Easy there punisher. We hear this everyday from people who end up doing nothing. But sure go ahead and say it more out loud to make yourself feel better.
In addition, Michael was barred from contacting his former wife and her family in any way; and is specifically prohibited from making threats to them.
He was also banned from ‘hiding or secreting the children in any way’ and ‘placing a telephone call, anonymously, at any unreasonable hour, in an offensive and repetitious manner, or without any legitimate purpose of communication with the intent to annoy or alarm the other party.’
Sophie, meanwhile, has been ordered to take part in family reunification therapy with her mother while living with her aunt Danielle Hamlin.
Acrimony from a previous relationship frequently leads to some really despicable acts from the mother. It's not always this way, but it happens more often than people realize. This video shows the extreme end of abuse. The most serious effect of forcibly removing biological fathers from the home is the void left which tends to open a Pandora's box of abuse of children. Despite for exceptions of some really bad dads, for the most part biological fathers will protect their children from harm. These dads from acrimonious relationships are generally legally barred from seeing their children.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not fathers, but mothers—especially single mothers—who are most likely to abuse children. An HHS study found that women ages twenty to forty-nine are almost twice as likely as men to be perpetrators of child maltreatment: “It is estimated that . . . almost two thirds [of child abusers] were females” (HHS 1998a, xi–xii).
Given that male perpetrators are not necessarily biological fathers but more likely to be boyfriends and stepfathers, fathers emerge as the least likely child abusers. To often boyfriends and stepfathers are used as tools to get revenge against the biological father.
Researcher Robert Whelan found that children are as much as 33 times more likely to be abused when a live-in boyfriend or stepfather is present (1993, 29). And “[c]ontrary to public perception,” write Patrick Fagan and Dorothy Hanks of the Heritage Foundation, “the most likely physical abuser of a young child will be that child’s mother, not a male in the household” (1997, 16). Mothers accounted for 55 percent of child murders, according to a 1994 Justice Department report, whereas biological fathers were responsible for only a relatively tiny percentage (BJS 1994). From the father’s perspective, it appears that the real abusers have removed him from the family so they can abuse his children with impunity.
Fatherhood advocate Adrienne Burgess writes that “fathers have often played the protector role inside families” (Burgess 1997, 54). This claim is confirmed by academic research, however diffident scholars may be about saying so. “The presence of the father . . . placed the child at lesser risk for child sexual abuse,” concludes a study of low-income families. “The protective effect from the father’s presence in most households was sufficiently strong to offset the risk incurred by the few paternal perpetrators” (Rowland, Zabin, and Emerson 2000).
The offspring becomes the punching bag of the mother's revenge. Taking revenge against dad is punishing/ abusing the child[ren]. This is the insidiousness of what I see in the video above here. The mother, the boy friend, and all that have knowledge of this crime need to be eliminated from society. The damage done this child is permanent and is an abomination to us all, especially our Lord and Savior.
• "Feelings of anger towards their former spouses hindered effective involvement on the part of fathers; angry mothers would sometimes sabotage father's efforts to visit their children." (Source: Ahrons and Miller, Am. Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 63. p. 442, July `93.)
• 37.9% of fathers have no access/visitation rights. (Source: p.6, col.II, para. 6, lines 4 & 5, Census Bureau P-60, #173, Sept 1991.)
• "Overall, approximately 50% of mothers "see no value in the father`s continued contact with his children...." (Source: Surviving the Breakup, Joan Kelly & Judith Wallerstein, p. 125)
• Only 11% of mothers value their husband's input when it comes to handling problems with their kids. Teachers & doctors rated 45%, and close friends & relatives rated 16%.(Source: EDK Associates survey of 500 women for Redbook Magazine. Redbook, November 1994, p. 36)
• "The former spouse (mother) was the greatest obstacle to having more frequent contact with the children." (Source: Increasing our understanding of fathers who have infrequent contact with their children, James Dudley, Family Relations, Vol. 4, p. 281, July 1991.)
• "A clear majority (70%) of fathers felt that they had too little time with their children." (Source: Visitation and the Noncustodial Father, Mary Ann Kock & Carol Lowery, Journal of Divorce, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 54, Winter 1984.)
