Short sample of suspected tribunals, death date, and suspected charges:
US military tribunals (suspected):
25AUG18-NONAME - treason, murder, trafficking
30NOV18-George HW Bush Sr. - treason, murder
29JUN21-Donald Rumsfeld-treason, murder, trafficking, money laundering, embezzlement, theft, crimes related to aspertame, crimes related to Iraq1 invasion, crimes related to Iraq2 invasion, crimes related to 9-11, torture, addtl. crimes under Bush1 admin
18OCT21-Colin Powell-treason, crimes related to Iraq2 invasion
01SEP23-Bill Richardson-treason, murder, drug/human trafficking, crimes related to Bosnia/Kosovo intervention under Clinton including murder of Ron Brown
Internat’l military tribunals (suspected):
15JAN21-Baron Benjamin de Rothschild-trafficking and other crimes against humanity
08NOV22-Evelyn de Rothschild-trafficking and other crimes against humanity
They haven’t had to do it for 700 years.
-Jan H-H (in response to question about Rothschild estates and art collections going to auction being some sort of sign?)
Public deaths Coming soon? (post tribunal and sentence, or with delay); Before Jan20, 2029?
Yep. Looks like they did not get a “legacy deal”. Anyone who Trump publicly trashes likely DID NOT get one. Contrast with lack of Trump commentary on Bush Sr.
Condaleeza Rice is the youngest on that list and she's pushing 70. It's not out of the possibility that anyone of them could succumb to their expiration date at anytime. Not a very satisfying result for the bloodthirsty.
So you’re saying no name was put down via military tribunal and yet his daughter is fearless enough to walk the streets and continue the treason carte Blanche? Doesn’t add up.
Regarding McCain. "Putting him down" will be illegal. It would be the type of extrajudicial killing common in South American banana republic dictatorships. A secret trial itself would be illegal, it's a straight up violation of the Constitution. And I don't think it could be kept secret.
Furthermore did they wait for him to get brain cancer to do this? His powerful family and friends went along with this? did a team sneak out to Arizona to kill him? They was never a time when he went missing, so when would the tribunal and the putting down occur.
What is the strategic value of Q lying about McCain's death?
You are arguing just to argue.
Q made thousands of posts piecing together the big picture of an international plot against the US using domestic traitors like McCain. There is legal standing for a tribunal.
If you want to cherry pick where Q lied or didn't, then none of the drops are credible and you're wasting your time on this forum.
the military justice code says quite clearly who can be subject to military justice. Almost all civilians and their crimes are ruled out.
However, McCain was retired military and thus this could apply to him
(4)Retired members of a regular component of the armed forces who are entitled to pay.
It's still illegal for a secret trial and execution though.
I'm so sick of this bullshit. That would make the "white hats" even worse than the fascists controlling the govt today. At least the J6ers are still in prison without trial compared to this BS.
The only remedy for the traitors is public trials and punishment according to law. Not in "secret." We're done with "secret" govt. We're done with being lied to.
The word of someone with no verifiable source, playing into the wishful thinking of those who don't think things through, is kind of baffling to me. Isn't this the site of the anons, renowned for digging out the truth with verified data?
Agreed. Why does anyone listen to this woman? Does she have any credibility? Look into her background. She specializes in psychological manipulation for whoever hires her - including the government. Hopium puts critical thinking either on the back burner or redirects it towards a preferred bias.
Not sure. But she has worked with the DoD and other government entities. The Halper name is intimately acquainted with intelligence and psychological operations here in the US and the UK. Remember, some time ago she called Trump a pig. Stay far away from this one - more hopium disinformation to muddy the waters.
There's proof of a dead body there, which is not so in any of these other cases.
In addition, killing someone and replacing them with a body double is just stupid and serves no purpose. You'd want to convict the double of crimes the real person committed and hang the double? Not that you mentioned that, but some may be thinking it.
The point is that the doubles are actors so they just show up but do not do anything that the real cabal agent would do. That way people can be eliminated without causing a panic. Makes sense to me.
