the event of an appraisal so you could get an equity line on the property if you find yourself in desperate need of some money to keep alive in the current fake fiat rat race
right, but "metals crashing" is a cabal manipulated metric. if/when cash becomes worthless and they can no longer hide the true intrinsic value of gold, it will be worth at least as much as it is today I'd be near certain. when I say value, I mean that a gold coin today might buy say 4 decent guns with some ammo. I think at any point in time moving forward that it would giving you that buying power, absent some crazy gun grab where gun values increase dramatically
you could also look into smaller purchases that should retain value. for examples: tractors, lumber, piping, guns, etc. obviously would want to seek items that doesn't lose value immediately or over time. and if you have the means, cattle or other livestock could earn you money while being a good investment, but that requires a bit more of a commitment
One would think that metals will dip in price when the stock market really finally crashes. So yeah, if you can time it right, buy the day after the crash but then again, you never know. Maybe it doesn't do it that way this time for some reason. Who knows? I'm keeping so cash on hand for when I think that time might be...
Only speculation here, but IMHO this makes perfect sense. What better way to push through banking changes than letting the people see and feel the pain of the banks stealing their deposits. We all know that something has to be in play to (attempt to) thwart corrupt bankers and politicians future stealing and control opportunities.
I can’t believe people still keep their money in a bank. It’s like handing over your check at the end of the week to a government agent. And apparently are ok with it. Boggles the mind.
Jamie Diamond is saying the next banks to fail, and he knows which one(s), will be Bailed In, not Bailed Out. Depositors money will be used to save the banks.
They’re telling us what’s going to happen.
So if their theft doesn’t work, they’ll resort to theft. Got it.
It's okay. It's not rape if they tell us about it before they do it, right?
Unless your brokerage is a part of the damage.
Michael Burry of Big Short Fame, just did it again last month.
"It's not rape rape" - Whoopi
Your silence is approval
I didn’t ever consent to any of the machinations of the elite bloody families, the corporate money changers, the crimes against humanity or a Congress that gets paid way too much!
Right. But I am posting it. I know they visit here, and I want them to understand how profoundly negative a cause they have made and the resulting effect that will come back to them. The wonderful law of cause & effect is strict and unemotional. What goes around comes around. What you sow, so you reap. Cryptic messages or visuals in movies, television or written in books many not even be viewed or read by the world population & does not equate to asking for permission. And silence is not acceptance. Such stupidity.
If they visit here, & yes they may, they would enjoy this your comment as a comic relief. They believe they are immune to karmic laws & you're not going to convince them otherwise. If they are here, they are trying to figure out Q's next move or they are combing this site for things they can use against us or something like that. I think it's fine that you say that though & you are correct as far as their soul is concerned. In that sense it is total stupidity but I don't think they think like that. For that matter, I'm not sure they even think at all
I read some information where they are not immune as long as they get the other person’s consent. Which in reality they hadn’t ever got anyone’s consent. Boo Hoo!
Well, it's a speculation of course but I assume they follow a sort of satanism invented by Sabbatai Sevi a rabbi of the 1600's where they get a "redemption from sin" by doing another sin. (My sense is it needs to be a worse sin) There might be a certain strict format in which they do it, like you say: maybe they need some sort of consent. Like they might invite someone to join them in a ritual and tell them that they will be the center of everyone's attention there but leave out the fact that the reason they will be the center of attention will be because they will be ritually slaughtered.
Their techniques might actually delay the karma laws while they are alive - but not after that. Since they don't talk to anyone in the after life they don't know & so this sick cabal has gone on for centuries. My sense, though, is that they need to do more & more heinous sins just to keep this going. If they are already up to the sin of genociding the entire human race, I think they are about maxed out & so, my guess is that their power now will start to wane.
they do until it doesn't suit their purposes
Extremely well-stated. Thanks.
From what I have been reading a bail-in is just not on the table. A bail in can only happen one time. The system would implode right after it happened. Without trust in the banking system, no matter how misguided that trust is everything collaspes.
Also as of right now it is too easy for the people in control to print free money before they would be forced to allow a bank bail-in.
Then again anything is possible. I went crazy paying off my mortgage this year. I had a 30 year mortgage that I paid off in a little over 7 years. I did it just for this reason. On th eoutside chance that there was a bail-in you could lose your deposits..even the FDIC insured deposits. Yet you still have to pay off your loans.
Mathematically anybody that qualified for a 30 year mortgage can pay off that mortgage within 7-9 years as long has their income is still qualified (The qualification is based on the interest rate they are paying not whatever the current interest rate is)
Isn't that what they did with SVB
how is this guy not in jail?
Because he's in The Club
the pedo blackmail club
Biggest winner of the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown Fraud
Are you saying you think he might be a white hat? I'm curious why
jury is always out on anyone till this all comes down but black hats always try to look good
Pedophiles don't go to prison in the US.
Is anyone really all that surprised?
It's always us, the working people, playing the game by the rules that get cornholed, every. damned. time.
Hope y'all are stacking...If you can't hold it in your hand, do you really "have" it?
I went to the local pawn shop yesterday. Bought 4 silver rounds for $28 each. And I bought 4 silver eagles for $33 each.