• "Very few of the children were satisfied with the amount of contact with their fathers, after divorce." (Source: Visitation and the Noncustodial Father, Koch & Lowery, Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 50, Winter 1984.)
• "Feelings of anger towards their former spouses hindered effective involvement on the part of fathers; angry mothers would sometimes sabotage father's efforts to visit their children." (Source: Ahrons and Miller, Am. Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 63. p. 442, July `93.)
• "Mothers may prevent visits to retaliate against fathers for problems in their marital or post-marital relationship." (Source: Seltzer, Shaeffer & Charing, Journal of Marriage & the Family, Vol. 51, p. 1015, November 1989.)
• In a study: "Visitational Interference - A National Study" by Ms. J Annette Vanini, M.S.W. and Edward Nichols, M.S.W., it was found that 77% of non-custodial fathers are NOT able to "visit" their children, as ordered by the court, as a result of "visitation interference" perpetuated by the custodial parent. In other words, non-compliance with court ordered visitation is three times the problem of non-compliance with court ordered child support and impacts the children of divorce even more. Originally published Sept. 1992
• "In a study of 146 adolescent friends of 26 adolescent suicide victims, teens living in single-parent families are not only more likely to commit suicide but also more likely to suffer from psychological disorders, when compared to teens living in intact families." Source: David A. Brent, (et. al.) "Post-traumatic Stress Disorders in Peers of Adolescent Suicide Victims: Predisposing Factors and Phenomenology." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 34 (1995): 209-215.
• "Fatherless children are at dramatically greater risk of suicide." Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Survey on Child Health, Washington, D.C., 1993.
• "Three out of four teenage suicides occur in households where a parent has been absent." Source: Jean Beth Eshtain, "Family Matters: The Plight of America's Children." The Christian Century (July 1993): 14-21.
• "A family structure index -- a composite index based on the annual rate of children involved in divorce and the percentage of families with children present that are female-headed - is a strong predictor of suicide among young adult and adolescent white males." Source: Patricia L. McCall and Kenneth C. Land, "Trends in White Male Adolescent, Young-Adult, and Elderly Suicide: Are There Common Underlying Structural Factors?" Social Science Research 23 (1994): 57-81
It's so wicked that a mother of a former husband/'significant other' would do this to her own daughter. There is a real sickness to this and unfortunately the remedy in today's world of trafficked and abused children, especially through the foster care system is few. The biological father is legally muted unless top dollar can buy his legal challenge to end this tragedy.
Part of the many reasons why birthrates and marriage rates are in the toilet. Though there’s all sorts of contributing factors and or other reason’s people would prefer to blame while studiously avoiding the looming elephants in the room.
People love dancing around the multitude of societal problems. I’ve seen people on both sides of the aisle and both genders do it. Of all faiths and creeds as well. Especially when aforementioned problems involve contradictions to the many other things society “Knows” and regards as unquestionable fact. Or just uncomfortable topics in general. IE Mom not always being the loving one, Divorce Statistics, Single-Motherhood. Crime statistics. Etc.
At this point the problems are going to continue fester. You can address the symptoms and buy time. But that’s all your doing. Buying time. Eventually that time will run out.
Because many people are inclined to avoid the frankly uncomfortable and emotionally unpleasant discussions. Until either something snaps. And either Society overcorrects to a different extreme before it begins ever so slowly drifting back to it’s starting point. Or falls apart completely.
As the devil strode in town, he pondered, What better way is there for destruction of the human race than to set enmity between man and woman?
This is when Marxism created 'No-Fault' divorce as the the standard policy in Bolshevik Russia. It was designed to eat from the inside out Christian society. So successful was it, it was exported first to Europe in the 1950s and then to the United States in 1962. Making divorce easy and then using Hollywood to make it look in vogue and appealing for women to assert their rights as part of the women's liberation movement has led us to the sorry state we are in today.
The divorce industry has flourished and is over a trillion dollar per year business. In 1994, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was set into law. This allowed women shelters to crop up all over the nation. Senator Joe Biden was a sponsor for this bill. Just like the women's liberation movement was hijacked by militant lesbians, these same people filled the VAWA advisory roles in family courts across the United States. The misandrist women often write the 'No Contact' orders and the magistrate, if there was one, would rubber stamp it. It has become an automated system. Fathers would come home to be kicked out of their own homes and arrested before seeing a magistrate 48 hours later. Not since the Magna Carta in the 12th Century, which ended such abuses have men been thrown out of their own homes.