The moment she said 650 planes - I thought it’s was a mistake.
Maybe 650 tons?
If you imagine 650 planes on these 0.49 square kilometres - it sounds like these planes must have been stacked on 10 floors, one on top of the other, all full of gold.
Good point here. I did the math a few years ago (did not save the work) to estimate how many C-5 Galaxy trips it would take to move a bunch of gold per the published cargo capacity of these planes. However, there are many more C-17 planes so I did that calculation as well and it was quite a few trips in the 100s. I recommend anyone ambitious and interested go duplicate those calculations for gold-carrying capacity in tons for both the C-5 and C-17.
My point was also to look at the space these planes (and gold) would take.
If we park 60 they would cover the whole map of the Vatican.
600 would be these planes on 10 floors (above or below the ground).
To keep them below the ground, 10 floors, on the whole area of the Vatican - they would need to build the whole mine. How one could remove so much sand and stones and no one had noticed.
I think the amount of gold she has estimated was a mistake. Maybe it was 600 tons, e.g. 10 planes, or so.
Understood. I don't think all the gold was transported at the same time. I was acting as a plane fag and was watching a steady stream of a large number of US military transports that appeared to be doing back and forth trips to Europe for almost all of December 2020. There are only a few things I can think of that would prompt that level of activity during a public "non wartime".
I imagine that if they were going to transport large amounts of gold they would do it over a 1-2 month period with the intervening post-election/pre-inauguration time period being an opportune time for the military to do this sort of operation.
It could be transported one after the other, e.g. the same plane flying 600 times. That’s not an issue.
I’m wondering where this gold was stored before the first trip. It doesn’t matter if that it was 600 planes travelling on the same day or 1 plane travelling 600 times - the amount of load originally to pick was the same. Where was it stored originally?
Was there 10 levels (ground -1, ground -2, … ground -10) full of gold on the whole area of the Vatican?
I level would be like 60 planes, so 10 levels seems about right.
It’s hard to believe. It’s like someone telling me that they’ve removed 500 trucks of documents from 1 house, which had 4 bedrooms on 2 floors. Where were these documents? Does the house have 50 levels below the ground level? Why the neighbours never heard that the house owner has removed 500 tons of sand and stones when drilling to build all these levels.
Gold was definitely stored underground somewhere in Italy or nearby, imo. Note three city-states nearby that are known “storage depots” for cabal families: San Marino, Vatican City, Monaco.
The tunnels under Monaco are a sight to behold. I have seen them myself, and they are rumored to go deep into France.
Research the geography of San Marino and Monaco including the ground below it.
Not easy to dig in stones. I understand the tunnels built for communication, using mine workers, TNT and special drilling heads used, but it’s usually a huge project.
A storage for content of 600 planes? That’s way bigger.
How many planes would fit 1 tunnel?
How many more tunnels needed?
Imagine the scale of it. Does it still look real? Or 600 is just a mistake.
This is useless info that can’t be corroborated in any way. Of course it’s possible. They didn’t spend 500 million dollars on Gitmo to close it. They made it bigger and added a courthouse. At this time, the GWOT is over and there are roughly 35 jihadis left. Down from hundreds.
Using that info, it’s obvious that there is some perceived need for high level trials and detention by military courts. Logically, you would expect the place to be shrinking and getting budget cuts. If one courthouse was enough for the entire GWOT, that means they expect something else to occur that is larger than the gwot. A hospital, new cell blocks, new admin areas, new press areas, new SCIF areas, this is very important data. They didn’t build all that shit on a whim. There was a perceived need. People sat around and discussed what they needed to build for the estimated numbers that would be incoming.
This lady may be right. But she does a shit job at giving us something to corroborate it.
If they have already started tribunals, we won’t know unless they want us to. They can bury that shit under a mountain of classification.
I am waiting for people to disappear or to die of “natural causes” in a way that can’t be coincidence. That will likely be the only way we will be able to tell until 2024. For example if Pelosi, Bush, Schiff were to all die in a single year. Prominent people involved in the core of the treason falling off the face of the earth or dying. A bunch of them.