Good buy.
Yeah, you cant get them at that price online. Plus shipping & insurance ! I just paid cash and stuck them in my pocket for my next boating accident.
Don't forget that they have metal detectors these days & you can bet the govt will have the very best of them. I'm just saying that so you make sure the boat tips at the very deepest part of the lake, if you know what I mean ;)
I found an Eisenhower 1/2 dollar today!! I never even knew I had one (& I was somewhere where only I go) It's only silver clad but I'm going to keep it.
BTW I go to a Bullion shop. You have to make an appointment & you can't buy or sell more than 10 grand worth at a time but he charges 3% which I'm pretty sure is a better deal if you can find one near you. I have friends that told me about mine
The anti-crypto argument, in 13 words.
I think it's prudent to hold some and diversify...BUT - certain criteria has to be met in order for it to qualify. Crypto is certainly an exception to my rule, and percentage of "diversified holdings" reflect this.
The cold hard truth is, there are only 2 things worth anything in the whole world:
Things that come out of the ground.*
Skilled labor
Pretty much everything else is worthless bullshit.
*Food, oil, minerals, metals, aggregate, etc
If you have to do mental gymnastics to explain what something is backed by or what gives it worth, beware.
J. Pierpont Morgan was a carve out of the Rothschilds in the US. Among many other misdeeds, he owned the International Mercantile Marine Co which operated the White Star Line under which the Titanic sailed. He was supposed to be on the boat but cancelled at the last minute. And of course he was instrumental in the formation of the Federal Reserve as well as involved in the sinking of the Lusitania which dragged the US into WWI.
He was American born but English by loyalty, educated in the UK. People were stunned when he died that his estate was relatively modest, despite purportedly being one of the wealthiest men in the country or on the planet, for that matter. It's because he was a custodian of the Rothschild family in America, along with the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and others to varying degrees.
The ultimate point I'm making is that JP Morgan Bank is a critical cabal asset and anything coming from Jamie Dimon is a cabal comm.
wtf do I do if I have most of my life savings in a bank?? not enough for a house or land outright but enough for a nice ass rolex... wtf?? why can't we just have a normal life?
Because too many of your normie neighbors want to stay asleep, even if it means you and they are destroyed.
we can't have a nice normal life because "they" hate us and want us gone or broke and enslaved.
Silver and gold!
I have more silver than I can manage.. I could get more gold but i'm worried it'll tank in price sooner than later and i'll be holding the bag.
in what world/scenario do you think gold can tank? that's my recommendation. don't need that many gold coins if you don't have enough to buy a house. alternatively, find raw land (ideally as many upland [non wetland] acres as you can) to purchase with your money. in a perfect world you'll be able to show some value in the event of an appraisal so you could get an equity line on the property if you find yourself in desperate need of some money to keep alive in the current fake fiat rat race
looking back to 08 metals crashed before they mooned. I will investigate more into the land investment because thats certainly been on my radar.
right, but "metals crashing" is a cabal manipulated metric. if/when cash becomes worthless and they can no longer hide the true intrinsic value of gold, it will be worth at least as much as it is today I'd be near certain. when I say value, I mean that a gold coin today might buy say 4 decent guns with some ammo. I think at any point in time moving forward that it would giving you that buying power, absent some crazy gun grab where gun values increase dramatically
you could also look into smaller purchases that should retain value. for examples: tractors, lumber, piping, guns, etc. obviously would want to seek items that doesn't lose value immediately or over time. and if you have the means, cattle or other livestock could earn you money while being a good investment, but that requires a bit more of a commitment
I've been losing my shirt on FAZ for a few years now. It's OK though, I got another shirt
One would think that metals will dip in price when the stock market really finally crashes. So yeah, if you can time it right, buy the day after the crash but then again, you never know. Maybe it doesn't do it that way this time for some reason. Who knows? I'm keeping so cash on hand for when I think that time might be...
Because we are ruled by psychopaths and have been for millenia. We are just cattle to them, to do with as they please.
That's why.
Matthew 6:19-21
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
My bank accounts are at 50 year lows... Get real money folks!
I don’t give a fuck about my fiat anymore. I just care about silver
I HOPE that the stupid normies will be eventually protected by the new system. IF they shit their pants in the meantime, so be it.
Only speculation here, but IMHO this makes perfect sense. What better way to push through banking changes than letting the people see and feel the pain of the banks stealing their deposits. We all know that something has to be in play to (attempt to) thwart corrupt bankers and politicians future stealing and control opportunities.
unfortunately it does make perfect sense. pray everyone gets out of this Ok.
The usual, we don't need regulating as it would lead to less growth (for him)
Regulated by whom? Imo, regulators only run cover for the powers-that-be.
There’s no substitute for doing your own due-dilligence. Freedom comes with responsibilties and the system (regulators) cannot be trusted.
Most likely Bank of America or Charles Schwab?
I can’t believe people still keep their money in a bank. It’s like handing over your check at the end of the week to a government agent. And apparently are ok with it. Boggles the mind.
JPMChase just bought my mortgage, I'm not even sure what to pray for.