Just do a search on sept 23 conspiracy. You'll find articles like 8 years old.
Also, from this list I picked 3 random ones, 2 out of 3 are fake and gay. Due diligence needed before accepting something is true.
Fake and ghey:
In the movie "Gone Girl," the character Amy Dunne, played by Rosamund Pike, disappears on the morning of their fifth wedding anniversary. Her disappearance occurs on July 5th.
In the movie "Tomorrowland," the disaster known as the "Great Catastrophe" is shown in a flashback sequence. The Great Catastrophe occurs on August 12, 1964
That's two that are false. Not looking up the rest as it seems like a bull shit post.
Yep, these 4chan Mystic Mac screens are always fugazi. How about the one last Friday this huge event was gonna happen and don’t comment anything digital on it!
Speculation, but Operation Sea Breeze naval exercises in the Black Sea could fit the narrative. The exercise just began on 9-11. US Navy exercises for the past years in the Black Sea have increased tension between US and Russia and could provide a reasonable scenario for a false flag. The current exercise will be completed before 9-23, but a buoy detonation nuke or explosive could be left for remote detonation at a later time, similar to what may have detonated Nordstream 2. Or possibly the US naval fleet will be attacked/destroyed by a US detonation, and then simply blame Russia. WWIII would then begin. Not saying I believe this will happen, but it is more than scary that scenarios such as these seem even possible.
I saw that when checking but I didnt see mention of the US being involved (admittedly I didnt look too far past the headlines on Brave). I did see US Naval exercises in the Black Sea in 2021 though and there is a big NATO Naval exercise going on in the Baltic right now. And Russia began an exercise in the Baltic the day after NATO began. IMO if something is gonna happen it will be in the Baltic but our Navys involvement in Romanias Black Sea exercise could be under the radar enough to maybe do like you said and plant something that can be remote detonated.
Wonder what the significance of 923 is? I searched Numerology sites but couldn't find anything conclusive that would signify disaster or evil... interdasting
Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, when we fast, pray, seek forgiveness from God and our fellows, and come closer to God. It is the peak of the High Holidays.
On Yom Kippur the Kol Nidrei prayer is recited, almost always explained away to the public as a blessed ceremony of begging God for forgiveness for oaths that were violated, contracts that were broken and promises that were not kept in the past year. The trouble is, that pious picture is a phony.
In truth, Kol Nidrei is a ceremony whereby:
All the perjury you will commit in the coming year and
All contracts you will sign and violate in the coming year, and
All the promises you will break in the coming year — are absolved, with no heavenly punishment accruing as a result.
The basis for the Kol Nidrei rite is found in Talmudic law itself and as follows:
“And he who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, ‘Every vow which I make in the future shall be null.” (Babylonian Talmud: Nedarim 23a and 23b).
While less than a third of Judaics attend services on Yom Kippur, even fewer understand the prayer which condones lying. No doubt that the Pope of Rome and the heads of the Protestant fundamentalist churches will convey their esteem for the Yom Kippur ceremony too.
I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve seen datefagging before lead to nowhere even with a promising start.
But if there’s some Alien/Blue Beam or multi-dimensional shit. I’m going to be pissed if it happens while I’m at work. I barely get paid enough to deal with the customers and my coworkers. Let alone that shit.
Great, another reason to look forward to the day after my birthday ;)
But, seriously, it's the autumnal equinox. Some pagan nonsense is sure to be associated with that day. Something about balancing Virgo's groundedness with Libra's scales.
The 23rd of September is usually the beginning of Fall, the day of the equinox, when the northern hemisphere goes into a period where there is more dark than light.
TBH it’s really a low effort symbol to use it as a period of darkness, evil, or despair in a creative work.
Well, if something does happen, I'm not gonna hear about it until the late into the evening on the 24th because I'm leaving for a camping trip early morning on the 22nd.
The list has 33 instances. What does THAT mean?
Seriously, this list is crazy strange.
So, what is possibly going t happen 9/23? We are seeing alien stuff...
This sept 23 shit has been going on for a long time. Example:
Just do a search on sept 23 conspiracy. You'll find articles like 8 years old.
Also, from this list I picked 3 random ones, 2 out of 3 are fake and gay. Due diligence needed before accepting something is true.
Fake and ghey:
In the movie "Gone Girl," the character Amy Dunne, played by Rosamund Pike, disappears on the morning of their fifth wedding anniversary. Her disappearance occurs on July 5th.
In the movie "Tomorrowland," the disaster known as the "Great Catastrophe" is shown in a flashback sequence. The Great Catastrophe occurs on August 12, 1964
That's two that are false. Not looking up the rest as it seems like a bull shit post.
Yep, these 4chan Mystic Mac screens are always fugazi. How about the one last Friday this huge event was gonna happen and don’t comment anything digital on it!
Now that is due diligence I appreciate because I trusted the post from an Anon, and didn't have time to track it down. Good work! Thank you
Clif High has said it’s the alien stuff expected to ramp up through September.
suicide weekend
Nice recall
9/23 suicide weekend
Calling it now:
The Cabal will try their biggest false flag on the 23rd of September
Speculation, but Operation Sea Breeze naval exercises in the Black Sea could fit the narrative. The exercise just began on 9-11. US Navy exercises for the past years in the Black Sea have increased tension between US and Russia and could provide a reasonable scenario for a false flag. The current exercise will be completed before 9-23, but a buoy detonation nuke or explosive could be left for remote detonation at a later time, similar to what may have detonated Nordstream 2. Or possibly the US naval fleet will be attacked/destroyed by a US detonation, and then simply blame Russia. WWIII would then begin. Not saying I believe this will happen, but it is more than scary that scenarios such as these seem even possible.