I don’t expect any of the fun to start publicly until 2024, after Trump wins in a landslide. For the optics. There can be no question that the public is behind him.
Of course it’s possible tribunals are already occurring. I just don’t expect any real confirmation of it yet.
Why is it secret? Is it secret because the media is covering it up to keep their complicity from the public. Or has the military ordered a "blackout" per the Law of War manual and/or wartime powers. I don't know the answer, just positing the question for everyone's pondering.
The public must be ready. It cannot look like a behind the scenes coup by military. Most will likely be done before it is shown on TV to avoid Deep State rioting justification.
The military tribunal and execution you are about to see for X X happened 3 years ago on Aug XX, XXXX.
Having the military admit that they executed members of Congress X years ago looks exactly like a secret military coup. And it will make the public wonder “who else have they executed without telling us? Aren’t they supposed to work for us and be accountable to us? Why are they acting all secretive like the CIA?” Such an admission would completely and permanently erode public trust in the military.
Any kind of military intervention, no matter how small, will be spun as a coup attempt. There’s no way around it. The key is to not care what the public/normies think in the first place. Which means the military would have been better off taking overt action years if not decades ago.
Your comments are all very good and they raise questions that we are all trying to figure out, such as:
A. How is what appears to be going on behind-the-scenes Legal?
B. Why is the media not covering ANY of this if their heroes or people they protected are indeed getting sentenced to execution after a trial being done by someone (suspected military jurisdiction due to state of war)?
Per the Law of War, when the country is in a state of war, the military has jurisdiction for trial and sentencing of those engaging in treason (this appears to be jurisdictional transfer of treason charge from Article III courts). There are quite a few intricacies in how exactly this works in practice, but the details are there. I don't fully understand all the legal details and ramifications, but everything happening does appear to be per the Rule of Law. Your comments appear to be assuming a few things:
We are not in a state of war (since roughly March 2020)
Execution of members of Congress is not a valid judicial sentence post trial and legal defense of defendant per evidence presented under Law of War rules and military jurisdiction.
Military is not legally or Constitutionally allowed to intervene (even covertly) under any circumstances.
There appears to be an extraordinary amount of effort put into the multiple updates of the DoD Law of War Manual. I believe the thing that we are all missing and don't really understand is how the media interplay and coverup of extensive and treasonous activity implicates them as well. They are the "wildcard" that potentially allows false claims of "military coup" for ANYTHING that the military does.
It really depends on several things. If Biden stole the election and devolution is true, then everything happening (tribunals and executions) even in secret, is 100% legit and by the book. And it's not a coup.
And no, it does not make the white hats as bad as the fascists running the illegitimate government now.
He was asking the right questions because why the secrecy and not make the trials public? Is it too much info too fast too soon for the public or is it that continuity of government is paramount in a time of war while avoiding civil unrest?
My thinking is that we are a in a state of war which isn't officially declared which is why the odd behaviors of governments and militaries around the world the last few years.
My thinking is that we are a in a state of war which isn't officially declared...
I agree and believe you have nailed it. This circumstance appears to be not only the keystone, but also the "triggering event" of procedures and potential jurisdictional switch per Law of War manual.
There is a theory that many famous people you see in public are just an actor in a mask. See the repeated posts on this site doubting that the public figure you see as "Joe Biden" is actually Joe Biden.
The way the military thinks is "dominate the battlefield". There is no way that they are allowing the real people in power in the Cabal to be just walking around on the street while the Q team tries to dismantle everything behind the scenes in some sort of ongoing global struggle. For sure the Q team physically seized people as fast as they could and then made sure to not make that public. Replacing them with people in some sort of super-convincing modern plastic/rubber/??stuff flexible masks seems like the only way to do it.
That was Q's lowball offer. Q was willing to negotiate up to 40%. Anons missed an opportunity to drive a hard bargain and double that amount to 80% and perhaps settle for 50-60%.