In 1994 child support was federalized through an agency located in the bowels of Washington DC. The Reporting system from every court in the nation report to this agency through a computerized system the dollar amount for every unfortunate individual paying child support. In return the federal government on average pays the State 3 dollars for every single dollar of child support that the court garners. It's not hard to see that the incentive would be to jack up the child support as high as possible. The psychological harm, suicides, and murder only feed the Beast System and is rampant.
It's a giant RICO racket for the government and lawyers.
Derek Johnson covers this really well. He explains the secret behind American Jurispudence and the American BAR (British Accreditation Registry). If you think about it, our overlords want us weak. Since strength comes through families, what better way to keep the population under control than to claim ownership over women and children? This is why there is 'parens patriae' and women and children in the legal field are considered 'wards of the court'.
'Parens Patriae' is the legal phrasing that the government owns the children. This has been kept under wraps from the general public because no rightful parents would agree to this.
In Blair Adams’ volume: "WHO OWNS THE CHILDREN?", the author examines some of the court cases and legal precedents that shed light on this important question. In his “Preface” he writes:
[A]ccording to the courts of this land, ... “A child is primarily” not his parents’ offspring but “a ward of the [S]tate”; ... parents hold relationship he owes allegiance to the government”; ... parents serve as a mere “guardianship” which “the government places [the child] under”; ... parental authority must be “at all times exercised in subordination to the paramount and overruling direction of the [S]tate”; ... “the natural rights of a parent to the custody and control of... his child are subordinate to the power of the [S]tate”;... in deciding whether parent or State will control a child’s education, the child’s academic progress under the parents - even as measured by State-approved tests - has been termed by State prosecutors as “irrelevant and immaterial”; and finally ... such legal principles and policies form the basis of all this nation’s compulsory education laws. (pp. xix-xx)*
And it goes on to examine the American legal history of actual court cases and contexts in which these judicial statements were made, some as early as 1840.
Someone said quite crudely:
"When women fail, they just start fucking the new alphas."
It seems to provide context to the despicable actions of the mother in the video above. Despite the statement above being crude, it contains a lot of truth. All through history this has really been the story. It helps explain a continuing tragedy. Interpreting this with peace and war, the differing constructs between male and female are manifested by the policy of the ruling class. After all, what better way to avoid the threat of uprisings than by control over the kingdom's women? In the early 1960s, 'No Fault Divorce' was introduced in the United States, which had its origins in the former Soviet Union. It was so effective in destroying traditional marriages in the Soviet Union, it was introduced here to further government control over the wards of the State; women and children.
In war and conquest, women are subject to repeated rape and even being murdered. This goes for children too. These often cruel and barbaric acts sends shock waves through the dispossessed population. The lucky few are carried off into captivity to live another day. I want you to think about this in terms of sex trafficking and the trafficking of women and children today. Things have not changed. They have never changed.
Whether it is peace or war (as in marriage and divorce), the elite benefit in the form of what we know as the harem concept. Europe had its own form of it and was called the gynaeceum. A gynaeceum actually has its origins in ancient Greece and Rome and can be described as a house or a section of a house reserved for women members. The male elite who acted as their male-providers in society often created gynaeceums for their personal pleasures. And who did the overlords set in charge of the women? Why it was eunuchs. Today, transsexuals are being introduced in what was once traditional women activities. Nothing has changed.
Concerning the medieval gynaeceum, Phillipe Aries and Georges Duby writes:
“In the chansons de toile, women were seen to be dependent and in a virtual state of rebellion against the institution of marriage.” Women’s time was a time of waiting; and was experienced inwardly, and in despair . . . . Women’s space is closely guarded, for within it resided the women in whom the quality of the lineage was vested. In the gynaeceum, a woman was exalted in her role as mother. Men may enter, but only for a limited time. In parts of the household where multiple female functions were on display (lady, retinue, nurses) spatial functions were absent. In the gynaeceum, the child received its earliest education; the segregation is functional . . . The women’s group has a very distinctive character. It defines itself in terms of boundaries . . . Withdrawal is another constant.”
