The Rock was the greatest thing eva from like 1998-2002. I still can't believe he is this facade of 'principle' and breaks them all, from PEDs to his little Vote fer Sleepy Joe announcement on Twatter. I hope he goes down in flames. Horrifically.
There is a clip floating around from an interview show were he not so jokingly joked about drinking children's blood. Don't think he is one of the good ones.
That Rock is long gone. And his silly ass couldn't understand he could be a star without "them." You really can make enough money where, when you are asked to say lines about drinking children's blood, you CAN say "no fuck you, there is no way I am saying that" and go home, because you already have millions.
I believe they told his dumbass they could make him President one day if he played the game for him and he actually believed it. Groundwork has been set for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie of all things, sonic actually says "Is the Rock President yet?" WTF
The "black rock" or "black stone" is also a name for the Kaaba Stone in Mecca - it's set into one corner of the Kaaba, the small building around which Muslims process during their pilgrimages. The "black rock" is certainly one of their holiest artifacts, if not the holiest.
The kids at work just today were showing me a video about Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard and Larry Fink. I didnt think they had progressed so far yet down the anon path.
Shit, Kubrick was hired to fake the moon footage... the more time goes by the more I feel 100% about this. NASA conned the world.
Kubrick was a genius and he knew his time was limited. His final film Eyes Wide Shut was going to show some very fucked up aspects of the Cabal and their rituals. He was killed before the film was to be released and “they” had Steven Spielberg come in a re-edit the entire movie into the mess that you see today.
I watched a video with a man explaining that the name opera (Oprah, obviously) means One who Turns Her Back on Her People, and the name Dwayne means Wagonmaster, and he said that that whole video wasn't for us but was a comm to let elites know that they had a "product" to sell. He also mentioned the land Oprah had recently purchased there, and that there was a large rock on the land, so he mentioned that The Rock was a symbol for where "the product" was being held. He said she also purchase land when the CA fires happened.
I watched a video with a man explaining that the name opera (Oprah, obviously) means One who Turns Her Back on Her People, and the name Dwayne means Wagonmaster, and he said that that whole video wasn't for us but was a comm to let elites know that they had a "product" to sell. He also mentioned the land Oprah had recently purchased there, and that there was a large rock on the land, so he mentioned that The Rock was a symbol for where "the product" was being held. He said she also purchase land when the CA fires happened.
And thus, the name Orpah may mean anything from Drip to Cloud to Shadow. That's not at all unusual, or even negative, since in the Bible great things tend to occur in darkness (Genesis 1:2, 15:17).
Black cube rabbit hole for more symbology....check out (Alamo, everybody died) Astor Place Cube or the Cube. It's one of 7 cubes created by Tony Rosenthal.
Could also be the Islamic "black stone" that supposedly fell from the heavens, the Kaaba that the Muslims circle three times in their pilgrimages to Mecca.
Remember when the clowns got tricked into dressing up and attending their own funeral that Gervis presided over at the Golden Globes? Many shots for you know who look terrified, even above Speilberg and everyone else? The Rock. He couldn't even hide it. He was promised that nasty things he has done to be in the club would be kept under wraps if he played ball and he found out otherwise that night. I guarantee he has been a nervous wreck ever since, but hey, he wanted to be a big star and was told he could be president, and was dumb enough to believe it.
The Rock was the greatest thing eva from like 1998-2002. I still can't believe he is this facade of 'principle' and breaks them all, from PEDs to his little Vote fer Sleepy Joe announcement on Twatter. I hope he goes down in flames. Horrifically.
There is a clip floating around from an interview show were he not so jokingly joked about drinking children's blood. Don't think he is one of the good ones.
The fact that he blew up out of nowhere is a big sign that he's not to be trusted.
He pimps himself out for roles. There's nothing he won't do.
Don't forget "HAIL SATAN"
Disney super star
AND VIDEO: Long intro, content starts at 45 seconds. He tells a boy he eats children at 1:35.
That Rock is long gone. And his silly ass couldn't understand he could be a star without "them." You really can make enough money where, when you are asked to say lines about drinking children's blood, you CAN say "no fuck you, there is no way I am saying that" and go home, because you already have millions. I believe they told his dumbass they could make him President one day if he played the game for him and he actually believed it. Groundwork has been set for the Sonic the Hedgehog movie of all things, sonic actually says "Is the Rock President yet?" WTF
All jokes aside, the Kaaba is the Black Rock, speaking of symbolic relevance.