I know .. how about picking someone who died or will die thsts not 80 or 90 and already near death ! Not dooming just , come on ! I doubt wh hats Q or anyone else is allowing this woman to broadcast this ..She sure did get famous fast !! But what do I know , in this climate .. anything is possible I guess !
I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I think Jan is likely legit. I know why people are saying that she's like "a female Simon Parkes" (who is clearly a fraud), but if you listen carefully, she says very different things. (Parkes would say things like "I just got off the phone with Q" etc.)
Think about it: if you were the Q team and you needed (1) more time and (2) to have the military in charge so you could use military law and put large numbers of people to death, so you had to arrange for 4 years of Biden seeming to be running things, then one major problem you would have is that patriots would freak out and start shooting people. So what do you do?
Why did Q tell us anything at all? Why not keep it all secret? Because they had to stop a civil war when "Biden" became "president" for 4 years. What did Q say more than anything?: "trust the plan" and "patriots in charge".
But during those 4 years it would make sense for Q to have a large number of Jan-s out there (I suspect there are hundreds doing her job) (1) watching what people are saying, taking the temperature, etc. and (2) coaching people on how to manage their anxiety and not freak out.
If you listen to the whole video, rather than the short clip above, Jan talks about what she does every day. Jan's job primarily seems to be watching people's emotional reactions and explaining how to manage their anxiety. If you listen to what Jan recommends, it is basically what is recommended by Stoicism or Zen practice: do not fantasize about things, but instead put your attention on the reality of your everyday life.
Jan's description of how people descend into depression is a very accurate one: they fantasize, then that does not happen, then they start going around in circles in their head and drive themselves crazy. Zen practice cured me of this habit, but that is an accurate description of exactly how depression actually works.
She sounds like she was trained by professional psychologists to help people learn how not to go crazy in the current circumstances. If I were Q, having lots of people out there doing exactly what she is doing is exactly what I would do.
Smh at you people. Who the fuck are you to demand collaboration and confirmation? Until recently, 99% of you loud mouths were fucking asleep spouting the deep programming you were fed from birth. Arguing in this echo chamber doesn’t mean you get to know anything. Stfu, support Trump, know there is a plan because chaos is deadly. They didn’t have to clue you in, but they didn’t want a bunch of screaming infants distracting them from their work to save your whinny ass! Shit you’ve been told from the deep state, is nowhere close to being correct. Until confirmed, keep your minds open to any and all possibilities. That includes the growing tyrannical “mods” on this board. It’s not your job to pass judgement on the free exchange of ideas and opinions. You just guide the topics, not control them!
Of course they have been. How else would McCain have been put down?
And if they put down McCain via tribunal, there would certainly have been others.
And poppy
Definitely poppy. That guy was pure evil.
Short sample of suspected tribunals, death date, and suspected charges:
US military tribunals (suspected):
25AUG18-NONAME - treason, murder, trafficking
30NOV18-George HW Bush Sr. - treason, murder
29JUN21-Donald Rumsfeld-treason, murder, trafficking, money laundering, embezzlement, theft, crimes related to aspertame, crimes related to Iraq1 invasion, crimes related to Iraq2 invasion, crimes related to 9-11, torture, addtl. crimes under Bush1 admin
18OCT21-Colin Powell-treason, crimes related to Iraq2 invasion
01SEP23-Bill Richardson-treason, murder, drug/human trafficking, crimes related to Bosnia/Kosovo intervention under Clinton including murder of Ron Brown
Internat’l military tribunals (suspected):
15JAN21-Baron Benjamin de Rothschild-trafficking and other crimes against humanity
08NOV22-Evelyn de Rothschild-trafficking and other crimes against humanity
-Jan H-H (in response to question about Rothschild estates and art collections going to auction being some sort of sign?)
Public deaths Coming soon? (post tribunal and sentence, or with delay); Before Jan20, 2029?
Jimmy Carter-old age
Dick Cheney-heart attack? Health?
George W Bush-accident?
Bill Clinton-health issues?
