Everybody that can afford to should buy from his online store and/or donate to his legal offense fund. He's a true patriot, one of the best, and he deserves our help. He is currently in the process of risking his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor for this country and for us. He has also offered FREE addiction counseling and recovery services for many years now, and is a Christian who bases all of his works and actions around his faith in God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Please help him if you can, and please spread this information to everyone you know.
lindelltv.com (can get promo codes here for discounts at his store by watching the podcasts on his streaming channels)
frankspeech.com (his social media platform, also has a phone app, tons of good info here along with video clips and all 3 lindelltv.com channels)
mystore.com (many products from his company, but also from MANY other patriot companies)
lindelloffensefund.org (donate money to help Mike continue fighting for election integrity and to fight his lawsuits)
Imagine the impact if everyone on GAW donated just 5 or 10 dollars a month to his legal fund, and/or bought some of our Christmas gifts from mystore.com! Please help him!
I called him after my 4 hour drive home and told him to go put a note on the pillow saying, 'If I should die I do hereby bequeath this pillow to it rightful owner (my name)
He is in his 80's now. I was talking to him at a gathering a number of years ago, when he was 72, and I had heard he was screwing this 22 year old. I said something about 22 ain't that a little young, and he ask me, "Do you know how many time 72 goes into 22?" and then he quickly says, "Once" He has always been quick witted.
He's my first cousin, but my dad pretty much raised. He's the kind of man you want ever meet another like him.
This is probably about focusing the attention on lawfare. Lawfare has unlimited funds from our tax dollars. It has destroyed many including the Jan 6ers. The first one I remember it destroying was NETSCAPE.
I thought they felt by the touch to be a bit lumpy but I started sleeping in one and hands down it is the best pillow I had (traveled to visit someone an forgot it when I left).
I had a sleep number bed, but it was horrible. Kept waking up with my head at the wrong end of the bed. Finally discovered my number was stuck on 69
Mike is awesome. I had a problem once & didn't realize it was my fault. His customer service agent told me Mike told her to help me out. When I asked who Mike was, she said he owned the company. This was before Trump ran for president.
Lindell is a great guy who does help those who didn't read fine print, or screw up information. I have been buying from them ever since. Have a good portion of my family buying there too.
The fact he is a patriot & is willing to put so much on the line just is Icing on the cake for me.
That pillow is lumpy as fuck. But they’re soft lumps and have no effect on the comfort of the pillow at all. My mypillow is as comfortable as any pillow I’ve had.
Lord Jesus,
I lift up this warrior to you. Keep Mike safe, supplies and able to withstand every one of the enemies darts that Satan aims at him. Replenish his every loss, cover his expenses and bring many ali gaide him. Strengthen and build him up and enable him to continue the fight. Station Your angel army to surround and uplift him. Lead, guide and direct him.
In Your Almighty and All Powerful name,
Many signers of the declaration faced financial hardships, property loss, imprisonment and personal danger because of their commitment to the American Revolution.
This is sickening, how they can do this to anyone for trying to prove an election was stolen, which it was, and we know it was-and they know we know it was.
The vile DS storm has wrought its worst against this Christian patriot and yet, he still is at the helm holding steadfast to his course. God speed to him and his crew!!!
Everybody that can afford to should buy from his online store and/or donate to his legal offense fund. He's a true patriot, one of the best, and he deserves our help. He is currently in the process of risking his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor for this country and for us. He has also offered FREE addiction counseling and recovery services for many years now, and is a Christian who bases all of his works and actions around his faith in God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Please help him if you can, and please spread this information to everyone you know.
lindelltv.com (can get promo codes here for discounts at his store by watching the podcasts on his streaming channels)
frankspeech.com (his social media platform, also has a phone app, tons of good info here along with video clips and all 3 lindelltv.com channels)
mystore.com (many products from his company, but also from MANY other patriot companies)
lindelloffensefund.org (donate money to help Mike continue fighting for election integrity and to fight his lawsuits)
Imagine the impact if everyone on GAW donated just 5 or 10 dollars a month to his legal fund, and/or bought some of our Christmas gifts from mystore.com! Please help him!
Will do.
Thanks for the links, Patriot!
His men's slippers are top notch.
I sometimes even sleep in them, they are that comfortable.