The Naval exercises are in the Baltic not Black Sea. Technical correction doesnt change the body of your post.
Also Russia began Baltic Sea drills one day after NATO.
The exercise involves Romania (borders the Black Sea) and had implications to support/readiness regarding Ukraine.
As you said, it doesn’t change the narrative.
I saw that when checking but I didnt see mention of the US being involved (admittedly I didnt look too far past the headlines on Brave). I did see US Naval exercises in the Black Sea in 2021 though and there is a big NATO Naval exercise going on in the Baltic right now. And Russia began an exercise in the Baltic the day after NATO began. IMO if something is gonna happen it will be in the Baltic but our Navys involvement in Romanias Black Sea exercise could be under the radar enough to maybe do like you said and plant something that can be remote detonated.
Wonder what the significance of 923 is? I searched Numerology sites but couldn't find anything conclusive that would signify disaster or evil... interdasting
Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, when we fast, pray, seek forgiveness from God and our fellows, and come closer to God. It is the peak of the High Holidays.
On Yom Kippur the Kol Nidrei prayer is recited, almost always explained away to the public as a blessed ceremony of begging God for forgiveness for oaths that were violated, contracts that were broken and promises that were not kept in the past year. The trouble is, that pious picture is a phony.
In truth, Kol Nidrei is a ceremony whereby:
All the perjury you will commit in the coming year and
All contracts you will sign and violate in the coming year, and
All the promises you will break in the coming year — are absolved, with no heavenly punishment accruing as a result.
The basis for the Kol Nidrei rite is found in Talmudic law itself and as follows:
“And he who desires that none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, ‘Every vow which I make in the future shall be null.” (Babylonian Talmud: Nedarim 23a and 23b).
While less than a third of Judaics attend services on Yom Kippur, even fewer understand the prayer which condones lying. No doubt that the Pope of Rome and the heads of the Protestant fundamentalist churches will convey their esteem for the Yom Kippur ceremony too.
Thanks, Fren! I'll be keeping my eye on 9/23 this month....
Why do you censor the Lord's name? I've seen this before and thought it was atheists treating His name as a slur, but that's not the case here.
I apologize, copy and paste without checking. Holy is the name of the Lord, Glory to his name.
the interpretation of the commandment in Deuteronomy 12:3-4 regarding the destruction of pagan altars?
do you write g-d instead of god because of the interpretation of the commandment in Deuteronomy 12:3-4 regarding the destruction of pagan altars?
I apologize, copy and paste without checking. Holy is the name of the Lord, Glory to his name.
Yom Kippur Begins sunset of Sunday, September 24, 2023 Ends nightfall of Monday, September 25, 2023
Hollyweird uses 'Pythagorean Numerology' in all their films/shows, so 923=IBC, which could be "IBC Bank"?? And who is it that runs the Bank..?
Ahh yes, the classic Taco Bell concentration camp commercial
Lmfao WHAT
Yeah, this post is suss. Who would even look up all that shit? Plus I already picked 3 random ones from the list and 2 are false.
Well, that commercial was directed by Nostra-dumbass...
I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve seen datefagging before lead to nowhere even with a promising start.
But if there’s some Alien/Blue Beam or multi-dimensional shit. I’m going to be pissed if it happens while I’m at work. I barely get paid enough to deal with the customers and my coworkers. Let alone that shit.
14th through 23 = 10 days
That’s too soon to write a sternly worded letter.
there's definitely something going on with 23; monuments measurements, acreage, accidents, flights (232) etc.
Also, think it has something to do with DNA 23 chromosomes.
23,000 is also a popular number;
George Washington had 23,000 troops;
23,000 stones in the base of Wasington Monument
23,000 soldiers killed on the bloodiest day in American History☹️
"George Washington had 23,000 troops"
are you asking if that’s true or how it’s relevant?
it’s towards the middle of the document, the number of soldiers he was fighting with.
Another example;
Lincoln had 23,000 casualties…
Wow! that's a lot of evil programming!
Remember, September is the Zodiac Libra = Scales of Justice month
Interestingly, I just googled "libra dates", and it is
September 23 - October 22
Date Fagging x 33!!
This was also a topic of discussion in 2022. Trump held his Wilmington, NC 'Save America' rally on 9/23/22.
When the Cabal has figured they cannot win, WW3!
Great, another reason to look forward to the day after my birthday ;)
But, seriously, it's the autumnal equinox. Some pagan nonsense is sure to be associated with that day. Something about balancing Virgo's groundedness with Libra's scales.
When does Oktoberfest start?
Three days, on the 16th.
dude, is that how they ended BBT?!
ThanQ for posting this! I keep hearing about 9/23 from truther videos. Project blue beam? I hope not as I have an out-of-town surprise party.
Song - Earth Wind and Fire - September
Talks about 21st night of September
The only movie that turned out to be current event was Matrix.
The 23rd of September is usually the beginning of Fall, the day of the equinox, when the northern hemisphere goes into a period where there is more dark than light.
TBH it’s really a low effort symbol to use it as a period of darkness, evil, or despair in a creative work.
Well, if something does happen, I'm not gonna hear about it until the late into the evening on the 24th because I'm leaving for a camping trip early morning on the 22nd.
This is disturbing! It doesn't give South Africa time to win the Rugby World Cup.
Some tasty date fagging! Has anyone prepared the September 24th excuse yet? I mean, in the unlikely scenario...
It's a 923 year Delta, so the actual event will be on September 23, 2946