Paul Wolfowitz
Condaleeza Rice
Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
I agree with all those. Definitely Rumsfeld and Powell considering how Trump talked trash about them right when they died.
Yep. Looks like they did not get a “legacy deal”. Anyone who Trump publicly trashes likely DID NOT get one. Contrast with lack of Trump commentary on Bush Sr.
What are the odds that they both die in the same year with the exact same cause of death? Multiple myeloma.
Condaleeza Rice is the youngest on that list and she's pushing 70. It's not out of the possibility that anyone of them could succumb to their expiration date at anytime. Not a very satisfying result for the bloodthirsty.
So you’re saying no name was put down via military tribunal and yet his daughter is fearless enough to walk the streets and continue the treason carte Blanche? Doesn’t add up.
Q said they put down McCain. Surprised there are people in this forum not aware of this.
Our that his daughter offhandedly acknowledged it. - "McCain put to death"
What about listening to his daughter? "" father, you can't kill him AGAIN but whatever."
That’s what we call “a stretch”
This is a fantasy.
Q himself said McCain was put down. You realize you're in a Q forum, right?
Q said lots of stuff.
Disinfo is necessary remember?
Q is telling us right there, the drops are not to be read like the Bible.
Do we still think we can trust these folks?
Regarding McCain. "Putting him down" will be illegal. It would be the type of extrajudicial killing common in South American banana republic dictatorships. A secret trial itself would be illegal, it's a straight up violation of the Constitution. And I don't think it could be kept secret.
Furthermore did they wait for him to get brain cancer to do this? His powerful family and friends went along with this? did a team sneak out to Arizona to kill him? They was never a time when he went missing, so when would the tribunal and the putting down occur.
Are you really going to argue this?
What is the strategic value of Q lying about McCain's death?
You are arguing just to argue.
Q made thousands of posts piecing together the big picture of an international plot against the US using domestic traitors like McCain. There is legal standing for a tribunal.
If you want to cherry pick where Q lied or didn't, then none of the drops are credible and you're wasting your time on this forum.
This is massively misunderstood by people. the military justice code says quite clearly who can be subject to military justice. Almost all civilians and their crimes are ruled out.
However, McCain was retired military and thus this could apply to him
It's still illegal for a secret trial and execution though.
I'm so sick of this bullshit. That would make the "white hats" even worse than the fascists controlling the govt today. At least the J6ers are still in prison without trial compared to this BS.
The only remedy for the traitors is public trials and punishment according to law. Not in "secret." We're done with "secret" govt. We're done with being lied to.
The word of someone with no verifiable source, playing into the wishful thinking of those who don't think things through, is kind of baffling to me. Isn't this the site of the anons, renowned for digging out the truth with verified data?
Just stop.
Agreed. Why does anyone listen to this woman? Does she have any credibility? Look into her background. She specializes in psychological manipulation for whoever hires her - including the government. Hopium puts critical thinking either on the back burner or redirects it towards a preferred bias.
She sounds like a female Simon Parkes
I had not made the connection, but you have a point.
Is she related Stefan Halper, CIA spy?
Not sure. But she has worked with the DoD and other government entities. The Halper name is intimately acquainted with intelligence and psychological operations here in the US and the UK. Remember, some time ago she called Trump a pig. Stay far away from this one - more hopium disinformation to muddy the waters.
How do you think they put down McCain? Read the drops.
There's proof of a dead body there, which is not so in any of these other cases.
In addition, killing someone and replacing them with a body double is just stupid and serves no purpose. You'd want to convict the double of crimes the real person committed and hang the double? Not that you mentioned that, but some may be thinking it.
This. I’ve never understood the logic with the body double/mask theory when the doubles just act exactly like the original.
The point is that the doubles are actors so they just show up but do not do anything that the real cabal agent would do. That way people can be eliminated without causing a panic. Makes sense to me.
Hm I guess that makes sense, thanks for the explanation
Until actual proof is produced, I'm gonna file this one away with Real Raw News.
I don't trust her. From the interviews I've seen she rarely is able to produce much substance when pressed further than anything surface level.