He literally put down the crack pipe and picked up a Bible.
Great comment, links, and call to action u/GimmeMemes 👈🏻
God Bless You. 🙏🏻
Thanks for link, I haven't had a good night sleep since leaving my My Pillow at my cousins house.
So now it’s “My Cousin’s Pillow”?
The two yoots...
This is dead-on balls accurate
Yes, My Cousin's Pillow.
I called him after my 4 hour drive home and told him to go put a note on the pillow saying, 'If I should die I do hereby bequeath this pillow to it rightful owner (my name)
He is in his 80's now. I was talking to him at a gathering a number of years ago, when he was 72, and I had heard he was screwing this 22 year old. I said something about 22 ain't that a little young, and he ask me, "Do you know how many time 72 goes into 22?" and then he quickly says, "Once" He has always been quick witted.
He's my first cousin, but my dad pretty much raised. He's the kind of man you want ever meet another like him.
One day we will fucking destroy the enemy
And rest comfortably on a MyPillow afterwards.
Nice touch fren
...AND we will confiscate their ill gotten gains!
Mike has made some high profile friends these past four years. He won’t go hungry.
This is probably about focusing the attention on lawfare. Lawfare has unlimited funds from our tax dollars. It has destroyed many including the Jan 6ers. The first one I remember it destroying was NETSCAPE.
We need a loser pays system & that a DOJ team that loses a case would have their personal property on the hook for lost cases.
They might be more cautious about which they choose to pursue.
The web browser?
There's got to be a story there.
He has no fear. God will provide.
Welcome to the club Mike!
Many of us have lost everything in this fight and are barely getting by.
Waiting patiently for the retribution hour where this plan actually bears fruit! Until then, cheers and pray.
Christ will restore everything the enemy has destroyed.
Amen - working 2 jobs :(
This is a legal tactic to shelter his money from lawsuits. Can't get blood from a turnip...
I agree. He'll be fine. Part of the movie where the lawfare gets exposed for what it is. Tyranny against anyone against the cabal.
I've got a turnip for you my dear Baldric.
Just don't refer to his pillows as 'lumpy' or you'll suffer the consequences.
I thought they felt by the touch to be a bit lumpy but I started sleeping in one and hands down it is the best pillow I had (traveled to visit someone an forgot it when I left).
I had a sleep number bed, but it was horrible. Kept waking up with my head at the wrong end of the bed. Finally discovered my number was stuck on 69
Have an updoot, you mad lad. ☺️
Mike is awesome. I had a problem once & didn't realize it was my fault. His customer service agent told me Mike told her to help me out. When I asked who Mike was, she said he owned the company. This was before Trump ran for president.
Lindell is a great guy who does help those who didn't read fine print, or screw up information. I have been buying from them ever since. Have a good portion of my family buying there too.
The fact he is a patriot & is willing to put so much on the line just is Icing on the cake for me.
I love my my pillow
"Ambulance chasing A$$HO!ES!"
That pillow is lumpy as fuck. But they’re soft lumps and have no effect on the comfort of the pillow at all. My mypillow is as comfortable as any pillow I’ve had.
Lawyers pulled out. Know who else they pulled out on? Guiliani.
B.A.R. whores.
Soldiers of the British Empire
Blood sucking lawyers... Now that they have all his money - C-Ya!
I hope we helped by getting his pillows, slippers and a blanket. These things also make good Christmas gifts. Buy ahead!
Lord Jesus, I lift up this warrior to you. Keep Mike safe, supplies and able to withstand every one of the enemies darts that Satan aims at him. Replenish his every loss, cover his expenses and bring many ali gaide him. Strengthen and build him up and enable him to continue the fight. Station Your angel army to surround and uplift him. Lead, guide and direct him. In Your Almighty and All Powerful name, Amen
Many signers of the declaration faced financial hardships, property loss, imprisonment and personal danger because of their commitment to the American Revolution.
This is sickening, how they can do this to anyone for trying to prove an election was stolen, which it was, and we know it was-and they know we know it was.
I do my part by with a monthly subscription to My Coffee every month!
Great idea, I forgot about the coffee
The vile DS storm has wrought its worst against this Christian patriot and yet, he still is at the helm holding steadfast to his course. God speed to him and his crew!!!