-- "A History of Private Life, Vol. 2: Revelations of the Medieval World"
The gynaeceum is alive and well today. It is found under the legal precedent known as 'Wards of the State'. Government has replaced the father. It is contrary to all of Nature and is quite evil with their very ineptness ‘acting’ as a replacement for a father. Yet, this is not really their purpose, is it? It is not really any different than what is found in North Korea or communist nations. The legal system in the West just does a much better job at hiding it from the general public. And what happens to these men, who have been legally estranged and barred from being a father? With isolation and a feeling of little purpose, they look for a purpose. If there is a war being fought, the military becomes an attractive place to get away from the past.
The grandmother was disgusting...'If that happened, how did you get the lead in the school play?!!!' The judge is a disaster, the child should be with her dad. She was not acting.
That grandmother belongs in HELL! If that was my granddaughter, I would’ve grabbed that mother around the throat and tackled her to the ground and they would have to of had 10 cops get me off her🤬😡
CPS is full of anti father sickos. The mother's can do what ever the hell they want short of out right murder and CPS will hand the kids over to her. One of my friends just went though the "reunification" process and lost both of his kids to this system. It was odd because originally both kids didn't want to go to moms (were crying about it) but there was court ordered time with the mother he had to comply with. after a month with very little word from the kids over monitored phone calls mom went dark. turns out there was an accusation made and CPS kid napped the kids at the airport as they were coming back to the fathers state. no word to the father about it for 3 days he was going nuts. CPS kept those kids for well over 6 months and never heard from his kids again. not even a letter or text. All is said and done the kids decided to live with mom and he still has had absolutely no contact. but is on the hook for support of course. I think the kids were brain washed in the initial 6 months in CPS captivity. We still don't understand exactly what happened to them there. but according to CPS and the mother they don't want to talk to dad at all? what happened to the kids begging not to be forced to visit mom? something is very wrong with the CPS system.
Some of these judges are just as disgusting as the pedos.
Guardians of the pedophiles.
The judge is probably a pedophile himself and condones the rape.
I'm so fucking furious right now. I have two daughters, one not much younger and I picture her in this scenario.
My eyes would turn black, and I would find that fucking animal and shoot him squared between the eyes.
And only then would my eyes return to normal, and I would walk out like nothing happened.
And the mother that watches as well.
And Grandma knows. Instead of even for one second listening to the child and believing, she switches gears and begins to gaslight the child.
Sick. I hope all three face justice, and I don't care what form it takes.
Equal death sentences.
But Mom would be pulled down onto a tall bollard with weights tied to get ankles, to experience the trauma she allowed on her daughter.
Left on it, until it pushed her innards out of her mouth and the birds began to feast on them.
After death, they would still be required to go to hell.
Name checks out.
I'm all about peace and love in abundance.
Unless you commit crimes against humanity, especially children.
Then you must be terminated with extreme prejudice.
Respect !
Vlad the Impaler the pair, horrible to see. That stuff is going on all over. Depopulate the pedophiles and their enablers.
PURE EVIL....my heart is exploding with anger... HOW THE HELL CAN THIS JUDGE do this to the father...who is trying to protect his daughter...OMG!!!
Easy there punisher. We hear this everyday from people who end up doing nothing. But sure go ahead and say it more out loud to make yourself feel better.
thanks for the comment random generated name stealth account
That poor girl! I'm grateful that she has a father who cares enough to risk jail to protect her. May God bless him and keep him and Sophie safe.
DITTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Acrimony from a previous relationship frequently leads to some really despicable acts from the mother. It's not always this way, but it happens more often than people realize. This video shows the extreme end of abuse. The most serious effect of forcibly removing biological fathers from the home is the void left which tends to open a Pandora's box of abuse of children. Despite for exceptions of some really bad dads, for the most part biological fathers will protect their children from harm. These dads from acrimonious relationships are generally legally barred from seeing their children.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not fathers, but mothers—especially single mothers—who are most likely to abuse children. An HHS study found that women ages twenty to forty-nine are almost twice as likely as men to be perpetrators of child maltreatment: “It is estimated that . . . almost two thirds [of child abusers] were females” (HHS 1998a, xi–xii).
Given that male perpetrators are not necessarily biological fathers but more likely to be boyfriends and stepfathers, fathers emerge as the least likely child abusers. To often boyfriends and stepfathers are used as tools to get revenge against the biological father.