Understanding the symbols they use better than they do would be their downfall.
So......What happened to this comment the first time it was posted?
How did it disappear?
There was a misspelling in the original..
It got lost in Blackrock's black hole.
The "black rock" or "black stone" is also a name for the Kaaba Stone in Mecca - it's set into one corner of the Kaaba, the small building around which Muslims process during their pilgrimages. The "black rock" is certainly one of their holiest artifacts, if not the holiest.
Black rock & vanguard needs to be vaporized.
The kids at work just today were showing me a video about Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard and Larry Fink. I didnt think they had progressed so far yet down the anon path.
Where you see that about alladin AI?
Just watched 2001 Space Odyssey again. Was it implied? Kubrick was 'in the know.'
Shit, Kubrick was hired to fake the moon footage... the more time goes by the more I feel 100% about this. NASA conned the world.
Kubrick was a genius and he knew his time was limited. His final film Eyes Wide Shut was going to show some very fucked up aspects of the Cabal and their rituals. He was killed before the film was to be released and “they” had Steven Spielberg come in a re-edit the entire movie into the mess that you see today.
And now Blackrock are giving $$$$ to the Chinese military......
They are losing, bad.
Yeah let them, lol. China getting their butts handed to them at the India border
This is trippy. 🤯
I dunno if Oprah = Black.
I might be inclined to call this a Rock Opera, tho.
I watched a video with a man explaining that the name opera (Oprah, obviously) means One who Turns Her Back on Her People, and the name Dwayne means Wagonmaster, and he said that that whole video wasn't for us but was a comm to let elites know that they had a "product" to sell. He also mentioned the land Oprah had recently purchased there, and that there was a large rock on the land, so he mentioned that The Rock was a symbol for where "the product" was being held. He said she also purchase land when the CA fires happened.
Oh shit. Comms? KEK Don't they both have hawaii property?
Good catch
But the Rock is already black... so BLACK ROCK applies to him alone as well does it not? =D
I watched a video with a man explaining that the name opera (Oprah, obviously) means One who Turns Her Back on Her People, and the name Dwayne means Wagonmaster, and he said that that whole video wasn't for us but was a comm to let elites know that they had a "product" to sell. He also mentioned the land Oprah had recently purchased there, and that there was a large rock on the land, so he mentioned that The Rock was a symbol for where "the product" was being held. He said she also purchase land when the CA fires happened.
No, she was supposed to be named Orpah, after a name in the Bible, but her mother misspelled it somehow.
I think I remember hearing that way back when I read The Color Purple in school.
But it also brings up some interesting research! From this link, it talks about clouds, darkness and dripping 😁
Black cube rabbit hole for more symbology....check out (Alamo, everybody died) Astor Place Cube or the Cube. It's one of 7 cubes created by Tony Rosenthal.
Could also be the Islamic "black stone" that supposedly fell from the heavens, the Kaaba that the Muslims circle three times in their pilgrimages to Mecca.
Or Black Goo?
The Rock looks coerced like he is doing something he doesn't want to
He knows we are on to him.
Is this referring to Burning Man at the Blackrock desert,Blackrock city Nevada ?
This made me laugh honestly
Nah. Oprah bring a black person doesn’t mean that she represents “black.” Calling this one a major reach.
Remember when the clowns got tricked into dressing up and attending their own funeral that Gervis presided over at the Golden Globes? Many shots for you know who look terrified, even above Speilberg and everyone else? The Rock. He couldn't even hide it. He was promised that nasty things he has done to be in the club would be kept under wraps if he played ball and he found out otherwise that night. I guarantee he has been a nervous wreck ever since, but hey, he wanted to be a big star and was told he could be president, and was dumb enough to believe it.
So kekking hilarious and true! 💚
Championship football game the Rock recorded zero tackles.
Lol, I just posted the same
FAT, PEDO, HUMAN-TRAFFICING, RACE-BAITING, BITCH ROCK was my first guess, but didn't make as much sense. Thanks for clarifying.
Black cuck
Blackrock = Aladdin AI
Hard to believe Johnson is in on this?
not hard to believe the the O-P-R-A is!