The moment she said 650 planes - I thought it’s was a mistake.
Maybe 650 tons?
If you imagine 650 planes on these 0.49 square kilometres - it sounds like these planes must have been stacked on 10 floors, one on top of the other, all full of gold.
One must apply critical thinking to validate this information. It looks like a simple mistake, but it was recorded and aired.
Good point here. I did the math a few years ago (did not save the work) to estimate how many C-5 Galaxy trips it would take to move a bunch of gold per the published cargo capacity of these planes. However, there are many more C-17 planes so I did that calculation as well and it was quite a few trips in the 100s. I recommend anyone ambitious and interested go duplicate those calculations for gold-carrying capacity in tons for both the C-5 and C-17.
My point was also to look at the space these planes (and gold) would take.
If we park 60 they would cover the whole map of the Vatican.
600 would be these planes on 10 floors (above or below the ground).
To keep them below the ground, 10 floors, on the whole area of the Vatican - they would need to build the whole mine. How one could remove so much sand and stones and no one had noticed.
I think the amount of gold she has estimated was a mistake. Maybe it was 600 tons, e.g. 10 planes, or so.
Understood. I don't think all the gold was transported at the same time. I was acting as a plane fag and was watching a steady stream of a large number of US military transports that appeared to be doing back and forth trips to Europe for almost all of December 2020. There are only a few things I can think of that would prompt that level of activity during a public "non wartime".
I imagine that if they were going to transport large amounts of gold they would do it over a 1-2 month period with the intervening post-election/pre-inauguration time period being an opportune time for the military to do this sort of operation.
It could be transported one after the other, e.g. the same plane flying 600 times. That’s not an issue.
I’m wondering where this gold was stored before the first trip. It doesn’t matter if that it was 600 planes travelling on the same day or 1 plane travelling 600 times - the amount of load originally to pick was the same. Where was it stored originally?
Was there 10 levels (ground -1, ground -2, … ground -10) full of gold on the whole area of the Vatican?
I level would be like 60 planes, so 10 levels seems about right.
It’s hard to believe. It’s like someone telling me that they’ve removed 500 trucks of documents from 1 house, which had 4 bedrooms on 2 floors. Where were these documents? Does the house have 50 levels below the ground level? Why the neighbours never heard that the house owner has removed 500 tons of sand and stones when drilling to build all these levels.
Gold was definitely stored underground somewhere in Italy or nearby, imo. Note three city-states nearby that are known “storage depots” for cabal families: San Marino, Vatican City, Monaco.
The tunnels under Monaco are a sight to behold. I have seen them myself, and they are rumored to go deep into France.
Thanks for rising an interesting point.
Research the geography of San Marino and Monaco including the ground below it.
Not easy to dig in stones. I understand the tunnels built for communication, using mine workers, TNT and special drilling heads used, but it’s usually a huge project.
A storage for content of 600 planes? That’s way bigger.
How many planes would fit 1 tunnel?
How many more tunnels needed?
Imagine the scale of it. Does it still look real? Or 600 is just a mistake.
We are in the great awakening stage, not the gold confiscation stage.
This is useless info that can’t be corroborated in any way. Of course it’s possible. They didn’t spend 500 million dollars on Gitmo to close it. They made it bigger and added a courthouse. At this time, the GWOT is over and there are roughly 35 jihadis left. Down from hundreds.
Using that info, it’s obvious that there is some perceived need for high level trials and detention by military courts. Logically, you would expect the place to be shrinking and getting budget cuts. If one courthouse was enough for the entire GWOT, that means they expect something else to occur that is larger than the gwot. A hospital, new cell blocks, new admin areas, new press areas, new SCIF areas, this is very important data. They didn’t build all that shit on a whim. There was a perceived need. People sat around and discussed what they needed to build for the estimated numbers that would be incoming.
This lady may be right. But she does a shit job at giving us something to corroborate it.
If they have already started tribunals, we won’t know unless they want us to. They can bury that shit under a mountain of classification.