Researcher Robert Whelan found that children are as much as 33 times more likely to be abused when a live-in boyfriend or stepfather is present (1993, 29). And “[c]ontrary to public perception,” write Patrick Fagan and Dorothy Hanks of the Heritage Foundation, “the most likely physical abuser of a young child will be that child’s mother, not a male in the household” (1997, 16). Mothers accounted for 55 percent of child murders, according to a 1994 Justice Department report, whereas biological fathers were responsible for only a relatively tiny percentage (BJS 1994). From the father’s perspective, it appears that the real abusers have removed him from the family so they can abuse his children with impunity.
Fatherhood advocate Adrienne Burgess writes that “fathers have often played the protector role inside families” (Burgess 1997, 54). This claim is confirmed by academic research, however diffident scholars may be about saying so. “The presence of the father . . . placed the child at lesser risk for child sexual abuse,” concludes a study of low-income families. “The protective effect from the father’s presence in most households was sufficiently strong to offset the risk incurred by the few paternal perpetrators” (Rowland, Zabin, and Emerson 2000).
The offspring becomes the punching bag of the mother's revenge. Taking revenge against dad is punishing/ abusing the child[ren]. This is the insidiousness of what I see in the video above here. The mother, the boy friend, and all that have knowledge of this crime need to be eliminated from society. The damage done this child is permanent and is an abomination to us all, especially our Lord and Savior.
• "Feelings of anger towards their former spouses hindered effective involvement on the part of fathers; angry mothers would sometimes sabotage father's efforts to visit their children." (Source: Ahrons and Miller, Am. Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 63. p. 442, July `93.)
• 37.9% of fathers have no access/visitation rights. (Source: p.6, col.II, para. 6, lines 4 & 5, Census Bureau P-60, #173, Sept 1991.)
• "Overall, approximately 50% of mothers "see no value in the father`s continued contact with his children...." (Source: Surviving the Breakup, Joan Kelly & Judith Wallerstein, p. 125)
• Only 11% of mothers value their husband's input when it comes to handling problems with their kids. Teachers & doctors rated 45%, and close friends & relatives rated 16%.(Source: EDK Associates survey of 500 women for Redbook Magazine. Redbook, November 1994, p. 36)
• "The former spouse (mother) was the greatest obstacle to having more frequent contact with the children." (Source: Increasing our understanding of fathers who have infrequent contact with their children, James Dudley, Family Relations, Vol. 4, p. 281, July 1991.)
• "A clear majority (70%) of fathers felt that they had too little time with their children." (Source: Visitation and the Noncustodial Father, Mary Ann Kock & Carol Lowery, Journal of Divorce, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 54, Winter 1984.)
• "Very few of the children were satisfied with the amount of contact with their fathers, after divorce." (Source: Visitation and the Noncustodial Father, Koch & Lowery, Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 50, Winter 1984.)
• "Feelings of anger towards their former spouses hindered effective involvement on the part of fathers; angry mothers would sometimes sabotage father's efforts to visit their children." (Source: Ahrons and Miller, Am. Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 63. p. 442, July `93.)
• "Mothers may prevent visits to retaliate against fathers for problems in their marital or post-marital relationship." (Source: Seltzer, Shaeffer & Charing, Journal of Marriage & the Family, Vol. 51, p. 1015, November 1989.)
• In a study: "Visitational Interference - A National Study" by Ms. J Annette Vanini, M.S.W. and Edward Nichols, M.S.W., it was found that 77% of non-custodial fathers are NOT able to "visit" their children, as ordered by the court, as a result of "visitation interference" perpetuated by the custodial parent. In other words, non-compliance with court ordered visitation is three times the problem of non-compliance with court ordered child support and impacts the children of divorce even more. Originally published Sept. 1992
• "In a study of 146 adolescent friends of 26 adolescent suicide victims, teens living in single-parent families are not only more likely to commit suicide but also more likely to suffer from psychological disorders, when compared to teens living in intact families." Source: David A. Brent, (et. al.) "Post-traumatic Stress Disorders in Peers of Adolescent Suicide Victims: Predisposing Factors and Phenomenology." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 34 (1995): 209-215.
• "Fatherless children are at dramatically greater risk of suicide." Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Survey on Child Health, Washington, D.C., 1993.
• "Three out of four teenage suicides occur in households where a parent has been absent." Source: Jean Beth Eshtain, "Family Matters: The Plight of America's Children." The Christian Century (July 1993): 14-21.
• "A family structure index -- a composite index based on the annual rate of children involved in divorce and the percentage of families with children present that are female-headed - is a strong predictor of suicide among young adult and adolescent white males." Source: Patricia L. McCall and Kenneth C. Land, "Trends in White Male Adolescent, Young-Adult, and Elderly Suicide: Are There Common Underlying Structural Factors?" Social Science Research 23 (1994): 57-81
It's so wicked that a mother of a former husband/'significant other' would do this to her own daughter. There is a real sickness to this and unfortunately the remedy in today's world of trafficked and abused children, especially through the foster care system is few. The biological father is legally muted unless top dollar can buy his legal challenge to end this tragedy.
Part of the many reasons why birthrates and marriage rates are in the toilet. Though there’s all sorts of contributing factors and or other reason’s people would prefer to blame while studiously avoiding the looming elephants in the room.
People love dancing around the multitude of societal problems. I’ve seen people on both sides of the aisle and both genders do it. Of all faiths and creeds as well. Especially when aforementioned problems involve contradictions to the many other things society “Knows” and regards as unquestionable fact. Or just uncomfortable topics in general. IE Mom not always being the loving one, Divorce Statistics, Single-Motherhood. Crime statistics. Etc.
At this point the problems are going to continue fester. You can address the symptoms and buy time. But that’s all your doing. Buying time. Eventually that time will run out.
Because many people are inclined to avoid the frankly uncomfortable and emotionally unpleasant discussions. Until either something snaps. And either Society overcorrects to a different extreme before it begins ever so slowly drifting back to it’s starting point. Or falls apart completely.
As the devil strode in town, he pondered, What better way is there for destruction of the human race than to set enmity between man and woman?
This is when Marxism created 'No-Fault' divorce as the the standard policy in Bolshevik Russia. It was designed to eat from the inside out Christian society. So successful was it, it was exported first to Europe in the 1950s and then to the United States in 1962. Making divorce easy and then using Hollywood to make it look in vogue and appealing for women to assert their rights as part of the women's liberation movement has led us to the sorry state we are in today.
The divorce industry has flourished and is over a trillion dollar per year business. In 1994, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) was set into law. This allowed women shelters to crop up all over the nation. Senator Joe Biden was a sponsor for this bill. Just like the women's liberation movement was hijacked by militant lesbians, these same people filled the VAWA advisory roles in family courts across the United States. The misandrist women often write the 'No Contact' orders and the magistrate, if there was one, would rubber stamp it. It has become an automated system. Fathers would come home to be kicked out of their own homes and arrested before seeing a magistrate 48 hours later. Not since the Magna Carta in the 12th Century, which ended such abuses have men been thrown out of their own homes.
In 1994 child support was federalized through an agency located in the bowels of Washington DC. The Reporting system from every court in the nation report to this agency through a computerized system the dollar amount for every unfortunate individual paying child support. In return the federal government on average pays the State 3 dollars for every single dollar of child support that the court garners. It's not hard to see that the incentive would be to jack up the child support as high as possible. The psychological harm, suicides, and murder only feed the Beast System and is rampant.
It's a giant RICO racket for the government and lawyers.
Derek Johnson covers this really well. He explains the secret behind American Jurispudence and the American BAR (British Accreditation Registry). If you think about it, our overlords want us weak. Since strength comes through families, what better way to keep the population under control than to claim ownership over women and children? This is why there is 'parens patriae' and women and children in the legal field are considered 'wards of the court'.
'Parens Patriae' is the legal phrasing that the government owns the children. This has been kept under wraps from the general public because no rightful parents would agree to this.
In Blair Adams’ volume: "WHO OWNS THE CHILDREN?", the author examines some of the court cases and legal precedents that shed light on this important question. In his “Preface” he writes:
And it goes on to examine the American legal history of actual court cases and contexts in which these judicial statements were made, some as early as 1840.