I am waiting for people to disappear or to die of “natural causes” in a way that can’t be coincidence. That will likely be the only way we will be able to tell until 2024. For example if Pelosi, Bush, Schiff were to all die in a single year. Prominent people involved in the core of the treason falling off the face of the earth or dying. A bunch of them.
I don’t expect any of the fun to start publicly until 2024, after Trump wins in a landslide. For the optics. There can be no question that the public is behind him.
Of course it’s possible tribunals are already occurring. I just don’t expect any real confirmation of it yet.
The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society... JFK No more secrets. Air them out in public..
Why is it secret? Is it secret because the media is covering it up to keep their complicity from the public. Or has the military ordered a "blackout" per the Law of War manual and/or wartime powers. I don't know the answer, just positing the question for everyone's pondering.
The revolution will not be televised?
The public must be ready. It cannot look like a behind the scenes coup by military. Most will likely be done before it is shown on TV to avoid Deep State rioting justification.
Having the military admit that they executed members of Congress X years ago looks exactly like a secret military coup. And it will make the public wonder “who else have they executed without telling us? Aren’t they supposed to work for us and be accountable to us? Why are they acting all secretive like the CIA?” Such an admission would completely and permanently erode public trust in the military.
Any kind of military intervention, no matter how small, will be spun as a coup attempt. There’s no way around it. The key is to not care what the public/normies think in the first place. Which means the military would have been better off taking overt action years if not decades ago.
Your comments are all very good and they raise questions that we are all trying to figure out, such as:
A. How is what appears to be going on behind-the-scenes Legal?
B. Why is the media not covering ANY of this if their heroes or people they protected are indeed getting sentenced to execution after a trial being done by someone (suspected military jurisdiction due to state of war)?
Per the Law of War, when the country is in a state of war, the military has jurisdiction for trial and sentencing of those engaging in treason (this appears to be jurisdictional transfer of treason charge from Article III courts). There are quite a few intricacies in how exactly this works in practice, but the details are there. I don't fully understand all the legal details and ramifications, but everything happening does appear to be per the Rule of Law. Your comments appear to be assuming a few things:
We are not in a state of war (since roughly March 2020)
Execution of members of Congress is not a valid judicial sentence post trial and legal defense of defendant per evidence presented under Law of War rules and military jurisdiction.
Military is not legally or Constitutionally allowed to intervene (even covertly) under any circumstances.
There appears to be an extraordinary amount of effort put into the multiple updates of the DoD Law of War Manual. I believe the thing that we are all missing and don't really understand is how the media interplay and coverup of extensive and treasonous activity implicates them as well. They are the "wildcard" that potentially allows false claims of "military coup" for ANYTHING that the military does.
"It cannot look like a behind the scenes coup by military"- Thats a good point.
It really depends on several things. If Biden stole the election and devolution is true, then everything happening (tribunals and executions) even in secret, is 100% legit and by the book. And it's not a coup.
And no, it does not make the white hats as bad as the fascists running the illegitimate government now.
Think more clearly, please.
He was asking the right questions because why the secrecy and not make the trials public? Is it too much info too fast too soon for the public or is it that continuity of government is paramount in a time of war while avoiding civil unrest?
My thinking is that we are a in a state of war which isn't officially declared which is why the odd behaviors of governments and militaries around the world the last few years.
I agree and believe you have nailed it. This circumstance appears to be not only the keystone, but also the "triggering event" of procedures and potential jurisdictional switch per Law of War manual.
Why is Milley still walking around then?
transparency is paramount
How can tribunals be going on and Pelosi and Biden and Obama still walk the streets?
There is a theory that many famous people you see in public are just an actor in a mask. See the repeated posts on this site doubting that the public figure you see as "Joe Biden" is actually Joe Biden.
The way the military thinks is "dominate the battlefield". There is no way that they are allowing the real people in power in the Cabal to be just walking around on the street while the Q team tries to dismantle everything behind the scenes in some sort of ongoing global struggle. For sure the Q team physically seized people as fast as they could and then made sure to not make that public. Replacing them with people in some sort of super-convincing modern plastic/rubber/??stuff flexible masks seems like the only way to do it.
We have 20 percent of the plan. NOt much but enough.
That was Q's lowball offer. Q was willing to negotiate up to 40%. Anons missed an opportunity to drive a hard bargain and double that amount to 80% and perhaps settle for 50-60%.
i only saw part of what you're talking about, can i get sauce?
trust yet verify, don't be too gullible / credulous etc. etc.
wish that were true
If it’s done in secret there’s no way to know for sure. People can claim anything they want, doesn’t make it true.
I know .. how about picking someone who died or will die thsts not 80 or 90 and already near death ! Not dooming just , come on ! I doubt wh hats Q or anyone else is allowing this woman to broadcast this ..She sure did get famous fast !! But what do I know , in this climate .. anything is possible I guess !
Here's a link to the whole interview.
It's worth listening to the first 5-10 minutes where Jan explains her role and what she does.
Link me to where there’s a shred of evidence for anything that comes out of her mouth. Particularly the headline making claims.
This woman came out of nowhere and I have a hard time trusting here. Just sayin'
I would like to believe what she says, but she could just as easily be the opposition.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, but I think Jan is likely legit. I know why people are saying that she's like "a female Simon Parkes" (who is clearly a fraud), but if you listen carefully, she says very different things. (Parkes would say things like "I just got off the phone with Q" etc.)
Think about it: if you were the Q team and you needed (1) more time and (2) to have the military in charge so you could use military law and put large numbers of people to death, so you had to arrange for 4 years of Biden seeming to be running things, then one major problem you would have is that patriots would freak out and start shooting people. So what do you do?
Why did Q tell us anything at all? Why not keep it all secret? Because they had to stop a civil war when "Biden" became "president" for 4 years. What did Q say more than anything?: "trust the plan" and "patriots in charge".
But during those 4 years it would make sense for Q to have a large number of Jan-s out there (I suspect there are hundreds doing her job) (1) watching what people are saying, taking the temperature, etc. and (2) coaching people on how to manage their anxiety and not freak out.
If you listen to the whole video, rather than the short clip above, Jan talks about what she does every day. Jan's job primarily seems to be watching people's emotional reactions and explaining how to manage their anxiety. If you listen to what Jan recommends, it is basically what is recommended by Stoicism or Zen practice: do not fantasize about things, but instead put your attention on the reality of your everyday life.
Jan's description of how people descend into depression is a very accurate one: they fantasize, then that does not happen, then they start going around in circles in their head and drive themselves crazy. Zen practice cured me of this habit, but that is an accurate description of exactly how depression actually works.
She sounds like she was trained by professional psychologists to help people learn how not to go crazy in the current circumstances. If I were Q, having lots of people out there doing exactly what she is doing is exactly what I would do.
So is that a real endorsement by Trump in the intro screen? If so, that's rather strong evidence for her being legit.
One thing is certain; anything out of her mouth is pure psy-op bullshit. Go lookup what socialist organization she was speaking to in 2017...
From DAY ONE this woman smelled fishy to me, I don't believe a word she says.
I can believe it. So many actors and replacements. Gotta clean 'em all out and start over.
Smh at you people. Who the fuck are you to demand collaboration and confirmation? Until recently, 99% of you loud mouths were fucking asleep spouting the deep programming you were fed from birth. Arguing in this echo chamber doesn’t mean you get to know anything. Stfu, support Trump, know there is a plan because chaos is deadly. They didn’t have to clue you in, but they didn’t want a bunch of screaming infants distracting them from their work to save your whinny ass! Shit you’ve been told from the deep state, is nowhere close to being correct. Until confirmed, keep your minds open to any and all possibilities. That includes the growing tyrannical “mods” on this board. It’s not your job to pass judgement on the free exchange of ideas and opinions. You just guide the topics, not control them!
Fren, verifying is precisely part of open discussion. Even Jan Herself blesses the practice. At least when applied to others!