Someone said quite crudely:
It seems to provide context to the despicable actions of the mother in the video above. Despite the statement above being crude, it contains a lot of truth. All through history this has really been the story. It helps explain a continuing tragedy. Interpreting this with peace and war, the differing constructs between male and female are manifested by the policy of the ruling class. After all, what better way to avoid the threat of uprisings than by control over the kingdom's women? In the early 1960s, 'No Fault Divorce' was introduced in the United States, which had its origins in the former Soviet Union. It was so effective in destroying traditional marriages in the Soviet Union, it was introduced here to further government control over the wards of the State; women and children.
In war and conquest, women are subject to repeated rape and even being murdered. This goes for children too. These often cruel and barbaric acts sends shock waves through the dispossessed population. The lucky few are carried off into captivity to live another day. I want you to think about this in terms of sex trafficking and the trafficking of women and children today. Things have not changed. They have never changed.
Whether it is peace or war (as in marriage and divorce), the elite benefit in the form of what we know as the harem concept. Europe had its own form of it and was called the gynaeceum. A gynaeceum actually has its origins in ancient Greece and Rome and can be described as a house or a section of a house reserved for women members. The male elite who acted as their male-providers in society often created gynaeceums for their personal pleasures. And who did the overlords set in charge of the women? Why it was eunuchs. Today, transsexuals are being introduced in what was once traditional women activities. Nothing has changed.
Concerning the medieval gynaeceum, Phillipe Aries and Georges Duby writes:
The gynaeceum is alive and well today. It is found under the legal precedent known as 'Wards of the State'. Government has replaced the father. It is contrary to all of Nature and is quite evil with their very ineptness ‘acting’ as a replacement for a father. Yet, this is not really their purpose, is it? It is not really any different than what is found in North Korea or communist nations. The legal system in the West just does a much better job at hiding it from the general public. And what happens to these men, who have been legally estranged and barred from being a father? With isolation and a feeling of little purpose, they look for a purpose. If there is a war being fought, the military becomes an attractive place to get away from the past.
The grandmother was disgusting...'If that happened, how did you get the lead in the school play?!!!' The judge is a disaster, the child should be with her dad. She was not acting.
I about lost it at that point. How sick!
I probably wouldn't be able to contain myself as to what I would do to that man.
Don't leave out the bitch. The live-in thug deserves death, but so does a mother that just watches it happen.
Omg yes. Her first.
Grandma knows that child was being molested. See how the second the crying child stops talking, PedoHag Grandma starts trying to gaslight her?
grandma is probably getting drugs from the mfer.
After seeing Sound of Freedom this just makes me feel so angry and powerless. How do we stop these monsters?
That grandmother belongs in HELL! If that was my granddaughter, I would’ve grabbed that mother around the throat and tackled her to the ground and they would have to of had 10 cops get me off her🤬😡
CPS is full of anti father sickos. The mother's can do what ever the hell they want short of out right murder and CPS will hand the kids over to her. One of my friends just went though the "reunification" process and lost both of his kids to this system. It was odd because originally both kids didn't want to go to moms (were crying about it) but there was court ordered time with the mother he had to comply with. after a month with very little word from the kids over monitored phone calls mom went dark. turns out there was an accusation made and CPS kid napped the kids at the airport as they were coming back to the fathers state. no word to the father about it for 3 days he was going nuts. CPS kept those kids for well over 6 months and never heard from his kids again. not even a letter or text. All is said and done the kids decided to live with mom and he still has had absolutely no contact. but is on the hook for support of course. I think the kids were brain washed in the initial 6 months in CPS captivity. We still don't understand exactly what happened to them there. but according to CPS and the mother they don't want to talk to dad at all? what happened to the kids begging not to be forced to visit mom? something is very wrong with the CPS system.
CPS doing what CPS does.
Yh i dont wanna watch that thanks.
Update: I watched it. Fucking hell this is the most horrendous shit ive seen in a long while. That poor poor soul. She'll need therapy for life.
I just want to give her a big giant hug.
Behold, the product of decades of feminism, moral relativism, and human selfishness.
We truly need God to finally descend from the throne and take these demons out once and for all.
I wonder who was taking the video.
WOw. The dad has to come up with 20k in 3 months or they extend his loss of children. It looks like he is being set up to fail.
These "family" courts are very good at this. They're illegitimate and very destructive.